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Status Updates posted by Twiggy

  1. Add "Learn to enjoy it" to the end and this pretty much sums up my worldview. Carlin is one of my favorite people ever.



  2. It's locked. And I really wanted to post ITT too. :(


  3. Fug 



    1. Libra


      I love me some Bancakes

  4. "Drumph is taking a libertarian position on weed. How disappointing."

    The only person I've seen in the MSM who isn't a total bootlicking state cuck is Tucker Carlson, and that's only in comparison to the rest of them. 


    1. Libra


      Honestly it wouldnt kill her to look up the facts of cannabis so at way she can kn-

       "She has officially been the host for her own show on fox news"

      Nevermind forget i said anything.

  5. Important video from an internet troll.


  6. Just voted in the California primaries today. Didn't have time to research it at all, so I just voted Republican down the ticket. Picked some guy named John Cox for governor and some guy named Patrick Little to run against Feinstein for Senate. Hope everything works out alright. I know how Californian liberals feel about Republicans. I sure hope that it wont cause any chaos in the streets if any Republicans win here. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Libra


      Well im independent so i dont really have room to judge people based on voting habits.

      I dont agree with people voting based on party lines but if they want to do so they can.

      I know for a fact that one of the people i voted for was republican. the rest i dont know.

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Wasn't that whole CalExit issue on the ballot too, or did it not gain enough steam to make it.

    4. Twiggy


      Sadly CalExit didn't make it onto the ballot due to being an obvious (and real) Russian Op.

  7. "I know it's true because I read it on Politifact"


    1. Wingnut


      It may depend on what kind of tax we’re talking about. Nonetheless, politifact seems to lean liberal. 

  8. A small step, but border wall construction has begun. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Libra


      One and a half years later.....

    3. Passion


      Good ladder will suffice.

    4. Libra


      @Twiggy However, how long will this project require?

      Because given that half of america wants him gone, and the other half wants to take his hand in marriage, i do not know if 45 is going to win a second term.

  9. I finally just got around to seeing Infinity War. While I lament the loss of some of my favorite characters, Thanos unironically did nothing wrong.

    1. JonasDarkmane





  10. I cut myself on the edge of this post.


  11. Your country has great beer @JonasDarkmane


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      Lol, I have never seen this beer in my life. But I am glad that you enjoy it



      (I see why I have never seen it before, it was made in Akureyri (funny that there is an L instead of an I) which is basically our Northernmost settlement :P)


    3. Twiggy


      Got any other recommendations? That was the only one I saw at the BevMo (and they have all types of alcohol from around the world), but I think you can order even more from them online.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      Well, if you like Pale Ale, you can get Úlfur or if you don't like Pale Ale, you can get Gull. Otherwise I am not sure about any other Icelandic beers except for Thule. 

      Don't know if you can order those online though. 

  12. Started this video against the sperg. Ended it with him.


  13. This is it. This is peak boomer posting. Also a fundamental misunderstanding or outright dismissal of the failures of the Reagan Administration, but mostly peak boomer posting.


    1. Thorgir the Mighty
    2. Buck Testa
    3. Twiggy


      If that was what Jack was going for, in that case I would say good meme, poor form. 

  14. Boy. I sure wish we had universal health care like they do in the UK. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Black Sabbath

      Black Sabbath

      Yeah, because doctors never fuck up in America, right?/s.  

    3. Twiggy


      My feed is dedicated to shitposting and bantz. It wasn't ment to be an argument lol. 

    4. Libra


      Oh, im an idiot.

  15. #MeToo

    Now realize that everyone used to refer to # as pound. 

    Read #MeToo again. 

  16. I love hot Wictor takes.


  17. There is literally nothing wrong with collectivism of any kind so long as participation in it remains voluntary.

  18. Joke: telling American socialists to move to Cuba.

    Woke: Actually moving to Cuba because you are socialist/communist.

    Bespoke: Moving to Cuba because they are one of 3 remaining countries in the world without an IMF owned central bank.

  19. Decided to turn off Adblock for a bit. Was met with this ad that is certainly appropriate given the nature of the forums.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      That's why I have been using AdBlock on the forums until this gets fixed, and if everypony does that, it will force the forums to fix the ad situation.

    3. honk friend

      honk friend

      could be worse, could be that one fuckin' brony dating site that was always in the ads a couple of years ago

    4. Twiggy


      I signed up for that Brony dating site a couple of years ago just for shits and giggles. Apparently half the population of my small mountain town are solid 9/10 Brony chicks who are so reclusive that no one has ever seen them. 


  20. >Natsuki avatar 


  21. I could give you the backstory on how this image came do be, but I feel that it's funnier to just drop it out of context. 


  22. DRUMPF!!!


    1. Libra


      Guess i finally owe him some credit.

      (Also, how the hell did you get the tweet to be embeded)

    2. Twiggy


      Just post the link to the tweet and it embeds it automatically. Doesn't work with mobile twitter links I think.

    3. Libra
  23. I want North Korean denuclearization and a formal end to the war both because that would be wonderful for everyone and because Trump would receive a Nobel Peace Prize which would result in the best day on Twitter since  election night. 

    1. Anneal


      Trump receiving a Nobel Peace Prize paints a rather silly picture in my eyes.

    2. Twiggy


      I hope he puts on his rally persona for the acceptance speech. 

  24. Italy is taking on the eternal anglo.

    Fino alla vittoria.


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