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Countess Coloratura

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Status Updates posted by Countess Coloratura

  1. Been busy of recent, and havnt been really much on here. Busy with music production, and Remix Contest :)

  2. Bored. lol Could prolly play a game, possibly a bit of The Division or Stardew Valley lol xD

  3. Sorry I havnt been around, been very busy and occupied by other things! I need to be more active here. :)

  4. Wow its been a while. I been pretty busy. And sick... xD Getting better now though! :)

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Glad to hear that! ^_^ Lottsa people been sick lately. :c I surprisingly haven't been.

    2. SilyGeny


      Aw, get well soon :3

  5. Mornin! Been busy recently. :3

  6. Man been a little while since I was here. I've been busy. ^^;

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Glad to see you back. :D

    2. Countess Coloratura
    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      No problem. ^_^ Hope you are not being busy'd to exhaustion. XD

  7. Good morning everypony! Today for me may be a long one... xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Countess Coloratura

      Countess Coloratura

      Just a lot on my mind. And trying to figure out what I should do. As for one, I am going through my panel stuff that I completed to make sure its all correct and ready. Then possibly work on my DJ Mix. And if I decide to apply for DJ'ing at TrotCon, maybe practice a mix for that. So basically busyness. And stuff to help clear my mind. :)

    3. PiratePony


      Sounds like all good things!

    4. SilyGeny


      Oh well then you'll definitely have a great day :D

  8. Done with music for the day. Time for some games, then later on off to bed! xD

  9. Working on music today. Trying some new stuff.

  10. I know its a tad early but, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

  11. Wanting to do a remix. But I'm just too tired to do anything... xD

  12. Playing some games today. :)

  13. Gunna try for the second episode of my radio show mix today. :)

  14. Nothing to really do... @.@ I might try playing a game... xD

  15. I've done nothing productive at all today. lol Time to go to bed I guess.., xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Countess Coloratura

      Countess Coloratura

      Kinda. I'm still learning so its really not the super best. :3 If you wanna hear some of it; www.soundcloud.com/nexus-z


    3. gamecubeguy214


      You use Fruity Loops Studio? (FL Studio)

    4. Countess Coloratura
  16. Trying to figure out a good music track for today. But I might just game. Dunno yet. :)

  17. Track up, hope Soundcloud didnt butcher my mixing/mastering on it. As Soundcloud sometimes does. https://soundcloud.com/nexus-z/frequency-nexus-z

  18. Ok, last thing was cut off. Anyways, this track sounds House like and Chill like. Will upload when its done. :3

  19. So in Ableton Live I've been working on some music. And I have come across a neat sounding track. Though it kinda sounds like House/Deep House. And sounds a little Dubstep'ish. lol Will possibly upload this. Its kinda of a Chill track. :)

    1. Jinxy


      would love to hear your Music. I have posted up Latest pic. Enjoy :)

    2. Countess Coloratura

      Countess Coloratura

      My stuff isnt all that super great, but here is my Soundcloud. :)https://soundcloud.com/nexus-z

    3. Jinxy


      thaaaaank you *Hugs*

  20. Messing around with Leads/Bass with Sylenth1, in Ableton. I seem to come by some type of 8-bit type sound... Gunna see where this goes! xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Countess Coloratura

      Countess Coloratura

      Well I took a basic Lead pluck and then shortended the notes. Then dublicated them, raised and octave. Then layered them, then I moved them over a tad and it has this nice 6-bit type bleep sound going on lol

    3. SilyGeny


      Oh yeah I see what you did, even if it sounds simple it can get really good with a nice melody :)

    4. Countess Coloratura
  21. Bored. lol

    1. N.W.


      Such is life.

    2. SilyGeny


      Noel that's deep & true xD

    3. Countess Coloratura

      Countess Coloratura

      My life is pretty boring. I aint got much going on lol


  22. Finished my Panel for TrotCon 2016! Even though I just put my app in. xD And now working on music. :3 And some gaming later.

  23. Cant wait for inital launch for Rainbow Six Siege! (Tomorrow!!) If anyone wants to join me, I am on PC/X1. ^^

  24. Been playing Rainbow Six Siege Beta. Having fun, hope to have friends with on initial release to play with. :3 But so far enjoying the game. ^^

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