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    Dungeon Master

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    Somewhere, rolling dice
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    Video Games, D&D, Fan Fiction, SatAM, MLP:FIM

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  1. This game has been great so far. It's definitely going to be a good way to help hold me over until Eiyuden Chronicle comes out next month.
  2. Well folks. Here we go with episode 21. <Crusala and Asmodia both fix their attention on Charmy. Sonic and Tails look on, as Chezni and Twilight watch with anticipation. The young bee is seen hovering in place.> Sonic: Aaaaaand it's another flyer. I feel like I'm getting left behind, or something. Sheesh. Tails: Welcome to my world. I felt that way for years. Sonic: Really? Tails: That's right. Sonic: But why WOULD you? You're smarter than ANY of us, and you're probably the most versatile member of our entire team. Tails: Sometimes, things aren't so simple... <The standoff continues.> Tails: When I thought I lost Cosmo... before I tried to... you know... Sonic: Yeah... Tails: Before that, my first thought was that I just wanted to get stronger. I wanted to be strong enough to prevent something like that from ever happening again. I looked around trying to find some way to do that. Once I realized that would never happen, I just felt powerless, like there was nothing else that I could do. I felt like nothing I did even mattered... Sonic: And that's when you tried to... Tails: Yeah... But then you reminded me of the sapling. And I realized that I did have something to hold onto... So I told myself that I'd let things play out naturally and just see what happens. I still have nightmares sometimes. But in the end, things weren't so bad. Maybe you should do that too. Sonic: Yeah, maybe... <Suddenly, Crusala charges toward Charmy, with his sword pointed at the bee, the blade surging with electricity. Charmy flies into the air, as Crusala follows him. Tails looks at Chezni.> Tails: Uh... Should I... Chezni: Not yet. I want to see what he can do. <Crusala fires a bolt of lightning right at Charmy. The young bee holds his hands out in front of him.> Charmy: Golden Reflection!!! <A golden shield of light appears in front of Charmy, as the bolt strikes with a 'KA-CRAAAAAAAACK!' sound! The lightning hits the shield and bounces back, striking Crusala and throwing him to the ground! Crusala is lying on the ground, unmoving.> Eden: Alexander must be a defensive Nova Crystal. Twilight: If that's the case, then Charmy might need our help. Asmodia: Enough of this nonsense! <Asmodia flies toward Charmy and stops mere feet from the bee.> Asmodia: Before I take your crystal, answer me. Are you a Prince? Charmy: Apparently, I am. Why? Does that make you jealous? Asmodia: What? Charmy: 'What' is not an answer. I asked a yes or no question. There's only two ways to answer it, you know. Asmodia: Are you mocking me? Charmy: How could I? I'm a bee, not a bird. Asmodia: <eye twitching> {Great. Now I've got to deal with a nutcase here.} <Asmodia glares at Charmy.> Asmodia: {Still... Why does he seem so familiar?} Episode 21: The Prince - Part 5 <Crusala can be seen getting up, as Asmodia charges toward Charmy. Charmy ducks as Asmodia throws a punch, the larger being hitting nothing but air. He punches again, with more of the same result. This repeats several times.> Asmodia: <punching> Would you stay still?! Charmy: <dodging> Why? Asmodia: <punching> So I can hit you! Charmy: <dodging> Why? Asmodia: <punching> So you'll die!!! <Asmodia throws one more punch. Charmy barely dodges out of the way as the being's fist slams into the wall of a building, putting a hole in the building.> Charmy: ... Why? <Asmodia suddenly releases an aura of violet and pink energy that EXPLODES, destroying the building his fist is connected to! Charmy backs off slightly.> Charmy: You wanna talk about your feelings, now? Or would you rather I get Fluttershy? Asmodia: I'm going to tear those wings of yours right off your back!!! Charmy: They'll just grow back, you know! <Asmodia flies straight at Charmy. The bee starts flying away from him.> Charmy: {I'd better think of something. I'm running out of quips...} <Charmy and Asmodia fly toward the town square. Vector and Espio can be seen near the Town Hall, looking up at Charmy and Asmodia.> Espio: Is that... Vector: Charmy?! <Fluttershy is seen nearby, also looking on.> Fluttershy: I hope the others can take care of that trio quickly... <Charmy lands on the roof of one of the houses, while Asmodia hovers in front of him.> Asmodia: Are you through playing games?! Charmy: Who's playing games here? I didn't plan on ANY of this. <Tails and Twilight can be seen flying to where Charmy and Asmodia are. Crusala is right behind them. Tails forms his Dream Busters, and Twilight charges energy into her horn.> Asmodia: Oh really? You know what this will do. <Asmodia turns toward Tails and Twilight.> Asmodia: NOTHING!!! Tails: Yeah, maybe. But it'll make us feel better! <Tails and Twilight both fire blasts at Asmodia. He quickly strafes out of the way. Asmodia then flies right in front of Tails.> Asmodia: Let me tell you a little secret. I'm not native to your universe. Tails: Yeah? And how is that a secret? Asmodia: I'm native to a different universe! And the Nightmare Queen... <Asmodia tries to grab Tails again, but the fox backs away, firing a blast from his weapon, striking Asmodia in the chest, causing an EXPLOSION! As the smoke clears, it looks as if Asmodia is unharmed. He looks around, and notices that Chezni and Sonic have arrived. He also sees Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, and Cosmo arriving on the scene.> Asmodia: <narrowing his eyes> The others have failed... No matter. We'll finish this conversation at a later time! After all, it's not like I'm in a rush. The longer this takes, the stronger I become. Soon, I will be too powerful for even Fate itself to stop! <Asmodia points his hand to the side and forms the familiar pink and violet portal. He enters it, and it closes behind him. Crusala grits his teeth and points his sword to the side, creating a similar portal. He hastily walks through it, as it closes behind him.> Sonic: That ability of theirs is getting REALLY annoying! Chezni: Let's just be thankful this fight didn't drag on and cause even more damage. <Twilight walks up to Shadow and the others.> Twilight: The Nightmare Demons... Shadow: Sorry... We managed to cure a few other Nightmarians, but those four weren't there. The Nightmare Queen and Lucas must've taken them along. Twilight: Oh... Sonic: No sweat! Sooner or later, they'll have to send them after us. That's just the way things work with villains. <Twilight and Shadow both nod. Charmy lands in front of everyone.> Chezni: I can't believe you were able to give Asmodia such a hard time! Charmy: Yeah... I'm kinda surprised too. <With a flash of light, Charmy powers down. Everyone else does the same.> Charmy: So... How long did everyone know about the 'Prince' thing? Chezni: Sorry... I uh... I told everyone that we should keep it a secret, and... <Vector can be seen running to the group.> Vector: No! Don't do that to yourself, Chezni!!! <Vector gets to where the others are.> Vector: It was me, Charmy. I'm the one that told everyone to keep it a secret from you. So... Don't be mad at them... Just... be mad at me... Charmy: Vector, I'm not really mad... I'm just kind of confused. <Espio is seen walking up to everyone.> Espio: We might as well tell him everything. Vector: What we told you about your parents... It was only partially true. The thing is, we didn't find them. But that's because everyone from the hive you came from... they were already dead... Espio: It was some creature called Entropos that did it. But all we got was its name from the archives. We don't know anything else about it. Vector: Those were the same archives that confirmed your parents to be dead, and you to be a Prince... Charmy: So my parents died... Vector: It might have been... No, it was probably to protect you... We don't know anything else, because there isn't anything on exactly how you escaped. Cosmo: Charmy... I know how you must feel... <Cosmo looks as if she's trying to place her hand on Charmy's shoulder. Charmy shakes his head.> Charmy: It's alright... Really, it's fine... Vector: Charmy... <Charmy smiles slightly. Tears can be seen in his eyes.> Charmy: You guys are my family now... You always have been, and you always will be... <Without warning, Charmy flies off.> Sonic: I'll get him... <Sonic turns to go after Charmy.> Vector: Don't bother... Sonic: Huh? Vector: He'll be back. This was alot to take in. He probably just needs to process it all, ya know... <The scene transitions to Sweet Apple Acres. Charmy is seen landing at the apple orchard. He leans forward against an apple tree and starts crying.> Charmy: I just... I can't even remember who they are... They're probably the reason I'm alive... and I just... What kind of person am I?! <Charmy notices Sweetie Belle approaching. He quickly wipes the tears from his face.> Charmy: Oh. <his voice still shaking> S-Sweetie Belle... Sweetie Belle: Are you alright? Charmy: Uh... Yeah. <Sweetie Belle notices a tear on Charmy's cheek.> Sweetie Belle: Were you crying? Charmy: Uh... I... Sweetie Belle: There's nothing wrong with it, you know. I've done my share of crying too. You should've seen me when I thought we'd have to break up the Cutie Mark Crusaders. All three of us lost it during that... <Charmy sits down with his back to the tree. He takes a deep breath.> Charmy: Sweetie Belle... When I was about four, Vector found me... He looked everywhere for my parents, but told me they died in an accident. Then he and Espio adopted me, and we started the Chaotix Detective Agency... <Charmy looks up at the sky.> Charmy: I... just learned the truth... It wasn't just my parents, but the whole colony that I was born in... My parents did die... but it was probably to save me... <Charmy looks at Sweetie Belle.> Charmy: <trying to hold back more tears> I don't remember them... I don't remember anything from before Vector found me... I don't even know what they looked like... They probably died to make sure I would survive, and I can't even be decent enough to remember them... I... I don't even know my real name... I'm a horrible person... Sweetie Belle: But you're still here. <Charmy closes his eyes.> Sweetie Belle: I'd be willing to bet that your parents would be happy enough knowing you're still alive, and that their sacrifice counted for something. Apple Bloom: <from behind a nearby tree> She's right, Charmy. <Apple Bloom emerges from behind the tree. Charmy looks toward her.> Charmy: Apple Bloom? Apple Bloom: I wasn't tryin' to overhear you. I just happened to see you crying. <The Earth Pony moves closer to Charmy and Sweetie Belle.> Apple Bloom: You know, my parents are gone too... And sometimes thinkin' about that makes me sad... But Applejack and Big Mac've always been there for me. The two of 'em have made sure I was taken care of and never got seriously hurt. And I know Mom and Dad are proud of us. You gotta believe your parents are proud of you too. Charmy: I... I do... I just... I wish I could remember them... Sweetie Belle: I'm not a doctor. But my sister told me that amnesia usually isn't permanent. I think you'll remember them eventually. Charmy: R-really? Sweetie Belle: Yeah. Something will jog your memory. Now cheer up. Apple Bloom: Sweetie Belle's right. You'd look awfully silly in that ceremony if you were blubberin' in front of Princess Celestia. Charmy: Wait... What ceremony? Sweetie Belle: I don't think they told him yet... Apple Bloom: We'd better let Chezni explain it then. <Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom run toward the town square. Charmy looks confused.> Charmy: What are you talking about?! <Charmy looks around.> Charmy: <smiling slighly> Ok. Maybe this is fine for now... I'll figure out how to get my memories back... Now that I have a clue, I can start investigating this, just like the Chaotix Detective Agency always does... <Charmy flies after Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.> ______ ______ <The scene transitions to the next day. Chezni, Sonic, Twilight, Spike, Tails, Vector, Espio and Charmy are seen sitting at two separate booths in the diner. Chezni and Charmy are munching on hayfries, as Sonic, Vector and Espio look very confused.> Chezni: Told you. They taste like fries from our world. Charmy: He's not kidding, you know. They have more of a crunch to them, but they taste exactly the same. Vector: Yeah... Anyway, I'm just glad you're feeling better. Charmy: Yeah. I think I just needed to get that out of my system. I'm still not thrilled about having amnesia. But now I at least have something to work towards. I'll get my memories back sooner or later. Tails: Did Chezni tell you? Charmy: He said there would be a ceremony and that we'd all be going to a Gala or something afterward. But I really don't know anything about that kind of thing. What do we do there? Chezni: It's more of a social event. So you really don't have to do anything weird. If you ask me, I think the main attraction is going to be the ceremony before it. Sonic: I still can't believe Charmy's gonna be famous here... That's wild. Chezni: She's honored others for acts of bravery in ceremonies before, but because of what Charmy did, he's getting some kind of special award. It's probably a medal of some kind. Twilight: This reminds me of when we defeated Discord, back when he was a villain. I wonder if it'll be similar... Spike: You think he'll get a stained glass window like you did? Twilight: I honestly don't know. This is the first time Princess Celestia's ever held a ceremony for someone that isn't from this world. Either way, it's going to be a big deal. This is historic. Chezni: Oh yeah... One more thing, Charmy. This isn't too major of a thing, but you might want to keep it in mind. If they do present you with a ribbon or medal or anything that you pin onto your vest, you might wanna wait until AFTER the Gala's over to wear it. Charmy: Huh? Chezni: Uh... There's going to be alot of food there. And there's a chance you might accidentally... Charmy: Oh yeah. I am kind of clumsy... Vector: You're not as clumsy as you used to be though. Charmy: Yeah, but it could be a ticking time bomb. <Tails gets up and walks to where Chezni is sitting.> Tails: Chezni. Can I ask you something. <looking around> In private? Chezni: Uh yeah. Sure. <Chezni and Tails leave the diner and head outside. Sonic looks confused.> Sonic: What? He can't talk to ME about it? Twilight: If it's about what I think it's about, it's not really a question you'd know the answer to. Don't worry though. If I'm right, it's not all that important. Sonic: I'll... just take your word for it. <The scene transitions to outside the diner.> Chezni: That's how it is... Tails: That's what you were talking to Vanilla about? Chezni: Yeah. I didn't want to bring it up, because there was so much going on. And I definitely didn't want to tell Cream or Charmy about it. And we certainly don't want Eggman knowing. But yeah, it's weirdly consistent. Tails: Huh... That just seems... odd... Chezni: Yeah, but you get used to it. In a way, I'm glad I'm talking to you about this, because I do have one question. When it comes to water, is Cosmo... Tails: Oh the water thing? No, she's fine now. Since she doesn't have her original core anymore, we don't have to worry about that. Chezni: Well, that's one less thing to worry about, at least. <Chezni looks at Tails.> Chezni: Uh... Sorry. I-I didn't mean for it to sound like it did... Tails: It's fine. I know what you meant. <Tails looks over toward the outskirts of the town. The Nova Typhoon can be seen in the distance.> Tails: When Cosmo... When she became the giant tree and was hit by the Sonic Driver, her seeds were spread to the different planets of our universe... There was no real way to locate them... So outside of the one I got from Sonic, there's no telling if they even survived or not... Chezni: But you know, that makes the sapling you have more important than ever. Tails: Tell me about it... Cosmo's at the Nova Typhoon, looking after her right now. Chezni: Yeah, I figured that's where... Wait, HER?! You mean you already know... Tails: You can thank Cosmo. She's the one that found out. Chezni: That's amazing... How'd she do it? Tails: I'm not really sure myself. But it just seems to be something that Seedrians can do. Chezni: Huh... I wish I'd asked her a little more about her abilities... Tails: This'll be our first time away from Ponyville. Chezni: That's right. You'll probably learn this sooner or later, but this world is massive. And so far, you've only seen a tiny part of it. Equestria alone has numerous major cities and multiple biomes. And that's not even counting the places OUTSIDE of Equestria. Tails: Did you get a chance to explore alot of it when you were here? Chezni: You bet I did. I've been all the way from the Frozen North, to the Deep South, even further south than the Forbidden Jungle where Ma-Lumina is. Tails: You mean the place from the book Charmy was reading that's rumored to be the origin of all pony life? Chezni: <a slight smile> That's the one... <Chezni looks around, then back at Tails.> Chezni: Wanna know a secret? Tails: What? Chezni: This is totally top-secret. So you can't tell anyone. Tails: Ok? Chezni: That place doesn't just contain the history of ponykind. It contains the history of all things. I was planning on checking it out some more once things settled down. A.K. Yearling was the only one who ever made it a significant way into the temple. There are a few things that bug me about the place. Tails: Really? Chezni: <noticing Tails' interested expression> Hey! I never knew you were into archaeology! Tails: It's always been one of my hobbies. Did you know that I was the first one to research the Chaos Emeralds? Chezni: I never knew that. I figured you guys just stumbled onto them at some point. Tails: Nope. I saw a stone mural in a sunken labyrinth during one of the first adventures I ever went on with Sonic. This was before we'd even met Knuckles or Amy. I translated it, and that was the first time we learned of the Emeralds. Chezni: Maybe I should take you along next time I explore that place. I had a hard time translating some of the text. That's why I got stuck. The most I was able to get from the tablets in that place is that the various people that have existed in the multiverse since the beginning are referred to as Mobius. Tails: Mobius? Like the Mobian language? Chezni: Not sure. But if the information on those tablets is generally true, then it would make sense that the old Mobian language would be there. It might also explain certain other things... Tails: If that's the case, then I DEFINITELY want to check it out. Chezni: I will warn you though, it's very dangerous. Ponies have died going into that place. Besides A.K., I'm the only one that ever came back alive, and I didn't go in as far as she did. Tails: Speaking of which, who's A.K.? Chezni: Oh, you might know her by her alias, Daring Do. Her real name is A.K. Yearling. Tails: So... the author of those books Twilight has was the same pony that went on all those adventures? Chezni: That's right. She uses the alias, because she has some enemies. She came to an understanding with a few of them, but there are still more out there... really nasty customers. <Chezni looks around, and then back toward Tails.> Chezni: Still up for it? Tails: Oh yeah. But maybe we should bring Sonic and a few others along too... Chezni: That might be a good idea. Of course, we have to deal with the current problems first. <The scene transitions to the Castle of Friendship at night. Cozy Glow is seen on a balcony, peeking into a window.> Cozy Glow: I can barely see anything... <Twilight is seen sleeping in her bed. Spike is sleeping in a smaller bed at the foot of Twilight's bed.> Cozy Glow: Sleep well, Princess... In a few short days, the Gala will arrive. And then I'll humiliate ALL of you... <Cozy Glow chuckles as she jumps off the balcony, using her wings to slowly descend. She lands at the side of the castle.> Eggman: What're YOU doing here?! <Cozy Glow turns to see Eggman staring at her.> Cozy Glow: What's it to you? Eggman: I heard of you. Cozy Glow, right? Cozy Glow: Then you must've heard that I was once Tirek's student. Eggman: I don't know anything about that. But I heard that you have a habit of causing problems. <Eggman walks closer to Cozy Glow.> Eggman: I can cause problems too, you know... Cozy Glow: What do you want? Eggman: Answers. Why were you spying on Twilight?! Cozy Glow: I was simply wishing her a good night. Eggman: Yeah, right. If you're gonna lie, you'd better come up with better stories, especially with me. I have a Bachelor's in 'Dishonesty', you know. Cozy Glow: Oh, I'm not lying. My real plan has yet to unfold. Eggman: What plan would THAT be? Are you planning to do something to the School of Friendship? Twilight told us about that. Cozy Glow: That old place? PLEASE! No, I'm planning something a bit more direct. <Cozy Glow leers at Eggman.> Cozy Glow: Tell me something. Did that Chezni idiot ever tell you what happens at the Gala? Eggman: He said it was a formal event that dignitaries attend. <Cozy Glow starts laughing.> Cozy Glow: THAT'S what he told you?! <Eggman leers at the young filly.> Cozy Glow: Did he ever tell you that every single Grand Galloping Gala that Twilight and her friends have ever been to became an insane mess of mayhem and anarchy? Eggman: Wait... What? Cozy Glow: That's right. Twilight and her friends once sang about how going to the Gala would be the 'best night ever'. But every one of them became a hot mess. The first one they ever went to, Fluttershy led a bunch of wild animals into the palace, and Rainbow Dash almost brought the roof down. It ended with them running from the dignitaries to save face. Eggman: That must've been a coincidence. Cozy Glow: Then there was the time the Smooze was invited. Let's just say it was a... 'messy and sticky' situation. Eggman: Wait. Discord mentioned the Smooze! Cozy Glow: Then there was the time the whole palace got filled with snow when Flurry Heart got upset. And then there was the time that big brawl broke out. Oh, and one of my favorites was the time that everyone at the Gala got sick from the prank with the fake puke. Eggman: You're... serious? Cozy Glow: This all happened. Eggman: Is that why Chezni pulled Vanilla aside? Cozy Glow: Who knows? Anyway, I plan on crashing the event. I figured that'd be a good way to get back at her for helping to send me to Tartarus. Eggman: Look. Why don't you stay out of this? Don't you know what the Hedgehog and the others have been through? The only reason I'm being this nice to them is because of that! Cozy Glow: I've got nothing against them. But this is the one and only chance I'll have to really humiliate that goody two-hooves Princess. I'm NOT passing it up. <Cozy Glow starts walking away.> Cozy Glow: Besides, it's not like this is gonna be a normal Gala anyway. It never is, not when those ponies are involved. Things are gonna go crazy, one way or another. It might as well be in a way that's somewhat expected. <Cozy Glow walks away laughing, until she's out of sight.> Eggman: If she's serious about this... I'd better let the others know... At the very least, I'd better warn them about what they're in for... If she DOES do something, I DON'T want them pinning it on ME... <Eggman starts walking back to the Nova Typhoon.> Eggman: That has to be what Chezni was talking to Vanilla about... <Eggman is soon out of sight. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie is seen jumping out of the bushes.> Pinkie Pie: <narrowing her eyes> What're you planning, Cozy Glow? <Pinkie Pie's eyes widen.> Pinkie Pie: Oh no... If she goes through with this, it'll ruin the entire Gala! <Pinkie Pie turns toward the camera.> Pinkie Pie: It's up to me. I have to stop Cozy Glow and save the day! It's time... for the Mega Party Cannon! <Without warning, Pinkie Pie's entire body starts twitching. After a few seconds, she is back to normal.> Pinkie Pie: That was a doozy... <Pinkie Pie looks around.> Pinkie Pie: I wonder what's gonna happen... <Pinkie Pie laughs as she bounces away. The camera pans upward to the sky. A dissolve transitions to morning a few days later, as Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are seen waiting at a train station. Each of them is wearing more formal attire than normally seen. Twilight's outfit is violet with a pink trim. She wears a crown on her head that has her Cutie Mark in the center of it, similar to her Element of Harmony. In addition, her mane is tied back into a ponytail and her tail is similarly tied with a pink ribbon. Applejack is sporting a light green hat with a gold tie around the base of it. Her outfit is red with a green trim and an orange base. Her mane is tied in such a way that a curl can be seen on the side of it. Rainbow Dash's outfit is rainbow colored with white trim. Her mane is tied to make it look slightly shorter, and her forehead sports an emblem similar to her Nova Warrior emblem, complete with the lightning bolt in the middle. Fluttershy's outfit is green with white trim, and a collar that has butterfly wings on the back of it. Her mane is tied back and she is wearing what appears to be a light blue feather by her ear. Pinkie Pie's outfit is pink with white trim, while her mane is mostly the same as it usually is. She is wearing a pink and white hat on her head. Rarity is sporting a violet outfit with a white trim and different colored gems adorning the trim. Her mane is tied back and her tail is tied to almost look like a bow. Spike is wearing the upper section of a black suit and tie. It should be noted that he doesn't look the most comfortable. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all appear to be wearing outfits that generally match the colors of their manes, with the lighter color being the trim on Sweetie Belle's outfit. Each outfit also sports some degree of violet as well. In addition, Apple Bloom is wearing a cape, while Scootaloo is wearing an orange hat.> Twilight: There's still time before the train shows up. Rarity: I wonder if any of them will be dressed up for this... Applejack: It isn't required, but it'd feel weird not to, seeing as we're goin' to the palace and all. Rarity: Of course that isn't until tonight. First, we MUST give them a tour of Canterlot. Rainbow Dash: The Wonderbolts are planning on being there. I bet Sonic'll get a kick outta them. Fluttershy: Oh, I hope we don't have to worry about things getting too out of control... Pinkie Pie: <narrowing her eyes> Yeah... I hope so too... {And if they do, I'll be ready...} Applejack: Look alive! Here they come! <Chezni can be seen arriving, followed by Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Cosmo, Rouge, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Eggman, Bokkun, Cream, Cheese and Vanilla. Vanilla and Cream look mostly the same, though Vanilla is sporting gold bracelets on her wrists. Cream is wearing a pink ribbon on the front of her dress instead of the blue cravat that she usually wears. Cheese looks like he normally does. Sonic is wearing a black suit and tie, similar to Spike. And like Spike, he looks very uncomfortable in it. Tails is wearing a black tuxedo with a black top hat and a black cape with a red interior. He has a white mask over his eyes and is wearing black shoes. Knuckles is simply wearing a black bowtie and black cuffs on his wrists. Amy is wearing her normal attire, but has pink cuffs on her wrists, her dress is adorned with gems, and she has a pink bow on the back of the dress as well. Like Rarity, she is wearing extra makeup. Shadow is wearing a similar outfit to Sonic, but instead of the white shirt under the jacket, it is red. Cosmo's dress is sporting a gold trim and she has pink ribbons carefully tied around her flower buds. Rouge looks mostly the same. Nah, we're just kidding. She is wearing a red silk dress with black slippers. She also appears to have a bit more makeup than usual on her face. Vector is simply wearing a black bowtie and gold cuffs. Espio is also wearing the black suit and tie. He is sporting black sunglasses and his spines are gelled back. Charmy is still wearing his vest, but instead of the goggles, he is wearing a circlet, similar to what Rainbow Dash was wearing at the first Gala, except it is gold and silver, instead of all the way gold. Eggman is wearing a black tuxedo. Bokkun is wearing a pink ribbon. He looks somewhat annoyed at the color. Chezni is wearing a simple black suit and tie. The group heads over to the six ponies.> Twilight: I see most of you decided to dress up. Chezni: Yeah. I had to help some of them out, since they've never been to one of these before. Fortunately, money is literally not an issue with me. Eden: He didn't bat an eye at the insane bill. Tails: Are you sure it's ok that we had you pay for all this, Chezni? I mean, that was alot. Chezni: It's fine. First off, I have plenty of money. Second, money's not really that big of a deal to me. As long as I can explore the multiverse and discover new things, I'm happy. Besides, it's not like I have a time limit. Even if I somehow ran out of money, I can always earn more later. <Cosmo turns to Tails.> Cosmo: I understand the suit you're wearing. But I don't understand why you decided to wear the cape and mask. Tails: Chezni said someone from one of the worlds he visited would dress up like this and be a guardian or protector. I thought that maybe... You know... I could do that and be like that with you. <Cosmo blushes slightly.> Cosmo: Oh... Um... That's really nice... <The sound of a train can be heard in the distance.> Chezni: Looks like it's time. Twilight: I wonder what we can expect... Chezni: It'll be fine. <Chezni leans over to Twilight and whispers.> Chezni: You and I both know how these Galas tend to go. But we've never had one where we regretted going. Twilight: ... You're right. Even the dignitaries agree with that. <The train pulls up to the station. Everyone is seen getting onto it. Other ponies are also seen getting onto the train. After a few moments, a whistle can be heard, as the train starts to pull away. On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.>
  3. Aaaaaaand here's episode 20! Wherein Chezni has a cryptic conversation with Vanilla related to a brief cryptic conversation he had with Twilight in the previous episode. Fans of MLP will probably know exactly what these conversations are about, while anyone who never saw the show is probably going to be very confused. It is ok if you're the latter. It will be explained later. <The episode begins in the interior of Midnight Castle. Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis can be seen looking at their map. The Nightmare Queen and Lucas are nowhere to be seen.> Chrysalis: I for one am curious to see who this 'Grogar' is... Cozy Glow: No way! We should be using this chance to get the drop on Twilight and her goody-goody friends! I wanna make her suffer! I wanna humiliate her! Tirek: If I could only absorb the magic from a reliable source, I could regain most of my power. Cozy Glow: You know what? I say, forget the Nightmare Queen and Lucas! It's time we took matters into our own hooves and attacked them! Tirek: And how do you suggest we do so? Cozy Glow: With those Nightmarian Demons! Tirek: The ones that they used the last time? Cozy Glow: Exactly! They almost defeated ALL of them! If we were to combine our powers with theirs, we'd definitely be able to take 'em out! ????: And what would you do if one of them entered Breaker Mode? <The three turn to see Asmodia standing in the doorway. Crusala is standing next to him.> Tirek: A... Chrysalis: Asmodia... <Asmodia is seen surging with pink and violet energy.> Crusala: As you can see... Lord Asmodia's strength is finally beginning to return. Asmodia: That two-tailed fox may have had the upper hand before when he entered Breaker Mode... but now that I've recovered this much of my strength, even that form will show its limitations. Cozy Glow: So you plan on attacking them? Asmodia: Indeed I do. I have a score to settle with that fox... and a Dark Void to reclaim. Crusala: This castle will be a perfect staging ground. Tirek: What about the Nightmare Queen? Chrysalis: It'll be some time before the Nightmare Queen returns. For now, we could try this. Asmodia: And if she wishes for us to join forces, I won't stop her. But THAT will be up to her... I DID let her 'borrow' my army... Consider this my fee... <The scene fades out.> Episode 20: The Prince - Part 4 <The scene fades in at the Carousel Boutique at midday. Rarity is seen from the side putting the finishing touches on a vest that looks very similar to Charmy's original vest, only the bee design looks to be gold now. Amy and Sweetie Belle are watching.> Rarity: It's a good thing I had practice when I designed those vests that everypony wears during Winter Wrap-Up... The basic design and shape are similar enough to where I didn't have to do anything too unusual, outside of the coloring and the zipper. Amy: It looks like it's almost finished. Rarity: <narrowing her eyes> ALMOST. Fortunately, the materials I have are similar to what was used for the original. It should feel exactly the same, even though the new materials are somewhat more durable than the original. One more thing though... <Rarity's horn glows as a tiny blue gem that looks like one of the gems from Rarity's Cutie Mark levitates to the vest. She sets it just to the left of the 'bee' design.> Rarity: Perfect... Amy: I thought you weren't going to use gems. Rarity: Oh, this isn't to make it look more fancy. It's just my personal touch. Think of it like a signature an artist puts on a painting after finishing it. It's something to tell anyone who looks at the vest that THIS is the Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle: It actually looks really nice. But I wonder if it would look better with my Cutie Mark by the bee... Rarity: Look at the other side of the vest, dear. <Sweetie Belle looks at the right side of the vest, which is on her left. Her eyes widen as she notices the area by the shoulder. A golden emblem depicting her Cutie Mark can be seen next to another bee symbol. This bee is designed in a way where it appears to be guarding the shield symbol.> Sweetie Belle: It's perfect, sis... Rarity: Amy and Rouge told me what was going on... I probably should've realized it sooner. Sweetie Belle: <shaking her head> It's ok. Charmy's gonna love it. Rarity: He gets discharged tomorrow. I wanted to make sure he could wear this right away. Amy: Thanks again for doing this. Rarity: You don't have to thank me for this. Sweetie Belle might not be standing here if it weren't for Charmy. He risked everything for her. This is the least I can do. I'm just sorry that I can't do anything about his helmet. I looked and looked, but without at least a piece of it, there's no way that anyone could come up with a design that would resemble the original. He might be able to get goggles, but that would be it. Sweetie Belle: I told him that might happen. He said he was fine with it though. He even asked me how he looked without it. Amy: Well, how DOES he look without it? Sweetie Belle: Honestly, I think it's an improvement. Amy: <giving a chuckle> We always thought he looked better without it. I think he did too. He just didn't want to admit it. Sweetie Belle: Why DID he wear that helmet? Amy: Vector told me that when they first made Charmy a member of their group, he used to be really clumsy. So they got him a helmet and goggles, and just told him that it would look 'cool' on him. So he went with the look and kept wearing it, even after he became less clumsy. <Beeping can be heard, as Amy's Matrix appears on her arm in a flash.> Amy: <looking at the Matrix> What's up? Sonic: When you have time, Chezni and Twilight have something to tell everyone. Amy: We should be there soon. Charmy's new vest is almost finished. Sonic: Well, that's good. He'll be needing it in a few days. Amy: Huh? What's going on? Sonic: We'll explain everything once everyone gets here. We'll be at the Castle of Friendship. Amy: Ok, Sonic. We'll be there soon. <Beeping can be heard on the Matrix, as is disappears in a flash.> Sweetie Belle: I wonder what that was about... Rarity: <narrowing her eyes> I wonder as well... <The scene transitions to the Castle of Friendship. Everyone is there, with the exception of Charmy. Even in the spacious map room, it is quite crowded. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are standing together, while the others are slightly more dispersed, as space allows.> Amy: Charmy gets discharged tomorrow. Chezni: That's good. Rarity: So dare I ask what this is about? <Chezni scratches the back of his head.> Chezni: Well... Sonic asked me to explain it, which might be for the best. Some of you are probably gonna be familiar with what I'm talking about, but others might not be. I'll just start with the letter. <Chezni unfurls the letter from before. This time, numerous golden tickets can be seen emerging from the end of the letter, one for each of them. Rarity's eyes widen at the sight of the tickets.> Rarity: Oh... Are those what I think they are? Chezni: They are. The tickets were just sent to us, but the letter came first. I'll give you each a chance to read the letter if you want to. There's alot in it. But I'll give you the highlights. We've all been invited to attend a major event in Canterlot. Cream: A major event? Chezni: The event I'm referring to is called the Grand Galloping Gala. It's held in Canterlot on the eve of the new year. That's six days from now. <Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity's eyes all widen in shock.> Rarity: The Gala... I'd forgotten it was this week... Chezni: That's understandable given what's been happening. Even I forgot about it until the letter came. Knuckles: Wait a second. You said 'new year'? Then why is it still so warm? Twilight: Winter doesn't start in Equestria until the third month of the year. Chezni: That's right. We're just getting into the Fall season right now. <Cosmo looks around, and then back at Chezni. She appears to be nervous.> Chezni: Are you ok, Cosmo? Cosmo: Um. Yes, I'm fine. I was just remembering if I uh... watered the sapling... Tails: Don't worry. I watered it right before we came here. Cosmo: Oh... Thank you. Alot's been on my mind... Chezni: Well, that's understandable. Alot's been happening. But yeah, we've got about three months before Winter starts. Eden: The Ponies of Equestria control exactly when the seasons start and end, so they chose the most ideal time for each one. Rarity: You're asking the wrong questions here! The Gala is the most premiere event in ALL of Equestria! Princess Celestia herself hosts it! Nobles far and wide come to Canterlot to attend. It's a great honor to be invited! <Pinkie Pie starts chuckling. Rainbow Dash also is seen chuckling.> Rarity: Huh? Rainbow Dash: It's nothing. The Gala IS a major event. Don't get me wrong. We're just thinking back... Fluttershy: Oh... Oh my. I know what you two are thinking about... Tails: Uh, what are they thinking about? Chezni: Well, uh... Heh... We can talk about that AFTER the Gala is over, right? Anyway, there's a reason Princess Celestia is inviting all of us. Vanilla: What would that be? Chezni: The Princess wants to host a ceremony in Charmy's honor before the Gala begins. <Vector and Espio look utterly shocked at this.> Vector: No way! Chezni: He risked his life to protect Sweetie Belle, and almost died doing so, right in front of the Princesses, no less. Word got around pretty quickly. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed here. Espio: It... makes sense in a strange way. Vector: Geez... Our buddy's gonna be in a ceremony. Chezni: Not just ANY ceremony. But one where ponies and denizens from all over Equestria and beyond will be there. Sweetie Belle: Charmy's going to be famous... Chezni: Actually, yeah. Kind of. <Amy grabs Sonic's hand.> Amy: This Gala sounds really romantic. Sonic: Uh... Heh... Yeah... Really romantic... Cosmo: This'll be the first official date that Tails and I go on. <Tails is seen scratching the back of his head and laughing nervously.> Sweetie Belle: Oh... You said ALL of us were invited. That means... Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: <together> The three of us too? Chezni: That's right. Speaking of which, Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle: Oh... Yeah... This'll be like a date with Charmy... Rarity: <smiling> Sweetie Belle... Apple Bloom: Aww... Scootaloo: Gimme a break... Apple Bloom: Admit it. You ALSO think it's cute. Scootaloo: Well... A little... But ONLY a little. And it's only because what Charmy did was really cool. <looking to the side> He... kept the Cutie Mark Crusaders together... <Bokkun looks at Cream nervously. She is some distance from him.> Bokkun: Uh... Um... Eggman: <noticing that Bokkun looks uncomfortable> What's with YOU? Bokkun: I... I'll be at the Gala... with Cream... I don't know what to do... Eggman: Well if you're asking ME for romantic advice, I don't think you'll get any good firsthand information. I don't exactly have alot of experience in that. The two of you are already friends, so that's step one, anyway. Just be yourself. It'll all work out. But... <looking at Chezni> Uh, what do we wear to this? Chezni: Well, as far as attire goes, it's really up to your best judgment. But there are a few things to keep in mind. First, this is an event where nobles from Equestria and beyond attend. It isn't unusual to see foreign dignitaries showing up, or business owners using this event as a way to make deals. Applejack: That second one was the first thing I tried at one of these. Heh... Didn't go so well... Apple Bloom: But you got better at sellin' to the bigwigs eventually, sis. Applejack: I sure did. Learned some of those fancy Orange Family words. Also learned not to peddle my wares at the Gala directly. Get 'em to Ponyville first, nice and hungry. It works a whole lot better that way. Chezni: Second, this is being held right in the Palace. So no matter how many attendees there are, there will absolutely be space. And third... well... <The others look at Chezni intently.> Twilight: Well, we don't really need to worry about the third thing right now... Chezni: Yeah, the third thing isn't really as big of a deal as the first two anyway... Pinkie Pie: {Little you know... Little you know...} Vanilla: You said you had to talk to me about something before, Chezni? Chezni: Yeah. I'm just waiting for our 'other' guest to arrive. They should be here right... <Suddenly in a flash of bright light, Discord appears in front of everyone.> Chezni: Uh... Right now. Discord: A little birdie told me that the Gala was this week, and that you were all invited to it. And then it told me that I was invited as well! Imagine my surprise! Fluttershy: You were invited too? Discord: <holding up a golden ticket> That's right. I must say, it is absolutely wonderful to meet all of you under these circumstances. Many of you have heard of me. Some of you have seen me already. I am Discord, the one and only Spirit of Chaos. Sonic: YOU'RE Discord? <In a bright flash, Discord teleports to where Sonic is.> Discord: Why yes, I am. And you are Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive! Rainbow Dash: Allegedly... Discord: I say, it is an honor to finally meet you! Sonic: Uh... Thanks? <Chezni and Vanilla sneak out of the room as the others continue to converse.> Discord: Never in all my life had I even considered the possibility that the first Hedgehog to ever use the Chaos Emeralds to transform would be standing in front of me. Shadow: Yeah, he did this with me too... He was honored to meet the second Hedgehog to ever use the Emeralds to transform. Discord: Ooh! We should go to the Gala together! This will be so much FUN. Fluttershy: Well, we're all going as one group, so I guess. Discord: My dear Fluttershy. Are you inviting me to go with you to the Gala? Fluttershy: Um... Yes? Discord: I would be delighted. Unfortunately, the Smooze can't make it this time. Fluttershy: <a goofy expression> Oh... Heh... That's ok... <The rest of the group gathers around Discord, Sonic, Shadow and Fluttershy.> Cosmo: Who's the Smooze? <The ponies all give somewhat goofy expressions as the scene transitions outside of the Castle of Friendship. Princess Celestia can be seen with Chezni and Vanilla. Vanilla has a surprised look on her face.> Vanilla: Oh my... Chezni: Yeah, I was surprised at first too, but that's how it is. Celestia: I do hope this doesn't deter you and Cream from attending. Vanilla: Oh, not at all. It's just... not what I was expecting. Chezni: It really is a nice event. It's just that we wanted to let you know about 'that'. Vanilla: Well I appreciate you telling me about this ahead of time. <Chezni whispers something into Vanilla's ear.> Vanilla: That's... a good thing. Celestia: Well, I have to be going. There are still preparations that need to be made. Chezni: Thanks again, Princess Celestia. Celestia: It's no trouble. <Princess Celestia takes off, leaving the two of them standing there. After a few moments...> Vanilla: I think... I might hold off on telling Cream about this... Chezni: Yeah... She might find the concept a little confusing... <looking to the side briefly, then back at Vanilla> Then again, she's pretty smart. She might not find it confusing at all... <The scene fades out.> ______ ______ <The scene shifts to the next evening in Ponyville. Several ponies are seen running down the road in a panic. Suddenly, an EXPLOSION can be seen behind one of them, as Asmodia points his hand at a green Earth Pony that has a dark green mane and tail! He fires a pink and violet blast of energy at the pony, who narrowly avoids being hit, as the blast strikes a building in front of her, blowing it to pieces in a HUGE EXPLOSION!> Asmodia: Where are you, fox?! <Crusala can be seen walking behind Asmodia.> Crusala: Lord Asmodia. We must stay calm. Asmodia: I'll stay calm once that fox is out of the picture! <Chezni, Sonic, Twilight and Tails are seen running to where Asmodia and Crusala are. All four of them are transformed.> Chezni: Looks like you got over your fear of what I know, huh? <Asmodia smirks.> Asmodia: Only what you THINK you know, Vanguard. There is more at play than you realize... MUCH more... Tails: Why don't you get out of here before I put you through another mountain?! Sonic: Tails, maybe we shouldn't taunt the insanely powerful being here, huh? Asmodia: No. I insist. Transform into that Breaker Mode of yours. I wish to make a point. Tails: Ok... But just remember. You asked for it. <Tails focuses as he clenches his fists.> Sonic: You sure about this? <Tails' armor begins to light up as energy surges through him. Asmodia's eyes widen in anticipation.> Asmodia: Yes... <Suddenly, the energy and light around Tails dissipates.> Tails: Wha... What's going on?! Twilight: Is something wrong with the Nova Crystal? Tails: I don't know! I... I didn't think I'd be using this again... Chezni: You must've burned through too much of the Chaos energy stored in your crystal! It probably hasn't fully recharged yet! Twilight: That makes sense. It's a brand new kind of energy that the crystals have to adapt to. It would make sense that it might take some time to adjust, especially with the Chaos Emeralds being stuck in the chest. Sonic: So in other words, not good! Asmodia: <smirking> No, my dear Hedgehog friend... not good at all... <Energy begins surging through Asmodia's body, as the entire area shakes. The demonic being levitates off the ground as shockwaves of air can be seen below him. Before long, the shockwaves grow more intense as the energy flowing through Asmodia also becomes more intense. Sonic turns to Chezni.> Sonic: If you have any ideas, I'd LOVE to hear them! Chezni: I... uh... Sonic: Great! We're all gonna die, AND Asmodia broke Chezni! <Energy is now continuously surging through Asmodia's body as he stares at Tails. Tails stares back with a defiant look.> Asmodia: Still you look at me with those eyes... <Tails forms his Dream Busters and points them at Asmodia. He fires right at the being's head, and the blast connects with an EXPLOSION!> Sonic: Why do I get the feeling... <The smoke from the explosion clears, as Asmodia stands there unfazed and uninjured.> Asmodia: I'm sorry. Was that supposed to do something? Chezni: No... He's managed to regain too much of his power! Crusala: I'm happy to see that ONE of you remembers that aspect of Asmodia. He may have lost his power the last time you sealed him with those strange creatures helping you. But even that won't stop him from achieving his goal. Chezni: And what do YOU get out of it? Crusala: It's simple. I get to be a good friend to the ruler of the entire universe... no... the multiverse! It does have its perks. He told me I could rule a solar system. So that's pretty nice. Asmodia: And unlike some OTHER factions you've defeated, I'm not stupid enough to throw my allies away or break my promises. And this is why we come to this. Twilight: Come to WHAT?! What's your plan?! Asmodia: Didn't Vanguard tell you?! That Seedrian girl belongs to me! And once you and that fox are out of the picture, I will be taking her back! Tails: Over my dead body... Asmodia: My dear fox... That's precisely the idea. Sonic: If you want her, you'll have to go through ALL of us! Twilight: Cosmo and Tails are OUR friends too, now! And you're not taking anyone away! Asmodia: Spoken like the Princess of Friendship! Well, why don't I start with YOU, instead?! <In the blink of an eye, Asmodia charges toward Twilight and grabs the Alicorn, flying into the air. Twilight kicks free, as the two now hover over Ponyville. Tails starts flying up. Suddenly with a 'KA-CRAAAAAAAACK!', a bolt of lightning comes crashing down, and Crusala is now hovering between the two-tailed fox and Asmodia.> Tails: Get out of the way! Crusala: I don't think so... <Crusala points his sword at Tails, shooting lightning out of it and striking the fox, sending him to the ground in a shower of sparks. He lands on his feet and skids to a stop.> Crusala: That Seedrian might have helped you get over that fear of lightning. But it looks like lightning can still hurt you. <Tails points his Dream Busters at Crusala and starts firing. The General flies in a strafing maneuver, avoiding each blast. Tails takes off after Crusala. Sonic looks at Chezni.> Sonic: Uh, they're in the air again... Chezni: Yeah, this tends to happen. Sonic: Not being able to fly is really getting on my nerves! <Sonic kicks off the wall of a nearby building and goes into a spin dash, propelling himself toward Crusala. The General strafes, as Sonic harmlessly whizzes by. Chezni looks up at Twilight and Asmodia. Twilight can be seen firing blasts at the demonic being, with each one being deflected by his hand. EXPLOSIONS can be seen on the ground each time a blast lands!> Twilight: <speaking into her Matrix> Everypony! Can you hear me?! Asmodia's attacking! Rainbow Dash: <voice coming from the Matrix, as explosions are heard in the background> Sorry, but we're a little busy here! <Asmodia chuckles as Twilight's eyes widen.> Asmodia: The power of 'Friendship' can't do very much when the ones who wield it are divided! Twilight: You planned this! Asmodia: I thought it was more obvious than that. Chezni: But if you're here, and... Asmodia: Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek are fighting the others... Sonic: Don't worry about it! Chezni: Huh? <Sonic gives a slight smile.> Sonic: They can handle it. Remember, Shadow's with them! They've got this! Asmodia: Oh, they just might... But who said my target was THEM?! <Asmodia grabs Twilight by her chest plate and flies full force into the side of a nearby stone cliff. Twilight struggles to get free, as the demonic being pins her against the cliff side.> Asmodia: <with a sadistic grin> So, you're going to solve AAAAAAAAAALL of their 'friendship problems', huh? Princess of Friendship, indeed! Chezni: That's enough Asmodia! She can't fight back! Asmodia: Oh no! You're not fooling me THIS time! I saw what that fox did before, and I'm not stupid enough to let it happen again with HER! I know what you did with the Emeralds! I also know their essence is starting to transfer to the Nova Crystals! The White Seed is quite useful! We even planted one in your little archive! Tails: What?! Asmodia: Would you like to know how we did it?! Sonic: When did you... Asmodia: It was when we fought on Angel Island! I knew that in my weakened state, there was the remote possibility that we might be defeated! So I had a nano drone sneak into the Workshop while you were busy with us! It was easy to find the Nova Typhoon. Then we just planted the Seed in a room that looked important. It just happened to be the ship's archives. Tails: You... <Crusala points his sword at Tails and the blade surges with electrical energy.> Crusala: Don't even think about it! <Asmodia looks smugly at Twilight.> Asmodia: You should've seen the look on your pink friend's face when she saw the footage of the Metarex War... Why, she looked like someone dear to her had just died... Did you know that I instigated that war?! Twilight: You... Asmodia: Oh, do you hate me? Does the Princess of Friendship finally hate someone?! <Asmodia narrows his eyes.> Asmodia: Good... Chezni: That's enough! You've made your point! Asmodia: You want to know my favorite parts of that footage? When Shadow's little 'fling of the week' blew herself up to try and stop the Meterex fleet, only for it to amount to nothing... Then he lost it and went after that Seedrian, nearly killing the fox and everyone else in the process! That was outstanding... But the best part of all, is when that fox over there had to shoot Cosmo with their cannon! And it was the best part, because if it wasn't for him, I'd never have been with my Dark Void! Tails: Stop it! Asmodia: And he was crying his eyes out on Sonic. Like a little baby. <mockingly> I believed in you!!! Sonic: I swear, I'm gonna tear you apart! Chezni: Don't listen to him! He's just trying to get to you! <Twilight is seen shaking. Asmodia continues, mockingly.> Asmodia: <now sounding more angry> Did you know that fox tried to end his own life afterwards?! Yeah! He nearly did the same thing that Molly girl did! The good doctor had to hold back to stop himself from murdering a kid! And YOU'RE going to solve their problems?!! You're going to just... FIX all of this?!! Face facts! Your title is merely a formality! You can't solve ANYTHING!!! And it's because YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!! You've never had to FACE anything like this in your perfect little world! You're just a pony that an inept Princess gave a title to in order to get you to shut up!!! <Twilight's eyes suddenly glow white as a violet shockwave of energy throws Asmodia off of the Alicorn. Violet and pink energy surges through the Alicorn Princess' body as she glares at Asmodia. Asmodia gleefully smiles.> Twilight: Are you finished?! Asmodia: Yes! There it is! That defiant look! That hatred! THIS is the real you! <Twilight flies toward Asmodia at a breakneck speed. The evil being grabs her right by her horn. In one swift motion, he flings her to the ground, the Alicorn landing on her side.> Chezni: Twilight!!! Twilight: No! Stay away! <Twilight gets up as Asmodia charges toward her. Her horn lights up as she fires a massive blast of energy at the malevolent being. He strafes, avoiding being hit as the energy harmlessly flies off into the sky. Twilight's horn lights up again, as Asmodia closes in. The Alicorn vanishes in a bright light, just as the creature reaches her. He looks up and notices that Twilight has reappeared several hundred feet away.> Twilight: Element of Magic! Magical Buster!!! <An intense blast of violet and pink energy is fired from Twilight's horn. Asmodia aims his hand up toward Twilight and fires his own blast at the energy. The two collide and with a 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', the two beams cancel each other out!> Asmodia: Enough games! <Asmodia approaches at a breakneck speed, as Twilight teleports behind him. Asmodia sees this and changes direction, right toward Sonic and Chezni. Twilight's eyes widen in horror.> Twilight: No!!! <Twilight teleports between Asmodia and Chezni, mere feet away from the Nova Warrior. Asmodia wastes no time and grabs the pony by the neck. He turns and SLAMS her against a nearby wall, putting a hole in it! Bruises can be seen all over the Alicorn's body.> Asmodia: You stupid fool... Twilight: Leave... them alone... Chezni: No! Stop this!!! Asmodia: I'll deal with you soon enough, Vanguard! But first, I'm going to tear the wings off this pretty little pony! And maybe I'll turn her horn into some kind of decoration! Sonic: You... <Sonic goes into a spin dash and blasts toward Asmodia. Crusala moves to intercept him.> Sonic: Haste Mode!!! <Sonic accelerates and Crusala is too slow to catch up, as the Hedgehog strikes Asmodia. However, it is to no avail. The being remains undamaged, still holding Twilight.> Chezni: That's enough! My offer still stands, Asmodia! I'll give myself up! Just stop this! Asmodia: Oh, Vanguard... What did I tell you before?! I can take your crystal any time I want to! But first, I'm going to make sure the Princess of Friendship has a slow and painful death! Sonic: There has to be something I can do... I... <looking toward the Nova Typhoon> WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?!!! ASMODIA'S GONNA KILL HER!!! DOESN'T THAT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?!!! <Sonic sees Twilight struggling to get free.> Sonic: I screwed things up in the Metarex War... Now I'm gonna do the same thing here... THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING I CAN DO!!! Voice: <a gentle female voice> Sonic... Do not succumb to despair... Look inside your heart... Everything will be alright... Sonic: Wha... My... heart? <Sonic closes his eyes and briefly sees a glimpse of the hospital. He opens them again and smiles.> Voice: Your true power will be unleashed soon enough... But now is not your time... Believe in your friends... You do not have to shoulder every burden alone... Sonic: I do... I believe in my friends... Asmodia: <still holding onto Twilight, looking briefly at Sonic> Well, your Hedgehog friend seems to have lost his mind! Sonic: Keep talking, ugly! Because until just now, I forgot what time it is! Chezni: Sonic? Sonic: Twilight will be fine! Can't you detect it? <Chezni looks at his Matrix. It displays an S-Class signature moving toward the group.> Chezni: This is... <A flash of light envelops the scene.> Fifteen minutes ago... <The scene transitions to the hospital. The front door is seen opening. Before long, Charmy is seen emerging from the hospital. His vest now sports the tiny blue gem next to his golden bee symbol, and the right shoulder depicts what looks like a golden bee guarding Sweetie Belle's Cutie Mark. He no longer has the helmet that he's known for wearing, instead now there is a pair of goggles on his head.> Charmy: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, a gold and silver Nova Matrix appears on Charmy's arm. He looks at it, noticing a cluster of four S-Class signatures near an A-Class signature.> Charmy: Looks like they need my help already. <Charmy takes to the air and starts flying in the direction of the group fighting Asmodia. A flash of light takes us back to the present. Asmodia is looking at the rest of the group with a confused expression.> Asmodia: Did all of you lose your minds?! Your friend is about to die! Don't you get it?! Chezni: YOU'RE the one that doesn't get it! Sonic: We believe in our friends! ????: And sometimes, that's all it takes! <Charmy is seen flying in. He lands in front of Asmodia and Twilight.> Tails: Charmy! Charmy: Looks like I missed a few things. <Tails notices the Nova Matrix on Charmy's arm.> Tails: You really ARE a Nova Warrior! Charmy: That's right. Asmodia: It's like dealing with cockroaches with you people! Charmy: Call it what you want! Either you leave, or I'm gonna make you leave! Asmodia: Oh, really? You clearly have no idea who you're dealing with! Charmy: I know... You're the destroyer of worlds, and also... Asmodia: SHUT UP!!! Charmy: What? I was just gonna say a pain in the butt! <Charmy sticks out his tongue and gives a raspberry. Asmodia lets Twilight go. The Alicorn barely manages to land without falling over. Asmodia turns toward Charmy.> Asmodia: This will be fun. I'll kill the new guy first, THEN everyone else! Charmy: You picked the wrong fight. <Charmy's Nova Crystal appears.> Charmy: Crystal Charge!!! <A panel on the Matrix opens, as the crystal flies into it. The panel then closes over it.> Chezni: Equestrian commands... <Charmy looks toward Chezni.> Charmy: Did you have any doubts? Chezni: I forgot that the base commands are interchangeable... <Charmy points his hand forward with his open palm in front of him.> Charmy: Leyline Access!!! <In a flash of light, a glyph appears underneath Charmy, as he is lifted into the air by a massive silver and gold robotic being. He hovers in the air just above the mech's hand. The robot then turns into silver and gold energy, which passes through the familiar channel. It circles around, hitting Charmy and covering his arms and chest with the same colored light which slowly takes the shape of armor. Then with a KRA-KOOOOOOOOM! sound, the light dissipates, revealing silver armor with a gold trim on Charmy's arms and chest! A silver and gold emblem is seen on Charmy's forehead in place of his goggles, and in the center is the face of the mech. Charmy then lands on the ground.> Charmy: The Great Shield of the Multiverse and the Knight of Starlance!!! Nova Warrior Alexander!!! <Chezni is looking stunned as both he and Eden are silent. Asmodia and Crusala are also displaying a similar silence in response. Twilight also looks shocked.> Sonic: What's up, Chezni? No remarks about him being a Nova Warrior? Eden: Never in all my years... Chezni: I've had that crystal for almost 140 years, and nobody has ever been able to bond with it... Tails: What's up? Normally, you're all congratulating the new Nova Warrior. Chezni: Alexander... That's why... That's why it was so hard to bond... Eden: So it's true... Chezni: Charmy really IS a Prince... Eden: The legend states that only those of royal blood can bond with Alexander... Asmodia: Charmy is... a Prince? Crusala: There's no other explanation. Asmodia: How is this possible?! Charmy: <smirking> I guess Vector's been keeping secrets from me again... <On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.>
  4. Alright. Here's episode 19. This might be the furthest I've gotten in one of these in a long time. And a crossover between Sonic and MLP of all things. Huh... <The episode begins in the Castle of Friendship at midday. Chezni, Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Cosmo, Shadow and Spike are seen standing around the map.> Shadow: So this is the Friendship Map... Chezni: Yeah. I'm not keeping anything from you anymore. The reason I brought everyone here... Shadow: You don't have to say anything else. I've... got a pretty good idea why you brought us here. In fact, I had my suspicions for awhile now... There are definitely things the six can help with. I might not be thrilled with things being kept from me, but bringing everyone here was... a good call. Sonic: Any word from Rouge? Shadow: Not yet. But she should be back soon. Tails: Twilight told me about the Badlands. Is it really a good idea for her to go all the way there by herself? Shadow: I'm not downplaying how dangerous this is. But we need to know who it was that raised that island. If anyone is cut out for this, it's her. Cosmo: Has... Vector said anything about Charmy yet? Sonic: Not yet. They're still in the hospital. I swear sometimes I think those two don't sleep... Spike: They still wolf down those cupcakes though. Tails: Vector's gonna turn into another Charmy at this rate. <The sound of a screeching owl can be heard.> Twilight: I wonder if that's her... <Spike races out of the room.> Chezni: I meant to ask this before. I thought Owlowiscious was only awake at night. Twilight: Oh, the owl noise? That's not Owlowiscious. It's an alarm I made that sounds like him. Since owls make such loud noises, I figured it would be sure to get my attention if I was caught up in something and the door needed to be answered. Chezni: <looking toward the front of the room> Huh... Well, I suppose that makes sense since this castle is so large. <Before long, Spike appears again with Rouge right beside him. Rouge has a worried look on her face.> Sonic: <noticing Rouge's expression> Let me guess... It's gonna take awhile to go over... Rouge: You don't know the half of it... Episode 19: The Prince - Part 3 <Rouge is seen in the map room sitting in one of the seats. She takes a drink of water from a nearby glass.> Rouge: I guess I'll start with the floating island. First off, it's not an island. It's a castle. Sonic: A castle? Rouge: Yeah... And the ones I found inside were the Nightmare Queen and Lucas. Chezni: I had a feeling it'd either be them or Asmodia. Rouge: Oh, it gets better. Seems their team's gotten bigger. They've added a pink Pegasus filly, a weird red centaur-looking guy, and the weirdest black pony I've ever seen. She has these strange insect wings and just looks like something the cat dragged in. Twilight: Wait... Cozy Glow, Tirek AND Chrysalis?! Rouge: Yeah, I think those are the names they used. Chezni: I was afraid of this... Sonic: That wouldn't happen to be the 'Rogue's Gallery' you mentioned before, would it? Chezni: Yeah, it is... And those three are really nasty... Twilight: The last time the Nightmare Queen was here, she joined forces with those three. We were able to defeat them and banish them to Tartarus. This was before the final battle with the Nightmare Queen herself. She must've freed them and is planning on using them as Generals in her army... Rouge: That would be my guess... Spike: I don't get it though... Where did this castle come from? Rouge: That's the thing. Apparently it was there all along, just hidden inside a mountain. They called it 'Midnight Castle'. Twilight: Midnight Castle... That name sounds familiar, but... I don't remember where I saw it mentioned... Chezni: Was there anything else, Rouge? <Rouge has an uneasy look about her.> Rouge: Well... Two things... First, they were planning on searching for another ally... one called Grogar. Apparently it has something to do with some sort of bell. Twilight: Grogar... I remember reading about him... Apparently he was a villain from Equestria's distant past... I'll have to look at my books for more information... Tails: What's the other thing? <Rouge looks at Tails and Cosmo, and then looks away slightly.> Rouge: I found out where they implanted the White Seed device... <Tails and Cosmo stand there in silence.> Sonic: Well? Where is it?! Rouge: It's... Ugh... They really knew what they were doing... Chezni: Just tell us where it is. We'll deal with it afterwards. Rouge: It's... inside the Ruby Prism... <The others all have a stunned look on their faces.> Tails: No... Shadow: But that's... Chezni: The worst place they could've put it... Sonic: Well, couldn't we just remove it? Chezni: No... There's no way to do that... The Ruby Prism is serving as Cosmo's core now... If it were damaged or removed, it... It would probably kill her... Shadow: When her original core was destroyed, it didn't take long for her to turn into that tree... about thirty seconds... If this one is destroyed, it probably wouldn't turn her into the tree again since it isn't her original core, but I have to imagine it would still cost Cosmo her life... Eden: And if the Prism is just removed outright... Chezni: I don't know how long she would last without it... But it probably wouldn't be long... A day, two at the most... <Tails can be seen shaking.> Tails: Not again... I can't do this again... Cosmo: Tails... It's alright... Chezni: We have no intention of harming Cosmo... especially after what we went through to get her back... Sonic: Yeah. There's no way we're doing that all over again. Shadow: We found a way to get her back, and we'll find a way to help her now. This isn't going to be like last time. Twilight: We're not going to abandon one of our friends just because something doesn't go our way. Tails: Everyone... Spike: Ok, if you don't want to see a dragon lose his lunch from an overload of sappiness, how about we go let everyone else know about all this? Chezni: Yeah. We can figure out the issue with the White Seed later. There's probably a solution somewhere. For now, let's focus on learning more about the castle and Grogar. <The scene transitions to the next day, inside of the Carousel Boutique's ground floor. Various outfits designed for ponies can be seen lining the wall on one side, as several mirrors are seen on the other side, with a table in the middle. A whiteboard depicting what looks like Charmy's vest is standing next to the table. Rarity is examining the image carefully. Sweetie Belle is next to her. Rouge and Amy can be seen behind the two Unicorns.> Amy: All I really know about the material is that he got it from his original home. Vector said he gathered as much as he could find from the hive and had the tailor in Green Hill make it into a vest. Rarity: No, no, no... This simply WILL NOT DO for a Prince! It needs glamour! It needs personality! It needs... sophistication! Rouge: I'm pretty sure it just needs to be as close to the original as possible... Sweetie Belle: I don't think he'd look that great in overly fancy clothes... Rarity: Maybe... But we should at least add a few gems to the lining to make it a LITTLE fancier... Rouge: I don't know if Charmy'd really be into the whole 'Fancy Prince' look... <Rarity's Matrix suddenly appears in a flash, and beeping can be heard.> Rarity: Oh! Yes? Chezni's Voice: It's me. I just wanted everyone to know it looks like Charmy's finally awake! Rarity: That's perfect! I can ask him... <The sound of a door opening and slamming shut again can be heard. Rarity turns around, and Sweetie Belle is nowhere to be seen.> Rarity: Honestly... What's gotten into that filly? Rouge: <giving a slight smile> Can't you tell? <Rarity stares at Rouge and Amy for a moment. Then her eyes suddenly widen.> Rarity: Wait... You mean Sweetie Belle is... Amy: Charmy risked his life to protect her. Is it really any surprise? Rarity: Oh... This was... unexpected... I got so caught up in making Charmy's outfit... I didn't even notice... I... I thought they were just friends... Amy: Well, let's head over there. Like you were starting to say, we can ask him what he'd prefer. <The group heads out of the Carousel Boutique as the scene transitions to the hospital. Charmy is seen sitting up in his bed. Bandages can be seen around his chest, the damaged antennae and one of his arms. His legs are still covered with the sheet. Vector and Espio are both at his bedside.> Charmy: You've... been sitting out there in the waiting room this whole time? Vector: <nodding, and wiping away tears> Yeah. It's just so great that you're awake... Espio: The boss was beside himself with worry... Vector: <to Espio> And you weren't?! Espio: Well... Uh... Ahem... I mean... Chezni's Voice: They literally kept a constant vigil the whole time. <Chezni walks in with Sonic. Sonic looks around at the different machines and instruments.> Sonic: Man... This place really IS high tech. I was expecting it to look like the other buildings in town. Chezni: Told you. Starlance technology can work wonders. AND, alot of it blends in. <Sonic walks up to Charmy.> Sonic: How's it goin? Charmy: Besides feeling like I got hit by a truck, I'm doing pretty good. Sonic: I knew something like that wouldn't do our Prince in. <Vector grabs Sonic and pulls him back as Charmy looks confused.> Vector: <whispering to Sonic> He doesn't know about that... Let's keep it that way... We don't want things gettin' all complicated, ya know... Sonic: <whispering back> Oh... Gotcha... <Sonic walks back over to Charmy.> Sonic: Yeah... Our 'Prince' who uh... just needs to wait for his 'Princess'. <Sonic winks to Charmy, who is still looking somewhat confused.> Chezni: It's... just a figure of speech, Charmy. Charmy: O... K... ? Vector: Don't mind him, Charmy... I'm just glad that you're gonna recover fully... <giving a thumbs up> A couple days and we'll be back in business... Sweetie Belle's Voice: HONEYBEE!!! <Sweetie Belle runs into the room and sees Charmy awake. Charmy looks shocked to see her.> Sweetie Belle: How are you? Charmy: <giving a slight smile> Uh... I'm fine... <The two realize everyone is staring. They both start blushing. Sweetie Belle turns away, and Charmy starts looking at the ceiling.> Chezni: Uh... I just realized I have to check something outside. I'll be back in a few minutes. Sonic: Uh... Yeah. I'll uh... Be back too... <Chezni and Sonic both leave the room.> Vector: We'll be uh... standin' guard outside. You just get better, Charmy. Espio: Everyone was really worried. Don't do that to us again. <Vector and Espio leave the room, leaving Charmy and Sweetie Belle alone.> Charmy: So yeah... Sweetie Belle: You jumped in the way of that beam to protect me... Charmy: I uh... <Charmy and Sweetie Belle are silent for a moment. Sweetie Belle is still facing away from him.> Sweetie Belle: It was really sweet of you to do that... Charmy: Yeah... Um... I... don't even know how to act here... I uh... saw you looking at the stars the other day... and then the moonlight reflected off the grass and flowers around you... You... looked amazing and... <Sweetie Belle is blushing even harder now.> Sweetie Belle: And then I got in trouble and my Prince rescued me... Charmy: Uh... Yeah... I don't know... I just had to... <Sweetie Belle starts to laugh. Charmy does the same.> Charmy: I asked myself if... Tails felt this way with Cosmo... <Sweetie Belle turns and heads to the side of Charmy's bed. Charmy looks over at Sweetie Belle.> Sweetie Belle: If it makes you feel better, I wasn't expecting this either... Charmy: <smiling> Yeah... <The scene transitions to the waiting room. Tails, Cosmo, Shadow, Spike, Twilight, Rarity, Amy and Rouge have now all made their way to the room.> Chezni: The Doc was impressed with the fast healing. He was expecting it to take a month. But at this rate, Charmy'll be out of here in a couple days. His wings have already fully healed, and his antennae should be healed by tomorrow. Sonic: Man, those Nova Crystals are really something... Shadow: Are the others going to come by? Chezni: They're helping to patrol the town for now. But they'll drop by later once they confirm that everything is secure. Cream, Vanilla and Bokkun will probably be showing up with Fluttershy soon though. Apparently the Princesses want to do something for Charmy too. They told me to let them know when he's fully recovered. Rarity: I wonder if they're planning some kind of ceremony... Chezni: I don't know. Cadence had to head back to the Crystal Empire to check on it, and Celestia and Luna had to go back to Canterlot. Alot's been happening, so I didn't have a chance to ask them anything. Amy: Rouge told us about... the 'Seed'... Chezni: Yeah... Our next big challenge... Eden: Getting rid of the White Seed will not be easy. Rouge: Is there ANYTHING we can do? Eden: The Ruby Prism is literally acting as her core. The 'Seed' cannot just be drilled out, and the Prism cannot just be removed. Chezni: The only way it would even have a chance of working is if we had another Ruby Prism... Unfortunately, they're so rare that you never know when or where one will ever show up... Eden: On Earth, Chezni owns a massive gem mine that houses every kind of gem imaginable. And to this day, in 150 years, he's never seen a single Ruby Prism come out of that mine. Rarity: You own a gem mine?! I am SO jealous! Spike: So am I. They must be delicious. <Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cosmo, Rouge, Vector and Espio all look at Spike with goofy expressions. Cosmo's eye is twitching.> Cosmo: You... eat gems? Spike: Yeah. All dragons do. Chezni: Yeah... I probably should've mentioned that... Spike is a gem eater. Just uh... don't ask how he goes to the... well, you know... <Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cosmo, Rouge, Vector and Espio all fall flat on their back. Spike is just looking confused as Twilight and Rarity are seen chuckling. Shadow is just shaking his head.> Shadow: You've been hanging out with Sonic too long... <The scene transitions to Midnight Castle. The Nightmare Queen, Lucas, Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis are sitting around their own raised circular table. What appears to be a very old map of Equestria can be seen carved into the table.> Lucas: Crude, but it should work for what we need it for. Nightmare Queen: As you all know, my Nightmarian forces have begun infiltrating Ponyville and Canterlot. Soon, we will be ready to make our move. <The Nightmare Queen's horn begins to glow. The map lights up, as a scale image of Ponyville is seen.> Nightmare Queen: Injuring that bee caused the white Unicorn filly and those Chaotix fools to generate a substantial amount of despair. But what if we chose someone more... fragile? <A holographic image of Cream is seen on the table.> Lucas: That... might work... If we managed to fill HER with enough despair... Tirek: How do we influence someone with such a pure heart though? Cozy Glow: Well, first we need to find out what makes her tick! Then, we use that against her! Nightmare Queen: Exactly. In the meantime, my forces will continue to take their positions. When the time is right, we'll strike. We'll spread their forces too thin to stop us, and then... Chrysalis: Swoop in and fill that rabbit with as much despair as we can! Nightmare Queen: <narrowing her eyes> According to one of my spies, something traumatic happened to her before the Metarex War even started in their universe... If we can discover what that was, perhaps we could replicate it somehow... Lucas: And if we can drive one with such a pure heart into despair, we can do that with anyone... <The scene fades out.> ______ ______ <The scene transitions to the interior of the Castle of Friendship. Chezni, Twilight, Spike, Sonic, Tails, Cosmo, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are all standing around the Friendship Map. Rouge points to Ponyville.> Rouge: All I know is they said all throughout town. Chezni: So they have spies everywhere in Ponyville. Shadow: They're probably using them in case Cosmo isn't near us, so they can still keep an eye on what we're doing... Rouge: And they said they planned on posting Nightmarian spies in every town and city in Equestria. What gets me, is how in the world they plan on attacking every town and city on the continent all at the same time... We're missing something here... Shadow: Do they have any hidden forces we don't know about? Chezni: The only thing I know is that they have the ability to create more Nightmarian Soldiers and Demons using the Spirit Gems they've been collecting. My guess is the Demons are going to be the Field Commanders, and Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis are meant to be the coordinating Generals. Twilight: But that's not nearly enough for this kind of invasion. Even the Storm King wasn't able to invade every single town and city simultaneously, and his army was larger than this. Applejack: You reckon they made some friends somewhere along the way? Chezni: That would be my best guess... Knuckles: But the question is 'who'? Asmodia's Metal Sonic forces are probably spent by this point, or close to it. It would have to be someone else. Rainbow Dash: And when will they attack? Fluttershy: Oh, I hope it isn't soon... Chezni: I doubt the full invasion will happen right away. If they attacked Ponyville right now, our forces here would definitely be enough to drive them out. I have to assume they would know this... Eden: There might be a silver lining in all of this. Spike: How could an invasion of Equestria have a silver lining? <Chezni examines the map.> Chezni: Sending Nightmarians to every town and city... Tails: Using the Demons as Field Commanders... Twilight: And using Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis as coordinating Generals... Cosmo: And also Grogar, who'll probably be another General... <Chezni looks at the others and gives a smirk. Shadow can also be seen smiling.> Shadow: They'll never see us coming... Sonic: Wait. What do you mean? Did I miss something here? Chezni: It's so simple... They're transfixed on their goal... so focused on filling that strange crystal or egg thing they have with despair that they forgot the most basic fundamental rule of warfare, never leave your base unguarded! Rarity: That... actually makes sense... Knuckles: We all saw the consequences when I made the mistake of leaving the Master Emerald unguarded for too long... The same idea can be used here. Amy: So how would we go about doing this? We wouldn't want to leave Ponyville unguarded. Chezni: That's true. A smaller group would work better in this situation, probably five or six of us at most. The rest can stay in Ponyville for defense. Pinkie Pie: Ohh! Ohh! Pick me! I wanna go to the castle! Chezni: Alright. Let's see. I'll go to the castle, and Pinkie Pie volunteered. That's two. Twilight: I'll go. I want to see this castle for myself. Chezni: Alright. That's three. Tails: I'm coming along too. There's no way I'm letting Lucas start another Metarex War. Cosmo: Then I'll also join you. Tails: Are you sure, Cosmo? Cosmo: If we defeat the Nightmare Queen, Lucas and Asmodia, then maybe we won't need to worry about the 'Seed'. Sonic: Then I'm coming too. I'm not about to let my buddy go to that creepy place alone. Chezni: And then there were six. Shadow: One problem though. Chezni: The White Seed? Sonic: Yeah. Won't they know what we're planning? <Chezni looks around and then whispers to Sonic and Shadow.> Chezni: <whispering> I'm counting on them knowing. Sonic: <whispering back> Why? Chezni: I'll explain later. Applejack: The rest of us'll stay here and guard the town 'till you get back. Pinkie Pie: Ok. So when do we go? Chezni: Soon enough. First, we need to wait for them to make their move. The X Tornado should be able to accommodate the five of you, and my ship can transport me. Sonic: What about the 'friends' they might've made? Chezni: I have some idea of who they might be. We'll know for sure by the time we make our move. If they're who I think they are, then they'll have just as much of a one-track-mind as the others. Tails: Ok. So what should we do in the meantime? Chezni: For now, I'd say we should get something to eat. <Chezni walks out of the crowded room with a smile on his face. Sonic has a goofy expression as he slowly follows, with everyone else soon following behind. The scene transitions to a local diner, as Chezni, Sonic, Twilight, Spike, Tails, Cosmo and Pinkie Pie are all sitting at a large booth. Chezni and Spike each have a plate of hayfries, which look like French Fries, but are longer, thinner, and there are way more of them than a normal serving of fries. Each member of the group has a drink of some sort.> Twilight: Is it really alright to be this relaxed? Chezni: Oh yeah... You and I have known Asmodia and the Nightmare Queen for a long time. Even if they've joined forces, they aren't going to make a move until they're fully ready, because they're not stupid. The reinforcements they probably have on the way should still be several weeks away. Avatar can't physically interfere in what they're doing, but he can set the gate to make their journey take as long as possible. They might poke at us a little, but their main attack isn't going to be for awhile. Never mess with people from Eltar. <Chezni grabs one of the fries and starts munching on it.> Tails: Hay... fries? Chezni: That's right. <looking at everyone> I'm serious. They taste just like regular fries. They even have ketchup and everything for them. Spike: Maybe regular fries actually taste like hayfries. Pinkie Pie: Mind blowing... Sonic: Too bad they don't have chili dogs... <Chezni starts chuckling.> Chezni: They're not gonna have chili dogs in a world like this, Sonic... at least not the kind you're used to... <Sonic looks at the menu. Strange symbols are seen on it that are impossible for the audience to decipher.> Sonic: Let's see... I guess I can go with cheese nachos. Chezni: I'm really surprised you can read this so easily. It took me a long time just to learn their alphabet. Sonic: It's actually old Mobian. Tails: Yeah. It's weird, but the lettering and style are exactly the same. Everyone on our planet knows this language. We used it as a base for our own written language. Sonic: We think our planet used to be called Mobius, so we call the ancient people Mobians. Chezni: Huh... chalk it up to being another similarity, I guess... Cosmo: Our ship's archives had information on this language, and it was taught to Seedrians when they were younger. I wonder if they visited this world in the past before Asmodia attacked Green Gate... Twilight: That's... actually possible... I've read ancient legends depicting strange beings descending on our world from the sky. Chezni: I hadn't even thought of that... Eden: If that is the case, it might explain a few things we've seen here. Chezni: If they really DID visit here at some point, then things such as the Crystalis being able to go out into space aren't as unusual as we thought... Twilight: 'And the light did descend from the sky, bestowing great knowledge and wisdom unto to the world...'. Chezni: 'The peoples rejoiced, woken from the long slumber...'. <Twilight has a shocked look on her face. Chezni is similarly stunned.> Chezni: How... Twilight: How can our worlds have the same legend? Sonic: You think your worlds used to be one world in the past too? <Chezni sits there, stunned and unmoving.> Chezni: I... never even thought of that either... Eden: If the Seedrians visited this world that long ago, and our worlds were originally one world... Chezni: Then everything would line up... <Chezni looks out the window.> Chezni: Something is going on here... <Suddenly, Spike burps up a green flame and a letter appears. He catches it and unfurls it.> Spike: <looking at the letter, his eyes widening> Um... Twilight? <Spike places the letter on the table and everyone starts reading it. Chezni, Twilight and Pinkie Pie's eyes all widen as they look absolutely shocked. Sonic, Tails and Cosmo look up at the three.> Sonic: Ok... So... What's a 'Gala'? Chezni: Well... <Chezni thinks for a moment.> Chezni: It's... the most premiere event in all of Equestria... Yeah, we'll just go with that... Heh heh... Sonic: Let's see here... Princess Celestia of Equestria hereby cordially invites the following individuals to this year's Grand Galloping Gala... <continuing to read> Uh huh... Tails: We're all on the list... Every one of us... Cosmo: Preceding the Gala, a special award ceremony will be held to honor the bravery of Charmy the Bee, for his selfless act in protecting one of Equestria's own at great personal risk... Tails: So that's why... Chezni: I guess this shouldn't surprise me... Huh... She even invited Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo... Twilight: That's not surprising... They've been going to Galas. Tails: Is... Is this really the right time for something like this? With everything else going on? Chezni: Well... I'd say it is. Sonic: Huh? Chezni: We have an event here that everyone will probably enjoy immensely. For a brief time, we can forget about things like Lucas, the Nightmare Queen and Asmodia and just focus on having fun. I'd say this is the perfect time for it. Twilight: That's right. Besides, we'll all be together. So if something DOES happen, we should be able to handle it. <Sonic, Tails and Cosmo nod.> Chezni: Um... Twilight, can I have a word with you outside for a second? I just have a really quick question. <Chezni and Twilight head outside, leaving the others to contemplate the turn of events. Outside, Chezni is scratching the back of his head.> Chezni: So... the Gala... Um... This might sound weird, but is it still... Twilight: Oh, you're wondering about THAT? <Chezni nods.> Twilight: Yep. It still is. Every time. Chezni: I see... <looking inside the window at the others> This might be perfect then... <Chezni looks like he just came to a realization.> Chezni: Um... Oh. Oh. Princess Celestia might want to give Vanilla a heads-up... Twilight: Vanilla? You mean Cream's mother? <thinking for a second> Yeah... I think I should get Spike to send a letter to Celestia. Chezni: Just in case. <Inside the diner, Sonic, Tails, Cosmo, Spike and Pinkie Pie are seen looking at Chezni and Twilight.> Sonic: What do you think they're talking about? Tails: Isn't it obvious? Sonic: Huh? Tails: This Gala... <Pinkie Pie gets up.> Pinkie Pie: The Gala is the Party of ALL PARTIES!!! <bouncing> They're gonna be on a daaaaaaate!!! <Sonic's eyes widen as he looks nervous.> Sonic: Oh... Heh... A date... Tails: That reminds me... This'll be our first real date, Cosmo... Cosmo: Oh... I... hadn't even thought about that... <Tails and Cosmo stare at one another, while Spike sticks a finger in his mouth, giving a 'gag' motion. Pinkie Pie heads to the back of the diner.> Pinkie Pie: <whispering very quietly, and giving a mischievous grin> Little do they know... Little do they know... <Pinkie Pie starts laughing quietly. The laughter gets louder, and more maniacal as the others look at her confused. She stops.> Sonic: You ok, Pinkie? Pinkie Pie: Oh... I was just planning some things for the Gala... Just a couple little teeny tiny things... <Pinkie Pie starts giggling some more as the screen quickly turns black and the episode ends.>
  5. And here we go with Episode 18. Not a whole lot to say, but we'll see where things go. Anyway, we're only five episodes into the crossover proper and we've already got someone injured to the point where they need to go to an actual hospital. And people think My Little Pony is all sunshine and rainbows... This is not the first time fans have been introduced to this hospital. Yes, this is indeed the same hospital where Rainbow Dash found out that she likes to read adventure novels. <The interior of a hospital. It is close to noon. Everyone except Chezni (and of course Charmy) is sitting in a waiting room, including Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. All of them are visibly worried. Next to the waiting room is a set of double doors, and Chezni can be seen inside. He appears to be talking to a male Unicorn with a yellow coat and a brown mane and tail. His eyes are a dark blue, and he wears what look to be glasses. His Cutie Mark appears to resemble an electrocardiograph monitor. In addition, he seems to be wearing a white laboratory coat with a gray tie and has a stethoscope around his neck. The two look like they're talking, but what they're saying can't be made out. Chezni can be seen nodding periodically.> Sonic: I wish Chezni'd get out here already! Amy: It was pretty bad... I don't know what to expect... Chezni's the only one the doctor would let inside with Charmy... Applejack: That's probably because he's from Starlance... Cream: Mr. Sonic, is Charmy going to be ok? Sonic: I hope so... Vector: We've gotta believe he'll be okay... We've just GOTTA! Twilight: The Ponyville Hospital was outfitted with the latest Starlance technology. And Dr. Greymare is the best doctor in all of Equestria. If anypony can help Charmy, it's him. Sweetie Belle: Charmy... He's in there because of me... If anything happens, I'll... I'll never forgive myself... Tails: It isn't your fault, Sweetie Belle. Charmy's... he's really unique... He does things to extremes. That's just how he is... Shadow: He acts impulsively, but only because he cares about others. <looking toward Sweetie Belle> You should never blame yourself for it. Instead, try to understand why it is he did it. <Rarity gently places a hoof on Sweetie Belle's back.> Rarity: They're right, Sweetie Belle. You can't blame yourself for this. None of us knew he'd do what he did... Rouge: Everyone brace yourselves. Chezni's on his way out. <Chezni exits the room and walks toward where everyone is. He takes a deep breath.> Eggman: Well, don't just stand there. What's the verdict? Chezni: The Doc said he has to do a few more tests... But they more/less know what they're looking at now... Vector: How is it? Just tell us... Espio: We're ready... well as ready as we'll ever be... Chezni: There's alot to go over. But the short of it is he's going to survive. <Everyone can be seen breathing a sigh of relief.> Vector: Thank goodness... I don't know what we'd do if we'd lost him... Chezni: They had to cut his vest off of him. Fortunately, the injuries to his chest were minor. I don't know what that vest was made of, but it took ALOT of that blow. Same with his helmet. In that regard, he was lucky. The vest and helmet probably saved his life. Rarity: I could make him a replacement vest while he's here. It's no trouble. After what he did for Sweetie Belle, it's the least I could do... Spike: If you need any gems, or anything like that, I'll help you find them. Y... You just tell me what you need. <Vector notices that Chezni seems to be uneasy about something.> Vector: What is it? You look like you've got more to say. <Chezni closes his eyes.> Chezni: I don't know of a good way to put this, so I'll just say it. The damage to his left antennae and wings were extensive. <The others stand in silence as Chezni continues.> Chezni: He... He probably won't be able to fly anymore... Vector: NO!!! Rainbow Dash: Not his wings... <Everyone stands in shock as Chezni continues.> Chezni: And... They're not sure of the antennae. They said they'd give it a few days. But if it doesn't improve... they might have to amputate it... Sweetie Belle: No... Charmy... Fluttershy: That poor bee... <Vector grabs Chezni.> Vector: You gotta be kidding! They can't DO THAT! His favorite thing in the world is flying, and losing an antennae, do you know what that does to a bee?! Chezni: OF COURSE I KNOW!!! <Gasps can be heard, as various other ponies sitting around are seen staring at Chezni.> Chezni: Sorry... Sorry. <Chezni looks at Vector.> Chezni: I know what losing an antennae means... Look, they haven't done anything yet, outside of treating the injuries to the chest. His wings are probably as good as they're going to get. We still have some time before they have to do anything with the antennae. Let's... just wait and see what happens. Sweetie Belle: Is he... Is he awake? Chezni: Not yet. I'm going to go back in there one more time. I want to scan his injuries again with my Matrix, just to make sure they didn't miss anything. I think they got everything, but just in case... <Chezni walks back into the room, leaving the others outside.> Vector: <crying> You... You dumb... courageous Prince... <The others are now staring at Vector. Vector's eyes widen as he realizes what he just said.> Sweetie Belle: Did you just say... Prince? Episode 18: The Prince - Part 2 <Inside the room, Chezni is standing over Charmy's bed. Charmy has a blanket over him, so only his head can be seen. He has a bandage around his forehead, and also a bandage over his burned antennae. Dr. Greymare is at a nearby table, looking at some papers.> Dr. Greymare: You can scan it all you want, but it doesn't change the facts. It's likely he's going to lose the antennae, and forget about him flying anymore. With his wings in that state, there's no way he's getting off the ground. Chezni: I know... I just want to check something... <Chezni points his Matrix at Charmy.> Chezni: Why didn't that attack expose your Gem? Why this? <Chezni continues looking at his Matrix.> Chezni: What am I missing here? <Chezni looks over the screen. Suddenly, his eyes widen.> Chezni: Is this why they couldn't collect his Spirit Gem? <Chezni reaches into his right pocket and pulls out a gold and silver crystal, indeed the same one Eggman tried to touch back then.> Chezni: If you're in there and you can hear me... Please help him... He's just a kid who protected someone he cares about... There's no way that's not a noble act... <Chezni holds the crystal close to Charmy. It gives a subtle glow.> Chezni: <cracking a smile> I knew it... That IS why... <Chezni laughs quietly as he places the crystal on a table next to Charmy and then walks to Dr. Greymare.> Chezni: He'll be in this room for a few days at least, right? Dr. Greymare: That's right. We still need to monitor him, and if the antennae needs to be removed, it can be done right here. Chezni: This is going to sound weird. But, I'm going to leave that crystal on the table next to his bed. It shouldn't interfere with anything. But no matter what happens, please make sure it doesn't leave his side. Dr. Greymare: Is it a personal possession? Chezni: Well, you could say that. Dr. Greymare: If it gives him emotional support when he wakes up, I suppose it's ok. Chezni: Thanks. <Chezni runs out of the room to where the others are. He notices everyone staring at Vector. He walks to Vector.> Chezni: Ok, did I miss something here? Sonic: Only that Charmy's apparently a Prince. Chezni: Oh... <eyes widening> EHHHHHHH?! Pony: <from out of sight> Shut up. Chezni: Sorry. Sorry! Shadow: These ponies, I swear... Don't they realize what's going on? Twilight: They do. Many of them are here for the same reason we're here, to visit loved ones that were injured in the latest attack. They're all just as worried as we are. Please... don't be too hard on them... Shadow: I... didn't mean it that way... Sorry... I'm just worried... Vector, what did you mean by 'Prince'? Vector: It was two years ago. Espio and I were originally part of a gang of treasure hunters. It was us, Ray the Squirrel and Mighty the Armadillo. Chezni: What happened? Vector: Well, Espio and I were on the beach, when we saw this bee child washed up on shore. He was unconscious. Sonic: That must've been Charmy. Knuckles: What was your first clue? Espio: We nursed him back to health. Then he told us that he was looking for his mom and dad, but that he didn't remember what they looked like. We agreed to help him find them. Vector: It was our first case. We searched for three months. One day, we saw it... a massive high tech beehive-looking ship, crashed right in a valley. We looked inside, but there were no survivors. Espio: We looked at the ship's archives to figure out what happened. It took awhile, but we managed to decode what was left. They mentioned being attacked by someone named Entropos. They must have crash-landed on our planet as a result. Vector: As we read through the archives, we noticed that the Prince of their entire race matched the description of the little bee that found his way to us. <Vector closes his eyes.> Vector: But the archives were damaged. We had no idea what his real name was... and no way to find out... And he didn't seem to remember it... must've hit his head or somethin'... So we decided to call him Charmy... Ya know, 'cause he was a Prince and all... Espio: We... didn't tell him anything about the ship, or that he's a Prince... We just told him that his parents had passed away... We thought it best to keep things simple... Vector: We adopted him, and then founded the Chaotix Detective Agency. So you see... <Vector is trying to hold back tears.> Vector: He's the reason our Detective Agency exists... He IS the Chaotix Detective Agency... <Chezni is quiet for a moment, as Vector tries to compose himself.> Chezni: What... ever... happened to Mighty and Ray? Espio: They decided to remain as treasure hunters. We're still friends, and we still keep in touch. But our group is a separate organization from theirs now. Chezni: I see... Sonic: I noticed you seem to be in a better mood, Chezni. <Chezni looks at his Matrix. It is indeed displaying an S-Class signal. He cracks a smile.> Chezni: ... We got lucky... Vector: Huh? Chezni: It's still early... but I think Charmy's going to be ok... <Chezni shows Vector and Espio what his Matrix is displaying.> Espio: An S-Class signature? Vector: Wait a second... that's Charmy? Chezni: That's right. I have a crystal in there resonating with him right now. It'll take some time, but the fast healing should repair the damage to his antennae and wings. Then once he comes to, he can bond with the crystal and become a Nova Warrior. <Chezni looks down at his Matrix. Vector and Espio both have a look of relief.> Chezni: Damn lucky... Sonic: But I thought he had a B-Class signature. Chezni: He did. The S-Class energy typically stays dormant inside of a person until they reach a certain age. Usually it's somewhere between 6 and 8 years. Until then, they just appear to have the normal B-Class energy. Of course there are rare exceptions where it could happen sooner or later in life too. Twilight: Similar to getting a Cutie Mark. Chezni: Sort of. But the point is, this means he has the same fast healing aspect that other Nova Warriors have. He just needed a crystal to resonate with. I'd say about three days and he should be back to normal, assuming nobody moves the crystal. Vector: Thank goodness... Chezni: SOMETHING must have awakened his S-Class energy. I don't know when it happened, but it had to be some time after we got here, but before he was hit with that attack... Sweetie Belle: Is he... I mean, can we go in... to see him? Chezni: I'd give it a couple hours for the healing to get going, but yeah. It'll probably be alright to see him today. <Chezni looks back at the double doors.> Chezni: Prince Charmy... It does have a nice ring to it. Pinkie Pie: We'll have to throw him a party when he's out of the hospital! Rarity: It should be a big one too. He saved Sweetie Belle, after all. Pinkie Pie: This'll be the perfect time to test out my new Mega Party Cannon! Spike: 'Mega' Party Cannon? Pinkie Pie: It's like the normal Party Cannon, but WAAAAAAAAAY bigger, and WAAAAAAAAAY more intricate! I had to calibrate it for the Interlock and Phase-Transfer... <Pinkie Pie notices that Tails and Cosmo are the only ones paying attention to her.> Pinkie Pie: Your friends are no fun... Tails: They... just don't appreciate technology. <pausing for a second> Still, I never would've guessed you'd know how to build something like that. Pinkie Pie: NOOOOOOOBODYYYYY AAAAAAAAASKED... Sweetie Belle: I can't believe I was rescued by a Prince... Tails: It really is an interesting coincidence. Charmy's a Prince and Cosmo's a Princess. Cosmo: It's true. And Tails is my brave knight. <Tails blushes slightly.> Fluttershy: Oh... You two are so cute together... <Chezni turns to look at everyone.> Chezni: I'm just glad he'll be alright... I'm the reason all of this is happening... I'd hate to be responsible for a kid getting permanent injuries too... Twilight: No. You're not doing that again. None of this is your fault. Tails: Twilight's right. If anything, you're the reason Cosmo is here today. Sonic: We really should stop lookin' at the bad stuff all the time and start lookin' at the good stuff. Charmy's gonna be ok, and we'll deal with the Trinity of Ugly soon enough. Chezni: Yeah... Thanks... <Chezni looks out the window.> Chezni: Let's just hope they don't attack this side of town. <The scene transitions to the next day at the Cutie Mark Crusader's Clubhouse. It is late afternoon. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are all sitting around their headquarters. Sweetie Belle seems to be off in another world.> Scootaloo: So Rainbow Dash actually left one of her Daring Do books with Charmy. Apple Bloom: Which one? Scootaloo: That's the crazy thing. She left him a really rare book, 'Daring Do And the Temple of Ma-Lumina'. It's about the temple to the south of the Badlands that's supposedly the origin of all Pony life on Equus. She read it to me before. It was really cool. Though I don't get why Daring Do was in a skimpy swimsuit during that one part... Apple Bloom: Wow. That's one of her First Editions! She must really like Charmy! Scootaloo: She said it's the least she could do after he took one for Sweetie Belle. She was really worried when they thought he wouldn't fly again. Apple Bloom: And those two Chaotix guys've been in the hospital all through the night. Scootaloo: It makes sense. He's like their little brother. <The two fillies look over at Sweetie Belle. She's now looking out the window.> Scootaloo: You ok, Sweetie Belle? Apple Bloom: She's been like that ever since she came back from visiting Charmy. <Sweetie Belle continues to look out the window.> Sweetie Belle: {Please get better soon...} <In a flash of light, the scene transitions to the hospital. Sweetie Belle can be seen in the room with Charmy. She pulls a stool next to the bed and jumps on it, looking at him.> Sweetie Belle: Shadow told me to try and understand why you did it... But how can I when I don't know the answer? <Sweetie Belle looks at the crystal giving off a subtle glow next to Charmy.> Sweetie Belle: And... what were you trying to tell me? <Without even thinking, Sweetie Belle puts her hoof to Charmy's hair. She moves it away from his closed eyes.> Sweetie Belle: Please wake up soon... Honeybee... <Sweetie Belle's eyes widen as she realizes what she's doing. She gets off the stool, almost falling over in the process, and quickly leaves the room and the hospital. Outside she runs down the street until she is by herself. She can be seen breathing heavily.> Sweetie Belle: W... Why did I say that? <Sweetie Belle continues down the empty street, as a flash of light transitions the scene back to the present. Sweetie Belle is looking out the window of the clubhouse.> Sweetie Belle: Honeybee... Apple Bloom: Honeybee? Scootaloo: Seriously, are you ok? <Sweetie Belle turns and can be seen blushing.> Sweetie Belle: Um... I'm... I'm fine. <Sweetie Belle runs out of the clubhouse, leaving the other two looking confused.> Scootaloo: Honeybee? Apple Bloom: She wasn't talkin' about... Charmy... was she? <The two shrug as the scene fades out.> ______ ______ <We see the interior of the Castle of Friendship. Chezni, Twilight, Spike and Sonic are seen inside.> Chezni: Yeah, the crystal just started reacting to him. I guess we've got a Nova Warrior in the making. Sonic: An immortal bee Prince... Chezni: <looking at Sonic> At this rate, it's gonna be hard for the people of your world NOT to live a long time. Sonic: Yeah, what was it you said? One day is one year? Eden: Give or take an hour... It also depends on how close they are. The closer they are, the more time it affords. Sonic: You mentioned that everyone on this planet is immortal. Chezni: That's right. Sonic: How did that happen? Chezni: Well, I'm not exactly sure myself. But the best guess I can come up with is that it happened during the battle with the Nightmare Queen. We were all transformed, and things weren't going well. Twilight and her friends then used the Rainbow Powers, and struck one of the Nightmare Queen's attacks. The resulting energy wave swept over the entire planet, sending the Nightmare Queen through the Grand Rift, and to the far reaches of a completely different universe. Sonic: No way... Chezni: We think that wave somehow caused every creature in this world to become immortal. <Chezni gives Sonic a nudge.> Chezni: They haven't aged in over 60 years. Sonic: Wait... You mean that filly Charmy protected was... Chezni: That's right. Over 60. Sonic: She looks like she's Charmy's age... Chezni: Physically, she still is, or at least close to that age. She stopped aging once that wave hit, along with everyone else. It took us a few years to realize what was going on, and then that stuff with Starlance happened. Once that got fixed, and they became an official ally of Starlance, I made it a point to try and come back here. It took awhile, but that finally happened. Twilight: Chezni... Sonic: So when you mentioned the Rainbow Powers... Twilight: That's right. They were the powers we got from our chest. Sonic: Those are the kind of powers that we'll be getting? Chezni: Theoretically, ours will be even stronger, since we're talking about combining the Rainbow Powers, basically the raw power of Friendship and Harmony, with the Chaos Emeralds. Twilight: Nothing like this has ever happened before. I didn't even know the two were compatible. Chezni: If Fluttershy and Discord are anything to go by, then they definitely ARE compatible. Those two are an item if there ever was one. Sonic: Wait, Fluttershy and... Chezni: Oh yeah, you haven't met him yet. Well, if you stick around long enough, you'll see him eventually. Sonic: Are you just saying that because I said it to you about Shadow? Eden: Just take our word for it. Chezni: You'll see him sooner or later. Twilight: Still... Combining the powers of Harmony and Chaos... Chezni: Yeah... It's a little scary when you think about it... The Chaos Emeralds are the embodiment of infinite potential. And the powers of Friendship and Harmony are the embodiment of the purest essence of good in the universe... Putting those two forces together, who knows what will happen? You might be able to go past the Super form you get from using the powers of the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic: Wait, really? Chezni: Yep. If that happens, we'll have to come up with a name for it though. Maybe Super Sonic 2. Sonic: Ok, now I know you're just messing with me. Twilight: I think it'll be alright though. Chezni: Yeah, I do too... Based on what you've told me and what I've seen, I don't think the Tree of Harmony would ever do anything that might harm the world. If it gave us this chest, then that means we're supposed to combine these powers. Sonic: Yeah, the only question is HOW? Twilight: Don't worry. It'll happen. It took us the better part of a year to unlock ours, and you've got ten keyholes instead of six. That tells me yours will take longer. Sonic: Yeah, but we've got a 'Rogue's Gallery' attacking us constantly. We're gonna need some serious help to stop them, especially now that Lucas is back in the picture. Chezni: I just hope he doesn't try to seek help from the 'Rogue's Gallery' of this world... <Twilight nods, as Sonic is now looking even more worried. The scene transitions to what looks like a massive cavern that stretches as far as the eye can see. Countless rocky pedestal-like protrusions can be seen standing above an empty void. Strange sigils can be seen at the center of each pedestal, and narrow winding rocky paths lead to each one from a central pillar that seems to stretch upward as far as the eye can see. A massive three-headed hound can be seen passed out near the aforementioned central pillar. Lucas and the Nightmare Queen can be seen at the base of the central pillar. The violet crystal in Lucas' possession is giving off an even stronger glow than before.> Lucas: Striking that bee with your magic seems to have generated a substantial amount of despair in Sonic's entire team. By my estimates, I would say the Nightmare Egg is nearly fifty percent charged. Nightmare Queen: But the despair eventually stopped. The bee must be out of danger. That is the only explanation I can think of... Still... Who knew he was an S-Class? Those strangers from the other world are more cunning than I gave them credit for... So I'll have to be more cunning myself. That is why we're here. Lucas: What are we searching for down here? Nightmare Queen: Allies... Four of them... Lucas: Oh? Am I to assume that you've chosen your new Nightmarian Generals? Nightmare Queen: I have. Three of them I've recruited before... But the fourth... The fourth is something else... entirely... They will make the perfect Generals for my armies. Lucas: {Yes... And once I reach my full power, your 'Generals' can become my new Metarex Commanders... Then you will have outlived your usefulness...} <The Nightmare Queen begins making her way across one of the narrow pathways toward a pedestal. Lucas follows behind her. Soon, they reach the pedestal. The Nightmare Queen's eyes begin glowing.> Nightmare Queen: Dark Trinity banished to Tartarus, I summon you forth! <The pedestal gives off an intense glow, and with a 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', a pillar of light shoots out of the center!> Nightmare Queen: Cozy Glow! Queen Chrysalis! Lord Tirek! Come forth!!! <Three silhouettes can be seen in the pillar of light. As the light subsides, a pink Pegasus filly with a light blue mane and tail that are in curls can be seen. Her eyes are a reddish pink, and her Cutie Mark depicts a rook chess piece. Next to her is a strange black Alicorn with green eyes that appears to have tattered light blue insect wings, a blue mane and tail that also appears to be tattered, and hooves that look like they have holes in them. In addition, her horn appears to be crooked, and she has a green carapace on her back. The final being appears to be a centaur-like creature with red skin on his arms and face, a chest that is black and the lower half of his body is gray with a white tail. He wears a silver necklace, silver armbands, and silver armor on his hooves. Two gray horns are seen protruding from the side of his head, and his nose sports a nose ring, much like a minotaur's nose might. His eyes are black with tiny yellow pupils and he has a short white beard.> Lucas: Am I to assume these are the three you mentioned? Nightmare Queen: Yes. The fourth will require... a more complex procedure to bring about... But the look on Twilight and Chezni's faces will make it worth the trouble. Pink Pegasus: Did you say, 'Twilight'? As in, that goody-two-hooves?! Lucas: I see you have history with her. Centaur: We ALL have history with that infernal Alicorn Princess! Strange Alicorn: She humiliated ALL of us, and locked us in here! <The three members of the Dark Trinity notice the Nightmare Queen standing in front of them.> All Three Members: Nightmare Queen! Nightmare Queen: Yes... <looking to the pink pegasus> Cozy Glow. <turning to the Centaur> Tirek. <turning to the strange Alicorn> Chrysalis. All three of you have fought against, and been defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I too... have failed to defeat them... We will join forces one more time. Lucas: Once I gather enough despair and regain my powers as Dark Oak, the five of us will overwhelm our enemies and rid the universe of them, once and for all! Nightmare Queen: Let us not be hasty... We still have one more ally to recruit. Cozy Glow: <the pink Pegasus> Another ally is joining us? Nightmare Queen: Yes, but this one will be more... difficult to release... He was not banished to Tartarus. Instead, he was banished to another universe entirely. I will have to consult my charts to find his location. Tirek: And who is this mystery ally? Nightmare Queen: He goes by the name 'Grogar'. And I have something that belongs to him. <In a flash of light, a strange teal colored bell appears, with dark blue markings on it. The Nightmare Queen begins chuckling as the scene transitions to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack is seen kicking various apple trees to gather the apples into the waiting baskets underneath the trees. A red male Earth Pony is seen collecting the baskets. He has a sandy blonde mane and tail, the latter of which is cropped, a Cutie mark depicting a green apple, and very light yellow hooves, as well as a few white freckles under his green eyes. He wears what appears to be a brown work horse collar. He appears to be somewhat older than Applejack. Applejack stops kicking trees to take a breather. In the distance, Knuckles can be seen punching trees to shake their apples down.> Applejack: I've gotta hand it to that red Echidna. Never woulda thought someone that punchy'd be this good at collectin' apples. He's also got a good work ethic. At this rate, we'll be able to turn in early, Big Mac. Big Mac: Yup... <Knuckles is seen carrying an almost comical number of baskets to the two Earth Ponies.> Knuckles: <giving a slight smile> Where do you want 'em? <Applejack chuckles a bit, giving an impressed look. She motions to the big red barn.> Applejack: Over there, behind the barn. <Knuckles carries the baskets over to the barn.> Applejack: Still... Wonder what kind of problem he's supposed to have... Twilight said everyone's problems were real severe. But I haven't seen ANYTHING yet that looks like a problem. Big Mac: Nope... Applejack: She said it was the first time she ever saw so many critical problems... Now she's real determined to solve 'em... <Knuckles makes his way back to where Applejack and Big Mac are.> Knuckles: What's next on the agenda? Applejack: Actually, that's it. Usually, it takes us twice as long to collect the apples. But with you here, we got that done lickety split. <Applejack takes a deep breath.> Applejack: If I'm oversteppin' here, you let me know. But I have to ask. Knuckles: Ok? Applejack: Did... anything happen to you before y'all got here? Ya know... before you got to Equestria? Knuckles: Well... <Knuckles sits down next to a nearby tree.> Knuckles: Alot's happened... Probably too much to go over all of it... But... Something did happen to me... <Applejack and Big Mac both sit next to Knuckles. The evening sun is seen hanging over the hills in the distance.> Knuckles: I was tasked with a very important mission... to guard the Master Emerald... Applejack: Is that like those Emerald thingies that were locked in your chest? Knuckles: Sort of... The Master Emerald controlled the powers of the Chaos Emeralds and allowed them to be recharged. Something that controls the powers of infinite possibility needed to be watched over. It needed to be protected. That was my mission. And I carried it out with pride my whole life. Applejack: What happened? Knuckles: Asmodia went to Angel Island, where the Master Emerald rested. He... completely destroyed it... <Knuckles closes his eyes.> Knuckles: So you see... I failed in the mission I was given... Tikal, the spirit inside the Master Emerald told me that I should find a new mission, a new purpose... But I think she just said that to try and cheer me up... The truth is, I have no purpose... The day the Master Emerald was lost, so was my purpose... I'm a failure as a Guardian... Applejack: ... I dunno about any of that 'guarding the Master Whatsit' stuff, but I can tell you this. If you think you don't have a purpose, then you go find one. Knuckles: Yeah, but... I don't know where to start looking. <Applejack places a hoof to her chest.> Applejack: You just look right here. Right in your own heart. You'll find it. This world doesn't put people and ponies through things it doesn't think they can handle. Knuckles: Right in my heart, huh? You're probably right... But my heart still aches... Applejack: I know about heartache... Believe me... But sittin' around feelin' sorry for yourself ain't gonna help anything. Look at what you DO have, instead of what you lost. <Applejack motions to her chest again.> Applejack: Ask this. Trust me, it doesn't bite. Knuckles: Maybe you're right... Maybe I should start looking at what I have, and not at what I've lost... I have friends... I have others that count on me... <Applejack gives a slight smile.> Applejack: Now you're gettin' it... Knuckles: My heart... Cosmo said she heard her mother's voice, and that she told her to start following her own heart... and that she's been trying to do so ever since... Maybe it's time I followed her example... <The scene pans up to the sky. A transition to the next morning shows the Nightmare Queen and Lucas with Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis, standing in front of a massive mountain. A zoom-out shows that it appears to be surrounded by a forest, with an open field extending past the forest. To the left of the field is a lake.> Cozy Glow: I don't get it. What's the deal with this mountain? Nightmare Queen: This is the resting place of an ancient fortress, one so ancient that it's likely the only ponies in Equestria who know about it are myself, and the Princesses. Tirek: You intend to make this into our base? Nightmare Queen: Exactly. And from this fortress, we can begin our search for Grogar, as well as begin our campaign to conquer Equestria in earnest. This will be the perfect staging ground while we're on this planet. <A semi transition shows Ponyville, as several Nightmarian Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns are seen hiding out in various places.> Nightmare Queen: Even now, my forces are taking up position. Once the mighty Grogar is freed, we will strike all at once. Ponyville will fall, and soon after all of Equestria will follow. <The scene focuses back on where the Nightmare Queen and her group are.> Chrysalis: But how do you intend to turn this mountain into a fortress? Nightmare Queen: Simple. The fortress is INSIDE the mountain! <The Nightmare Queen's eyes glow as she spreads her wings. Her horn lights up with golden energy, and soon the energy envelops her entire body.> Nightmare Queen: Now, I release the seal placed upon you by shouting your True Name! MIDNIGHT CASTLE!!! <The mountain lights up with golden energy, as the entire land around it shakes. Back at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight, Chezni, Sonic and Spike can be seen as the tremor is even felt there. The shaking gradually becomes more intense.> Chezni: An earthquake?! Twilight: That's impossible! Earthquakes aren't created in populated areas! Sonic: They can make earthquakes too?! Spike: Yeah, but I don't think this is the time to talk about how it works! <The four of them notice that a golden light is shining through the window. Chezni heads to the window.> Chezni: Um, Twilight! I don't think this is normal! <The four of them look out the window. A beam of golden light is seen shooting up from far in the distance.> Twilight: That's in the direction of the Badlands! It must be right on the south edge! <The shaking gets more intense. Chezni backs away.> Chezni: We need to get to the others. I have a hunch that one of our enemies is behind this! <Chezni, Twilight and Sonic run out of the castle, followed by Spike. Back at the mountain, cracks can be seen appearing around the field surrounding the mountain. Cracks can also be seen appearing on the mountain itself. The Nightmare Queen, Lucas, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis all jump into a nearby dip in the ground. Suddenly, with a 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', the mountain EXPLODES, as fragments are thrown in every direction! Some of them barely miss the Nightmare Queen's group, while they lay as low as possible. The Nightmare Queen slowly raises her head to see what looks like a blue and violet fortress. The walls are made of a strange metal, and blue lights can be seen traveling through what appear to almost be veins on the walls. Four massive towers are seen, each one set in one of the four corners of the fortress. The shaking intensifies, as a zoom-out shows the castle and the land surrounding it lifting into the air. Back at Ponyville, everyone is in awe as a floating island in the distance is seen from their perspective. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are seen staring at it.> Rainbow Dash: What in Equestria IS that?! Scootaloo: I've never seen a floating island before, unless you count Cloudsdale. <Sweetie Belle is seen with Rarity staring at the landmass from another part of town.> Sweetie Belle: What is it, sis? Rarity: I don't know. I've never seen anything like it... <Apple Bloom is seen with Applejack and Big Mac. They can see the landmass from Sweet Apple Acres.> Applejack: What in tarnation... Apple Bloom: Is that... A floatin' island? Big Mac: Yup... <Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are seen staring at the island.> Fluttershy: Oh my... What is this? Pinkie Pie: It looks like a piece of the Badlands got tired of being there and left! <Tails and Cosmo are seen, along with Amy, Cream, Cheese, Bokkun, Knuckles and Vanilla. All of them are staring at the island. The tremors are finally starting to subside.> Tails: What in the world... Cosmo: An island... But who caused it to lift off the ground? Knuckles: It's... like Angel Island... Vanilla: Is this more of that magic? Cream: I don't like this... I have a horrible feeling just looking at that island... Like something really scary is there... Cheese: <trembling in Cream's arms> Chao... Chao... Bokkun: I won't let anything happen to you, Cream... Amy: We should get with the others. <Tails and the others start heading to the Castle of Friendship. The scene transitions to the interior of the hospital, where Vector and Espio are seen looking out the window at the island.> Espio: I don't know what to make of it... Vector: A giant floating island... Wait 'till Charmy sees THIS... <Vector and Espio continue to look out the window. Meanwhile, Shadow, Rouge and Eggman are all staring at the island.> Shadow: It's either the Nightmare Queen or Asmodia... Rouge: Or that 'Lucas' nutcase. Eggman: A floating island... I never would've thought of that... Rouge: Is this really the time for you to be making plans for conquest? Eggman: It's ALWAYS a good time to plan ahead! Shadow: Should you REALLY be telling us this? Eggman: Look, I start talking about my plans of conquest when I'm nervous, ok? <Shadow's eye twitches as the scene transitions back to Chezni, Twilight, Spike and Sonic.> Twilight: We need to contact Princess Celestia. Chezni: You read my mind. And we'd better hurry. There's going to be alot of scared ponies out there, not to mention non-ponies that might be scared too... Sonic: I'll admit, I'm a little worried myself... <On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.>
  6. Episode 17, folks. And we have a few things happening with a few characters. I added a couple of benches to Fluttershy's cottage just to give the characters somewhere to sit, and so Fluttershy had somewhere to relax after the stress of meeting all of these characters at once. Anyway, let's get on with the show. Yeah, maybe I'm a little late saying this, but get used to the multi-parters. We have alot of them. <The sun is shining over Fluttershy's cottage. Outside, Shadow can be seen with the aforementioned Pegasus, along with Tails and Cosmo. The four are sitting on benches overlooking the flower garden. Cream, Cheese and Bokkun are seen watering the flowers.> Fluttershy: It feels like today's going to be a nice, relaxing day... Shadow: Yeah... <Fluttershy looks at Shadow and notices that he seems a little out of it.> Fluttershy: Are you ok, Shadow? Shadow: I don't know... I just found out that the leader of the army that took the life of someone I cared about is still around. Tails: Chezni did say it was the Lucas from this universe... and not the one we fought... Cosmo: Still... This world is so beautiful... I don't want to see it attacked by someone so cruel... Shadow: It won't come to that... I'll do whatever it takes to make sure this world is safe... Tails: I guess I can understand why Chezni wanted to keep this from us... Cosmo: He probably didn't want us to worry about having to go through it all over again... Shadow: You're... probably right... Fluttershy: That's exactly why he didn't tell you. Tails: Fluttershy? Fluttershy: Chezni knew how awful that war you fought against the Metarex was. He told me a little bit about it. And... that was enough. I couldn't stand hearing the rest... I don't think anypony here would be able to handle going through something like that, let alone seeing it... He was trying to give you some time to relax and not have to worry about all of that... even if it was only for a little while... He knew this would hurt you, and he wanted to wait until the right time to tell you... <Fluttershy closes her eyes.> Fluttershy: He cares about all of you... and he hates it when bad things happen to others... So... please don't hate him for not telling you... Cosmo: We... don't hate him... Tails: Yeah, it was just a shock... That's all. <Shadow nods.> Shadow: Of course, maybe I should've said something instead of just walking away. I just... didn't know how to react at the time. I'm still not sure how to react, knowing that Dark Oak could return at any time... <Cream is now standing in front of the group, along with Cheese and Bokkun. Cream looks worried.> Cream: Dark Oak? You mean that horrible person that almost caused Cosmo's... Tails: Cream... Cosmo: Nothing like that is going to happen again... Cream: I don't want anyone else to get hurt or die... It's happened too many times... If it happens again, I don't know if I could take it... Shadow: We won't let anything like that happen. Bokkun: Cream... It's gonna be alright... Cheese: Chao! Chao! <Cream, Cheese and Bokkun share a hug as the scene pans upward.> Episode 17: The Prince - Part 1 <It is midday at Sugarcube Corner, the building with the artificial gingerbread roof. Pinkie Pie and Charmy are both seen exiting the building, each carrying a box. Pinkie Pie is carrying her box on her back, while Charmy is flying and holding his box in his arms.> Charmy: Vector really loves these, Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie: Of course he does! Everyone loves Sugarcube Corner cupcakes! Charmy: He loves them even more, now that he knows Vanilla helped make them. Pinkie Pie: And what about YOU?! Charmy: Well, I love them as much as the first time I had them. Which is alot. Pinkie Pie: So where ARE those two detectives? Charmy: They said they'd be in the Nova Typhoon, going over some information in the archives. Pinkie Pie: You mean that big ship all of you came here on? Charmy: That's right! Pinkie Pie: Ooooooh! I've wanted to look inside that ship ever since I saw it! Charmy: Well, today's your lucky day then. Pinkie Pie: Woo-Hoo!!! <Charmy and Pinkie Pie make their way to the Nova Typhoon and enter via the main ramp. They head down the corridor and through the double doors in the back. They are standing in a large circular room. Several monitors and consoles can be seen lining the perimeter of the room, as Vector and Espio are seen looking at a large monitor on the wall across from the entrance with a large console underneath it. Various bits of information can be seen, though the angle of the scene makes it impossible to see what the information says.> Charmy: We brought cupcakes! Vector: Great! I was cravin' some of those! <Vector and Espio turn to see Pinkie Pie and Charmy.> Vector: Well, if it isn't Charmy's... <Charmy glares at Vector.> Vector: Uh, friend. His friend. Yeah, that's what I meant. Espio: That's not what you were calling her before... Pinkie Pie: Oh? What WAS he calling me before? Party Queen? Baker of Cupcakes? Espio: Uh... <looking at Charmy, who appears to be annoyed> Don't ask... Charmy: ANYWAY! Did you find anything? Vector: We went over everything related to the Nightmare Queen in the Database. And there's nothing here about how to detect Nightmarians. Espio: Tails managed to download the information from Starlance's Archives into the Nova Typhoon's Database. And even with that, it still seems like there are things that Starlance itself doesn't know about... Charmy: So everything from Starlance is in this computer? Vector: Well, everything that has a file on it. Plus all the files from the original Blue Typhoon. I'm actually amazed this thing has any space left after all that! Did you know there's 32,000 versions of Minesweeper in this? Charmy: No way... Pinkie Pie: Uh... I don't get it... <Pinkie looks at the console and notices a flashing red button. Her eyes widen.> Pinkie Pie: <gasp> OOOOOOOHHHHH! What does THIS button do? <Pinkie Pie puts her hoof near the flashing button, as Vector, Espio and Charmy all try to motion to her.> Vector, Espio and Charmy: <together> NO! DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON!!! <Pinkie Pie pushes the button before the three can finish speaking. She stops and looks at the trio, as they have stunned expressions on their faces.> Pinkie Pie: Did I do something wrong? Espio: Well... technically, no? Vector: But you might not wanna see what this is about to show you... Pinkie Pie: Now I REALLY wanna see it! Charmy: Seriously! You don't want to see this! Pinkie Pie: Oh, what could be so bad about... Console: <a female computerized voice> DISPLAYING ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE OF THE METAREX WAR... <A muted video begins to play as all three Chaotix members are seen with their eyes tightly closed, facing down slightly in an awkward position. Pinkie Pie is seen from the front, her expression changing to a more serious one. She starts to take some slow steps backward. Lights flash as her expression now turns to one of horror.> Pinkie Pie: This is... This is what Dark Oak did? Charmy: Pinkie Pie, it's alright. Sonic and the others took care of him... <Pinkie Pie shakes her head.> Pinkie Pie: But... What about the Dark Oak here? <closing her eyes> WHAT IF HE DOES THIS?!!! <Pinkie Pie runs out of the room and right out of the Nova Typhoon. She stops on the street in Ponyville.> Pinkie Pie: <shaking> That's... That's the source of the friendship problems?! <Rainbow Dash is seen landing in front of Pinkie Pie.> Rainbow Dash: Hey, Pinkie Pie! What's up? <Rainbow Dash notices that Pinkie Pie is shaking and has a horrified expression on her face.> Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie? Are you ok? <Pinkie Pie looks at Rainbow Dash. She takes a couple steps toward the Pegasus. Tears can be seen in her eyes.> Rainbow Dash: Pinkie... What's the matter? Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash... I saw it... I saw their friendship problems... <Pinkie Pie hugs Rainbow Dash and starts crying. Rainbow Dash is looking stunned.> Pinkie Pie: We need Twilight's help... We need the Princesses' help... We can't do this alone... Rainbow Dash: What happened? Pinkie Pie: So many... So many of their friends died... Shadow's friend... Cosmo's whole family... all her friends... Dark Oak's army... killed all of them... Then Tails had to... had to... Rainbow Dash: Let's go see Twilight... <Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie start heading to the Castle of Friendship. At the castle, Chezni, Twilight and Spike are seen sitting around the table that displays the Friendship Map.> Chezni: Well, I'm at a loss here. Eden: Not a unique situation for you... Twilight: I wonder if Sonic, Knuckles or Amy found anything? <An owl can be heard screeching.> Spike: Speaking of which... <Spike gets up and flies to the front door. He opens it.> Spike: <with a smirk> Took you long enough. We were about to... <Spike stops, noticing that Rainbow Dash is standing next to Pinkie Pie. The pink Earth Pony is still in tears. Spike's expression suddenly changes.> Spike: Pinkie Pie? What in Equestria happened? Pinkie Pie: Is... Is Twilight here? Spike: Come in. They're in the Map Room. <Spike flies ahead of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as the two ponies slowly make their way to where the others are. Spike is the first to get there.> Twilight: Is it them? Spike: No, but something's wrong. <Twilight sees Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie enter the room. She immediately notices the state Pinkie Pie is in. She runs toward the pink Earth Pony.> Twilight: Pinkie Pie... What happened? Rainbow Dash: She keeps saying she saw the friendship problems. Twilight, what in the world happened with those people? <Chezni comes to a realization.> Chezni: Oh no... She saw the archives... Eden: Not all at once... Twilight: The archives? <Chezni takes a deep breath.> Chezni: I was going to tell you eventually, but I didn't want to put this all on you at one time... because I was afraid something like this might happen... The friendship problems that you detected before, they're really severe... Twilight: Oh... Chezni: And they're... not the kind of thing you usually deal with here... I think Pinkie Pie must've stumbled onto a video about the Metarex War... Rainbow Dash: You mean the army that Dark Oak guy was the leader of? Chezni: Yeah... Rainbow Dash: Pinkie keeps saying that he killed alot of people... Chezni: Yeah... I wish I could say she was exaggerating... He wiped out the populations of multiple worlds... Everyone I brought here was affected by what he did... Shadow lost someone he cared about... Cosmo lost her entire race, all of her friends and family to him... Tails nearly lost Cosmo when he had to fire on her... For six months, he thought she was dead... Sonic told me that before I got to their world, Tails tried to die to one of Eggman's robots... And Sonic blames himself for all of it... for not being strong enough to stop it, and for not realizing it sooner... <Twilight puts her hoof to her mouth. Spike is standing there stunned. Rainbow Dash is looking down slightly.> Chezni: And something apparently happened to Cream even before the war started... but I don't know what... Rainbow Dash: How do we even start with something like that? <Twilight looks at the Friendship Map. It is displaying several red lights around Ponyville. The lights are all blinking. The Alicorn walks over to the map. She touches the edge of the map with her front hoof.> Twilight: Red lights... They're critical... It's like... they're calling out... They're crying out for someone to help them... They need us... Rainbow Dash: Twilight? <Twilight turns around to look at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.> Twilight: I am the Princess of Friendship. I was entrusted with that title for a reason. And... I'm NOT going to let these problems go unsolved! Pinkie Pie: <still trying to compose herself> But... These aren't like the other problems we've had to face... Twilight: <looking at Pinkie Pie> Does that really matter? Sure, they might be a little more complicated than what we normally deal with. But that doesn't mean we're going to give up, does it? Rainbow Dash: You're right... I mean, what difference does it make? They're still friendship problems. And we're the ones that solve them! Pinkie Pie: ... Give me a second... <Pinkie Pie uses her front hoof to open the box that's still on her back. She takes out a cupcake and wolfs it down. Her mood is immediately improved.> Pinkie Pie: Ahh! I needed that! Twilight: We were chosen to be the Council of Friendship after defeating the Nightmare Queen. If we come together, I know we can help everyone! <The others nod in unison.> Pinkie Pie: ALRIGHT! I'm ready to go! Let's start solving these problems! <The scene zooms out to show the exterior of the Castle of Friendship.> Pinkie Pie: But uh... Do we have a plan? Twilight: Well, no... <The scene fades out.> ______ ______ <Night falls on Ponyville, as the scene cuts to the interior of the Nova Typhoon. Back in the Chaotix office, Vector, Espio and Charmy can be seen relaxing once again.> Charmy: You think she's ok? Vector: That pink pony? Pinkie Pie, was it? Espio: She should be fine... It was probably just a shock... Charmy: Even after Sonic and the others got Cosmo back, it's still hard to watch him pull the trigger... Vector: Yeah... Saving the one Tails loves doesn't erase what happened... Apparently the poor kid still has nightmares about it... Espio: He shot an innocent person to stop a lunatic... It was a traumatic experience for him... It's possible that it might affect him for the rest of his life... We're lucky that Cosmo survived and they were able to find her... Who knows how he would've turned out if Chezni hadn't appeared? <Suddenly, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo come running into the room.> Vector: Apple Bloom? Scootaloo? Scootaloo: Have you seen Sweetie Belle anywhere? Apple Bloom: We were gonna head back to Ponyville together, but then she left. Said she had somethin' to do. <Charmy looks at Vector and Espio.> Charmy: Ok! I'll go find her! Sheesh... <Charmy turns to the two fillies.> Charmy: So where did you see her last? Apple Bloom: She was at the clubhouse, near Sweet Apple Acres. Charmy: Ok, I'll start there. <Charmy flies out of the room, leaving the others.> Vector: Ya know, we normally charge money for a missing person... er, missing pony case... Scootaloo: We can pay you in tree sap if you want. Vector: <a sigh> Never mind... <The scene transitions to Charmy flying through the town. It doesn't take him long to get to Sweet Apple Acres. He makes his way to the wooden clubhouse in the tree.> Charmy: Ok... If I was a Unicorn who just became an honorary member of the Chaotix Detective Agency... <Charmy starts flying, weaving through the trees. Soon he gets to an open field. Sweetie Belle is sitting there, staring at the stars. The light is reflecting on the grass and flowers around the filly.> Charmy: Bingo... too easy... I'll just go get her, and then... <Charmy starts to fly toward Sweetie Belle, but then stops.> Sweetie Belle: Twilight told me Sonic and his friends had some kind of friendship problems that needed to be solved... But why's she so worried? And why did she say these problems were different? <Charmy is still hovering some distance from Sweetie Belle. He almost looks like he's in a daze.> Sweetie Belle: Ugh! I don't get it! If they're friendship problems, then she should be able to solve them! So what's the difference? <Sweetie Belle looks back up at the stars.> Sweetie Belle: Did... something happen to them? <Charmy continues to stare. He can be seen blushing slightly.> Charmy: Is this the light from the stars? She's... <Sweetie Belle continues to look at the stars.> Sweetie Belle: They all seem really nice. I really hope Twilight can help them... <Charmy lands and sits on the grass, still staring.> Charmy: So pretty... <Charmy suddenly realizes what he's doing. He quickly gets up and flies back toward the trees. He stops once he's behind one of the larger trees, putting his hand to his cheek. He notices how warm it is.> Charmy: She's amazing... <Charmy slowly starts to fly back to the Nova Typhoon, still half in a daze. A female peach colored Earth Pony with a white mane and tail jumps out of his way, as he continues to fly toward the ship.> Earth Pony: Hey! Be careful! Charmy: <turning toward the pony, his face still red> Oh... Sorry... Earth Pony: Are you alright? Charmy: <giving a weak smile> Yeah... <The young bee continues to fly toward the Nova Typhoon. It doesn't take him long to get to the ship and make his way back to the office. He sits on the couch to the left of the desk. Vector, Espio, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo all look at him, as he is still red in the face and looks like he's in another place.> Vector: Charmy? Espio: Did you find her? Charmy: Yeah... Apple Bloom: Well, where is she? Charmy: <with a slight smile> She's... out in the field by the clubhouse... looking at the stars... Scootaloo: Yeah, she does that sometimes... Apple Bloom: She should be fine there. The Carousel Boutique ain't too far from that place. Probably why she uses that spot so much. <Vector and Espio notice that Charmy seems to almost be in another world. They both look at each other and nod.> Vector: Yep... Espio: Uh huh... <Vector gets up.> Vector: Espio and I are gonna go out for a second. We uh... have to look at something. You two think you could help us? Scootaloo: What? US? Apple Bloom: As in us two? Vector: Yeah! I figured I'd give Charmy a break since he helped find Sweetie Belle, ya know. <Vector and Espio both leave the office. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both follow them. Once they're in the corridor...> Vector: Welp... It finally happened... Scootaloo: What happened? Espio: How do we put this? Vector: I think Charmy might have a crush on Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: Uh huh... <looking at each other, then back at Vector and Espio> EHHHHHHH?! Espio: Subtle... Apple Bloom: Charmy is in love with Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo: That's... Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: SOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE!!! Vector: Ok. It's time to begin a new case! Scootaloo: A new case? Vector: Yes! The Case Of How To Get These Two Together!!! Espio: Should we really be interfering in this? It literally just happened. Vector: It's the responsibility of the Chaotix Detective Agency to make sure love is able to flourish! Espio: You know this really annoyed Tails, right? Vector: It'll be fine! Espio: I hope so. Otherwise, you might really get stung. Apple Bloom: Didn't we try this with Miss Cheerilee? Scootaloo: Yeah... It didn't go so well... <Apple Bloom and Scootaloo look nervously at each other, and back at Vector and Espio. The scene transitions to show Charmy sitting by himself on the couch. He is still in a daze.> Charmy: Is this... how Tails felt? W... What do I do? <The scene transitions to the skies above Equestria. Several silver and black ships belonging to Asmodia's forces can be seen descending. Inside the Behemoth, the Nightmare Queen can be seen observing with a smirk. Lucas is standing next to her with a smile on his face.> Lucas: They're right on schedule. Nightmare Queen: It's the perfect red herring. While they're busy dealing with Asmodia's forces, we can sneak in and gather all the despair we need. I've selected the perfect Nightmare Demons. Lucas: In that case, it is a good thing I... 'befriended' him... <Inside the Castle of Friendship, Chezni's Matrix can be seen giving off an alarm.> Chezni: A-Class! Eden: It has to be Asmodia! Twilight: We'd better tell the others! <Chezni presses a button on his Matrix.> Chezni: Sonic! Sonic: Yeah, we see it too. Asmodia's ships... a whole bunch of 'em. Chezni: Let's meet at the entrance of Ponyville, by the Nova Typhoon! Make sure you all transform! Sonic: You got it! <Chezni runs out of the Castle of Friendship as the panel opens on Chezni's Nova Matrix. Twilight follows him, with Spike close behind.> Chezni: Crystal Set!!! <Eden flies into the opening above Chezni's hand. As always, the panel closes. Chezni holds out his hand with the open palm facing ahead of him. He grabs his right arm with his left hand. A tremor can be felt in the area.> Chezni: Leyline Access!!! <The massive vortex of energy EXPLODES around Chezni like a tornado! Inside the vortex of energy, a glyph is seen appearing in front of Chezni's hand. The familiar white dragon emerges from the glyph and flies out, turning into the familiar energy. The energy enters a channel and is sent around and back toward Chezni. As it hits Chezni, the energy covers his arms, legs and chest. Soon, the energy takes the shape of armor, and with a flash and a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the armor takes physical shape, and Chezni is now wearing the white armor with silver linings! His forehead has an emblem on it with a crest of the white dragon in the center of it! With an EXPLOSION, the vortex dissipates, leaving Chezni in his transformed state!> Chezni: The Guiding Force of Starlance and the Lord of Change! Nova Warrior Eden!!! Twilight: My turn! <Twilight closes her eyes. An aura of energy starts to surround her. She then opens her eyes as they give off a brief glow.> Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, the violet and gold necklace appears on Twilight. Her Nova Crystal is seen set in the necklace.> Twilight: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Twilight's necklace begins to emit a violet glow. Twilight is lifted off the ground as the crystal glows brighter.> Twilight: Leyline Access!!! <The familiar burst of bright violet light surrounds Twilight. Inside the light, stars and constellations can be seen as rays of light start hitting the Alicorn Princess' hooves and chest. They light up with the bright violet energy. In a flash and with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!', the light dissipates around each hoof, revealing the violet and pink armor that goes up to just under her knees! The light then dissipates with a similar sound around Twilight's chest, revealing similar violet and pink barding! In the center of the chest plate is the crystal from before. With another flash, a gold and violet emblem appears on Twilight's forehead, surrounding her horn! In the center of the emblem is the same star in her crystal. The light surrounding Twilight dissipates as the Alicorn lands.> Twilight: Princess of Friendship and the Element of Magic! Nova Warrior Twilight Sparkle!!! Chezni: Let's get to the entrance! Twilight: Right. Spike: What about me? Twilight: You stay here, in case anyone comes looking for me. Spike: Ok, but you be careful! Twilight: We'll be fine. <Spike heads back into the castle. Chezni and Twilight start to make their way to the entrance.> Twilight: I think... Chezni: We're about to have company! <Several Metal Sonics are suddenly seen dropping out of the sky onto the streets. They turn to see Twilight and Chezni.> Chezni: They aren't making this easy... Twilight: So they're using machines now? Chezni: Yeah. No doubt that he got them from another planet. They call them Metal Sonics... Twilight: Metal Sonics... So like the Sonic you brought here? Chezni: Yeah. And like our Sonic... <Suddenly, two of the Metal Sonics speed past Twilight and Chezni. They are almost too fast to see.> Twilight: They're really fast! <Chezni points his hand at the Metal Sonics in front of them.> Chezni: Slow!!! <The Metal Sonics immediately start moving more slowly. Twilight aims her horn right at the group. The horn lights up with violet energy.> Twilight: Element of Magic! Magical Buster!!! <A massive burst of violet energy shoots out from Twilight's horn! With an EXPLOSION, the Metal Sonics in front of the two of them are blown to pieces!> Chezni: Speed is the only thing they have going for them! They go down pretty quickly once you get that advantage out of the way! Twilight: Ok. Let's get to the entrance. <Metal Sonics are now seen dropping down all throughout Ponyville.> Chezni: Yeah. There's too many for us to take them all on like this! For now, we'll just cut a path through! Twilight: Right! <Chezni and Twilight start running toward the entrance. At the entrance to Ponyville, several ponies can be seen running in all directions from the Metal Sonics. Sweetie Belle is seen running from the town toward the Nova Typhoon. Two Pegasi in the black and violet armor with the strange tiaras are seen flying after Sweetie Belle. She jumps to the side and narrowly avoids being grabbed by one of them. As she backs away...> Sweetie Belle: <singing> Nightmarians... Why do they look so different? It's like they're here because... They want to kidnap me or do worse... <Sweetie Belle turns to see two Earth Ponies with the same armor and aura approaching from the other direction.> Sweetie Belle: What is their goal... Why are they AFTER ME? What do they want? Why is this happening? I can't get away... I can't get away! <Sweetie Belle stops singing. The two Earth Ponies step aside and Lucas can be seen approaching. He raises his sword, as if preparing to strike. Suddenly, a pink blast hits him and with an EXPLOSION, knocks him back! Princess Celestia and Princess Luna land in front of Sweetie Belle. A pink Alicorn standing somewhere between the heights of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna is seen landing behind Sweetie Belle. She has what looks like a crystal heart for a Cutie Mark, and light violet eyes. Her long mane and tail are streaks of violet, light yellow and pink, and both curl on the end. In addition, she wears a gold necklace and gold armor on her hooves. Her crown is gold adorned with a violet gem in the center of it and a round violet gem at the tip of it.> Sweetie Belle: Princess Celestia... Princess Luna... <Sweetie Belle looks behind her and sees the pink Alicorn.> Sweetie Belle: Princess Cadence! Lucas: Ahh! The Princesses of this realm. Things must be desperate if you three are here. <Lucas walks toward Celestia and Luna. The two Nightmarians also approach. Cadence is seen slowly escorting Sweetie Belle away from the Nightmarians. Lucas charges with his sword, and Luna and Celestia charge with their horns energized with light. As they meet, there's an EXPLOSION as both groups exchange places! Cadence runs back to where Celestia and Luna now stand. They're now facing the four Nightmarian Demons with Lucas in the front. They dash toward Lucas' group, and Lucas' group does the same, resulting in another EXPLOSION as they switch places again! Celestia, Luna and Cadence quickly turn to face the Nightmarians and Lucas.> Celestia, Luna and Cadence: <singing together> When the times are darkest... Our Cutie Marks will light the way! This crisis will fall to the bonds we share! <Celestia, Luna and Cadence dash toward Lucas' group once more, while Lucas' group does the same. Another EXPLOSION happens, and the two groups switch places again!> Celestia, Luna and Cadence: <singing together> With the Love between us... And by the Sun and the Moon! We'll dispel your dark ambitions... And restore the Harmony! <The Princesses stop singing as they stare at Lucas.> Lucas: Yes, I am CERTAIN that you live up to your royal titles! The Princesses that hid their world when my Metarex ran rampant on the universe! The Princesses that were afraid to lift but a single hoof to stop the death and destruction we caused! And the Princesses that refused to help us when our own world, GREEN GATE WAS ATTACKED!!! <Lucas raises his sword, and brings it down, firing a green energy blade right at Celestia. Suddenly, a golden blast strikes the blade with a 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the two attacks canceling each other out! Tails and Cosmo are seen charging toward the battle. Both are transformed.> Lucas: Ahh, the fox. I see you managed to find my dear daughter. Cosmo: I'm not your daughter! Lucas: Did you ever tell them that we were using you as a spy before? Tails: Shut up! <Tails aims his Dream Busters at Lucas.> Lucas: Why ignore the facts? You know very well she could still have the 'White Seed' inside her. For all you know, she could be spying for me right now. Tails: ENOUGH!!! <Tails fires a blast at Lucas, who deflects it with his sword. The energy is flung to the side, hitting the ground with an EXPLOSION!> Tails: That was just a warning... You don't WANT to see what I can REALLY do! Lucas: Oh, you mean that thing you did when you fought Asmodia? <Tails' eyes widen with realization.> Lucas: Oh, how EVER did I know about that when I wasn't there? ????: <Rainbow Dash's voice> Don't listen to him, Tails!!! <Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie can all be seen running toward the fight. All of them are transformed.> Lucas: Ahh, the Council of Friendship... Tell me, are you aware that your Princesses are cowards?! Rainbow Dash: Don't you DARE talk about the Princesses that way! They have more courage in one hoof than you had in your whole Metarex army! Pinkie Pie: Yeah! What Rainbow Dash said! Rarity: And REALLY, that outfit you wear... There's poor taste, and then there's just ATROCIOUS! Fluttershy: So YOU'RE the mean person that hurt so many of their friends! Applejack: I dunno what you want with our world! But you'd best leave before you REALLY make us mad! Lucas: Now that everyone's here. <Suddenly, several Metal Sonics turn toward everyone. Before long, the mechanical imitations outnumber the heroes, surrounding them on all sides.> Celestia: There's so many of them! Cosmo: It's just like on Angel Island... <Applejack charges toward the nearest group of Metal Sonics. Two dash out of the way, but Applejack catches a third one with her forehead, launching it into the air. It hits the ground with a 'KA-SHIIIIIING!' sound, as sparks can be seen flying out of its damaged chest! Applejack turns around.> Applejack: A thousand against ten ain't very fair! So how 'bout THIS?! <Applejack raises her front hooves off the ground.> Applejack: Element of Honesty! Quake!!! <She slams her hooves on the ground, causing a tremor that knocks about a dozen Metal Sonics off their feet. Rainbow Dash seizes this opportunity and flies forward, surging with the rainbow colored lightning, shooting through the Metal Sonics with a 'KA-KRAAAAAAAACK!' sound! Several EXPLOSIONS can be seen, as multiple Metal Sonics are blown to pieces! However, the remaining Metal Sonics close in, as the group of heroes tightens its ranks.> Rarity: This isn't good... <Suddenly, with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!', an intense blast of violet light carves a path through the Metal Sonics, vaporizing about twenty of them in an instant! Chezni and Twilight are seen running toward the others.> Chezni: Sorry we're late! Twilight: Looks like most of us are here! <Chezni turn to see Lucas.> Chezni: So YOU'RE Lucas! I've heard alot about you! And none of it is good! <Lucas smirks in response.> Twilight: This is your last warning! Leave now, or we'll make you leave! <Lucas lets out a low laugh.> Lucas: Tell me, who do you think it was that allowed me to use these Metal Sonics? Chezni: ... Asmodia! Lucas: Well done! I see you aren't a complete fool. <Lucas turns to Tails and Cosmo.> Lucas: And you two. As you can see, I know everything my daughter sees and hears, just like my counterpart did before. It may not be the same White Seed, but it serves the same function. And do you know how it was done? I was the one that gave Asmodia the knowledge of how to implant it! Tails: You're lying! Lucas: Oh, am I? I saw you crying in her arms after your fight with Asmodia. How could I possibly know something like that when Asmodia himself was unconscious and didn't know?! <Lucas looks over the other members of the group.> Lucas: Did they tell you how many of their friends died to stop me in their universe? I wonder... How many of YOUR friends are going to die?! <Lucas looks at Twilight.> Lucas: Similarities exist between parallel universes. I wonder, will you have to kill someone you care about, like your brother's soulmate over there nearly had to?! <Twilight looks stunned for a second. She regains her composure and takes a few steps forward. Lucas points his sword at the Alicorn Princess.> Tails: NO! DON'T! <The two charge each other. Twilight's horn glows with the violet energy from before, as Lucas' sword glows with a green energy. Twilight fires a blast, as Lucas swings his sword down. With an EXPLOSION, both Lucas and Twilight are knocked back! The other five ponies run to where Twilight is. They start glowing with energy. They turn toward Lucas, and suddenly a blast of rainbow colored energy is fired from the six, right at the Seedrian. With a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the energy EXPLODES all around Lucas! As the smoke from the explosion clears, Lucas is seen completely unharmed, his sword pointed at the ponies.> Lucas: And we come to it at last. The difference between my counterpart from his universe, and I. Twilight: This is... Lucas: Oh? Are you honestly surprised that 'Friendship' might actually have a better? Chezni: There is nothing more powerful than Friendship and Love... Lucas: And yet I have the upper hand. Chezni: <a smirk> Do you think so? Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Shadow: <from a distance> Delta Attack!!! <Suddenly, with a 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', a massive blast of electricity, ice and fire is seen surrounded by a violet wave of energy! The force surges across the battlefield, striking the remaining Metal Sonics and causing them to EXPLODE on impact! Lucas sees this and smirks. Chuckling briefly, he turns and runs off, followed by the Nightmarian Demons. Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow are seen running toward the others. Sonic looks toward the direction Lucas ran in, before slowly turning to face the others.> Chezni: How do things look? Sonic: We got most of 'em. The ones we didn't get ran off. Chezni: The Nightmarian Demons got away. Twilight: It's ok. We'll rescue them the next time we see them. <Cosmo is looking visibly worried.> Tails: Cosmo... It's alright. Lucas was just trying to get to you... just like he did before... Cosmo: But that thing is inside me again... Chezni: Let's take a look. <Chezni points his Nova Matrix at Cosmo's head. He looks at the information on the screen.> Chezni: <a sigh> Well, there's good news and bad news. Tails: Ok? Chezni: The good news is the device isn't in her head this time. Sonic: And the bad news? Chezni: The bad news, I have no idea where it is. According to this, it isn't even in her body at all. Eden: And for a Nova Matrix to be unable to locate something, it must mean it is remarkably well hidden. Cosmo: What will I do? I don't want to put everyone in danger... <Tails holds Cosmo's hand.> Tails: We'll figure something out. You know we will. Twilight: That's right. We don't give up on our friends here. Shadow: ... Yeah. Tails: Shadow... <Shadow puts his hand on Tails' shoulder.> Shadow: We will find a way. <Fluttershy smiles and nods.> Sonic: {Now I KNOW you've changed, Shadow...} Knuckles: That's all well and good, but I think we're forgetting something here. <Amy comes to a realization.> Amy: The Nightmare Queen! Knuckles: With the Nightmarian Demons and the Metal Sonics, why hasn't she or Asmodia shown up yet? <Without warning, a scream can be heard. Everyone runs in the direction it came from. Sweetie Belle can be seen in the middle of the street, face to face with the Nightmare Queen and Asmodia.> Sweetie Belle: What do you want?! Nightmare Queen: What I want is simple. I wish to place this town into a state of extreme despair. <narrowing her eyes> And you will help me. Asmodia: It won't hurt, I assure you. <Chezni, Twilight and Sonic all make their way to where Asmodia and the Nightmare Queen are. The evil Alicorn can be seen charging orange energy into her horn.> Chezni: NO! STOP IT! Nightmare Queen: I'm afraid not! I need to fill this town with despair! And what better way to do that than to force them to fight a beloved member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?! It would crush them! <Vector, Espio and Charmy can be seen making their way to where the others are.> Vector: Hey! What's goin' on?! The alarms started blaring inside the ship, and when we came outside, there was a ton of commotion... <The three Chaotix members immediately see the Nightmare Queen and Asmodia.> Espio: Oh... That isn't good... Charmy: What's she doing?! <The orange energy surrounding the Nightmare Queen's horn intensifies. Chezni and the others run toward the evil Alicorn. In the blink of an eye, Asmodia is floating in front of the group.> Asmodia: Now now... We can't have you getting in the way... After all, reducing a pony to dust is a... delicate procedure... Nightmare Queen: Don't worry! She won't be harmed! She'll merely become another Nightmare Demon! I just have to tune this to her signature, and... <Charmy's eyes widen in horror as he sees who it is the Nightmare Queen is pointing at. The orange energy is now surging through the Alicorn's body.> Nightmare Queen: Now! You are MINE!!! Charmy: NO! SWEETIE BELLE!!! <Suddenly, Charmy pushes Asmodia aside and flies toward Sweetie Belle. Asmodia turns and looks on in disbelief as the Nightmare Queen fires at Sweetie Belle. Charmy tackles the white Unicorn filly, knocking her out of the way, just as the full force of the energy blast hits the young bee with a 'KA-CRAAAAAAAACK!' sound! An EXPLOSION of energy vaporizes Charmy's helmet, blasting the Chaotix member into the wall of a nearby house! He bounces off the wall and lands with a sickening thud. Orange energy can be seen surging through his body for a second before dissipating. The others look on in horror at what just happened.> Espio: No... Vector: NO! CHARMY!!! Nightmare Queen: That fool! <Espio and Vector run toward Charmy. Sweetie Belle is also seen running toward him. Blood can be seen going down the side of his head under his black hair. Burn marks can be seen on his vest, and his wings are tattered. His left antennae is also severely burned. Sweetie Belle is the first to make her way to Charmy, followed by Vector and Espio.> Sweetie Belle: <almost in tears> WHY?! Why did you do that?! <Charmy raises his hand toward Sweetie Belle. He shakes, barely able to keep it in the air.> Charmy: S... Sweetie... Belle... It's... alright... As long as... you're... safe... Vector: Hang in there! You're gonna be okay, buddy! You're gonna be okay! <Espio is just closing his eyes, clearly trying not to cry. He is making a fist with his hand.> Charmy: Sweetie... Belle... I... have... to... tell... you... <Charmy's hand drops to the ground as he slips out of consciousness.> Sweetie Belle: Charmy?! <eyes widening> Charmy! No... Please no... CHARMY!!! <Twilight and the others walk over to where Sweetie Belle is. Tears can be seen in the filly's eyes. She runs over to where Rarity is. Rarity immediately hugs Sweetie Belle, as the two ponies stand there crying. Even Sonic looks to be holding back tears. Pinkie Pie can also be seen crying. Vector yells and slams his fist into a nearby wall.> Asmodia: <still looking stunned> Why... Why would Charmy do something like that? <Chezni notices what Asmodia just said. Sonic turns to see the demonic being standing by himself. He takes a step forward.> Sonic: You wanna know why?! YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?! I'LL TELL YOU WHY!!! <Shadow steps forward as well.> Shadow: So will I. Because it's something I've learned about over the course of a very long life. Sonic: Charmy cares about Sweetie Belle, because he's just that much of a friend to us! He always makes everyone smile and hates it when bad things happen to others! Vector: <in tears> Charmy's the reason the Chaotix Detective Agency was created! He was our first case, ya know! Shadow: And because he cares about her, he protected her... Something you'll never understand... Asmodia: Do you THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO CARE ABOUT SOMEONE?! I DO!!! Chezni: Asmodia! Asmodia: Vanguard! You FINALLY manage to get a word in! Chezni: <narrowing his eyes> Tell me something... Asmodia: Oh, YOU'RE getting serious, now?! Chezni: Why did you seem concerned about Charmy? <Asmodia's eyes widen in response to the question.> Asmodia: You... You have always stood between me, and my destiny! Chezni: Why don't you answer the question?! <Asmodia is seen breathing heavily. Suddenly, he aims his hand to the side, creating the familiar pink portal. He jumps through, closing it behind him. Chezni turns and sees the others standing around Charmy. He runs to where the young bee is lying. The Nightmare Queen is nowhere to be seen.> Sonic: Next time I see those two... I swear... They're going down... big time... <Chezni looks at Charmy for a moment.> Chezni: <under his breath> Red blood... Espio: Huh? Chezni: Never mind... Forget it... Sonic: Is he... <Chezni points his Matrix at Charmy. He looks at the screen.> Chezni: ... He's still alive! Barely... <Chezni turns toward Celestia. Luna and Cadence are standing by her. All three look completely shaken up.> Chezni: But this is beyond my abilities. We need to get him to a proper hospital! Celestia: There's one close by! Chezni: Good. <Twilight's horn starts glowing. Charmy lifts off the ground and is now being levitated by the violet energy that Twilight is emitting. Everyone heads down the street. Chezni runs to catch up with the others.> Chezni: Are... Are Sonic and the others... part of the Eighth? <On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.> Song Used: Fukitsu na Kaze ~ Futsukatsu na Higeki no Zenchou - Sailor Stars (Kaiteiban Version)
  7. Good news. More Sonic fanfic. And I'm sure that nothing in this part is a setup for later on. I was initially thinking of using the original Chaotix song, but realized that it would be too short for the scene and that there would be no breaks where I could have certain things happen. So in the end I substituted it with a Seramyu song that seemed like it would be in character for them to sing. It was kind of a pain to get down because the base I used for it was largely ad-libbed in Seramyu. So no two versions are exactly the same. Pretty much the refrain was the only part that stayed consistent, and that's the part that has to be altered to be about Chaotix (basically imagine the manga scene from FLCL if it was done as a song and had a mostly stable refrain). So I had to just think of how the three Chaotix members would sing it if it was them singing it (or talk fast, because alot of it is just the characters talking fast). I guess it fits the Chaotix motif though. In other words, I was largely just winging it. <Sonic and Chezni are seen on the streets of Ponyville as the sun hangs overhead. A few Earth Ponies can be seen going past the two as they continue to walk toward the Castle of Friendship.> Chezni: I have to admit, they took it better than I thought they would. Sonic: I'm not so sure... I think everyone's just trying to act tough. I know this is hard on Tails and Cosmo. Chezni: What about you? Sonic: Huh? Chezni: I know this is bothering you. It's pretty obvious. Sonic: I... I just don't want them to have to go through this again... and not just them. Shadow too... Chezni: He wouldn't tell me about her. He didn't say so, but I think he's really mad that we kept this from him... Sonic: Her name was Molly... Shadow became very close to her, probably because she reminded him of Maria. Chezni: What happened? Sonic: She... flew her ship into the Metarex fleet, and killed herself trying to stop them... Shadow was messed up for awhile after that... Chezni: I saw the footage in the Archives, what he tried to do to Cosmo... So that's why... I guess I can't blame him for being angry... Sonic: Shadow's... unique... He'll probably come around. Chezni: I hope so... He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that easily forgives people... <Chezni looks to the side. Fluttershy's cottage can be seen in the distance.> Chezni: Still... I wonder why he went to Fluttershy's place... Sonic: Like I said, he's unique. He probably has his reasons for going there. <One more shot of Fluttershy's cottage is seen as the scene fades out.> Episode 16: Of Being Chaotix <Vector, Espio and Charmy are seen heading down the streets of Ponyville. Each of them is enjoying a cupcake.> Charmy: See? Nothing weird. Pinkie Pie just needed some help. Vector: I gotta admit, these are almost as good as Vanilla's. Charmy: Are you sure you should use the word 'almost'? Vector: Huh? Charmy: Vanilla was helping with the cupcakes too. <Vector now has a dumbfounded look on his face.> Vector: Uh... Oh! These are great! I only said 'almost' because I didn't know she helped to make them! They're actually AS good as Vanilla's! Yeah. That's... what I meant! Espio: You really are easy... Charmy: Totally easy... <Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo can be seen following the trio at a distance.> Scootaloo: Why're we doing this again? Apple Bloom: We need to find out what they're up to. That's why. Sweetie Belle: They came to this world with the others. Do you think it has something to do with the Nightmare Queen? Apple Bloom: Could be. Sweetie Belle: Then as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, maybe we SHOULD investigate this! Scootaloo: Why don't we just ask 'em? Apple Bloom: Ya really think they'll just tell us everything? Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash always told me we won't know until we try. Apple Bloom: How 'bout this? We follow 'em for awhile. And if that don't work, THEN we ask 'em. Scootaloo: Fine... We'll follow them for now. But if they don't lead us anywhere, then I'm going up to them and asking. <The trio continues to tail Vector, Charmy and Espio as the scene transitions to midday on the outskirts of Ponyville. Lucas is seen with the Nightmare Queen in an open field some distance away from the town.> Lucas: You wish to pursue the three fillies that always travel together? Nightmare Queen: Yes. If we manage to turn one of them, the level of despair their friends will show would be immense. And not just their friends, but every single pony in Ponyville. Those three have a unique connection to most of the population here. Lucas: Then who shall we start with? Nightmare Queen: All in good time. First, we need to get them away from everyone else. Lucas: You're referring to those Chaotix fools? Nightmare Queen: No, we simply need to get them out of Ponyville. The crocodile, bee and chameleon are of no consequence. None of them are Nova Warriors. So they shouldn't pose a threat... Indeed, we'll crush them. <The scene zooms out to show that the empty field the two are in is quite large.> Nightmare Queen: ...as soon as we can find them. Lucas: This... may take some time... It is unfortunate the six of them are by themselves... <The scene transitions back to Vector, Charmy and Espio as they are now inside of the Nova Typhoon. The room they're in looks similar to their Detective Agency office. They appear to be just lounging around.> Vector: Ya know, we haven't had one single case since we got here. Espio: Be thankful we got cases at all after the war. Charmy: Yeah, if it wasn't for our little 'space adventure', we'd still be that obscure Chaotix group that almost nobody talks about. Vector: You never told us, Charmy. Why'd you decide to hang out with that pink pony in the first place? I mean, besides the cupcakes. Charmy: I dunno. She kind of reminds me of me. Vector: ... Are you sure you don't... Charmy: I DON'T have a crush on her! Vector: Ok, just checking. <Charmy looks annoyed again as the scene transitions to just outside of the Nova Typhoon. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are seen looking at the ship.> Scootaloo: Wow... This is like the Crystalis... Sweetie Belle: Yeah, but it looks more... 'new'. Apple Bloom: Well, what're we waitin' for? Let's go in and explore it! Sweetie Belle: Are you sure we should? I don't want to get in trouble. Scootaloo: I doubt we'd get 'in trouble'. I don't see a sign anywhere that says, 'Do not enter'. <Scootaloo and Apple Bloom start heading up the ramp and into the ship. Sweetie Belle shrugs.> Sweetie Belle: <waving her hoof> Here it goes? <Sweetie Belle quickly follows the other two. It doesn't take them long to reach a corridor with several sliding doors on either side of it. In addition, there are stairs going up and down. A set of double doors is seen in the back.> Sweetie Belle: Well, it's roomy. Scootaloo: It's like a maze. Apple Bloom: Where do we go, I wonder? Scootaloo: Well, let's just start checking doors. If this is anything like the Crystalis... <Scootaloo heads toward the nearest door, and presses a panel on the side of it. The door slides open to reveal a room with a bunk, a table, a laptop computer and a few odds and ends on shelves fixed to the wall.> Scootaloo: Nobody's in this room. ????: <Espio's voice> What're you three doing here?! <Scootaloo quickly exits the room, with the door closing automatically behind her. The trio of ponies can now see Vector standing in front of them. Charmy and Espio are with him.> Apple Bloom: We're sorry. We were followin' you, because we wanted to find out if you were here because of the Nightmare Queen, or because of somethin' else. Scootaloo: I told them they should've just asked, but they wouldn't listen to me. I should've stopped them... But they really wanted to find out about you and your friends. Then I got curious too... Charmy: So... what you're saying is that basically... you were investigating us? Sweetie Belle: Actually... Yeah, you could put it like that... Apple Bloom: We didn't mean anything by... Vector: Well, why didn't ya say so?! Hey, guys! We got junior detectives here! Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootloo: <together> EHHHHHHH?! <Vector has a big grin on his face now.> Charmy: This is so cool! It's like they're the Chaotix of this world! Apple Bloom: I really don't think... Vector: Aww, it's fine! Besides, it's not like we know much about this world anyway. So what better way to learn about it than from junior detectives that've lived here their whole lives? Charmy: Vector, you're going off character again... Vector: Am not! Anyway, why don't we make them honorary members of the Chaotix Detective Agency?! Sweetie Belle: You really don't have to... Vector: Nonsense! You three thought ahead to investigate us and even started to explore the Nova Typhoon on your own without anyone tellin' ya to, because you were worried about the world! That takes some thought! Charmy: Now I can't tell if you're in character or not, Vector... Scootaloo: Ok, but if we're gonna be part of this Chaotix thingy, what do we have to do? Vector: The Chaotix Detective Agency is a renowned business, where we solve cases, help others, and get very little pay for it. Charmy: Vector made us think we were getting evicted at one point. Vector: Then THESE TWO made me dress up like a princess! Espio: Admit it. You enjoyed it. Vector: I was just pretendin' to enjoy it to get you two to stop! Scootaloo: So you help others and solve cases... That doesn't sound too different from what we do. Apple Bloom: Gettin' paid sounds kinda nice. Usually we end up covered in tree sap and bruises. Espio: Oh, we have our share of those moments too. Especially those two. Vector: That was only because Sonic and the others thought we were Metarex spies! Espio: Then there was the time when you pointed Charmy's butt at Ella. Vector: I thought little Cream was in danger! Charmy: Then there was the time you tried to play 'Matchmaker' with Tails and Cosmo... Vector: Well, it KINDA worked! Scootaloo: It sounds like you three are really... random. Apple Bloom: Yeah, it's like you're almost... Vector: <a look of anticipation> Almost what? Sweetie Belle: Chaotic? Vector: Not just 'chaotic'... <The three members of the Chaotix Detective Agency turn to face the camera.> Vector, Espio and Charmy: <together> Team Chaotix!!! <Vector, Espio and Charmy start walking down the corridor of the ship toward the ramp. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo follow them. As they continue to make their way to the exit ramp of the ship...> Scootaloo: Ok, that's all well and good, but what're you three trying to do right now? Vector: Glad you asked! We heard word of strange ponies in Ponyville... We figured, hey why not just check it out? Charmy: They have this weird green glow and hide behind the walls... As if they're waiting for something or somepony! Espio: Like ninjas... Without shurikens... So we follow them and see where this all takes us. <The group walks down the ramp, with Vector, Espio and Charmy in the lead and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo following behind.> Vector, Espio and Charmy: <singing> Out there, up there, on the streets and on the roofs... Unpredictability... Team Chaotix!!! Apple Bloom: But who're these ponies? Charmy: That's what we're trying to figure out! Sweetie Belle: Isn't that dangerous though? Vector: It's fine! We do this all the time! Scootaloo: You put yourselves in danger to solve cases? ... Vector, Espio and Charmy: <together> Team Chaotix!!! Vector: When a client comes knocking at our door... We invite them in and hear their woes! Espio: We investigate on their behalf... And solve whatever problem they happen to have! Charmy: Sometimes it gets us in a really tight spot... But that's all part of the game with our group! Vector: Just go with the flow, it's what we do... Take the world in stride and see where you end up! Sweetie Belle: This going with the flow sounds really dangerous... Are you sure we should be going along with them? Scootaloo: If there's shadow ponies out there, then why not... We should learn what they're planning and tell everyone! Apple Bloom: Let's not get carried away everypony... Do we even know where it IS we're going? Vector: We never know where our cases will lead... And that is how we came up with our name! <The group makes their way through the streets of Ponyville as they continue. Various ponies are seen heading up and down the streets.> Vector, Espio and Charmy: <singing again> Inside, outside, all over is where we go... Forward, backward, wherever the case leads us... Mysteries are as random as that pink pony... Unpredictability! Team Chaotix!!! Apple Bloom: But where do you think these strange ponies are? Vector: THAT is the question! <Vector, Charmy and Espio start peeking inside the windows of the various houses. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo start doing the same.> Scootaloo: Shouldn't we knock? Vector: That might let 'em know we're onto them! Sweetie Belle: They probably already know... Apple Bloom: Maybe they aren't in any houses? Vector: Of course! They're probably hiding in the stalls! That's brilliant! Apple Bloom: That's not what I... <Vector, Espio and Charmy hurry to a nearby restroom. Two wooden doors are seen, one saying 'fillies' and the other saying 'gentlecolts' on signs attached to the doors. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo follow them, and look confused at the building.> Scootaloo: I don't think they'd be able to do much from there... Vector: We won't know 'til we look! <The three members of the Chaotix Detective Agency head into the 'gentlecolts' door. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo reluctantly follow. They watch as Vector, Espio and Charmy start looking in the stalls.> Sweetie Belle: This is getting weird... Vector: You gotta be thorough when you're on the case... Open every door, look in every place! Espio: It may seem strange to those on the outside... But the clue's always in the last place you look! Charmy: Sometimes it's in the toilet, sometimes in the trash... But the work's all worth it if we crack the case! Vector: We always investigate to our own beat... <Vector opens another stall and backs off.> Vector: Oh jeez, what in the world did this pony eat?! <The trio continues to open stalls.> Vector, Espio and Charmy: <singing again> Every little place that you can think to look... That is where you'll solve the greatest mysteries! When you're with us, you never know what to expect... Unpredictability! Team Chaotix!!! <The scene transitions to across the street, as two Unicorns, one violet and the other blue, with the familiar green aura surrounding them are seen looking toward the restroom where the Chaotix members and the fillies are.> Violet Unicorn: <male> We've located them. Blue Unicorn: <female> The Nightmare Queen must be informed. We should hurry, before we lose track of them. Violet Unicorn: If they meet up with the others, then the Nightmare Queen and Lucas can simply track them... As long as they're close enough to 'that'... <The two Unicorns are seen running back toward the entrance of Ponyville, as Vector, Espio and Charmy exit the restroom building, followed by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They start heading further down the street.> Vector, Espio, Charmy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo: <singing> Out there, up there, on the streets and on the roofs... Inside, outside, all over is where we go! Every little place that you can think to look... Unpredictability! Team Chaotix!!! <The song ends and the scene fades out.> ______ ______ <It is still daytime in Ponyville as Vector, Charmy and Espio walk down the streets of Ponyville, with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in tow.> Scootaloo: I feel like we've looked EVERYWHERE! How many more places could there be?! Vector: There's still the Town Hall and the place you all call the Castle of Friendship. Sweetie Belle: Well, I guess we could start with the castle, since it's closest? Vector: Great idea! That purple pony should be there with Chezni right now! Maybe THEY saw something. Questioning witnesses is part of ANY good investigation! Sweetie Belle: Shouldn't we have been doing that from the beginning? <The group heads toward the Castle of Friendship. It doesn't take them long to get to the main entrance. Vector knocks on the door, and Twilight opens it.> Twilight: Vector? <looking at the others> Charmy and Espio... Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? What brings all of you here? Vector: Well, we've got a question for you. Twilight: Come in. <Everyone heads into the castle and makes their way to the map room. Chezni is sitting on a nearby seat, with Spike hovering next to him.> Chezni: Vector, Espio and Charmy? <noticing the three fillies> Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle? Vector: Oh yeah... We never DID introduce ourselves to the three honorary members of the Chaotix Detective Agency! Sorry about that. The name's Vector! Charmy: Charmy. Espio: I am Espio. Apple Bloom: The name's Apple Bloom. Scootaloo: Name's Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle: I'm Sweetie Belle. Vector: Anyway, we were wonderin' if any of you saw any weird ponies around town? Chezni: Weird ponies? Espio: The rumor is that they have a strange green aura to them. <Twilight and Chezni both look at one another.> Twilight: That's... Chezni: It can't be a coincidence... Those must be Nightmarian soldiers... Charmy: You mean like the ones you fought a couple days ago? Chezni: Sort of... But they work for the same Alicorn... the Nightmare Queen. Vector: Yeah, about that... Sonic and the others looked really out of it. They almost looked like everyone did after Tails had to shoot Cosmo. What gives? Chezni: Well... Twilight: We might as well just tell them. Chezni: I'll tell them... <Chezni takes a deep breath.> Chezni: Spike ran into Lucas. Charmy: Lucas... You mean... Chezni: The Seedrian that became Dark Oak... Spike: Did Fluttershy really think he was a tree? Chezni: Not now... <Vector, Charmy and Espio are both standing silently. Vector and Charmy both look down at the ground slightly.> Eden: It doesn't seem to be the same Lucas from your universe. From what we've been told, it appears as if the battle against Dark Oak in this universe played out differently, resulting in him being stripped of his powers and sealed away. I can only assume that the Nightmare Queen freed him at some point. Now it looks like he's trying to regain his powers again, and return to the form of Dark Oak. Twilight: We can't allow that to happen again. Especially not in a place like this... If he were to start a Forestation here, he could easily overtake this universe, and possibly the multiverse. Chezni: You never mentioned, but what's the deal with this world? When Sonic, Tails and Cosmo told us about the whole 'Forestation' thing, you got really worried. Has this happened before? Twilight: Well... ????: <Discord's voice> Allow me! <Suddenly, Discord appears in a flash. Vector, Charmy and Espio have a look of shock at his appearance.> Discord: Ahh, you three must be the Chaotix Detective Agency. I must say, you have delightful taste in names. Vector: Uh, thanks I guess? Chezni: Um, thanks for doing that thing with the Emeralds earlier, Discord. You really saved our butts there. But what made you come here now? Discord: I came to explain why it is that Twilight is so worried. And I hate to admit, but I might be responsible... Chezni: You? Discord: Yes... See, right before I was turned to stone by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna all those thousands of years ago, I MAY have planted some Plunderseeds... And they MIGHT have almost caused what you call a Forestation event in Equestria... In fact, Twilight and her friends returning the Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony created a force strong enough to neutralize the seeds. <Chezni just glares at Discord.> Discord: Look, I was a different... draconequus back then! That was before I met Fluttershy... And then you brought that darling Cream here! Vector: Yeah, everyone loves little Cream... Charmy: She might almost be cute, if it weren't for the fact that she made me dress up in a Princess outfit... <Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are seen chuckling.> Charmy: Give me a break! I lost a bet with her! Vector: <under his breath> That's ironic... Charmy: Huh? Vector: Oh, it's nothing. Chezni: Well either way, this could be a problem. According to the books I read when I first came here, Plunderseeds live forever. Which means, they're still underground. If Lucas becomes Dark Oak and taps into those seeds, it would be bad news for everyone. Discord: Extremely bad. Which is why I am going to personally start removing them. Twilight: I thought you couldn't remove them. Discord: No, I cannot EASILY remove them. But I WILL do what I can. I'm also curious about those strange ponies you were talking about. If I find anything out, you will be the first to know. <Discord disappears in a flash, leaving everyone else.> Twilight: So the strange ponies might be spying on Ponyville for some reason. Chezni: The question is, why? Sweetie Belle: Maybe it's just me... but doesn't it feel like something we don't know anything about is happening really fast? Twilight: It's not just you... Vector: We really need to get on this... Chezni: And we will. Does the map tell us anything? Twilight: No. Whatever magic she's using to hide them is masking them even from the Friendship Map. Chezni: Friendship Map? Twilight: With the new functions the map serves, we thought renaming it was in order. Chezni: I guess that makes sense. Either way, it looks like we'll just have to deal with the Nightmarian Soldiers and Demons as we find them. I suppose it's better than a Nightmare Incarnation. Twilight: Definitely. Rarity can tell you that those are way worse. She still hasn't gotten over it yet... Sweetie Belle: That wasn't her fault though! Twilight: I know... But sometimes things aren't so simple... Chezni: Believe me, I'm well aware... And so is everyone that I brought to this world. Twilight: ... Tails mentioned having to shoot Cosmo and then thinking she was dead? Vector: Yeah, that's... a long story... Espio: That's probably something you're better off talking to Tails about. Chezni: Yeah... but brace yourself if you do... That kid has been through alot... They all have. <Twilight pauses for a moment.> Twilight: So that's why... Chezni: Yeah... Sorry for always putting so much on you all, but I had to do something... Twilight: It's ok... You know we'll do what we can... If it were my friends that were in a bad situation and they needed help, I know you'd be there... <Chezni nods.> Eden: When Chezni really puts his mind to something, he somehow always finds a way. Vector: Wait a minute... You brought us here... Chezni: Yeah. I brought you all here because these ponies are miracle workers. I didn't want to come out and say it right away, because I honestly wasn't sure HOW to say it... Espio: No, it's... It's fine... Charmy: Yeah, we appreciate it... But I don't think it's really about the three of us... Chezni: No. Truth be told, it isn't even about Tails and Cosmo. Those two seem to be gradually coming around... And Shadow seems to be in better shape than before, according to everyone... <Chezni looks around at the group.> Chezni: I'll tell you who I think needs this the most... It's Sonic, Knuckles and Amy... <Chezni pauses for a moment, and then continues.> Chezni: ... and maybe myself too... Twilight: Chezni... Chezni: I screwed things up with you, and probably also upset Shadow. All because I'm trying to do things in secret without telling anyone... What happens if they find out and then hate me for this? I know this will help them in the long run, but still... Vector: I don't think they're gonna hate you. I know Amy doesn't hold grudges, and neither does Sonic. Knuckles would probably also understand. It might be a shock to them at first, but they'll come around. <A loud sound can suddenly be heard coming from outside.> Chezni: No, I told him not to... <Chezni runs out of the castle, followed by the others. He looks up into the sky and sees Eggman in his pod.> Chezni: Eggman, what're you doing up there?! Eggman: Relax! I'm not gonna attack anyone! I figured since I have some of my machines here, I might as well use them to help repair the damage from that little skirmish you had with the Nightmare Queen! Chezni: <shrugging, quietly> I can never figure that guy out... Eggman: <from in his pod, quietly> And once I've gained their trust, I can put Operation: Conquer Equestria into motion... Bokkun: <sitting next to Eggman, too short to be seen from the outside> Don't you dare hurt Cream, though! Eggman: Don't worry. What happened to Tails in that fight before was unintentional. I'm not gonna hurt anyone. I'm just... gonna take over and make 'em my subjects. Chezni: <looking up at Eggman> {I just hope for your sake you behave yourself, Eggman... I've seen what happens to villains that threaten Equestria... If you go too far, it won't end well for you...} <On that note, the episode ends.> Song Used: Sailor Busters - Sailor Stars (Kaiteiban Version)
  8. Ok folks. Episode 15. Interesting note. Apparently in at least one cut of the script for Twilight's Kingdom, they had Tirek turning the ponies to dust and stealing their essence instead of just draining magic and then leaving ponies with the grayed out eyes and no Cutie Mark. Basically, the idea was that he was stealing their youth. But Hasbro thought that would be too dark for the kiddies, even though they knew it would be reversed at the end and nobody was actually going to die. It was the visuals they didn't like. So I decided, let's just have the Nightmare Queen and Lucas do it instead and come up with a different reason for them to do so. They're evil enough to do it (Lucas at his peak was killing entire worlds and we had on-screen deaths in Sonic X because of him), so that works. Plus, it keeps it from being overly grim if we know that it's only temporary. One small note. As of the 13th of January, we're currently in the middle of an internet outage, and I don't know how long it will take to be restored. There isn't a whole lot I can do about this, so I'll get this up as soon as I can. If this is posted on a day other than Sunday, that's why. Anyway, on with the show. <Vector, Espio and Charmy are heading to the building with the imitation gingerbread rooftop. Charmy is hovering next to Vector. The green crocodile has a huge grin on his face.> Espio: I still don't understand why we're doing this... Vector: <hearts in his eyes> Because love is in the air! We're doing this to support our buddy Charmy and help him get to know his new girlfriend! <Charmy looks annoyed.> Charmy: For crying out loud... She has a boyfriend already! AND she's more than a decade older than me! Stop being creepy! Vector: Well, why else would you be going to her place? Charmy: Because she wanted me to help her with some cupcakes! And apparently, she does this with everyone! That doesn't make us an item. It just means I like sweets. Which I do. Alot. Espio: You know, there's nothing to be ashamed of, Charmy... It's just the three of us. Vector: Yeah! So spill it! <Charmy stops and turns to look at Espio and Vector.> Charmy: I'm only going to say this once. I am never going to fall in love with anyone! EVER!!! <Charmy points his stinger at Vector's head.> Vector: Ok! You're not in love with her! Sheesh! Charmy: I'm not only NOT in love with her, but I'm never gonna fall in love, PERIOD! Espio: Well, you say that now, but at some point you might... Charmy: It's not gonna happen! Nothing in the universe, or even the multiverse, or even the omniverse if that exists, could POSSIBLY make me fall in love with a girl! Vector: Ya know, I felt the same way you do right now, until I met Vanilla. So trust me when I say that you might not feel that way now, but some day you will. <Charmy slaps his forehead.> Charmy: And how could that possibly happen when I actively avoid mushy lovey-dovey stuff?! Vector: Well... it's hard to explain. It just hits you. Something about the one you fall in love with. But you'll know it when it happens. Charmy: ... <annoyed> Ugh... Let's just go... <Charmy flies ahead toward the building.> Episode 15: Six Lights of Friendship - Part 3 <Chezni, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy and Cosmo are on the Nova Typhoon looking at the strange chest that encased the Chaos Emeralds.> Chezni: Sooooo... Twilight said that there are ten tasks that need to be completed. And the only clue we have is that each task has to be done by a different person. Sonic: Ok. So let's get to it then. What are the tasks? Chezni: <grinning> I have NO idea. Cosmo: Twilight said we had to figure that out for ourselves. Tails: Then Fluttershy said that for them, figuring out what THEY had to do was one of the best things that's ever happened to them. Knuckles: So these tasks will benefit us somehow? Eden: I think we're overlooking something important here. Shadow: I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who noticed... Amy: Ok? What's the problem? Chezni: Notice how many keyholes there are? Sonic: Yeah, ten. Chezni: And how many of us are there? Tails: That would be seven. Chezni: So what does that tell you all? <Tails examines the chest more closely.> Tails: It means that between the seven of us, only seven keyholes get unlocked. There's still three left. Chezni: Yes, and since the seven of us are all Nova Warriors, that would mean... Tails: There are probably three other Nova Warriors! Eden: And if that is the case, then this situation just got more complicated. <The scene transitions to night. Amy is seen on the front deck of the Nova Typhoon, looking at the stars. Sonic walks toward her.> Sonic: Still trying to figure this all out? Amy: Sonic... Be honest... Sonic: Ok? <Amy continues to stare at the stars.> Amy: Am I... useless? Sonic: <a shocked expression> Wha... What brought THIS up all of a sudden? <Amy turns toward Sonic. She looks as if she's holding back tears.> Amy: Just TELL ME!!! Am I USELESS?! Sonic: Amy... I don't know why you're thinking this, but you're the exact OPPOSITE of useless... Amy: Really? What did I do against Asmodia, except for just get grabbed and almost choked to death? And what about Dark Oak? I just stood there and let Cosmo practically kill herself! I feel like that's all I do... just stand there or need to be rescued! Sonic: Look, you know that not everybody can do everything... We all pitch in with what we can do... Amy: And what is it that I do?! Just hit things with my hammer and chase you everywhere! I feel like I'm just... there... Sonic: I'm not an expert when it comes to these things. But trust me when I say this. You are NOT useless, and you are NOT just 'there'... You know, I probably wouldn't BE here if it wasn't for you. Amy: We have Asmodia on the way, and who knows what else? And it took some stranger just to give us a fighting chance against him. I just want to do more... I want to be able to keep up with you... I want to matter! Sonic: You do matter... You matter to me, and everyone else... You know, you stopped me from making one of the biggest mistakes of my life back when the Metarex War ended... <A flash of light transitions the scene to a beachfront. Sonic is standing there alone, looking out at the ocean. Amy can be seen approaching him.> Amy: There you are! Sonic: Where else WOULD I be? You know I like to come here any time we give Eggman a good thrashing. Amy: I thought that maybe you'd be with Tails. Sonic: He doesn't need me with him ALL the time, you know. <Amy approaches Sonic.> Amy: Have you... talked to him? Sonic: Yeah. I mean, we talk about things all the time. Amy: That's not what I'm talking about... Have you talked to him... about Cosmo? Sonic: Well, not really... But that's just because I don't want to upset him. Amy: You... really need to talk to him, Sonic... Sonic: I don't think talking to him about it is going to do any good. Amy: <closing her eyes> Please... Just talk to him... <Amy looks like she is about to cry.> Sonic: Amy... You know I hate seeing people cry. Amy: Just... do this... Please... I don't know what else to do... What he had to do... It hurt him... It hurt him really badly... Sonic: Amy. He knows there wasn't any other choice... I wish there was, but there wasn't. Besides, it's not like any of it was his fault. He shouldn't have to worry about all that. And reminding him about it isn't gonna do anyone any good. Don't you think you're going a little overboard? Amy: You're unbelievable... Sonic: <looking confused> Huh? What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Look, Tails is fine. He's back home. And in a couple weeks, he'll be back to his old self again. You'll see. This'll all blow over. It's not that big of a deal... <Amy suddenly slaps Sonic. He appears to be in utter shock.> Amy: Tails went through the WORST MOMENT OF HIS LIFE! And all you did is just stand there, and then walk away from him! And now you won't even TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT?! And you think he's FINE?! That it's NOT A BIG DEAL?! Sonic: But I... <looking down slightly> I don't want to see him like that again... <Tears can be seen in Amy's eyes.> Amy: It isn't about YOU! Look around! Cream lost someone she cared about, Shadow lost someone HE cared about, and now Tails had to kill the first girl he ever loved! The first time he found someone to protect, someone to give his all for, someone he could actually relate to, and he had to end her life! And now his best friend won't even console him?! Sonic: Amy... It'll be ok... <Amy is shaking.> Amy: You have no idea how close you are to losing your best friend... You want to know WHY he said 'sorry' and ejected us right before the fight against Eggman?! Why the smartest member of our group charged right towards his main robot, even with the other robots shooting at him, without some sort of plan?! You want me to spell it out for you?! Fine!!! I'll do so!!! He did it because HE WAS TRYING TO END HIS OWN LIFE!!! <Sonic's eyes widen.> Sonic: What? Amy: Tails has a photographic memory! He remembers everything vividly! He's haunted by what he did! He can't stand the fact that he had to kill an innocent person to save everyone, let alone the one he loved! He misses her so much that he wants to be with her, no matter where she is! That's why he's being so reckless! That's why he was mad when we saved him! He wants to join her! <Sonic stands there stunned.> Sonic: I didn't know... Amy: You of all people should understand how he feels... Sonic: I... I know... It's the whole reason why I take off running all the time... I was just afraid to face it... Thanks... for telling me... I'll... talk to him somehow... But... I don't know what to say to him... How do I even start with something like this? Amy: Maybe start with talking about that sapling he's taking care of. You know it sprouted recently, right? Sonic: I didn't even notice... Amy: Tails probably won't live to see it fully grown though... It takes hundreds of years for a tree to grow. Sonic: Man... That IS a long time... <Amy turns to look at the ocean.> Amy: He's been through too much... He... needs to have SOMETHING to hold onto, Sonic... Sonic: I... I'll... be over at the Workshop... I don't know what I can do... But I'll do... something... <Sonic speeds off, leaving Amy on the beach. She smiles as tears can be seen in her eyes. Another flash of light brings the scene back to the present. Sonic walks to the railing and holds onto it.> Sonic: You know, that might've been the first time I ever cried in front of Tails... That was when I realized that maybe it was alright for people to cry sometimes... But I do have a confession to make... Back then, Tails was the one that brought up Cosmo first. I mentioned that the sapling sprouted, and he just started talking about her before I could say anything else. That was when he finally forgave me, even though I don't deserve his forgiveness... I think both of us were in tears... He kept saying he wished he could change things... Amy: I just realized, this is the first time you told me what happened that day... Before this, you just told me that you two talked about it and that things would be better... Sonic: You might not know this, but... When we got back from the Metarex war... I spent every minute of my free time trying to figure out some way to bring her back... some way to use the Emeralds to go back in time and save her, or to just use Chaos Regeneration or Chaos Control or Chaos Anything to bring her back... All that stuff about running to get away from everything or to celebrate beating Eggman was just an excuse... I didn't tell you back then because I didn't want to admit to myself that there was something I couldn't do... Seeing Tails hurt like that and not being able to do anything about it... it was killing me... I was supposed to be the hero who always solved everything... the cool awesome Hedgehog that has everyone's back... <Sonic looks out to the sky.> Sonic: At least now I think I finally understand why Chaos Regeneration didn't work... It wasn't because I failed that day... It was because she was still alive. She just wasn't there. But I still allowed it to happen. There's nothing that can change that. <Sonic looks at Amy.> Sonic: Chezni said that each of us was going to do something really important. Tails said that when it was Twilight and her friends that had to unlock their chest, the journey was one of the best things that ever happened to them... <Sonic takes hold of Amy's hand.> Sonic: I don't know what's gonna happen... I don't have all the answers... I'm not even sure what questions I should be asking... But with everything that's happened, I trust Chezni, and I trust his friends... <Sonic looks at Amy.> Sonic: I don't know when, but your time will come. Amy: Sonic... Sonic: Our time will come... <Amy gives a nervous look to Sonic.> Amy: Sonic... What's going on with us? Sonic: It's weird... It's almost like I was compelled to say that... Amy: But... I do feel a little better... I think... <Sonic hugs Amy, as the scene transitions to a distant town. A few ponies of various races can be seen walking or flying. Suddenly, one of the Earth Ponies is seen screaming, as she runs off, followed by a few more ponies. Suddenly, orange beams can be seen hitting several of the ponies! The ones that are hit immediately turn to dust, and the strange Spirit Gems are seen floating up from the remains. Lucas is seen grabbing the Spirit Gems, as the Nightmare Queen continues firing the orange blasts out of her horn.> Lucas: These will make excellent Nightmare Demons. Nightmare Queen: As we suspected, there is a near endless supply of Spirit Gems in Equestria! <A light blue female Unicorn can be seen with a light blue Unicorn filly. Both ponies have blue manes and tails, and pink eyes.> Lucas: I wonder... <Lucas and the Nightmare Queen quickly corner the two Unicorns.> Unicorn: Please... Just let my daughter go... <Lucas holds out his right hand. The strange purple crystal materializes.> Lucas: Who do you think will show more despair, the filly or the mother? Nightmare Queen: Let us find out. <The Nightmare Queen fires a powerful orange blast at the Unicorn filly. And with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the blast hits her, reducing her to dust! The Unicorn mother looks on in horror and tears can be seen in her eyes.> Lucas: <smirking> Why are you crying? I assure you, your daughter has not been harmed. She has been chosen to become a part of the Nightmarian Empire. It is a great honor. Unicorn: YOU!!! <In tears, the Unicorn fires a blast at Lucas. The Nightmare Queen fires a golden blast, deflecting the Unicorn's blast into the wall of a building, EXPLODING on impact! The Unicorn collapses to the ground.> Unicorn: <crying> Just finish me already! <The dark purple crystal begins to glow with an eerie violet light.> Lucas: Yes... It's working... Nightmare Queen: Once this crystal is charged with enough despair... Lucas: I will be able to assume the form of Dark Oak once more. Then nothing will stop me... <The two villains stand there for a few more seconds.> Lucas: <to the Unicorn> I have some good news... It seems like you'll be joining your daughter soon... You two can serve as cannon fodder on the front lines of our war against Equestria! <The Nightmare Queen fires an orange blast, striking the Unicorn and reducing her to dust! Her Spirit Gem floats toward the evil Alicorn.> Lucas: <looking at the crystal> Her despair had less energy than I'd hoped for... Nightmare Queen: We need a more powerful source of despair, one strong enough to succumb to the Nightmare Force... Lucas: Do you think... Nightmare Queen: The maturing S-Class signatures just might suffice. Lucas: If that is the case, then we need only wait until the moment when we can get their despair at its peak. <The scene transitions to a massive castle hall, where Princess Celestia can be seen running and looking around. The morning sun is seen peeking through the windows.> Celestia: Sister!!! <A set of double doors opens and a dark violet Alicorn with a spectral blue mane and tail that are outlined with a light persian blue color can be seen. She wears a black necklace with a crescent moon on it, and her flank has a black splotch with a similar crescent moon on it. A black crown is set behind her horn. Her eyes are a light cyan color.> ????: Did you see it too? Celestia: Yes... There is no doubt, Luna... Luna: Dark Oak and the Nightmare Queen have joined forces... Celestia: If Dark Oak is allowed to reach his full power again... Luna: We cannot afford for such a tragedy to repeat itself in this universe! Celestia: If they're already here, then we have to prepare now. The time has come to activate the Beacon... <Celestia and Luna run down the hallway and through another set of double doors. They head through another hallway. At the end of the hallway is a larger set of double doors with what looks like two glass crystals, one on each door. The two Alicorns fire beams of light at the crystals, causing the doors to glow. After a few seconds, the doors swing open, revealing a strange white metal orb of some sort. The two Princesses walk toward the orb.> Orb: <a deep female voice> AWAITING AUTHORIZATION... Celestia: Princess Code: Celestia-1198! Luna: Princess Code: Luna-0335! Orb: PASSWORDS ACCEPTED... AWAITING FINAL AUTHORIZATION... <Princess Celestia and Princess Luna look at one another, and then back at the orb.> Celestia and Luna: <together> Princess Code: Sun and Moon 0000! Orb: PASSWORDS ACCEPTED... INITIATING EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS... <The strange orb begins glowing as it lifts into the air. The roof above the room opens, revealing the open sky as the orb continues to ascend. Soon, a siren can be heard, echoing across all of Canterlot.> Celestia: This is an Equestria-wide emergency! The Nightmare Queen has returned! Everypony to your positions! <All across Canterlot, various Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns, all wearing helmets and barding can be seen running around to various positions. In Ponyville, the siren can also be heard and the few guards stationed there can be seen taking positions in various places. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity can be seen looking on in confusion. Spike is also with them, looking around.> Applejack: What in tarnation's goin' on here?! Pinkie Pie: It looks like they're preparing for a huge party! Twilight: Something tells me this isn't a party... <Spike suddenly is seen breathing a green flame that turns into some kind of parchment. Twilight uses her horn to levitate it over to the group.> Spike: Definitely not a party... <Twilight uses her magic to unfurl the parchment and starts reading it. Her eyes widen in horror at what she sees.> Twilight: No... This can't be... The Nightmare Queen... Fluttershy: Oh no... Not that mean Alicorn... <Twilight begins reading the letter.> Twilight: Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle... The day we've feared for a long time has finally come... The Nightmare Queen has returned to Equestria... And she brings with her an evil possibly greater than even herself, one known as Dark Oak... Fluttershy: A tree? Rainbow Dash: REALLY, Fluttershy?! Fluttershy: <nervously> I can always hope... Twilight: Long ago, Dark Oak and his Metarex armies ravaged this universe, but thanks to a band of heroes, they were defeated and he was sealed away, with his powers scattered. Should he regain his full strength, I fear that even the Elements of Harmony and Rainbow Powers may not be powerful enough to stop him. Spike: That's not good... Rarity: Does it say anything about HOW to stop him? Twilight: Your new friends have ties to the heroes that saved this universe. Ask them about him. They may be able to help. We will observe the situation using our projector, and act accordingly. I pray that we can overcome this new threat... <Twilight looks at the others.> Twilight: Your Mentor and the Princess of the Sun, Princess Celestia... Applejack: She actually signed her name using her full royal title... Spike: She never does that unless... Twilight: <shaking> Unless she thinks there's a chance it could be the last letter she ever sends... <Twilight runs toward the Nova Typhoon, followed by the others. Sonic is seen standing outside of the ship. He sees the ponies coming toward him at full speed. He holds his right arm out and forms his Nova Matrix.> Sonic: Chezni! Chezni: What's going on? Sonic: Get everyone together. I think we have a situation! ______ ______ <The scene transitions to outside of the Nova Typhoon. It is still nighttime. Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie are all there. Chezni and Sonic are also there, with Tails and Cosmo standing next to each other, and Amy, Knuckles and Shadow next to Twilight. Chezni is reading the parchment.> Chezni: The Nightmare Queen?! I thought we got rid of her for good! Tails: Who's the Nightmare Queen? Chezni: The single worst villain that's ever terrorized Equestria... Eden: Even Starlance has her on their watch list. Twilight: She attacked countless ponies and stole their Spirit Gems. Chezni: She did something to the Gems in order to create Nightmarian Soldiers. Twilight: It took the combined powers of the Elements of Harmony and the Rainbow Powers with the Nova Crystals in order to banish her to the far reaches of the universe and restore the ponies that she attacked. <Chezni continues reading the parchment.> Chezni: She was supposed to stay there, but... <Chezni notices Dark Oak's name on the parchment. His eyes widen. He looks up at everyone. He quickly relaxes his expression.> Chezni: Sonic! Um... Can I talk with you for a minute? Uh, in private? Sonic: Uh... Ok? <Chezni and Sonic both go aboard the Nova Typhoon, while the others are left standing there. Chezni carries the parchment with him.> Twilight: What was THAT about? Tails: Yeah, I'm just used to this by now... Cosmo: They'll be back, right? Shadow: They will... maybe? <The others just shrug. The scene transitions to the inside of the Nova Typhoon. Chezni and Sonic are in one of the quarters. Sonic has a horrified look on his face.> Sonic: Are you sure it's Dark Oak? Chezni: Princess Celestia's visions are never wrong. It might not be the one from your universe, but Dark Oak is back... You can see why I didn't want to say this in front of the others, right? Sonic: Yeah... <Sonic turns toward one of the walls in the room. He slams his right hand against the wall and leans on it.> Sonic: How am I gonna tell them? Chezni: Well... We have the Nova Crystals, and if we can unlock the chest, we'll have access to the power from the Chaos Emeralds. That'll definitely make us more powerful than you were when you defeated him in your universe. So for now, we should focus on that. Sonic: Yeah... I'll wait to tell them until it's absolutely necessary. Chezni: I just hope they don't attack US right away... <Chezni and Sonic's Nova Matrixes start beeping. Chezni looks at the screen on his Matrix.> Chezni: AA... That's the energy signature of an Alicorn... Sonic: Let me guess... It's NOT one of the Princesses... Chezni: Twilight has an S-Class signature, and the other Princesses are in Canterlot right now. It's definitely the Nightmare Queen... But it looks like Dark Oak isn't with her. Based on what I've heard, he should have an N-Class signature. Sonic: That's good at least... I mean, that he's not there. <Chezni and Sonic run out of the Nova Typhoon to the others. The scene transitions to Ponyville. The Nightmare Queen can be seen in the town square with the two Unicorns from before. The coloring of the two Unicorns has changed to a violet color and their blue manes and tails are now glowing. Their eyes have a green glow to them as well and they are emitting light violet energy. In addition, they appear to be wearing black and violet barding and violet tiaras.> Nightmare Queen: Now, let's see what our new Nightmare Demons can do... <The two Unicorns aim their horns at one of the houses, and fire blasts at it, causing an EXPLOSION that blows it to pieces! Two Earth Ponies can be seen running from the building. The Nightmare Queen has a look of glee on her face.> Nightmare Queen: YES!!! This is a VAST improvement over the original Nightmarians! <The Nightmare Queen looks around at the various ponies that are running or flying in all directions.> Nightmare Queen: And we have here a Spirit Gem motherlode! I think I'll start... <The Nightmare Queen turns to look at three fillies that are frozen in fear. The first is an Earth Pony with a light yellow coat, a dark pink mane and tail and yellowish-orange eyes and a pink ribbon tied to the top of her head. The mark on her flank depicts a shield with three stripes, from front to back, one dark pink, one very light pink, almost white, and one that is closer to a violet color. In the center of the mark is a light violet apple with a darker violet outline. The second is a white Unicorn with grayish tinted light green eyes, and a curly mane and tail that is half light violet and half light pink. Her mark depicts a similar shield with a dark violet star on it and a light violet musical note set in the star. The third is a light orange Pegasus with violet eyes and a dark pink mane and tail. Her shield mark has a light violet lightning bolt wing with a darker violet outline.> Nightmare Queen: Oh... who do we have here? If it isn't the adorable Cutie Mark Crusaders... If I did something to you three, the level of despair would be off the charts! Earth Pony: My big sister'll never let ya get away with this!!! Nightmare Queen: Oh? And where is she right now? <The Nightmare Queen narrows her eyes.> Nightmare Queen: I'll tell you where she is right now... She's off on some adventure with her 'real friends'... She's forgotten all about you! Applejack: <from a distance> That ain't true, Apple Bloom! <Apple Bloom and the other two fillies turn to see Applejack running toward them, along with Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Chezni, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy and Cosmo are seen with them as well. They quickly make their way to where the Nightmare Queen and two Nightmarian Demons are.> Unicorn: <to Rarity> Sis!!! Rarity: Sweetie Belle, you aren't hurt, are you? Sweetie Belle: Nah, we're fine! Pegasus: We're even better, now that you're here, Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash: Did you really think I'd let you down, Scootaloo? Scootaloo: Well, no. But it was getting kinda close here! Nightmare Queen: So, the gang's all here! Nightmarian Demons! Show this group of would-be heroes what you can do! Sonic: So those are the Nightmare Demons? I gotta say, using innocent people or ponies for your army is pretty uncreative! Why don't you at least do what Eggman does and come up with an original idea?! Nightmare Queen: <smugly> Oh, but this IS an original idea... Despair leads to power, and power leads to... You know what? I'll just let that part be a surprise... Sonic: Hey, Chezni! Let's trash these minions of hers!!! Chezni: Actually... I think we can let our friends from this world handle those two. Sonic: Wait, WHAT?! Chezni: Trust me. They've got this. Shadow: This better not be Tails all over again... Chezni: <a smirk> Oh, believe me. I know what these ponies can do... <to Twilight> You've got this, right? Twilight: Of course we do! Rainbow Dash: Do you really need to ask? <Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie all step forward.> Twilight: Alright, everypony! Let's show them what we can do! <The six ponies close their eyes. Twilight then opens hers. They give off a very brief glow.> Twilight: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, a violet and gold necklace appears on Twilight. A light violet crystal with a dark violet star inside of it is set in the necklace.> Twilight: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Twilight's necklace begins to emit a violet glow. Twilight is lifted off the ground as the crystal glows brighter.> Twilight: Leyline Access!!! <Suddenly, a burst of bright violet light surrounds Twilight. Inside the light, stars and constellations can be seen as rays of light start hitting the Alicorn Princess' hooves and chest. They light up with the bright violet energy. In a flash and with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!', the light dissipates around each hoof, revealing violet and pink armor that goes up to just under her knees! The light then dissipates with a similar sound around Twilight's chest, revealing similar violet and pink barding! In the center of the chest plate is the crystal from before. With another flash, a gold and violet emblem appears on Twilight's forehead, surrounding her horn! In the center of the emblem is the same star in her crystal. The light surrounding Twilight dissipates as the Alicorn lands.> Twilight: Princess of Friendship and the Element of Magic! Nova Warrior Twilight Sparkle!!! <Applejack opens her eyes next, as they give off a similar brief glow.> Applejack: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, an orange and gold necklace appears on Applejack. In the center is a light orange crystal with a red apple set inside of it.> Applejack: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Applejack's necklace can be seen emitting a bright orange glow. Applejack lifts off the ground as the crystal glows brighter.> Applejack: Leyline Access!!! <A burst of bright orange light surrounds Applejack. Inside of the light, a field of apple trees can be seen as rays of light hit the Earth Pony's hooves and chest. They light up with the bright orange energy. Then with a flash and a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the light dissipates from Applejack's hooves, revealing bright orange armor with red outlines going up to just under her knees! The light then dissipates with a similar sound around the Earth Pony's chest, revealing similar colored barding! In the center of the chest plate is her crystal. With another flash, Applejack's hat disappears, revealing a gold and bright orange emblem on her forehead! In the center of the emblem is the same apple that is in her crystal. As the light dissipates, Applejack's hooves touch the ground.> Applejack: Earth Pony of Tradition and the Element of Honesty! Nova Warrior Applejack!!! <Rainbow Dash opens her eyes as they give off the same brief glow as the others.> Rainbow Dash: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, a light blue and gold necklace appears on Rainbow Dash. In the center is a light blue crystal with a rainbow colored lightning bolt set inside of it.> Rainbow Dash: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Rainbow Dash's necklace can be seen giving off a light blue glow. Rainbow Dash lifts off the ground as the crystal glows more brightly.> Rainbow Dash: Leyline Access!!! <A burst of light blue light surrounds Rainbow Dash. Inside the light, clouds are seen emitting rainbow colored lightning bolts, as several bolts hit Rainbow Dash's hooves and chest! They light up with the blue energy, and with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the light dissipates from the Pegasus' hooves, revealing light blue armor with rainbow colored outlines going up to just below her knees! The light then dissipates with a similar sound around Rainbow Dash's chest, revealing similar colored barding! In the center of the chest plate is her crystal. With another flash, a gold and light blue emblem appears on Rainbow Dash's forehead! In the center of the emblem is the same lightning bolt that is in her crystal. As the light dissipates, Rainbow Dash lands on the ground.> Rainbow Dash: The Competitive Spirit and the Element of Loyalty! Nova Warrior Rainbow Dash!!! <Rarity opens her eyes, and they give off the brief glow as well.> Rarity: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, a white and gold necklace appears on Rarity. In the center is a white crystal with a light blue diamond set inside of it.> Rarity: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Rarity's necklace can be seen giving off a white glow. Rarity lifts off the ground as the glow becomes brighter.> Rarity: Leyline Access!!! <A burst of white light surrounds Rarity. Inside the light, gems can be seen surrounding the Unicorn. Several beams of light are seen reflecting off the gems, as they soon hit Rarity's hooves and chest. They quickly light up with the white energy. Suddenly with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the light disappears from the Unicorn's hooves, revealing white armor with light blue outlines going up to just below her knees! The light then dissipates around Rarity' chest, revealing a similar colored barding! In the center of her chest plate is her crystal. With another flash, a gold and white emblem appears on Rarity's forehead, going around her horn! In the center of the emblem is the same gem that is in her crystal. The light then dissipates, as Rarity lands.> Rarity: A Shimmering Diamond and the Element of Generosity! Nova Warrior Rarity!!! <Fluttershy opens her eyes, and they give off the same brief glow as the others.> Fluttershy: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of light, a yellow and gold necklace appears on Fluttershy. In the center is a yellow crystal with a pink butterfly set inside of it.> Fluttershy: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Fluttershy's necklace can be seen giving off a yellow glow. Fluttershy lifts off the ground as the glow becomes brighter.> Fluttershy: Leyline Access!!! <A burst of yellow light surrounds Fluttershy. Inside the light, butterflies can be seen surrounding the Pegasus. Several beams of pink and yellow light are seen shooting from the butterflies, right at Fluttershy's hooves and chest. Fluttershy lights up with the energy. Suddenly with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the light disappears from the Pegasus' hooves, revealing yellow armor with pink outlines going up to just below her knees! The light around Fluttershy's chest then disappears with a similar sound, revealing a similar colored barding! Her crystal is seen resting in the center of her chest plate. With another flash, a gold and yellow emblem appears on Fluttershy's forehead! In the center of the emblem is the same butterfly design that is in her crystal. Finally, the light dissipates as Fluttershy lands.> Fluttershy: A Quiet Heart and the Element of Kindness!!! Nova Warrior Fluttershy!!! <Pinkie Pie opens her eyes, and they give off the same familiar glow as the others.> Pinkie Pie: Nova Matrix!!! <With a flash of light, a pink and gold necklace appears on Pinkie Pie. In the center is a pink crystal with a blue balloon set inside of it.> Pinkie Pie: Crystal Charge!!! <The crystal in Pinkie Pie's necklace starts to give off a pink glow. Pinkie Pie lifts off the ground as the glow becomes brighter.> Pinkie Pie: Leyline Access!!! <A burst of pink light surrounds Pinkie Pie. Inside the light, balloons can be seen surrounding the Earth Pony. Several beams of pink and blue light are seen shooting from the balloons, hitting Pinkie Pie's hooves and chest. Pinkie Pie lights up with the energy. Suddenly with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the light disappears from the Earth Pony's hooves, revealing pink armor with blue outlines going up to just below her knees! The light around Pinkie Pie's chest then disappears with a similar sound, revealing similar colored barding! Her crystal is seen in the center of the chest plate. With one final flash, a gold and pink emblem appears on Pinkie Pie's forehead! The image of a balloon is seen in the center of the emblem. Finally, the light dissipates as Pinkie Pie lands.> Pinkie Pie: The Playful Soul and the Element of Laughter!!! Nova Warrior Pinkie Pie!!! <The six ponies line up side by side.> Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie: <together> Guardians of Harmony From Across Time And Space!!! <A rainbow colored light shines over the six ponies.> Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie: <together> Nova Warriors!!! <With a dramatic flash, a flavor image of the six Elements of Harmony appear behind the six ponies! Sonic and the others look on in amazement.> Sonic: They're... Tails: Nova Warriors... Chezni: That's right. Meet the Nova Warriors of Equestria. The Guardians of Harmony themselves! <The Nightmare Queen has a look of anger on her face, as she motions to her two Nightmare Demons.> Nightmare Queen: Destroy them! <The two Unicorn thralls immediately fire energy beams from their horns toward the six, who quickly jump out of the way.> Chezni: I dunno why you're so upset, your 'Nightmariness'! You fought them before! You knew this would happen! Nightmare Queen: It's been awhile... But I'm starting to remember how annoying they were! <Twilight takes to the air, along with Rainbow Dash.> Twilight: Those Unicorns are under the Nightmare Queen's spell! We need to return them to normal, just like before! Applejack: Usin' fillies too, that's low even for YOU! <The Nightmare Queen gives a smug look.> Nightmare Queen: Would you rather I just killed the filly and used the mother's despair instead? Rainbow Dash: If you harm that filly, I swear... Nightmare Queen: Don't think me for some brainless brute. I have no intention of harming these two. Instead, they are merely my test subjects for greater things. Twilight: Forget her, Rainbow! We have to save these Unicorns! <Twilight charges violet energy into her horn. Soon it is pulsating with magic.> Twilight: Element of Magic! Magical Buster!!! <An intense beam of violet energy is shot straight at the Unicorn filly. It hits its mark, enveloping the pony in a violet aura! Soon, the energy dissipates, along with the dark energy that had control over her. The filly collapses and passes out.> Nightmare Queen: I see... No matter. I'll just convert her again! Tails: No you WON'T!!! <Suddenly, Tails is seen jumping onto the Nightmare Queen. The Alicorn lifts into the air with the fox on her. She struggles and finally bucks him off of her, leaving him hovering in front of her.> Nightmare Queen: You foolish little FOX! I'll just have to make YOU into the next Nigh-... <The Nightmare Queen stops in the middle of the sentence as she looks over Tails. Her eyes seem to widen almost as if in shock.> Nightmare Queen: Two tails... That can't be... You... You can't be... <The evil Alicorn lands and looks over Sonic's group and the other ponies. She examines Sonic's group closely. She seems visibly shaken by something.> Nightmare Queen: <a chuckle> I see... This is why... He was wise to keep this from me... <The Nightmare Queen immediately flies off. Once she puts some distance between herself and everyone else, she disappears in a flash of light.> Rainbow Dash: Ok, does anypony or anyone at ALL know what just happened there?! Twilight: We'll talk later! There's still one more Unicorn to save! Rainbow Dash: Leave this one to me! <Rainbow colored lightning starts surging through Rainbow Dash's armor.> Rainbow Dash: Element of Loyalty!!! Lightning Blitz!!! <The Pegasus shoots off in the direction of the remaining Nightmare Demon, and with a 'KA-CRAAAAAAACK!', blasts into the possessed Unicorn, causing the energy to surge through the opposing pony's body as Rainbow Dash flies past her! With one final EXPLOSION, the energy dissipates, along with the Nightmare energy, reverting the Unicorn back to normal! The exhausted pony collapses.> Shadow: This is incredible... Chezni: And the thing is, they've got way more power than this. If we get into a really FIERCE battle, you'll see it! <The six ponies power down and head toward the two Unicorns. Chezni also walks to them.> Chezni: How's it look? Twilight: It looks similar to before, just that they're a bit more powerful. They should come to soon. They probably won't have any memory of what they did. Cosmo: That might be for the best... Applejack: Yeah. If I'd hurt anypony while turned into one of those things, I'd sure rather not remember it. Rarity: Too bad becoming a Nightmare Incarnation doesn't afford that luxury... <Spike is seen flying toward the group.> Twilight: <noticing Spike> Spike! Is everything alright? Spike: Yeah. But this weird purple guy showed up at the Castle of Friendship. He told me he had a message... <Spike stops talking. Chezni looks around at everyone.> Sonic: It's alright, Chezni. This was gonna come up sooner or later... Chezni: Ok. Go on... Spike: He... had a message for Tails and Cosmo... Sonic: That must mean it's him... Spike: He said to tell Tails that he'll make him pay for ruining his... 'Forestation' plans? Then he said to tell Cosmo that her father will be seeing her soon. <A stunned expression washes over the faces of Sonic's group as the six ponies look on in confusion.> Amy: But that means... Cosmo: My father? Tails: That would be Lucas... DARK OAK!!! Knuckles: I thought he was destroyed... Chezni: I'm sorry. We wanted to find the right time to tell you... But then everything happened so quickly and... Tails: It's... alright. Chezni: We think it's the Dark Oak from this universe and not the one you defeated in your universe. The letter Princess Celestia sent mentioned that heroes similar to yourselves defeated him in this universe and then sealed his power away. Sonic: So he wasn't destroyed like in our universe. Chezni: No, and from the looks of it, he's trying to regain his power to assume that form again... And if he manages to do it... Tails: The Metarex War could start all over again... <Shadow closes his eyes and walks away from the group. On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.>
  9. So here's the thing. Someone else mentioned this. The Elements of Harmony are a sentient entity that seem to decide themselves what they want the punishment to be (the only thing they seem to be unable to do is outright kill others). Celestia likely didn't have any control over what they did. The other thing is, the Nightmare Entity is not only an otherworldly being, but it's basically a god that can't normally be stopped in martial combat. So in the grand scheme of things, it was probably the only option. It's clear that Celestia didn't want to use them, and she likely didn't know what was going to happen (or if anything, thought Luna might be turned to stone for awhile). So is Luna deserving of being banished for 1000 years? Probably not. But Celestia certainly isn't at fault for what the Elements decided to do. Look, nobody is making you read this topic or post in it. Just saying. We're talking about it because we like continuity in our shows, and while this show is by no means perfect, it is the best written and most detailed series in the history of the franchise. So of course we're going to continue to talk about it. As you said, that's what fandoms do.
  10. Alrighty. And now Episode 14, where the sapling does a thing and we have some interesting goings on between characters. <The interior of the Town Hall. Decorations can be seen hanging from the ceiling. Tables are set along the walls, with various cakes, cupcake platters and drinks on them. Numerous ponies are seen mingling about. Pinkie Pie and Charmy are taking turns drinking from the chocolate fountain. Sonic's group and the rest of the Six are all there talking with one another. Chezni notices that Twilight seems to be standing by herself.> Eden: Chezni, you really should say something to her. Chezni: Yeah, I know... <Chezni walks toward Twilight.> Chezni: Twilight, I... Twilight: Oh, Princess Celestia! <Twilight runs past Chezni, toward Celestia, who is in the middle of a crowd of ponies. Chezni and Eden are left standing there.> Chezni: Twilight... Eden: Well, that went about as well as we could expect... <Chezni turns toward Twilight.> Chezni: Twilight... I'm sorry... If I just would've known... Episode 14: Six Lights of Friendship - Part 2 <The scene transitions to the late evening. Spike and Twilight are seen inside of the Castle of Friendship. The room they're in has a round table with several seats surrounding it. Twilight is just staring at the table, while Spike is sitting next to her.> Spike: Twilight... You know he didn't have a choice... It's not like he wanted to leave... Twilight: He didn't even say goodbye to me, Spike... He just left... Spike: You know he couldn't control that... They forced him to leave... Twilight: Princess Celestia told me... She told me that people from Starlance came and arrested him... Spike: Yeah... Apparently their last leader was a really rotten person... He didn't care about what happened to other worlds... He just used the law to stay in power... and said Chezni was interfering too much with other worlds... I'm glad that guy was finally removed... The day that doing the right thing becomes a crime, it'll be all over... Twilight: She told me Chezni was here last week... But I couldn't even look at him... I just... hid the whole time... Spike: Twilight... Twilight: <holding back tears> It scares me... feeling that way... like I was just abandoned... I don't ever want to feel that way again... What if that happens with Rainbow Dash, Rartiy, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, or Applejack? What if they all just leave like that one day? I couldn't stand the thought... Spike: They would never do that, and you know it... Twilight: What about in five years? Or ten? Spike: Twilight... Are... Are you sure you're ok? You've been like this ever since Chezni left. But it's gotten worse these past six months... Twilight: I don't know... I just... It's like something's come over me... something I can't explain... <Spike is silent. The scene then transitions to the exterior of the Castle of Friendship. Chezni is sitting on a bench down the road from the front door.> Chezni: I wish... she would just talk to me... Eden: We'll be here awhile. It isn't as if we don't have time. The new leaders of Starlance were quick to remove those draconian policies that their predecessor instated. This world is now an official ally of Starlance. Chezni: Yeah... It took some time, but the gate to this universe was finally unsealed... But maybe he was right in a way... We know what the Nova Crystals did when they were exposed to the Elements of Harmony and the Rainbow Powers. Eden: They made every single living creature on this planet immortal. Chezni: My mission is to give worlds the means to fight against Asmodia, not to play 'god'. Eden: Keep in mind that what you said there was also spoken by an individual that twisted the laws of Starlance to retain his own power and oppress everyone. Using your powers to help someone else is NOT playing 'god', and it's not an evil act. It's showing compassion, which is what you always do. Chezni: It was still irresponsible for me to bring them here without knowing all the facts... I was warned that this world was surrounded by unusual energy, but I didn't listen... Not only did I hurt this world, but I hurt Twilight... Cosmo's Voice: <from behind Chezni> I felt the same way back then... <Chezni turns to see Cosmo and Tails standing a few feet behind him.> Eden: You were listening? Tails: We didn't mean to overhear anything, but we just happened to be walking by. Chezni: It's alright. It was only a matter of time before it came up... Cosmo: I remember when Tails had to fire the Sonic Driver at Dark Oak's final form... Tails: I... still have nightmares of that day... Cosmo: I wanted so badly to think of another way... so that I didn't have to hurt him... When I was lying there on that cold dark planet, alone... I wondered if he felt the way I did... Tails: I still have to remind her that it wasn't her fault... Chezni: But none of that WAS her fault... Cosmo: Tails keeps telling me that... it was a fate that I had no control over. But my mother Earthia said something to me when I was Dark Void. She told me that I shouldn't live my life bound to a tragic fate. And so I've been trying to follow my heart. And I'll continue to do that. Tails: And I'll be there to help her with whatever she needs. And she'll help me with whatever I need... And Sonic'll be there to help both of us. Chezni: Maybe I should... <chuckling> I don't believe it... Tails: What's so funny?! Chezni: I never thought I'd get words of encouragement from you two... Cosmo: We didn't really do anything... Chezni: You did more than you realize... Maybe it's time I started following MY heart... Eden: You're just lucky that Tia is a Terran. Chezni: Yeah... I know... Terrans are allowed to have multiple relationships... Species Preservation and all that... I just hope Twilight's ok with it... She knows about Tia. But I hope she's truly ok with it... Tails: So what'll you do? Chezni: I'll figure out a way to talk to her. I don't know how long it'll take. But I'll find a way. <Chezni gets up.> Chezni: After all, as you two have seen... <Chezni looks at both Cosmo and Tails.> Chezni: I hate to lose. And I believe in happy endings. <Chezni looks back at the castle one more time.> Chezni: Still... I wonder if the 'tree' really CAN recharge the Emeralds... <The scene transitions to the next day. The sapling is seen on a bench outside of the Nova Typhoon soaking up the sunlight. Fluttershy is standing next to it.> Fluttershy: Cosmo told me you were a very special sapling. I wonder what she means... <With a brief flash, a small light blue flower bud can be seen on the sapling. Fluttershy's eyes widen.> Fluttershy: Oh... Oh my... Um... <Fluttershy looks around.> Fluttershy: Cosmo! Tails?! <Fluttershy closes her eyes and focuses. She then opens her eyes, and they emit a brief yellow glow.> Fluttershy: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash of yellow light, a yellow and pink necklace appears on Fluttershy. A yellow crystal with a pink butterfly set inside of it is seen in the middle of the necklace.> Fluttershy: Um... Chezni? Chezni's Voice: Fluttershy? Is everything alright? Fluttershy: Um... The sapling that Tails and Cosmo brought here is doing something strange. Chezni's Voice: I'll let them know. Just stay by it. We're on our way. <The scene transitions, and now Cosmo, Tails and Chezni are by the sapling with Fluttershy.> Cosmo: Oh... I didn't think it would happen this fast. Tails: What? What's happening? Cosmo: Well... I'm not entirely sure how to tell you this, Tails... But... Eden: Why do I have this feeling that I know what she's about to say? Chezni: You too, huh? Tails, brace yourself... Cosmo: Well... This sapling is actually very special... See, it's going to give birth to... our child... Tails: Oh, our child... WHA?! <Tails now has a shocked expression on his face. His right eye is twitching. Chezni and Flutterhy are standing there looking dumbfounded.> Chezni: Wait a minute... You just said 'our'. You don't mean that you and Tails actually... Tails: What... NOOOOO! At least, I don't think we did! Cosmo: Remember when we were in the water during the Metarex War? Water... does things to Seedrians. When Seedrians make contact in the water like that, well... you know... Chezni: <whispering> Like Vulcans... Cosmo: Of course I didn't realize the same thing would happen with us, you not being a Seedrian and all. But then I created a seed, and... Eden: That would explain why it gave off the S-Class energy signature... Chezni: Yeah... It even fooled the Nova Matrixes... Good thing we still pursued it... Fluttershy: Oh... OHHHHH! ... <inhaling> Ohhhhhhh... Tails: Um... So... Uh... Is it s... W-when will it... <Tails holds his breath.> Cosmo: Oh... <chuckling> THAT'S why you're worried! You misunderstand. It's probably at least a decade away. Tails: <exhaling> Oh... At least we'll have time to prepare... Cosmo: Still... I don't even know what state the child will be in when they're born... This will be the first Seedrian ever born from a sapling this far from Green Gate... and the first one born between a Seedrian and a non-Seedrian... This... really will be uncharted territory... Tails: Uh... We'll... figure it out when the time comes. Cosmo: <chuckling> You're so cute when you're embarrassed. You know that? Tails: <blushing> Uh... Yeah... Heh heh... Chezni: Well uh... Congratulations, I guess? Tails: Should we tell Sonic and the others? Chezni: I think that's up to the two of you. Although Cosmo said you've got ten years, at least. I don't think you need to rush things. Tails: Well, let's take it slow then. Cosmo: You don't want to tell them? Tails: I don't want to tell them... all at the same time. Some of them might freak out... In fact, we probably want to save Sonic and Amy for last... Chezni: You know, I have to say, you're staying amazingly composed during all of this. Tails: Well, she said there's probably ten years or so. So there's no point in panicking when we have that kind of time. Right? Chezni: Maybe, but you'll learn that for a Nova Warrior, ten years goes by in the blink of an eye. Tails: Well uh... Let's not think about that part right now... Eden: Also, the child will likely stop aging once they get to be around your age. Chezni: That's right... Tails and Cosmo's energy was all over that sapling. When the Nova Crystal converted their energy, it probably affected the sapling too. Tails: So our kid's gonna be immortal too? Chezni: Most likely. It's what happens when someone that's pregnant becomes a Nova Warrior. I imagine the same principle would apply in this situation since the energy was still there. Tails: That's why the crystal was glowing when it was next to the sapling... Fluttershy: This is all very confusing... Chezni: Well, one step at a time. I'm going to find Twilight. Eden: Are you sure this is wise? Chezni: I have to at some point. Remember, we need that tree. <Chezni runs off to the Castle of Friendship. Cosmo picks up the sapling, and her and Tails follow. The scene transitions to the interior of the castle. Twilight is in her study looking at an album with pictures of her, Spike and the other five ponies. A light peach colored Alicorn with a blue mane and tail is seen in some of them. He has no Cutie Mark.> Twilight: It's like he was one of us... <An owl can be heard screeching.> Spike: I think we have a visitor. Twilight: <taking a deep breath> Ok... You can do this... <Twilight opens the front door of the castle, and Chezni is standing there, along with Eden, Fluttershy, Tails and Cosmo. Cosmo is holding the sapling.> Twilight: Oh... Chezni. Um... Chezni: It's been awhile, Twilight... Eden: He's been beside himself with worry about you. Chezni: EDEN!!! Twilight: Um... ... What am I doing?! Come in! <The group enters. They head into the room with the round table.> Chezni: This room looks different from the last time I was in here. Twilight: We remodeled it a bit. The table is now raised permanently, but... <Twilight heads to the table and puts her front right hoof on it. The entire table lights up with a 3-D map of Ponyville. Several gold colored dots are seen throughout the town. Five are seen at the position of the Castle of Friendship.> Twilight: Starlance came bearing gifts last time. Not only does this show where Friendship Problems are, but we now have an improved map of Equestria that we can access any time, and even locate other Nova Warriors. <Chezni runs toward the table and stops next to Twilight, staring in awe at the map.> Chezni: This is so cool... Twilight: I know! Watch this! <Twilight swishes her hoof across the map, and it shifts to the side, revealing a map of another massive city, this one centered with an even bigger palace than the Castle of Friendship.> Chezni: The Crystal Empire! Twilight: It took awhile, but they managed to get the Crystalis back to the center of the city, where it originally was. Chezni: This is amazing! <Chezni and Twilight briefly look at one another, then look away.> Chezni: Oh... Um... Twilight: Yeah... Ok... Tails: Should we leave you two alone? Twilight: N-No, it's fine. Right? Chezni: Yeah. T-Totally fine. Eden: <whispering to Tails and Cosmo> This might go better than we thought... Spike: You know she wouldn't stop talking about him, AT ALL? Chezni: Um... Anyway... Twilight: Yeah... Was there something you needed? Chezni: Oh, right. There's something that we needed to check the Tree of Harmony for. Twilight: The Tree of Harmony? Chezni: Yeah. We brought something called the Chaos Emeralds to this world, and we need to see if they can be recharged. We thought the tree might be able to help us. Twilight: Well, I can't say for sure, but it's worth a try. Spike: That's way off in the Everfree Forest. Chezni: I know it's a bit of a trek, but if we can recharge those Emeralds, we'll have a major ace up our sleeve in case Asmodia decides to attack. Twilight: That guy again... Chezni: Yeah. But I think things will go differently this time. See Tails over there? Twilight: <looking at Tails> Ok. What about him? Chezni: He single-handedly did more damage to Asmodia than I've ever seen anyone do. Tails: Was that really such a big deal? Chezni: And that was using the tiny ounce of Chaos energy that was stored in the Nova Crystals. If we manage to fully recharge these Emeralds, we might very well have the means to actually defeat him once and for all... something I never even thought was possible. Twilight: Alright. I guess we have no choice but to go there then. Fluttershy: Do we really have to? Chezni: Fluttershy... It'll be ok. We're all going to be there too. Fluttershy: Um... Ok... I guess if all of you are coming too... Cosmo: I'm going on ahead. I want to put the sapling back on the Nova Typhoon until we get back. Tails: Good idea. From the way Fluttershy acted, this forest sounds like it could be dangerous. We don't want to endanger our ki... uh... the sapling. <Tails and Cosmo head out of the castle, followed by Eden, Fluttershy and Spike. Chezni turns toward Twilight after everyone else is gone.> Chezni: Twilight... Can you ever forgive me? Twilight: ... I... I know you didn't have any say in what happened... Chezni: I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you... Twilight: Let's... talk about this after we visit the Tree of Harmony... Chezni: I would like to talk some more... <Chezni turns to leave. Twilight gives a slight smile and follows.> ______ ______ <The depths of Everfree Forest. Tails is seen wearing a light strapped to his forehead as he walks slightly in front of the others. Cosmo is the closest one to him, and Chezni, Fluttershy, Spike and Twilight are behind them.> Fluttershy: I hope we don't run into any Timber Wolves... Chezni: Fluttershy, that's what the Nova Crystals are for. So you don't have to be afraid of them anymore. Fluttershy: Yes, but they're still scary when they howl. Twilight: <whispering to Chezni> Rainbow Dash always calls Fluttershy our little lost cause... <Chezni chuckles.> Fluttershy: What's so funny? Chezni: Nothing. Just a term of endearment. Fluttershy, I've got a feeling that people from Starlance would find certain aspects of your personality to be really cute. Fluttershy: <blushing> W-What? Spike: Would they find ME to be cute too? Chezni: Oh, definitely. <The group heads further into the forest. Soon, they come to a wooden bridge going over a chasm. Past that is what appears to be the ruins of an old castle.> Chezni: Whoa... Tails: I thought you've been here before. Chezni: Yeah, but I never actually traveled to the Tree of Harmony on foot... er hoof. Eden: Chezni was transported directly to the tree by some kind of magical force, and then transported back. Chezni: It allowed me to use my Matrix to transform while I was here in Equestria. Eden: And then you went and broke the Matrix again. Chezni: Give me a break! I crash-landed! <Twilight looks at the castle ruins.> Twilight: There's alot of history behind these ruins... Cosmo: Did something happen here? Fluttershy: Well... This is where... Twilight: This is where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fought... Chezni: I'd heard of what happened. Princess Luna fell victim to some kind of evil entity called the Nightmare Force. It took her over... and transformed her into Nightmare Moon... Twilight: Princess Celestia... had to use the Elements of Harmony to banish Princess Luna in order to protect this world from Nightmare Moon... Chezni: She had to seal her own sister away to prevent the world from being destroyed... I can't even imagine... <Tails and Cosmo look at each other, and then back at Twilight.> Tails: It's just like... Cosmo: ...the end of the Metarex War... Tails: When I had to fire at you... Cosmo: Tails... Tails: I know how she must've felt... Shooting Cosmo... was the worst moment of my life... Chezni: {There really are some startling similarities between this universe and their universe... I wonder if... the two are connected...} Twilight: It took a thousand years. But we managed to save Princess Luna from the Nightmare Force and send it away... But, it's still out there. <Tails takes a deep breath.> Tails: How did Princess Luna fall victim to it? Twilight: It seems to feed on malicious intent, or extreme despair. That's all we really know... Princess Luna was suffering... But she was suffering most of all from loneliness... Chezni: It seems like anyone with a particularly pure heart becomes an even more powerful Nightmare Incarnation. The more pure hearted they are, the more dangerous they would become. Princess Luna's heart is very pure. It's why she was so powerful. Tails: What if someone's heart was extremely pure? Like the purest of heart? Chezni: I don't even want to imagine how powerful a Nightmare Incarnation would be if the purest of heart fell into extreme despair. To say it would be terrifying would be an understatement. Fluttershy: M-maybe we should get to the Tree of Harmony, before the Nightmare Force gets one of us... Chezni: While I doubt that's gonna happen since it takes extreme despair to cause it, I do agree that we should continue on. Twilight: Well, it's not much further now. In fact, it's just past the castle ruins. <Twilight, Chezni and Fluttershy head toward the castle ruins. Chezni is seen tightly gripping the rope as he slowly walks across the bridge. Tails and Cosmo stand there holding hands. Tails is shaking.> Cosmo: It's alright... Tails: I still keep thinking about it... I keep seeing it... Every time I think I'm ok... <Cosmo and Tails both head toward the castle ruins. The group walks past the ruins themselves and continue on. It isn't long before they reach a massive cave.> Twilight: That's the Cave of Harmony. Besides Zecora's place, this is probably the safest place in all of the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy: Then let's go in there before something outside of it decides to attack us... <Everyone enters the cave. Tails points his flashlight headband forward to illuminate the path. After walking down a spiraling and descending path, a glowing tree is seen in the distance.> Twilight: The tree is just ahead. <The group walks toward the tree. As they do, they can make out more details. The tree is a bluish violet in color, and has a star in the center of it, with five different colored gems set in its branches, one yellow, one violet, one red, one light blue and one light orange. Under the star is a sun symbol, and under that is a moon symbol. The group approaches the tree, and Chezni pulls out the black cloth from his pocket. He places it on the ground in front of the tree and unfolds it into the familiar circular shape. He then places his hands on it, and they sink into the cloth.> Fluttershy: Oh... You have the Emeralds in there? Chezni: That's right. Portable Hole. Don't leave home without it. Tails: You never told us how that device works. Chezni: Well, it links to a sort of pocket dimension for storage. Anything I have inside of it can be summoned by me just thinking about it. Sort of like saving information on a cloud server. But instead of information, physical objects are stored. <One by one, Chezni pulls out the Chaos Emeralds and places them next to the Tree of Harmony. After all seven are in front of the tree, he folds the cloth back up and puts it in his pocket.> Chezni: Ok... Sooooo... I don't know what to do from here... Eden: Why am I not surprised? Tails: Maybe they have to touch the tree? <Tails picks up one of the Emeralds and touches it to the tree. Suddenly, a blast of energy hits Tails, flinging him back, hitting the cave wall! He lands on his side.> Cosmo: TAILS!!! <Tails gets up.> Tails: I'm... ok... Chezni: Ok... This might be harder than I thought. Twilight: Let me try something. <Twilight's horn starts glowing. All seven Emeralds lift into the air and float to the tree. They all touch the Tree of Harmony. A subtle glow can be seen on the Emeralds.> Tails: It's working... <The Emeralds begin to glow more brightly. Soon, they are pulsating with energy.> Tails: That's it! They're ready to go! <Twilight's eyes light up as her horn glows more intensely than before. The glow surrounding the Emeralds becomes brighter and brighter.> Tails: Twilight! That's enough! They're fully charged! <Twilight winces slightly, but continues to focus her energy. Her body is now enveloped in violet energy.> Chezni: Ok, Twilight! That's good! You can stop doing the Magic thing now! <The ground starts to shake as energy can be seen surging through the Tree of Harmony.> Chezni: Twilight?! Spike: TWILIGHT!!! Twilight: <wincing more> I... Can't... control... this... ????: WHAT in the world is going on now?! <Suddenly, there is a bright white flash, as a bizarre creature appears. He has the head of a gray horse with the fur changing to a brown color at the torso, and the tail of a dragon-like serpent with a white tuft at the end of it. One deer antler and one blue goat horn adorn his head as well. His yellow eyes have two differently sized red pupils. One long fang can be seen by his mouth, and his eyebrows are white and bushy, and his beard is like a goat's beard. He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard and the left leg of a goat. He has one bat wing and one Pegasus wing, and his body is shaped like a snake.> Fluttershy: <gasps> Discord! <The draconequus looks at the sight of Twilight struggling to control her powers against the Tree of Harmony.> Discord: Oh for heaven's sake... <Discord's eyes widen when he sees the Chaos Emeralds.> Discord: That can't be... Tails: What's going on?! Discord: Those are... THE Chaos Emeralds?! <Discord teleports to where the Emeralds are and tries to grab one. A surge of energy shocks his eagle claw and he backs away.> Discord: Oww! Oww oww oww... <looking at the energy> Oh, this isn't good... At this rate, the world will be dealing with a Genesis Wave... WHAT in Equestria were you THINKING trying to mix the Elements of Harmony with the Chaos Emeralds?! Chezni: We were trying to figure out a way to recharge them because Asmodia is on his way here! Discord: Oh, that clown again... Still, we need to do something about this right now! Otherwise, this entire universe is going to become more distorted than Ponyville was when I first met Twilight and Fluttershy! <Discord snaps his fingers. Twilight is encased inside a bubble. Slowly, the energy surrounding her dissipates as her eyes and horn turn back to normal. The Emeralds continue to glow intensely, and the energy continues to surge through the tree.> Discord: It's no good... There's too much chaos energy in these Emeralds... I only know of one way to do this, and none of you are going to like it! Twilight: <from the bubble> What is it?! Discord: We need to seal the Emeralds inside another chest, like the Rainbow Powers were! Then their powers can be dispersed among the Nova Crystals over time! Tails: Why wouldn't we like this?! Discord: Because it means the Emeralds will be completely destroyed! Chezni: Well, what difference would it make?! The powers would still be transferred to our crystals! We were going to use them anyway! Discord: Well... I would certainly not like it... Whatever... I really do NOT want to have to deal with one of those waves... <Discord focuses on the Tree of Harmony. Suddenly, the tree and the Emeralds are engulfed in a golden light. Slowly, the light shrinks until it becomes a small light in front of the tree. The light disappears and a strange box with ten keyholes is seen in place of the Emeralds.> Discord: Oh... I feel like a part of myself just died... <The bubble surrounding Twilight disappears and she lands on the ground. The Alicorn approaches the newly created chest.> Twilight: Ten keyholes this time... Fluttershy: This is going to take longer than the last one, isn't it? Discord: This is a very special chest though. Once unlocked, all of the powers that were stored in the Chaos Emeralds will transfer to the Nova Crystals. And not just yours. The powers contained inside will transfer to every Nova Crystal in the entire multiverse. Chezni: Ok. So how do we unlock it? <Discord remains silent. Twilight looks at the chest, and then back at Chezni.> Twilight: That's... something you'll have to figure out yourself, just like we did. Fluttershy: When we had to unlock the Rainbow Chest, we weren't told anything about how to do it or what would happen when we did. But the journey to unlock it was one of the best things that ever happened to us. <Twilight nods. Chezni picks up the chest.> Chezni: Well then. Ten keys... I can only assume that means that ten tasks of some kind have to be completed. Cosmo: Do you think it has to do with us? Tails: It's hard to say, but it could. Twilight: Don't... rush it. The chest will unlock in due time. It wouldn't have this many keyholes if the Tree of Harmony didn't think they could be unlocked. Chezni: Well then. I guess for now, we should put this on the Nova Typhoon. <Cosmo and Tails both nod. The scene then transitions to the interior of the Behemoth. The Nightmare Queen is seen in what appears to be a large laboratory of some sort. Many of the green and violet ponies with the eerie auras are seen around her. Some of the Unicorns are tinkering with various potions and beakers, while some of the Pegasi are hovering in the air and some of the Earth Ponies are closely examining the various gems from before. The Nightmare Queen slowly paces back and forth as she begins singing a slow and haunting tune.> Nightmare Queen: The Nightmare Force swirls around the precious gems... And it corrupts the souls of all that are good... It steals the hopes and the dreams of its prey... Transforming them into loyal servants of night! My precious dark spells and our loyal soldiers... Wait for that time we sought out! I can feel it, the evolution of the nightmare... It is beautiful... ????: <a male, commanding voice> At last, I've found it! <A strange lilac-skinned individual that is about five and a half feet tall is seen standing behind the Nightmare Queen. His fur is violet in color and he seems to have two pinkish brown non-flowering buds, one on either side of his head that each come to a sharp point, almost as if they were horns. He is also wearing a dark blue coat with a dark red trim and yellow cuffs. He is holding what appears to be a strange purple crystal of some sort. A light green metal sword is sheathed at his side.> ????: This crystal will allow us to create more powerful Nightmarians... Nightmare Queen: Nightmare Demons, created when the purest darkness of the Nightmare Force eclipses the heart... <The Nightmarian ponies begin singing.> Nightmarian Earth Ponies: <males> Spirit Gem... Nightmarian Pegasi: <females> Spirit Gem... Nightmarian Unicorns: <both male and female> Spirit Gem... <The Nightmare Queen steps toward the front and continues singing.> Nightmare Queen: Within the deepest reaches of a being's heart, lies a Spirit Gem... When the Nightmare Force corrupts its purity... The Nightmarian becomes a different entity... A force that unites the light and dark... A force that rivals Asmodia... <The pace of the song gets faster.> Nightmare Queen: What is the True Name of this mystic stone? Nightmarians: <females> The pure heart! Nightmarians: <males> What is it that we have to do to it? Nightmarians: <females> Corrupt it! And when we manage to instill it with the Nightmare Force... The simple Nightmarian becomes a Nightmare... Nightmarians: <all> DEMON!!! Nightmarians: <males> We'll keep searching then... Nightmarians: <females> We must search for them... Nightmarians: <males> The strongest Spirit Gems are found within... Nightmarians: <females> The pure hearts! Nightmarians: <males> We will find the purest hearts within... Nightmarians: <females> Ponyville! And with an infinite supply of pure heart Spirit Gems... We will have endless means to make our Nightmare... Nightmarians: <all> DEMONS!!! DEMONS!!! <The Nightmare Queen lifts off the ground and starts hovering as she continues singing.> Nightmare Queen: We'll go to Ponyville and infiltrate... Each venue they hold in the highest regard... And the Spirit Gems will be ours when we... Reveal the big secret of the multiverse to them! Nightmarians: <males> We can't wait to see the looks on their faces... Nightmarians: <females> When they learn what we already know! Nightmarians: <males> There's a reason why we have this stranger with us! Nightmarians: <females> It's because of his intellect, and history! <The song ends as the Nightmare Queen lands next to the strange scientist, the only one in the room to not sing.> ????: Perhaps next time... Nightmare Queen: Next time? ????: Next time, perhaps I can sing? <Many of the Nightmarians behind the Nightmare Queen and the stranger are seen with goofy expressions on their faces.> Nightmare Queen: Ehhhhhh... ????: Would that be too silly? Nightmare Queen: Er... Regardless... You have done well Lucas... <Lucas holds up the strange violet crystal.> Lucas: This is the Nightmare Egg... Like other Planet Eggs, it holds tremendous power. Nightmare Queen: Would it be enough for you to assume 'that form' once again? <Lucas walks toward a terminal and presses a few buttons. An image of Ponyville is seen on the display.> Lucas: Not by itself... But if we were to harness the despair that is necessary for one to succumb to the Nightmare Force, then Dark Oak might very well return to this universe. <Lucas laughs.> Lucas: My counterparts in the universe that these fools came from were sloppy... They didn't count on the fox and my daughter falling in love... I took measures to ensure those mistakes weren't repeated in my universe... However, I didn't anticipate the fox transforming to protect her... In the infinite universes, that has never happened against the Metarex... Nightmare Queen: And that's why you were on death's door. Lucas: But now, I know exactly what I'm up against. THIS will be different... <Lucas stares at the violet crystal as the scene fades out and the episode ends.> Song Used: Talisman wo Sagase - Usagi - Ai No Senshi He No Michi
  11. Hey folks. I have returned. And upon my return, one arc ends and another one begins. I know it took awhile to get to the actual crossover part of the story, to the point where the first 12 episodes could legitimately feel like a different story (hence why I call them a Countdown). But that was kind of out of necessity, given where season 3 of Sonic X left us (not to mention they were apparently planning on doing something similar to what I did with Cosmo before Sonic X was canceled anyway, so it felt like some sort of closure was necessary, my take on what season 4 would've been, if you will). But hey, at least there was a story that could be told there. Anyway, here we are with episode 13. This is another situation where I'm doing something that I've never done before. Be afraid, folks. Anyway, welcome to the Prince Arc and the first story arc to actually take place in Equestria. The first of many. That's right. Today, we begin the 'mane attraction'. We're going to reveal who the other lights are fairly quickly. It's not much of a reveal, compared to the major moment coming at the end of this arc. Let's just get into this, and you'll see what I mean. Note: The use of SeraMyu as the basis for most of the songs is intended to be for satirical purposes only. And because SeraMyu is really awesome. The lyrics have been changed to make them more workable in the plot. The base song will be noted at the end of every episode that features a song, and if the base is from a different source, the source will be noted as well so the readers can match up the lyrics with the music. Go check out SeraMyu. It's a really fun series of musicals that's a gift that keeps on giving in terms of song selection and variety. Note that I am horrible at rhyming. So I'll just be improvising. Autumn Blaze, I am not. Prologue <The episode begins somewhere in deep space, as a massive black and violet ship is seen flying. This ship has curved wings that go back toward a tail that is shaped like a fin with spikes on the end of it. Inside, we see a sizeable bridge with several human crew members, and also a few people with cat traits, and smaller fairy-like females with curved antennae and pink, green or blue hair that are around 2 to 3 feet tall on average. A man in a Captain's uniform is sitting in a seat in the center. A patch on his uniform depicts a lance rocketing through space.> Fairy: <in the front> Sir, we're detecting an energy signature incoming. It's AA-Class! Captain: AA-Class?! Are you serious?! <A bright blue and white rounded ship can be seen approaching the black and violet ship from behind. It's wings are narrower and almost resemble rings.> Captain: What the hell is an Alicorn doing so far from Equestria?! Officer: <one of two cat girls> Should I try to contact the ship? Captain: Please do. Officer: Ok, we're live. Captain: This is Captain Mid of the Behemoth! Identify yourself! Officer: They're responding. Captain Mid: Put it on screen. <A massive screen in front of the bridge crew turns on. A peach colored Alicorn is seen on the screen. Her mane is bright orange, and her eyes are lavender. Her wings have golden orange feathers, and she is wearing a golden tiara, and also a golden emblem around her neck, with an orange gem set in the center of each. A mark on her flank depicts what looks like a galaxy.> Captain Mid: Nightmare Queen... Fairy: Oh no... <The Alicorn narrows her eyes, examining the crew. Some of the bridge crew look terrified at the sight of her.> Nightmare Queen: <a calm, yet cold tone> I will make this simple. Surrender your ship, and I will spare the crew. Otherwise, I will show you no mercy. Captain Mid: We don't give into the demands of known criminals! In the name of Starlance... Nightmare Queen: <suddenly in a loud, commanding and booming voice> Starlance holds no authority over me! <The Alicorn's eyes and horn start glowing as she extends her wings. Suddenly, the entire bridge crew is engulfed in an orange light. In a bright flash, they are all reduced to dust! Strange glowing gems of various colors can be seen rising out of the dust.> Nightmare Queen: <normal voice> If you had simply done as I said, you would have been able to go home. Too bad your Captain had to be stubborn. <The Alicorn's ship comes around and stops next to the Behemoth. Inside the massive black and violet ship, the Alicorn can be seen entering the bridge with several green and violet ponies. All of the ponies are smaller than she is and have an eerie green glow to them. The gems float to the Nightmare Queen.> Nightmare Queen: Now my Nightmarians, let's return to Equestria. The Princesses await! <The Behemoth starts to turn. Soon, it flies off in a different direction until it's out of sight.> Sonic Equestria Episode 13: Six Lights of Friendship - Part 1 <The Nova Typhoon is seen flying through space. Onboard, Chezni, Sonic, Tails, Cosmo, and Amy are sitting at the Bridge, while the others are mingling about. Bokkun is now onboard next to Cream. Knuckles is standing close to Sonic. Sonic gets up and walks over to Chezni.> Chezni: I swear, Sonic... If you say, 'Are we there yet?' one more time... I'm going to... Sonic: Ok! Ok! But we've been going for two days now! Gettin' kinda bored here. Eden: Might I remind you that you're indirectly asking the question Chezni does not want you asking? Chezni: Look. We should be hitting the Grand Rift in about a half hour. After that, it'll only be a couple hours before we get there. The exit to the Rift is actually pretty close. You'll be able to see the planet as soon as we go through. <Tails, Amy and Cosmo walk over to where Chezni is.> Tails: You never told us. What's this world like? Cosmo: The only thing you've said is that we'll enjoy it there, and that we might want to sing. Chezni: Well, it's definitely different from your world. They have something that's very similar to the Chaos Emeralds there though. That's one of the reasons I had you bring them. The Princesses there might be able to come up with a way to recharge them. Tails: Princesses? Chezni: That's right. It's kind of a Queendom, but not in the traditional sense. Cosmo: My mother was the ruler of Green Gate before Asmodia attacked it. I wonder if it's similar to that... Tails: Cosmo... Chezni: I can't really speak to that... But, just take my word for it. They're all very nice ponies. Sonic: <a look of surprise> Wait, did you say ponies? Chezni: That's right. They helped me out during one of my darkest times. <Shadow is cracking a smile.> Eden: Only this time, we won't have to worry about needing to learn how to walk on four legs. Chezni: Most of the residents where we're going are ponies. Of course, there are a few dragons too, and some griffons. Eden: Don't forget the changelings. Chezni: Yeah, there's those. There's also uh... There's kind of this... Sonic: What?! Chezni: Well, there's a guy there that's basically the god of chaos, and can bend reality at will, and he does this alot... <Sweatdrops can be seen on the backs of everyone's heads. Except Shadow. He's fine.> Chezni: Don't worry. He means well. I mean, he's getting better. Amy: Somehow, I don't think this is gonna be a typical journey... <The Nova Typhoon continues its journey. It isn't long before a massive pink and violet wormhole opens in front of the ship. The massive ship enters the vortex, and starts flying through it. Inside, it's as if the stars and waves of energy are seen flying past the ship. Everyone is staring in awe at it. Soon, the ship enters what appears to almost be a massive central chamber of sorts. Gigantic floating crystals are seen everywhere. Suddenly, a massive light green face appears in the center of the room, as the Nova Typhoon comes to a halt. He looks intently at the ship, his eyes bigger than the ship itself. Finally, he cracks a smile.> Mysterious Face: Ahh! Chezni! It's been awhile! Chezni: Yeah, I've been stuck on this side of the multiverse for quite some time. Sonic: You know this... big green head? Chezni: Oh, right! This is the Avatar. He's the keeper of the Grand Rift. <Portals can be seen opening at various spots in this massive chamber, as various ships of different sizes are seen flying through.> Chezni: This is the nerve center of all travel throughout the universe, and the multiverse. The Wormhole, or as we know it, the Grand Rift, one of only two safe passages between universes. One of the 'Great Wonders of the Multiverse'. Tails: Wait... You said 'multiverse'? Chezni: That's right. The world we're going to exists in a separate universe from yours. <Tails just stands there stunned.> Avatar: I see you've brought newcomers. Welcome. I am called Avatar. Chezni: You probably already know this, but we're trying to get to... Avatar: Equestria. Yes, I felt the disturbance in the Leyline Web. Asmodia is most certainly on his way to that planet, likely for the same reason you are. Chezni: There might be more to the SUN Prophecy than we originally thought. Someone named Tikal told us that many lights would do battle against two dark forces. Avatar: Tikal... How I wish she wasn't trapped like that... Chezni: Wait... You and Tikal were... Avatar: <letting out a laugh> No, it's nothing like that. But we did meet a few times when I was in a more... corporeal form. She helped me to deal with a few personal problems I was having at the time. Knuckles: I didn't know her for long, but Tikal seems to be good at giving advice. Avatar: Indeed. It is a shame that so few people followed her advice. Had they done so, the tragedy of the Echidna Tribe might have been averted. Chezni: In any case, we did manage to prevent one tragedy. Avatar: Yes, I saw what you did on Sonic's home world. And I also saw that you managed to save someone from a terrible fate. <Tails and Cosmo look at one another. Tails is holding her hand tightly.> Avatar: It is no coincidence that Chezni found his way to you. Tails, and Cosmo. I sense you will both have a pivotal role to play in the future. <A portal is seen opening behind the Avatar.> Avatar: The portal to Equestria has been opened. I wish you all the best of luck. <The Avatar's head slowly disappears. The Nova Typhoon continues on its journey through the portal. After a few minutes of stars and waves of energy flying past, the massive ship is seen exiting the other side of the portal. Everyone looks on as the ship approaches a bright blue and green planet.> Eden: We are approaching Equus now. Chezni: This is perfect... <Chezni looks down at his Nova Matrix, and then back at the planet. Chezni cracks a smile.> Chezni: Hey, Tails. Could you get everybody up to the Bridge? I wanna show them something. <The ship continues toward the planet, as everyone is now on the Bridge. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cosmo, Eggman, Shadow, Bokkun, Cream, Vanilla, Charmy, Vector and Espio all look to where Chezni is standing.> Espio: Why did you call everybody to the Bridge? Eden: It should be happening soon. Chezni: Why don't you all take a look at the planet, and its sun and moon? <The others look on. As they do, suddenly the planet's moon starts to move, and the sun itself also begins to move around the planet. Everyone is in awe of what they're witnessing.> Cream and Bokkun: Wow... Sonic: What the... Amy: They're... Tails: They're orbiting the planet... Cosmo: I've never seen anything like it... Tails: How's this even possible? Chezni: <smiling> Magic. Sonic: Magic is causing this? Chezni: That's right. Everything that makes this world function, is based on magic. <The others are stunned. Chezni then nudges Tails.> Chezni: I love bringing newcomers here around this time. They always get a kick out of it. Knuckles: This is incredible... <Shadow is smirking as everyone is looking on in amazement. Tails sits back in his seat.> Tails: Alright... Let's bring the Nova Typhoon in... <The massive ship heads to the planet. It slowly descends on Equestria, poking its way through the clouds. As the ship descends, everyone notices that there is a collection of clouds that has numerous buildings and other structures on it. Streams of water can be seen flowing off this massive cloud-like structure, with rainbow colored liquid flowing off one side. Numerous brightly colored ponies with wings are seen flying about. Some of the ponies are seen literally moving smaller clouds around.> Chezni: Looks like the Pegasi are keeping the weather clear for us. Eggman: Tails, someone's... trying to communicate with us. Tails: Alright. Let's take a look. <A screen in the front of the Bridge turns on. A white Alicorn standing close to 5 feet tall is seen on the screen. Her sparkling mane and tail are long and striped with light green, blue, pink and purple colors. Her eyes are a light grayish magenta color, and she has a sun mark on her flank. She wears a golden crown and golden necklace, each with purple gems in them.> Chezni: Princess Celestia! Celestia: Chezni! We've been waiting for you! Chezni: Yeah. I hope you don't mind, but I decided to take you up on your offer, and brought some friends. Celestia: Oh wow. It looks like you've brought an entire crew with you. <Everyone waves to Celestia.> Chezni: I'm glad to see your projector is working too. Celestia: Yes, there were some issues, but Twilight finally got it working. Chezni: I'd introduce everyone now, but it might be easier once we get to Ponyville. <Suddenly, a pink pony is seen behind Celestia, looking at the screen. Her curly mane and tail are a magenta color and her eyes are a light blue color. In addition, she has a mark of two light blue balloons and one light yellow balloon on her flank.> Pink Pony: <a high pitched, hyper sounding voice> Whatcha doing? <The pony sees everyone on the screen, and her eyes widen and she runs off.> Eden: Oh dear. Chezni: Yeah, we know what this means. Sonic: What's it mean? Celestia: Well you knew she would do this at some point. Tails: What? I don't understand. Chezni: That pink pony's probably gonna throw us a big party once we get there. That's... just her thing. <Shadow is seen nodding.> Celestia: Well, I'll let you make your way to the surface. Chezni: Yeah, it won't be long now. Then we can talk some more. There's alot to go over. Celestia: I'll be waiting. <Celestia's image disappears and the screen turns off. The image in front of everyone changes back to the surface, as the ship closes in on a large town.> Tails: That was a Princess? Chezni: That's right. Princess Celestia. She rules Equestria, alongside Princess Luna. They're planning to pass the throne down some day, but that hasn't happened yet. Cream: She's really pretty. <Chezni and Shadow both let out a chuckle. The ship descends on the large town. Timber framed houses with thatched roofs can be seen all over the town. In addition, a large round building is set in the middle of the town. On the other side of the town is what appears to be a light violet castle set on top of a tree made of crystal.> Cosmo: This is amazing... It's so different from the other worlds we've seen... <The Nova Typhoon descends toward a large open surface on the outskirts of the town. Landing panels extend from the bottom of the ship, as it slowly drops onto the ground, settling on the surface.> Chezni: We're here. <Chezni unfolds the familiar black cloth and places it on the floor. He reaches in and pulls out several cloth bags, one for each of them. He then folds the cloth back up and pockets it.> Sonic: What're those? Chezni: These bags contain bits, the local currency. Each one has 1500 in it. That should be enough to get us by for awhile. Tails: You always seem oddly prepared for everything... Chezni: Not at all. The first time I came here, I didn't know what I was doing, and I was turned into a pony because my Matrix was on the fritz. It took me awhile to figure out the best way to make money here, and that's only AFTER I learned how to walk on four legs. Amy: And the best way to make money is... Chezni: Merchandising. I sold them some old Starlance technology. Nothing fancy mind you, but enough to impress some of their entrepreneurs into paying me quite a 'bit' for them. Sonic: Is this world gonna be pony puns? Chezni: This world is gonna be pony puns. Sonic: <sarcastically> Fun. Chezni: Alright. Let's go meet everyone... or I should say, everypony. Sonic: Aaaaaaand here we go already... <Everyone walks down a metal ramp to the surface of the world. Sonic looks around. There are fields upon fields of open area everywhere outside of the town. His eyes widen with excitement.> Sonic: Look at all this space... Chezni: <noticing Sonic's eagerness> Yes, you can go for a run. But come right back. We've got ponies to meet. Sonic: Be back soon! <Sonic speeds off, running so fast that he becomes a blur. Celestia is seen approaching the group.> Chezni: Princess Celestia! I assume the others are in Ponyville? Celestia: That's right. Well, everypony except Rainbow Dash. She had to clear a few more clouds out of the sky. But she'll be back soon enough. Cream: Miss Celestia... Celestia: <leaning down toward Cream> Yes? Cream: You're really pretty. Celestia: <a chuckle> Why thank you. Tails: I can't believe the sun orbits this planet. Celestia: Everyone is always impressed when I raise the sun. <The group is utterly shocked in response. Well, everyone except for Shadow and Chezni.> Vector: Hold on a second! That was YOU?! Celestia: That's right. It's my special talent. Charmy: That's so cool... Eggman: I'm seriously gonna need to do some research on this world! Chezni: Eggman, remember you promised... Eggman: I know. I'll behave. No attack robots while I'm here. Celestia: <chuckling> It sounds like you've got your OWN version of Discord. Chezni: <thinking for a second> That's... actually pretty accurate... <Everyone heads toward Ponyville with Celestia. Meanwhile, Sonic is seen zipping past a red barn and an apple tree orchard. In the skies above him, a light blue Pegasus close to Sonic's height can be seen zipping around. Her mane and tail are rainbow colored and her eyes are a shade of pink. In addition, she has the mark of a white cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt under it on her flank. She sees Sonic zipping around on the ground, and immediately flies right toward him. It doesn't take long for her to catch up with him.> Sonic: <as he is running, noticing the Pegasus> Whoa... You're fast... How about THIS?! <Sonic picks up speed and becomes a blur of blue color. The Pegasus does the same thing and becomes a blur of rainbow light. The two of them are still moving side by side. Sonic is smiling at the Pegasus. The Pegasus also gives off a smile.> Pegasus: Name's Rainbow Dash! Sonic: Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! <The two continue to shoot back toward the town of Ponyville. Soon they get back to where the group currently is. They both zip past everyone.> Amy: Was that Sonic? Tails: Why's he moving so fast?! Chezni: I think I've got a pretty good idea... Shadow: They really have alot in common... Celestia: Oh dear. <Sonic and Rainbow Dash zip through the town and circle around, back to where everyone is. They finally stop and both collapse on the ground, completely worn out. Both of them are laughing.> Rainbow Dash: Ha ha!!! I never thought I'd meet anyone as fast as me! Sonic: We've gotta do this more often! <Chezni, Tails and Knuckles approach Sonic and Rainbow Dash.> Chezni: Maybe we should let them rest for a second? Tails: Yeah... Knuckles: You had to be competitive, didn't you, Sonic? <Sonic and Rainbow Dash continue laughing.> ______ ______ <Everyone heads toward the town square. As they do, Chezni stops.> Chezni: You all go ahead! I have to talk with Princess Celestia for a minute! I'll catch up! Sonic: Ok, but don't be too long. I'm already gettin' antsy again. Chezni: Sonic, when are you NOT antsy? Sonic: Pretty much never. <Sonic and the others continue on, leaving Chezni and Celestia. Chezni turns toward Celestia.> Chezni: I really appreciate you letting us come here like this... Celestia: What's this all of a sudden? You know your friends are always going to be welcome. Chezni: Yeah... When I was here last week, I told you that we were coming because of Asmodia. Celestia: Yes... We've also been preparing for that too... Chezni: Well... The thing is, there's another reason I brought them all here. <Chezni watches Sonic, Tails, Cosmo and the others as they head to the square.> Chezni: They remind me alot of me when I was younger... <Celestia turns to look toward the group.> Chezni: They've... They've been through alot. One of the reasons I brought them here was to let them get away from it all for awhile... Celestia: I'm not a stranger to terrible pasts, you know. Chezni: Yeah, I know... You know firsthand what it's like... That's why I wanted to tell you this before they met the others... They won't come right out and say it, but many of them have been hurt. <Chezni takes a step forward.> Chezni: That two tailed fox and his girlfriend... They were just reunited. He thought she'd died saving everyone... and that he was the one who killed her. And the Echidna just watched one of the most sacred relics on their planet get completely destroyed. The blue Hedgehog there, he blames himself for alot of what's happened... even though they're things he couldn't control... Celestia: Oh... Chezni: Both the red Echidna and the young girl with the green hair are the last survivors of their races... I can't even imagine what that's like... The others probably have things that I don't even know about... I did what I could to make things easier for all of them... So I thought this would be a good escape for awhile... <Chezni lets out a chuckle.> Chezni: Of course, I didn't mention that part to them. Celestia: I think being here might help though. Chezni: Yeah... Heck of alot of friendship problems... Of course, that's what the six are the best at dealing with. These might be more complicated than what they're used to... But, they are the multiverse's greatest psychologists... Celestia: I'm still getting used to others calling them that. Chezni: It's true though. They really are that good. Even if they don't admit it. If anyone can help, it's them... <Chezni notices the rest of the group is getting away from them.> Chezni: Oh! We should get going! <Chezni and Celestia follow the rest of the group to the town square. They walk past a timber framed building with a pink door and pink window sills. In addition, instead of the typical thatched roof, the roof of the building almost seems to resemble gingerbread. Upon further inspection, it is an artificial roof, just painted to look that way. Inside the building the pink pony from before is looking at everyone as they walk by, and apparently zipping around the inside of the building.> Chezni: <looking at the building> Probably right when we get to the town square, right in front of the Town Hall... Celestia: You really have become good at reading them. Are you sure that isn't a talent of yours? Chezni: Wha... No! I don't have any talents! You saw! I never got a Cutie Mark when I was a pony! Celestia: <a chuckle> I'm sure you would've eventually. <Everyone makes their way to the town square. It's quiet. Almost eerily so. There are no ponies anywhere. All of the street vendors are closed and not a single living thing can be seen. Chezni and Sonic look around as everyone walks toward the Town Hall. Chezni gives a slight smile.> Sonic: Wait a sec! Chezni, aren't we supposed to get some kind of welcome from a group you called 'The Six'? Chezni: Wait for iiiiiiiiit... Tails: This is really creepy... <Celestia is giggling a bit.> Chezni: Aaaaaand... <Chezni points as suddenly, firecrackers go off and poppers shoot off, spreading confetti everywhere! Everyone except for Chezni, Celestia and Shadow are startled by the sudden noise. Rainbow Dash suddenly flies behind one of the vendor stalls. Voices can now be heard singing an upbeat song!> Voices: <from all around the group> Ponyville... Ponyville!!! <Without warning, numerous bright multi colored Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns are seen jumping out from behind the vendor stalls. There are around 50 or so of them! Everyone in the group looks on in amazement at the spectacle, as the ponies continue to sing!> Ponies: Ponyville... Now that you are here... You know that we are not just an illusion! Ponyville... Our world history... Is steeped in legend and myth! <Suddenly, a violet Alicorn is seen in the group of ponies. She has somewhat darker violet eyes and her mane and tail are also darker violet with a slightly lighter violet streak going through it, and a pink streak going through it next to the violet one. She has a mark of a pink star surrounded by five white stars on her flank.> Violet Alicorn: <solo> All our hearts... They beat in unison! To the drum of our harmony! Friendship is... Our guiding symphony... Violet Alicorn and five other voices: <together> In Equestria! Our Friendship and Magic unite! <The Alicorn's horn glows, as five other ponies are surrounded in a subtle light. Rainbow Dash and the pink Earth Pony from before are seen, as well as a white Unicorn with a violet mane and tail, light blue eye shadow and azure eyes. Her mark is a set of three blue gems on her flank. Behind Sonic's group is a light orange Earth Pony with a blonde mane and tail who wears a dark tan hat and has red ties on the ends of her mane and tail. In addition, her face has three white spots on each side and the mark on her flank is three red apples. Next to her is a bright yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail and light blue eyes. The mark on her flank is a trio of butterflies. Sonic's group looks around in wonder as the six step forward and start dancing. Chezni and Shadow look like they're just enjoying the show.> All Six Ponies: <together> This universe, it shines so bright... With all the power of our light! The Sun and Moon, they light the way... They guide us through the night and day! Traveling through, the galaxy... Your destiny has brought you here! We celebrate, our brand new friends... And welcome you to our great town! <The entire group of ponies starts singing.> All Ponies: <together> Ponyville! Ponyville! <The song ends as more party poppers go off, shooting confetti everywhere. Sonic's group looks around and instinctively starts applauding, except Chezni and Shadow. Some of the ponies look at them funny and start chuckling. A small light purple dragon with small wings, green eyes, green spikes on his back and small green wing-like scales on the sides of his head can be seen also chuckling. He turns toward the violet Alicorn.> Dragon: <to the violet Alicorn, chuckling> They really are new here, huh Twilight? Twilight: <the violet Alicorn> Everyone's new at first. They'll get used to it. <The six ponies that were doing the majority of the singing start to walk toward the group. The yellow pony maintains some distance. The small dragon flies toward the group, stopping next to Twilight. The rest of the ponies disperse and several of them are seen going into the Town Hall.> Twilight: I'm Twilight Sparkle. Cream: Wow... You look alot like Miss Celestia! Are you a Princess too? Twilight: That's right. I'm the Princess of Friendship. Cream: It's nice to meet you. My name is Cream. And this here is Cheese. <Cream motions to Cheese.> Cheese: Chao! Chao! Cosmo: So when you mentioned singing... Chezni: That's right. This is a thing they do. Shadow: You won't catch ME doing it though... Pink Pony: <narrowing her eyes> Yet... <Chezni turns toward the pink Earth Pony.> Chezni: This question's more of a formality, but you set this all up, didn't you? Pink Pony: Of course I did! Did you really think I wasn't gonna throw some kind of party with so many of you showing up all at once? Shadow: Yeah, she's got you there... Chezni: <to Shadow> I just noticed. You seem awfully familiar with this world. Were you here before? Shadow: Well... Let's just say I dropped in after the Metarex War... Pink Pony: He dropped in alright. You'll never guess where! Chezni: Where? Pink Pony: Right into a giant cake I was baking! He was totally covered in pink frosting! <Sonic and the others are seen chuckling. Shadow is blushing.> Shadow: It was an error in trajectory... Chezni: <still chuckling> Anyway, I think we should all introduce ourselves, since we're probably gonna be here awhile. Shadow: Well, everyone knows who I am. Chezni: Same here. Sonic: I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog! Tails: Miles Prower. But everyone calls me Tails. Cosmo: My name is Cosmo. Knuckles: I'm called Knuckles. Vanilla: It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Vanilla, Cream's mother. Amy: Amy Rose. But you can call me Amy. Rouge: The name's Rouge. Vector: Vector the Crocodile! Vector, for short! Charmy: My name's Charmy! Espio: Espio. Also I'm a ninja. Cream: My name is Cream, and this is Cheese. Cheese: Chao! Chao! Eggman: I am the renowned scientific genius, Dr. Eggman! Bokkun: You can just call him 'Eggman' for short. My name's Bokkun. Twilight: As you know, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Dragon: I'm Spike. Rainbow Dash: I'm Rainbow Dash! Pink Pony: I'm Pinkie Pie! Light Orange Pony: Name's Applejack. Nice to meet y'all! White Unicorn: I am Rarity. If you need an outfit made, I'd be happy to help. Amy: You're a tailor?! Rarity: That's right. Amy: I have been looking for a dress for a LONG time! Rarity: Well dear, when we're done here, maybe we can go to the Boutique, and I can show you around. And maybe later, we can go to the spa. Amy: A SPA?! Oh, I've needed this for SO LONG! Sonic: Well... I think that's everyone. Eden: I wonder if someone will make a Waltons reference here... Chezni: You just did. Cream: What about that pony there? <Cream motions to Fluttershy who is nervously standing behind Rainbow Dash.> Fluttershy: Um... Hello. I'm Fluttershy... Twilight: ... Well, it's better than when I first met her. Cream: <walking toward Fluttershy> It's nice to meet you, Miss Fluttershy. <Fluttershy looks at Cheese and smiles. She walks toward the Chao.> Fluttershy: Oh, your friend there is so cute... Cheese: Chao! Chao! Fluttershy: Oh my... I'm going to have to learn your language... Cream: I can help you if you want. Fluttershy: You can? Thanks... Sonic: <looking at Cream and Fluttershy> Well would you look at that... Rainbow Dash: If Cream was a pony, she could pass for a relative of Fluttershy's... Pinkie Pie: There's cake, cupcakes, punch and cider inside the Town Hall, everypony... uh everyone! <More ponies are seen entering the Hall.> Pinkie Pie: And of course, a chocolate fountain! <Charmy flies next to Pinkie Pie.> Charmy: A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN?! Pinkie Pie: A chocolate fountain! <Charmy immediately makes a 'beeline' toward the Town Hall.> Charmy: CHOCOLATE FOUNTAAAAAIN!!! Pinkie Pie: You and I are gonna get along nicely! <Everyone heads into the Town Hall. A green Pegasus with the eerie green glow to her is seen in the sky above the Town Hall.> Pegasus: Nightmare Queen. We may have a problem... Nightmare Queen's Voice: Yes, I know. Continue to observe them. I will arrive in a few days. Pegasus: What about Asmodia? Nightmare Queen's Voice: Asmodia desires above all else for the Seedrian to be by his side. Perhaps we can use that... Pegasus: But why is he so obsessed with her? Nightmare Queen: You would be surprised what can be found outside of this world... very surprised indeed... <The Nightmare Queen laughs. On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.> Song Used: Mystery Sagashi - Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen
  12. Alrighty. And now we're on to episode 12. The final episode of the Countdown part of the story. <Thunder is crashing all around as the wind becomes intense. Asmodia stands in front of our heroes, staring them down, the pink aura growing brighter. Tremors are still felt on the ground as Asmodia finally puts his arms to his side.> Asmodia: Now... Let's see how quickly you fall. <An EXPLOSION of energy erupts from Asmodia, knocking everyone back several feet. Chezni, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Cosmo and Shadow are all knocked off their feet from the impact. Tails remains standing, though he was also pushed back. The others get up.> Chezni: This... I don't know what to do here... Sonic: Uh, just wing it?! Asmodia: I'll deal with the rest of you later. The fox will be the first to die! Tails: The name is Tails!!! <Tails charges toward Asmodia, his aura glowing even more brightly than before. He throws a punch, as Asmodia throws a punch of his own. The two fists connect, releasing a shockwave that displaces the earth around them. Chezni and the others brace themselves to avoid being caught up in the blowback.> Shadow: He's exerting more Chaos energy than I've ever seen before! At this rate, it could disintegrate him! Cosmo: No... Tails! Episode 12: The Eye of the Storm <Tails and Asmodia are seen exchanging blows in the sky above Angel Island. The ground shakes with each impact as lightning is seen in the sky. A few Chao can be seen flying away from the fight.> Sonic: Tails... Chezni: It isn't safe here! We need to go! Cosmo: But what about Tails?! Chezni: He'll be fine! I'll keep track of him! You all need to get outta here, now! <The others turn to leave, but Cosmo runs back toward the fight.> Cosmo: No! I refuse to leave him now! Not after we just... <Chezni grabs Cosmo's arm.> Chezni: Cosmo! You need to get to safety! Otherwise this was all pointless! Sonic: He's right! Tails would never forgive us if something happened to you now! <Cosmo closes her eyes.> Knuckles: <heading toward what's left of the forest> Hurry up! <Cosmo turns and runs toward the remains of the forest.> Chezni: Alright. We're outta here! <The group runs through the forest, as Tails and Asmodia fly to the edge of the island. Above the lake, the two continue exchanging blows. Their bodies surge with their respective energies, as the two collide with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!', causing another shockwave! The force from the shockwave displaces the water in the lake, causing it to spill out near the X Tornado and Chezni's ship! The two back away.> Asmodia: I have to say, for a rodent you're quite formidable! <Tails can be seen panting.> Asmodia: But unfortunately, you are beginning to show your limitations! <The group makes their way out of the forest and runs toward the two vehicles. Once they get to the vehicles, Tails and Asmodia are visible in the sky again. A flash of lightning comes down behind the two of them with a loud 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, hitting a tree behind the lake and splitting it in half! Tails looks at Cosmo and Sonic briefly, before looking back at Asmodia.> Cosmo: We're leaving, Tails! So do what you need to do! I'll be waiting for you! Sonic: I'll look after her, buddy! You just make sure you get through this! <Chezni gets into his ship. Sonic and the others get in the X Tornado. The two vehicles lift off the ground. Amy is piloting the X Tornado.> Sonic: <behind Amy> Uh... You sure you know how to work this thing? Amy: I watched Tails plenty of times! It didn't look THAT hard! <Amy notices all of the gauges.> Amy: Ok... Maybe it's harder than he made it look! Cosmo: In times like these, it might be best to just improvise? Knuckles: You heard her! Just drive! <The two vehicles fly away from Angel Island and start heading toward the mainland. Meanwhile, Asmodia and Tails are also seen flying from Angel Island toward the mainland. Asmodia is grabbing Tails by the chest, as Tails is flying at top speed. The two dive into the water and continue exchanging blows. Some distance from where they went in, an EXPLOSION is seen as water shoots up into the sky, with Asmodia and Tails resurfacing and taking to the sky again! The two fly right to the mainland and past the workshop, heading for the city. Cream and Vector are still in the same spot. It doesn't take long for them to notice the two forces flying toward them!> Vector: What in the... Cream: <closing her eyes, and holding Cheese tightly> Mr. Vector!!! Tails: <noticing Cream and Vector> No! <Tails breaks off to land in front of Cream and Vector, as Asmodia lands behind Tails.> Asmodia: Fool! <Asmodia fires a pink blast at Tails. The fox covers Cream and Vector as the blast hits him, causing an EXPLOSION! Burns can be seen on the back of his armor and some of his fur is slightly singed. Cream is horrified by what she sees.> Tails: <to Cream and Vector> You... need to run as fast as you can, ok? <Cream nods.> Vector: We're going. Just don't get killed, ok? Tails: Don't worry... I'll be fine... <Tails gets up and Vector and Cream run off. Asmodia charges toward Tails. He lunges forward with a punch, as Tails lunges with his own punch. The two fists meet, causing another shockwave, shattering every window in the area! Cream and Vector do their best to shield themselves from the falling glass. Various other anthropomorphic civilians are also seen running on all directions.> Asmodia: <backing away> Is this really the best you can do, little fox boy?! <Tails is now panting harder than before. He is closing one eye.> Asmodia: Did you think that a frail little fox cub like yourself could ever defeat ME?! I am the one who has destroyed countless worlds, KILLED countless Nova Warriors! Do you THINK I haven't dealt with someone as powerful as YOU before?! <Asmodia lunges toward Tails. Tails backs up and flies into the sky. The two collide and continue to exchange blows. Asmodia spin kicks Tails in the head, sending the fox reeling backward.> Asmodia: Admit it. You're no match for me! <The X Tornado and Chezni's ship are seen making their way to the mainland. They can see the fight from where they are.> Knuckles: Uh, Sonic. Tails isn't looking that great! Sonic: Tails... We need to land! <Tails gets flung into the ground as Asmodia flies toward him. Amy puts her hands over her mouth and gasps. She quickly takes the controls again.> Cosmo: I can't... STAND THIS ANYMORE!!! <Cosmo opens the canopy and jumps out of the plane, floating down to the ground. Afterward, she runs to where Tails and Asmodia are. Asmodia collides into Tails with a mighty 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', causing a massive crack in the ground underneath the fox. He pins Tails down with his hand, grabbing the young fox's chest. Cosmo runs toward where they are.> Cosmo: STOP IT!!! Asmodia: Perfect. You can watch your precious little fox die! Cosmo: NO! Please stop!!! <Tails is struggling to get free.> Asmodia: So, the great 'prophecy' was just a fairy tale after all. <Tails looks straight at Asmodia.> Asmodia: Stop looking at me with those eyes!!! <Asmodia slams his fist into Tails' chest, causing a tremor from the impact!> Tails: Leave them... alone... Asmodia: Oh, you still have enough strength to speak. Impressive. <Asmodia gives off a smug grin.> Asmodia: Since the two lovebirds are together, I think I can let you in on a little secret. Earthia never told you what happened to Green Gate, did she? Cosmo: It was attacked, and the invaders were driven off at a great cost! Asmodia: Yes. It WAS attacked. <Asmodia grins as he looks at Tails. He pulls the fox toward his face.> Asmodia: I caused the attack! <Tails' eyes widen. Cosmo puts her hands over her mouth.> Asmodia: It was ME! I was the one that put the thoughts in the heads of those foolish people! I am the one that manipulated them into attacking Green Gate! And I am the reason the Metarex existed in the first place! It was all a simple science experiment! In a way, Dark Oak... He was the first Asmodian!!! <Tails screams, as an intense burst of golden energy flings Asmodia off him! The fox is standing, surrounded by an even more intense aura than before. He lunges at Asmodia with a speed that is too fast to see. He uppercuts the demonic creature into the sky and flies after him! Lightning rages all around the two of them, as Tails and Asmodia once again continue to exchange blows. However upon closer inspection, Tails is landing far more hits than before. The others catch up to Cosmo and look up at the sky.> Shadow: He's giving off way more energy than before. Sonic: We have to stop this... <Tails grabs Asmodia and starts to fly into the sky. He flies above the clouds, and dives down, full force, toward a nearby rocky formation. He lets go of Asmodia, who then slams full force into the rocky outcropping, shattering it with a 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!' sound! Tails dives toward Asmodia, who struggles to even move. He lands on top of the demonic being and starts pummeling him.> Tails: <as he's punching Asmodia> YOU DID ALL OF THIS! IT WAS YOU!!! <Tails continues punching Asmodia, as the others run to where he is. The ground shakes slightly with each blow.> Tails: <as he continues punching> YOU KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE! YOU HURT COSMO! YOU HURT EVERYONE!!! <Tails continues punching as Cosmo runs to where he is. It doesn't take long for Sonic and the others get there in as well.> Sonic: That's enough, Tails! Amy: It's over!!! <Tails continues punching Asmodia. Finally, he pulls his arm back to deliver another punch. Suddenly, Cosmo takes hold of his arm. Tails almost lifts her, but finally stops as his eyes widen. He looks to see her standing there.> Tails: <tears welling up> Cosmo... Cosmo: It's alright, Tails... <Tails immediately powers down to his normal non-transformed form. He throws himself in Cosmo's arms and starts crying.> Sonic: Tails... Amy: <eyes getting teary> He must've had that all bottled up this whole time... <Cosmo embraces Tails and hugs him as he continues to cry.> Cosmo: Everything will be fine now... Tails: I... I thought... I'd never see you again... <Tails continues to cry in Cosmo's arms as everyone stands there silent.> ______ ______ <The storm clouds are seen dissipating, as Eggman arrives in his round pod with Decoe, Bocoe and Bokkun and several of the red and yellow robots. As the robots land near the city, Eggman looks at the destroyed landscape. His mouth hangs open in shock at what he sees. Many civilians are seen digging through rubble, looking for others. Several civilians are lying injured in the street, as medics are seen tending to them. Eggman grits his teeth. Bokkun is covering his mouth, looking like he's about to cry.> Eggman: Well, what are you all standing around for?! Get out there and help them! <The red and yellow robots immediately go to work assisting in removing large debris.> Eggman: Maybe I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but who cares? I hope you sent whoever did this packing, Hedgehog... <Bokkun is suddenly heard screaming, as he flies away from Eggman's pod. He lands near Cream and Vector. Cream is unconscious with a red gash on her head. Cheese is sitting next to her, nudging her.> Cheese: <tears in his eyes> Chao! Chao! Chao! Vector: <in tears> I... I couldn't stop it... The piece of concrete... It hit her and... Bokkun: <now in tears, collapses on Cream> Cream! You can't be... You have to be okay... There's so much I have to tell you... <Cream slowly opens her eyes.> Cream: <weakly> Mr... Vector... and... <Bokkun hugs Cream.> Bokkun: Cream... Thank goodness... Cream: You're... Bokkun? Bokkun: <smiling> Yeah... Vector: <still crying> I'm sorry, Cream! I should've protected you... Cream: It's... ok... Cheese: <hugging Cream's arm> Chao! Chao! Bokkun: I'm glad you're okay... I don't know what I'd do if... <Eggman is looking on with surprise.> Eggman: I had no idea, Bokkun... <The scene transitions to the next day outside of Tails' workshop. The sun is shining brightly in the sky. Everyone is there, Sonic, Cosmo, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Cream, Cheese, Rouge, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Big the Cat, Chezni and even Eggman and Bokkun. Cream has a bandage on her head and Bokkun is next to her. Tails has bandages around his chest, right arm and head. Sonic has bandages around his chest. Shadow is similarly bandaged.> Chezni: <whispering to Sonic> Guess that reunion will be slightly less bitter, huh? Sonic: <laughing> Yeah... But there's still a reason to... <Shadow suddenly puts his hand up and shakes his head. Sonic nods and stops talking.> Shadow: There were some injuries in the city, but thankfully no fatalities... It'll take awhile to rebuild though. Knuckles: Buildings can be rebuilt. But lives can never be replaced. Eden: I haven't detected Asmodia near the planet since the fight. Chezni: He said he'd be back. Of course, when he went through his portal he almost fell over twice. Man... Tails REALLY let him have it. I imagine it'll take awhile for him to recover from this. Sonic: You never mentioned... What's the N in N-Class stand for? Chezni: Well, I guess I can tell you. It stands for Nature. The prophecy is known as the Prophecy of the SUN. Science, the Unknown, and Nature united. Amy: ... I think this is the happiest Tails has been in a long time... Chezni: He wasn't even all that upset about the fact that he has to rebuild the bottom wings of the X Tornado. Eden: Crashing vehicles is something that Chezni and I are all too familiar with. Chezni: Gimme a break here... Sonic: Tails said he wanted to make a few improvements to it anyway. <Tails and Cosmo walk up to Chezni.> Tails: Chezni... Sonic told me... He told me what you did... <Tails jumps up and hugs Chezni.> Chezni: Whoa! Whoa! It's alright. Really, it's fine. Eden: It's as if he was obsessed with finding her. <Tails lets go.> Cosmo: It really is strange. You helped me without even knowing who I was or what I looked like. Why go to all that trouble for someone you've never met? <Chezni looks around at everyone.> Chezni: Eden once asked me why it is I do certain things. I told him a bunch of stuff about how bad things happen in the universe all the time and how I was sick of seeing it all and just wanted something good for once. Eden: I remember that. Chezni: Maybe that was part of the reason. The truth is, I don't really know. Something about you two, about everyone here... I just really wanted to do this. But maybe, there doesn't have to be a reason to want to do something good... <Chezni looks around and sees Cream and Bokkun talking. Eggman is just looking on. Rouge is seen smacking the back of Knuckle's head. Shadow is standing nearby with his arms crossed. Charmy, Vector and Espio are looking triumphant.> Chezni: In the end, what you do is all that matters. If you have the power to do something, then doing it because it's the right thing to do, that's enough of a reason. Shadow: <cracking a smile> That sounds like something Maria would've said... Chezni: Maybe, I don't know. Sonic: What about you? Are you happy? Chezni: Well yeah. But also no. Shadow: Don't you get it, Sonic? Sonic: What? Shadow: He's... not staying here. Sonic: Oh... I guess that makes sense... Chezni: I can't stay in one place forever. I came here to give this world the Nova Crystals and give it a fighting chance against Asmodia and any other villains that might attack. The way I see it, you'll all be fine for awhile. Sonic: Yeah, but what about the prophecy? Chezni: What Tikal told me on Angel Island, there are still more lights out there. I think that might be part of the prophecy too. Eden: But nothing is written about that, Chezni. Chezni: It's fine, Eden. I know the actual prophecy ends with the three forces uniting. But I think I know why there isn't anything after that. It's because we now have to make our own prophecy. The future isn't something that's determined by what people said or did in the past. It's determined by what we do now. <Chezni turns and heads toward the field where his ship is. Sonic, Tails and Cosmo follow him.> Sonic: You're not gonna say goodbye to everyone? Chezni: It's not like I'm never coming back, you know. I just have to do some things. Once I find the other lights, you'll see me again. Eden: It is possible the other lights refer to other Nova Warriors. Chezni: And if that's the case, I might have an idea of where they are. <Chezni turns to Sonic, Cosmo and Tails.> Chezni: Tell the others to hold the fort while I'm gone. Tails: We will. Cosmo: Thank you, Chezni. Thank you for, well everything. Chezni: Any time. Also, thank the others. They put in just as much effort as I did. <Chezni gives a wink. Cosmo nods as Chezni presses a button, causing his ship to appear. He jumps into the cockpit.> Sonic: Hey, Chezni! Chezni: <turning toward Sonic> Yeah? Sonic: <giving a thumbs up> You're really cool, you know. Chezni: <giving his own thumbs up> You're really cool too! <The cockpit closes and Chezni's ship lifts off the ground. Then in a burst of speed, it takes off into the sky and disappears from sight.> Sonic: Man... Tails: It feels like something out of a storybook... Cosmo: I think we should get back with the others. <The three head back to the workshop. In a bright flash, the scene transitions to show the sun rising on a new day. Tails is seen working on the X Tornado, while Cosmo is in Tails' room, watering the sapling.> Cosmo: He has done so well with you. One day... you will be born... <Cosmo continues to water the sapling.> Cosmo: <chuckling> Of course I haven't told him yet! There's still plenty of time. It's not like it's going to happen tomorrow. <Tails is humming as he continues working on the vehicle. A knock can be heard at the door. Tails exits the hangar and heads to the front door. He opens it to see Sonic and Amy.> Tails: Sonic! Amy! Sonic: Hey there. Amy: Hi lovebirds! Tails: <blushing> Stop that! It's embarrassing... Amy: But you're so cute when you blush! Tails: It's not like we sleep in the same bed, you know... Amy: Yet... <Cosmo sees Sonic and Amy.> Cosmo: Oh, Sonic and Amy! <The two enter, and the four of them sit, with Sonic next to Amy and Tails next to Cosmo.> Sonic: <blushing> Soooooo... Amy decided that since you and Cosmo are so close, we should uh... you know... Amy: What Sonic's TRYING to say is we're officially dating now! <Amy sounds excited as she says the last part of the sentence. Sonic winces slightly in response.> Amy: Oh. Could you wait here for a second, Sonic? Sonic: Yeah. Sure thing. <Amy gets up and walks over to Cosmo.> Amy: Cosmo, could I talk to you in private for a minute? Cosmo: Of course. <The two of them go off into Tails' room. Sonic and Tails look confused.> Tails: What's that all about? Sonic: Yeah, gonna be honest. That seems to be a thing girls do alot. <Amy is in Tails' room with Cosmo. The sapling is on the table soaking up the sunlight. Amy closes the door.> Amy: Ok. You have to tell me everything. Cosmo: What do you mean? Amy: Don't 'what do you mean' me! You know what I'm talking about. You and Tails! You've been living together here for a week! What's it like? Cosmo: Oh... Um... <Cosmo blushes. Amy puts her hand on Cosmo's shoulder.> Amy: This is what girlfriends do. We talk about things like this! What's he like? Cosmo: Well... He... um... He's really smart... Amy: I know that! Tell me something I don't know! Cosmo: Well... Um... <blushing> When he sleeps sometimes he does this thing where he uses his tails as a pillow... It's so cute. Amy: Oh my gosh! That is adorable! Cosmo: Also um... Sometimes he purrs... Amy: Eeeeeek! <There is suddenly alot of commotion and noise outside. Amy and Cosmo head out of Tails' room. Sonic and Tails are looking outside.> Sonic: You heard it too? Amy: What's going on? Tails: That looks like... Chezni's ship? <Chezni's ship is on the ground right outside of the workshop. The canopy opens, and Chezni jumps out of the cockpit. He immediately heads to the door of the workshop and knocks. Tails answers the door.> Tails: Chezni! Sonic: You got back fast! Chezni: There's no time! I found them! Sonic: Wait, you mean the other lights from Tikal's vision? Chezni: That's right. Eden: A planet in Sector 4247. Chezni: Yeah. We need to get there fast. I think Asmodia's making that world his next target! Sonic: Wait... We as in... Chezni: Everyone. All of us need to go. Literally! Sonic: But what about Cream, and Rouge? Chezni: Bring them along! Bring them ALL along! It's fine! Sonic: But your ship and the X Tornado... They don't have enough room to... <Tails starts laughing.> Chezni: Tails? Tails: If it's a ship we need, I've got the perfect one! Cosmo: You don't mean... THAT one? Tails: I do. Of course, the cannon doesn't work anymore. Good riddance... But I managed to repair the core and the other facilities, so it can still get us from one place to another, no problem! Cosmo: Even without the Master Emerald? Tails: You'll see. The Nova Matrix does more than just transform us. It gives us access to ALL of Starlance's schematics! Sonic: Are you sure you don't just need the Nova Warriors? Really? Everyone? Chezni: It's fine! Bring them all! Sonic: Even the Chaotix? Chezni: Them too! Sonic: But Cream's mom, Vanilla... Chezni: She can come too! Her and Cream will have a blast where we're going! And if Bokkun and Eggman promise to behave, they can come too! Sonic: Ok, now you're just being weird. Chezni: <giving a sly smile> You don't even know the meaning of the word 'weird'. Tails: Ok, I'll get things ready while you let everyone know. Chezni: You got it. <Chezni turns and starts to walk away, then he stops. He turns back around.> Chezni: Oh, one more thing. Nothing too serious or anything. But where we're going, you might be tempted to suddenly start singing. If that happens, don't panic and just go with it. <Cosmo looks confused.> Chezni: <looking at Cosmo> Actually there's someone there that's alot like you. I think you'll fit in pretty well. Cosmo: Oh, well that's nice at least. <Chezni runs off toward the city.> Chezni: I hope this is ok... She said my friends are welcome there... I just hope this is ok... It's kind of out of the blue... Of course if they can help with what I think they can help with, they'll probably already know we're coming... <The scene transitions to the next day. The interior of a ship's bridge is seen, with Sonic, Amy, Cosmo, Tails and Chezni sitting at various seats in the center. The outer part of the bridge has seats for Shadow, Knuckles, Rouge, Charmy, Vector, Espio and Cream. Chezni's seat is a bit larger than the others. Sitting next to Cream, is another female cream colored rabbit with brown eyes that is noticeably taller than Cream. Her muzzle is white with a brown nose at the tip of it. She has the brownish orange markings on her eyes like Cream, but also a tuft of similarly colored hair on top of her head and similarly colored markings at the ends of her ears. She has dark brown eyelids as well. She is wearing a long lavender dress, with puffy sleeves, and white trim at the bottom of the skirt and ends of the sleeves. She also wears a burgundy vest with gold buttons and a blue ascot. Her gloves are white with gold cufflinks and her low heeled shoes are burgundy with a yellow detail and gray soles.> Chezni: Big isn't here? Sonic: He said something about needing to look after 'Froggy'. Chezni: Well that's kind of sad. I was hoping he WOULD be here. Let's see... Eggman said he'd catch up with us before the Rift. That should be fine... Cosmo: Tails, you remodeled the bridge? Tails: That's right. I thought there was a possibility that we might have to go out into space again at some point. Chezni: Wait. You mean this ship... Tails: You're onboard the ship that fought in the Metarex War. Chezni: So when you mentioned the cannon... Never mind. <The taller female rabbit walks up to Chezni.> Rabbit: I don't believe we've been introduced yet. Chezni: Oh, I'm sorry about that! My name's Chezni. Chezni Vanguard. Rabbit: I am Vanilla, Cream's mother. Chezni: It's nice to meet you. I can definitely see the resemblance. <Vanilla chuckles as Tails presses a few buttons. A whirring sound can be heard. Vanilla heads back to her seat.> Chezni: So you used Starlance technology to do all this? Tails: Yep. Got the schematics from something called the Super Nova. Chezni: Wait a minute... You mean the... <Chezni's eyes widen, as light can be seen through the screen in front of the bridge. The scene zooms out to show a massive blue ship with silver and black outlines. The top of it has a bridge section in the shape of a dragon with its wings curved back.> Tails: Nova Typhoon! Launch! <With a shockwave of air pressure, the ship launches from an opening in the cliffside. It heads up into the sky, picking up speed, and finally disappears from sight. On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.> The Adventure Will Continue...
  13. Aaaaaaand here we are with Episode 11. Also, Freud must've been having some fun with me while I was typing this episode. I kept misspelling words and getting other... interesting words... I'll leave that to your imagination. So like I said, two in a row this week. Next week, I won't be here. But the week after we'll start the actual crossover part. So this is the first one for this week. The second will be posted soon enough. <Asmodia is seen at the top of the altar, with Dark Void some distance behind him. Dark Void is watching things unfold, but an air of worry is seen in her eyes.> Dark Void: Soon... Soon we will be in control... <The Asmodian General looks at Tails. He is floating in front of Crusala as energy surges through him.> Dark Void: That young fox is fighting so fiercely... Soon we will finish him off, take the sapling, and wipe out all life on this planet... <Tails charges toward Crusala and slams his fist into the Asmodian General's chest! Crusala is flung back a few feet. The general aims his sword at Tails and shoots a bolt of lightning at the fox. With a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, it strikes right next to him. Tails is suddenly startled. Crusala wastes no time, and fires an electric blast right at the fox, hitting him in the chest and sending sparks flying. Tails is still airborne though, and doesn't seem all that bothered by the scorch mark on his armor.> Crusala: Why you little freak... <Crusala flies toward Tails. The young fox flies above Crusala, doing a midair summersault and slamming his two tails down on the Asmodian General, flinging him to the ground! He lands with an impact that kicks up debris and dust all around him! He flies back up toward Tails and slashes with his sword. The fox nimbly dodges out of the way and forms his Dream Busters again. He aims at the Asmodian General.> Tails: Dream Busters!!! <The two blasts hit Crusala at point-blank, knocking him back and causing him to spin in midair. He regains his composure. Sonic gets to his feet and makes his way over to where everyone else is.> Shadow: You're seeing this, right? Sonic: I see it... but I don't believe it... Chezni: ... <coming to a realization> Tails is distracting Crusala! We need to get to the top of that altar! <The others nod in agreement and start running toward the altar.> Episode 11: The Prophecy - Part 2 <The group gets to the base of the stairs. Knuckles suddenly stops in his tracks, as he sees shards of the Master Emerald strewn about. The others stop too.> Knuckles: <falling to his knees> The Master Emerald... Sonic: It can be repaired though, right? Knuckles: <tears are seen in his eyes> No... It can't... Too much of it has been disintegrated... I... I failed to protect it... Chezni: But how is the island still floating? Knuckles: After... the Metarex War... once the Master Emerald was restored to the altar, half of its energy was sent to this world's Planet Egg as a precaution... That's what keeps the island from falling... Tikal: <an unseen voice> That is correct. <Suddenly, time stops around everyone. Tails and Crusala are frozen in place, and Asmodia and Dark Void are frozen as well.> Knuckles: Tikal... Forgive me... Tikal: There is nothing to blame you for. The Master Emerald once housed the being known as Chaos, as well as my spirit. But after the war with the Metarex, we agreed to split the powers of Chaos between the Master Emerald and the Planet Egg. Chaos' spirit is now watching over the Planet Egg. <Knuckles gets to his feet.> Knuckles: But... what about your spirit? Without the Master Emerald... Tikal: I will continue to help guard the island, so long as it exists. The energy that the Master Emerald once held in it has been dispersed. But it is not gone. <Chezni looks around.> Chezni: I've never met you before... I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I let him do this to your world... If I could've just stopped him in Starlance... Tikal: You mustn't blame yourself. All things in the universe flow to their own ends for a reason. You were meant to arrive here... and you were meant to meet me... <With a bright flash of light, a female peach-orange colored Echidna is revealed. Her eyes are a bluish purple, and her muzzle is a peach color with a black nose. She wears what looks to be a white half top and a tribal skirt that has beige, green and red triangular patterns adorning it. Her right arm has a golden armlet, while she also wears a necklace of gold and a golden tiara. Both the necklace and tiara are decorated with triangular patterns and have light blue gems in the center. Her white gloves have light blue bracelets around her wrists. She is wearing white strapped sandals and her dreadlocks and left arm have similar looking white bandages on them.> Sonic: Tikal... Tikal: You have all done so well to make it here. But now you must shed your reliance on the Master Emerald... A new power has come into your possession, one that will reshape the destiny of this world, and many more after it... Chezni: I... I'm... Tikal: I know who you are, Chezni Vanguard. I am Tikal, Priestess and daughter to the chief of the Knuckles Clan... Knuckles: She was the one that trusted me with guarding the Master Emerald... But... what do I do now? Tikal: You must follow your own heart. There is no need to be bound by the past anymore. Chezni: But... Tikal: Chezni... Nothing that has happened here was by your hand... Everything you see, everything that has happened, was meant to happen... <With a bright flash of light, a shot of space is seen. Sonic and Shadow are seen, surrounded by a brilliant rainbow colored light, along with numerous other rainbow colored lights that are impossible to make out. They appear to be standing before two massive shadowy creatures, though no details can be discerned. The many lights begin glowing brightly. Soon, the entire area, and all of space is consumed by the light.> Tikal: Just as currents flow in the sea, phenomena flow throughout the universe... <A scream can be heard in the pitch black, as a red aura is seen in the distance. The aura expands, and stars and planets are seen being seemingly vaporized. The lights seem to be holding the aura back.> Tikal: Chezni... the beings you see before you are warriors you've met before, in the forms they were meant to take. The two shadows are servants of one who wishes for existence to stagnate and remain unchanging. To this end, he is willing to erase all of time itself, that it may be reborn and more easily controlled... Chezni: But that's... That would destroy this universe... and all other universes... Sonic: No. That can't be the future! Amy: But then... Knuckles: There has to be a way to stop it... Shadow: What do we do?! <In a flash, the group is back in front of the altar. Time is still frozen.> Tikal: What you have just witnessed is a future in but one of an infinite number of outcomes. But that does not mean the future can't be changed. Shadow: You're saying we can change the future? Tikal: Time flows to a certain end, but like the ebbing and flowing of the ocean, the tiniest ripple can spread out and affect everything. Sonic: Wait. So we're that ripple? Tikal: Those chosen by the crystals are the ones that exist outside of the pre-determined flow. And as a force outside of the flow, can they themselves alter it. Amy: But why? Why us? What makes US so special?! Tikal: Someone dear to all of you sacrificed herself to protect this universe. Yet in spite of this, she still remains, waiting to be saved. <Knuckles and Amy's eyes widen in response. Sonic and Chezni are silent.> Knuckles: Wait... You mean... Amy: You can't mean... Shadow: So it's true... Tikal: ... I am sorry. I cannot say more than this for now. With the destruction of the Master Emerald, I will be unable to leave Angel Island. But should you succeed here, all will be explained if you go back to the place where dreams and nightmares began... <Tikal starts to fade out.> Chezni: Wait, what place?! <Tikal disappears completely as time once again resumes. Tails and Crusala can be seen charging into one another so fast that the naked eye can't keep up.> Chezni: <notices Asmodia and Dark Void at the top> We need to hurry! <The group runs up the stairs, as Asmodia steps back.> Asmodia: We meet at last, Sonic. Sonic: You know why we're here! Let her go! Asmodia: What's wrong? Were you dissatisfied with the hand fate dealt all of you? Sonic: I am so sick of hearing about fate. Knuckles: We make our own destinies. Nobody else decides them! Amy: If that really is Cosmo behind you, you'd better release her! Otherwise, I'm never gonna stop hitting you with my hammer! Shadow: I never got the chance to apologize to her. But once we return her to normal, I finally can. Now get out of our way! Chezni: We're bringing Cosmo back with us! And if fate tries to get in our way, then I'll consider it an obstacle that needs to be removed! Asmodia: So be it... <Asmodia's eyes flash for a brief instant. Suddenly a wave of violet energy erupts in a cone, hitting the entire group and flinging them off the altar. They all land some distance from the altar. Asmodia lifts off the ground and descends toward the open field as everyone slowly gets up.> Asmodia: I must say, I'm impressed that you managed to give me so much trouble. <Sonic goes into a spin dash and charges toward Asmodia. Asmodia holds out one hand and easily stops the spin. He then grabs Sonic's leg and SLAMS the Hedgehog into the ground! He hits the ground with enough force to cause a tremor. Asmodia then tosses Sonic to the side, where he lands with a thud.> Amy: SONIC!!! <Amy runs over to where Sonic is. Asmodia seizes his opportunity. He quickly dashes toward Amy and grabs her by the neck, holding her up. Sonic slowly starts to move. He opens his eyes and sees Amy in Asmodia's hand. Sonic struggles to hold out a hand.> Sonic: Amy... No... Stop... Asmodia: What was all that talk about hitting me with your hammer, my dear? <Knuckles charges forward and punches Asmodia in the side. Asmodia doesn't flinch, as Knuckles pulls his arm back and grabs his hand in pain. Shadow lunges at Asmodia with his spear. Asmodia quickly sidesteps, using his other arm to grab the spear. He then pulls Shadow toward him and hits the Hedgehog with his open palm, sending him flying into several trees, snapping them like twigs.> Chezni: There's no point... <Chezni sees Amy grabbing Asmodia's hand, desperately trying to escape.> Chezni: Stop... Asmodia: The blue Hedgehog always DID find you annoying and useless, didn't he? So how about I do him a favor?! <Asmodia lifts off the ground.> Sonic: No, stop! Asmodia: I wonder how he'll like it, when he sees your pretty little head smashed into the ground! After all, he's seen horrible things happen to other people's loved ones! So he should be USED TO THIS!!! <Asmodia prepares to dive. Suddenly, Tails is seen doing a flying kick into his chest. Amy is knocked loose from the impact and falls. Tails catches her and puts her down on the ground.> Amy: Tails... <Tails nods, and then the fox flies back up to where Asmodia is.> Tails: You aren't going to hurt anybody else anymore! <Asmodia looks around. He notices that Crusala is on the ground, looking injured.> Asmodia: Impressive. But let's see what your limitations really are! <Asmodia moves toward Tails so quickly that he leaves an afterimage. He punches the fox in the head, knocking him back. Sonic finally gets to his feet. He heads over to where Amy is.> Sonic: Are you alright, Amy? Amy: I'm fine... <looking up> But I don't know how long Tails can hold out against him... <Sonic looks at the fight.> Sonic: No... It's... <Sonic has a brief flashback to Tails being punched by Shadow.> Sonic: It's just like back then... <Crusala is seen struggling to get to his feet. Finally he stands up and limps over to the group. They turn to see him.> Chezni: What's wrong? Didn't get enough yet?! Crusala: I'm not fighting you here... There's no point... Soon Asmodia will kill that fox... and then you'll be next. <Crusala points his sword to the right. He draws a circle with it. A pink portal of energy is seen appearing.> Crusala: For my part, I know... I'm no match for you yet. But the next time we meet, it'll be different... that is, assuming you live to see the next time... <Crusala laughs as he heads into the portal, with it closing behind him.> Chezni: <looking at the fight> Just be ok, Tails... <Tails is thrown to the ground. He quickly gets up and flies back toward Asmodia. Other than a bruise on his head, the young fox seems to be largely uninjured.> Asmodia: Yes... I see the anger in your eyes... that unbridled hatred... It fills me!!! <Chezni is looking stunned at the fight.> Chezni: I had no idea anybody could last that long by themselves against Asmodia... <Tails quickly flies toward Asmodia, much faster than before. The demonic creature suddenly has a shocked expression on his face as Tails lands a punch right on his chin, causing him to reel. Tails then SLAMS his two tails down on the being, flinging him into the ground! The impact is strong enough to cause a small shockwave. Asmodia stands up.> Asmodia: Not bad. Keep striking me with your rage... I can feel it. It courses through me! <Asmodia suddenly flies toward Tails at a breakneck speed as thunder can be heard in the distance. The fox braces himself, ready to dodge. Suddenly a bolt of lightning shoots down near the two with a 'KA-KRAAAAAAACK!' sound! The fox is startled to the point where he almost falls out of the sky. Asmodia wastes no time and quickly spin kicks Tails in the chest, flinging him into the ground.> Sonic: No, TAILS!!! <Tails struggles to get up. A crack can be seen in his armor, near where his crystal is. Chezni's eyes widen.> Chezni: Tails, no! You need to stop fighting RIGHT NOW! <Tails trembles as he clutches his chest.> Tails: <looking over to Sonic, who is heading toward him> Stay back! <Asmodia lands in front of Tails. He cracks a smile.> Asmodia: Well, this was entertaining. But it looks like your power has finally been expended. Chezni: That's enough, Asmodia! If it's a Nova Warrior you want, I'll go with you! I'll do whatever you say!!! Asmodia: Oh please, Vanguard. Do you think me so naive that I would stop at just ONE crystal? I plan to take all of yours... starting with HIM! <Asmodia lifts Tails up. The fox is helpless to do anything.> Sonic: Let him go! Amy: TAILS!!! Asmodia: Did Vanguard ever tell you what happens if you tear a Nova Crystal out of a Nova Warrior's armor?! Chezni: Stop! For the love of... he's just a kid!!! Asmodia: They'll die, and they won't ever return to the world of the living! <At the top of the altar, Dark Void is watching the events unfold. Her eyes widen with worry.> Dark Void: No... This is for the good of our empire... It has to be done... <Dark Void turns around and clutches the crystal.> Dark Void: But... Why do I have this feeling?! Why do I even care what happens to that fox?! WHY?! ????: My child... <Dark Void looks around.> ????: My child! <The crystal gives off a green glow. Dark Void looks down at it.> Dark Void: Th-this is... ______ ______ <The green crystal is glowing more intensely than before.> ????: You do not remember me, but I remember you. My name is Earthia. You are my daughter. <Dark Void is stunned by what she hears.> Dark Void: You're... my mother? Earthia: <only the voice is heard> I have no right to ask for your forgiveness... Many terrible things have happened because of me... And through my carelessness, a terrible burden was placed on you... one that should never be placed on someone so young. <Dark Void stands there in silence.> Earthia: In spite of that, you bravely took a stand and saved this universe... and in doing so, you sacrificed more than anyone should have to. I have been tasked with watching all of this unfold... perhaps for this moment... <Dark Void's eyes widen.> Earthia: The crystal you hold has granted me a precious gift, that I may speak to you now through it... I do not know how long it will last, but I know I must not waste it. The time has now come for you to free yourself from the bonds of this cruel fate. You no longer need to be shackled by the regrets of the past. <The storm above the island becomes more intense as lightning can be seen crashing down all around.> Earthia: Follow your heart, and it will guide you on the right path... <The crystal's glow intensifies.> Earthia: And let this crystal, this bond, be the strength to seek your own destiny... the strength to protect others... and the strength to overcome evil. Look upon the one within Asmodia's grasp. Dark Void: <a confused look> The fox child? Why... is he so familiar? Earthia: That child is known as Tails. He is a courageous hero and friend to all he meets. His heart is filled with kindness and his courage is unmatched by anything in this universe. But to you, he means much more. <Dark Void looks at Tails. The young fox is still in the grasp of Asmodia. Asmodia tightens his grip on Tails.> Asmodia: A little more, and his armor will completely give way. Then the crystal will be mine! <Chezni throws one of his blades at Asmodia, only for the demonic creature to easily block it with his free hand. Tails forms his Dream Busters. He drops one of them, but manages to maintain his grip on the other one. Dark Void is watching, her expression now more horrified.> Earthia: After you saved this universe, you were separated from everyone you cared about, stolen by Asmodia and stripped of your memories... <Dark Void puts her free hand over her mouth.> Earthia: The ones you see before you were all dear friends... But... there was one among them you loved dearly... <Tears can be seen in Dark Void's eyes as she continues to watch.> Earthia: That fox you see loves you dearly, and you love him. And right now, he needs you... <Earthia's voice starts to fade.> Earthia: Believe in the bonds of love and friendship... Believe in the power of Harmony... Believe in the crystal... Cosmo... <The voice disappears completely.> Dark Void: Cosmo? <Dark Void looks down at the crystal, which maintains its glow.> Dark Void: My name... is Cosmo... <Dark Void looks back at the fight. Tails suddenly points the remaining Dream Buster at Asmodia and fires, hitting the being point-blank in the chest with a BURST of energy! Asmodia tightens his grip.> Asmodia: Why you miserable little RODENT!!! <More cracks appear in Tails' armor, as Asmodia slams the fox into the ground with an impact that causes a tremor! Tails is left there, his eyes closed and not moving. Dark Void closes her eyes and grips the crystal tightly.> Dark Void: NO!!! TAILS!!! <Suddenly, the entire alter is engulfed in a rainbow colored energy, as a shockwave shoots out, knocking Asmodia to the ground. Everyone turns to see the intense light emitting from the top of the altar.> Chezni: The Rainbow Effect... Eden: Chezni, that's... Chezni: I know... I saw it too... Eden: An N-Class... <A glowing rainbow silhouette is seen walking down the stairs. As she continues down, flowers are seen blooming right on the altar. Once she gets to the bottom of the stairs, the light finally dissipates. As it does, Amy is seen putting her hands over her mouth, looking as if her eyes are about to tear up. Sonic has a similar look. Shadow and Knuckles are in complete awe.> Chezni: Is that... <The light fully subsides, revealing a young girl with pale peach colored skin and light blue eyes. Her short hair is bright green and she has two pink flower buds, one on either side of her head seemingly held together with a gold hair tie on each one. She wears what appears to be a green coat with a gold trim at the bottom, and also gold cuffs. Underneath the coat is a white petal-like skirt with green tips. In addition, she is also wearing white tights with green flats for shoes. The black inverted triangular gem in her chest is now red. She walks forward.> Sonic: Cosmo... Is this real? <Cosmo stops and sees Tails lying in front of Asmodia. She glares at Asmodia and continues to step forward. Asmodia starts to back away.> Cosmo: I know who you are. You've caused endless pain and suffering to countless worlds. You kill without a thought, and you even tried to keep us apart. Asmodia: You... This is impossible!!! Cosmo: But what you've failed to understand, is that the bonds we share transcend this universe. They can't be broken by petty desires. And they can't be disrupted by fate's whims. You've failed in a way that's brought the prophecy to fruition. Sonic: She doesn't mean... Cosmo: Asmodia. Tails once protected me. Now... I'm going to protect him!!! <Cosmo holds her right arm out. The crystal levitates from her hand.> Sonic: No way... Amy: She's... Shadow: A Nova Warrior?! Chezni: An N-Class Nova Warrior... Eden: We're witnessing history in the making... Cosmo: Nova Matrix!!! <In a bright flash, a green Nova Matrix appears on Cosmo's right arm. A panel opens above her hand.> Cosmo: Crystal Set!!! <The crystal flies into the panel, which closes around it. Cosmo then holds her hand forward with the palm open.> Cosmo: Leyline Access!!! <A glyph appears in front of Cosmo's hand. Suddenly, a small green fox with a red gem in its forehead is seen jumping out of the glyph. It climbs onto Cosmo's shoulder, then jumps off and changes into green energy. The energy then travels through the familiar channel, and back around to Cosmo. As it hits her, her arms, legs and chest are engulfed in the green glow. Tails is seen slowly opening his eyes as this is happening. The green energy takes the shape of armor and with flash and a loud 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, green armor is now covering Cosmo's arms, legs and chest, while the green crystal is set in the middle of the chest piece. Tails struggles to get up. A golden emblem is seen on her forehead, with a small decoration of the green fox set in the center of it.> Cosmo: The Guardian of the Universe and Protector of All Things! Nova Warrior Carbuncle!!! <Everyone is staring in awe at Cosmo's new transformed state. The Seedrian approaches Tails, as Asmodia continues to back away. Tails shakes as he gets to his feet. He takes a step forward, but stumbles. Cosmo catches him, and the two are holding hands as Tails manages to stand up. He looks straight at Cosmo.> Tails: I... I'm... I'm not dreaming... am I? <Cosmo smiles and shakes her head as Tails smiles back, the two fixed on each other's gaze. A bolt of lightning strikes right behind the two. Tails doesn't even notice it.> Asmodia: No... I'LL NEVER ACCEPT THIS!!! <Asmodia motions, and suddenly the Metal Sonics charge forward.> Tails: Let's take care of this. Cosmo: Right. <Tails and Cosmo turn and charge toward the Metal Sonics. Chezni and the others look at one another.> Chezni: Let's get to work! Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Shadow: Right! <The group charges toward the Metal Sonics. Tails forms his Dream Busters again. Chezni is seen forming his second Falcon Blade. Chezni, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow charge into the mob of Metal Sonics as sparks fly from the blows. Tails starts picking off individual Metal Sonics, as Cosmo is seen holding her arms out.> Cosmo: Ruby Sickles!!! <In a flash, two long sickles with ruby blades appear in Cosmo's hands. She charges toward a group of Metal Sonics and starts swinging her weapons at them. Sparks can be seen flying as she gets into the middle of the group. She then holds the handles of the sickles and presses buttons on each handle, launching the blades, each attached to a cable. She swings the blades around, SHREDDING through several Metal Sonics! Cosmo spins as she does this, and soon, a few dozen Metal Sonics are seen all around her, collapsing and EXPLODING into pieces!> Asmodia: This isn't happening! <Tails descends near where Cosmo is. Suddenly, Asmodia lunges for the fox. Cosmo quickly jumps in the way. Asmodia grins.> Asmodia: You fool! <Asmodia fires a blast of violet energy from his hand at Cosmo. The attack hits its mark, propelling her through the air at a breakneck speed. She is seen falling at the edge of the island.> Asmodia: I can always convert you again!!! Tails: NO! COSMO!!! <Tails takes off after Cosmo. He starts flying as fast as he can. Suddenly he disappears in a burst of light!> Chezni: <looking up at where Tails is> Eden... Eden: I know... Chezni: It's Breaker... <Chezni suddenly notices how quiet everyone is being. He turns and sees them looking in awe at what they're seeing. The entire area becomes brighter as they continue to look on. They don't need Chezni to tell them what they're seeing. This is something they've seen many times before with Sonic and Shadow. Cosmo is being held by Tails, who is surrounded by a golden aura. The white parts of his fur now have a golden color to them and his armor and yellow fur are shining.> Sonic: I thought you couldn't touch... Knuckles: Apparently there are many things we know nothing about... <Cosmo turns to see Tails. The two look at one another.> Tails: I'm never losing you again... <Cosmo suddenly turns and kisses Tails. The two slowly descend in the golden aura to the top of the altar. Once on solid ground, Tails lets go.> Tails: I have to do something. But I'll be right back! Cosmo: I'll wait right here! <Tails shoots up into the sky as Cosmo watches.> Cosmo: Tails... You've gotten so strong... <Tails flies directly above the field where the Metal Sonics are. He holds his hands out.> Tails: Cosmo... You've protected this universe, and you've protected us many times... That's why I can believe in you... and why I can believe in myself... Now let me protect you... <A massive glyph appears behind Tails, as light gathers all around him.> Tails: Guardians of Starlance! Hear Me and Release the Seal! <The light grows more intense.> Tails: HOLY!!! <An enormous blast of light shoots forth from the glyph down toward the field. Chezni and the others close their eyes. With a mighty 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', the Metal Sonic army is completely annihilated in a blinding flash! Chezni opens his eyes, as do the rest of the group. They are unharmed. Asmodia is seen flying above the battlefield. Tails lands at the top of the altar.> Eden: Unbelievable... Chezni: It's more powerful than I could have imagined... Eden: If this is ever combined with... Chezni: Yeah... If those two forces ever come together, they might be able to... <Tails and Cosmo both make their way down the stairs, with Tails still being surrounded by the aura.> Sonic: How did you... I mean, the Chaos Emeralds... Tails: I think... the Master Emerald's power was transferred to the Nova Crystals... Knuckles: I've never seen anyone maintain this form for this long... Are you ok? Tails: Yeah... It's weird, but it doesn't hurt or anything. It feels warm... Shadow: It somehow seems different from when we use the Emeralds... Sonic: How are you able to touch Cosmo in that form? Tails: It's hard to explain. It's like I just wished for her to be safe, and it was ok. Knuckles: These powers still hold many mysteries. It's possible that we know less than one percent of what there is to learn about them. Cosmo: <noticing Chezni> Oh... I think there's someone I've never met here. My name is Cosmo. Chezni: Yeah... My name's Chezni. Chezni Vanguard. <The two look at one another. Chezni starts laughing. Cosmo does the same. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake. The group turns to see Asmodia approaching them.> Asmodia: How dare you steal my Dark Void away from me... Sonic: She was never yours, pal! Chezni: Why don't you just take the hint and go back to your base in the stars?! It's over! <Asmodia grins.> Asmodia: Oh, that... is where you are very wrong... She is MINE!!! <Asmodia holds his arms out. The shaking becomes more intense, as Asmodia is now surrounded by a pink aura. Suddenly, intense energy is surging around him as stones are lifting off the ground! The aura intensifies, as one of the bolts of energy is seen striking the mountain behind the altar. With a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!', the impact splits the mountain down the middle! The storm intensifies further, as shockwaves of energy are seen at Asmodia's feet.> Asmodia: Did you think that you were somehow SPECIAL?! No! You're just another arrogant Nova Warrior!!! <The scene zooms out, showing the massive surge of energy. Back at Central City, Cream is seen looking toward the direction of Angel Island. She can see a pink light growing more intense. Vector is with her. The ground is shaking. Cheese is hugging Cream tightly with his eyes closed.> Cream: Mr. Vector... I'm scared... Cheese: Chao, Chao... Vector: Yeah... <looking at the energy> Me too... <One last shot of the island is shown, as the scene fades and the episode ends.>
  14. Here it is. Episode 10. We're now officially in the double-digits. A quick heads-up for anyone following this story. I plan to do two episodes next week, because the following week, it won't be possible for me to update this. So you'll get two episodes in a row next week, which will also incidentally finish the Countdown arc. In other words, after the brief hiatus, we'll be getting into the crossover proper. <The episode begins with a shot of a floating island covered in forests, with a tall mountain in the center. On the side is a lake with water going off the edge of the island. And in front of the mountain is what appears to be the ruins of an altar. On a large pedestal at the top of a long set of stairs lies a massive emerald. A narrative starts with the same voice as the opening...> Angel Island... home to this world's Planet Egg and also to the Master Emerald... the source of infinite possibility. It is said that in ancient times, wars were fought over the Emerald's extraordinary power. But the guardians, the Echidna, would never allow it to be misused. One fateful day, a civil war erupted on the island. In one disastrous moment, the tribe was all but exterminated. One priestess named Tikal made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the island and the Master Emerald would be protected for all time. Now, forces are gathering for a battle that will decide the fate of the island, and of the world. However, none could imagine how this one battle would set in motion events with far reaching effects that would impact not only this universe, but also many others... This is where it all truly begins... <The scene transitions forward in time to show a storm happening over the island. In the distance, Chezni's ship and the X Tornado are seen flying straight toward the island. Chezni is leaning back in the cockpit and resting while his ship is on autopilot. Tails is seen in the X Tornado with Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow. The young fox is trembling at the controls.> Sonic: You ok there, buddy? Tails: I... I'm fine... <Tails looks at a few gauges and makes some adjustments.> Tails: ... Imbalances between two points... Imbalances between two points... <The two vehicles are seen disappearing into the massive storm.> Episode 10: The Prophecy - Part 1 <The X Tornado and Chezni's ship start flying through the storm clouds. A massive bolt of lightning suddenly comes down with a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound right between the two vehicles, barely missing them! Tails is startled almost out of his seat. He tightens his grip on the controls and closes one eye.> Tails: <his voice shaking> ... Imbalances between two points... Imbalances between two points... Amy: Are you sure you're ok, Tails? Tails: <not even noticing Amy> ... Imbalances between two points... Imbalances between two points... Chezni's Voice: We should be getting there soon. Tails: Y-yeah... L-let me know when y-you see it... Sonic: Chezni, we might need to take a breather after we land. Chezni: ... Ok, but we shouldn't take too long... Knuckles: There's a lake on the outskirts of the island. The small field next to it might be a good landing point. Chezni: Got it! <Soon, the floating island comes into view.> Sonic: There it is! <The two vehicles fly toward the island. Another massive bolt of lightning shoots down behind them with a 'KA-KRAAAAAAACK!' sound! Tails is shaking at the controls.> Tails: <almost crying> ... Imbalances between two points... Imbalances between two points... <The two vehicles reach the eye of the storm, and much calmer skies, as Angel Island is now fully visible. Chezni looks on in amazement.> Sonic: Aaaaaaand if you direct your attention to the right everyone, you'll see Angel Island, in all its floating island glory. Chezni: <looking over the island> There's a sight if there ever was one... <The two flying vehicles circle the island, as Chezni continues looking over the island. They soon see the lake.> Chezni: That must be it. <The X Tornado and Chezni's ship head toward the side of the island with the body of water. Soon, the two vehicles reach the lake. They descend to the field right next to it. Once they're on the ground, Chezni exits his ship. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow exit the X-Tornado. Tails collapses to the ground and starts coughing.> Sonic: You ok there? Tails: Y-yeah... <cough> I just need... a couple minutes... Amy: You were pretty cool there, Tails. <Tails gives a weak thumbs up, while Chezni looks around. Things seem relatively quiet by the lake, thunderstorm notwithstanding.> Chezni: There aren't any hostiles here. We should be safe to rest for a short while. Knuckles: The altar is about two miles to the east. I imagine that's where we'll find Asmodia and his forces. <Chezni and the others sit down. Tails finally is able to sit up.> Tails: You said Asmodia is really powerful? Chezni: Yeah. No group of Nova Warriors has ever been able to so much as hurt him. The most we've been able to do is drive him away, and in one case seal him away for a short while. Every time's been a stroke of luck. Shadow: This has been bothering me for awhile. But how did this all start with Asmodia? Chezni: Well, it was centuries before I was born. One day, a massive wormhole opened up in space. People took to calling it the Grand Rift. It allows virtual instantaneous travel to far off places, and also to other universes. The being inside of it is known as Avatar. He is a straight shooter, but he's also a kind and wise guardian. He's the one that gave Starlance the Nova Crystals. Sonic: Then what happened? Chezni: Well, one day Asmodia flew to Starlance through the Rift. Avatar couldn't stop him, because he isn't permitted to physically interfere in the affairs of mortals. Planet Terra was the first to be attacked... Eden: Asmodia ravaged the planet, sinking every continent and leaving only one large island about the size of your mainland intact. Chezni: That island is where Tia's from... Amy: Your girlfriend? Chezni: Well uh... Yeah... Tails: What's she like? Chezni: Well, she's kind, gentle... She loves cute things... And she does this thing with her tail where it twitches when she gets excited about something. Amy: You said tail... She isn't human? Chezni: Oh, I didn't tell you? People from Terra are demihumans... She has cat traits. <Sonic immediately imagines Big the Cat in a dress.> Sonic: <shivering> Ugh... Amy: Is she a... Chezni: Nova Warrior? Yeah, she's one of us too... immortality and all. <Chezni looks off into the distance.> Chezni: It's been about a year since I've been back. I wonder how they're all doing... Amy: Maybe you could bring her the next time you come to this world. Chezni: Yeah, I think I will. <Chezni looks around.> Chezni: <with a chuckle> Just to forewarn you though, there's a certain fox here who shall remain nameless that she would likely think is one of the cutest things she's ever seen. <Tails looks confused as the others laugh. Chezni gets up.> Chezni: I'll be back in a sec. I just want to take a look at that lake. <Chezni walks toward the lake, with Eden in tow. Once they are out of range of the others...> Chezni: Maybe that's why... The way she was described... Maybe she reminds me of Tia... Eden: Both of their worlds were ravaged... And both made sacrifices... Chezni: The only difference is that one needs to be rescued. Eden: Were it not for where you were born, Tia might've been in this situation. Chezni: Yeah... <Chezni looks toward the mountain. A structure can barely be seen in the distance next to it.> Chezni: I know you're there, Cosmo... and I know I've never met you before... But I swear, you won't be Asmodia's servant any longer... After what I allowed, this is the least I can do... <Chezni turns and walks back toward the others. Once he's back with everyone...> Chezni: I think it's time. Sonic: Yeah, let's do this... Amy: I'm ready. Shadow: <smiling> Hmm... Tails: Let's head to the altar. Knuckles: It's time to retake Angel Island. <The group lines up and takes a few steps forward.> Sonic: Everyone ready? <Everyone nods. Each of them holds out their right arm.> Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow and Chezni: <together> Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash, each of them has their Matrix on their arm. The panels open on each of them.> Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow and Chezni: <together> Crystal Set!!! <Each Nova Crystal enters their respective Matrix. The panels all close.> Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow and Chezni: <together> Leyline Access!!! <With an EXPLOSION of energy, the group is transformed! Chezni takes a step forward.> Chezni: Ok. It's time to take the fight to them! <The group starts to make its way toward the altar. A scene transitions to the top of a massive flight of stairs. At the top is the Master Emerald, on the familiar pedestal. Asmodia is standing in front of it. Dark Void and Crusala are behind him.> Asmodia: You can be as silent as you wish... But know this. The prophecy will never come to pass. ????: <a female voice, gentle yet foreboding> It isn't within your power to alter the SUN Prophecy. She will return. And the final prophecy will come to pass... It will herald your end... and the liberation of the other... <Asmodia is suddenly filled with anger. His eyes glow red.> Asmodia: SHUT UP! I don't want to hear that name! <calming down slightly> My dear Tikal, what makes you think the prophecy will come to pass? After all, I took the necessary measures to ensure it wouldn't. And to ensure my Dark Void stays by my side... Tikal: You cannot force her to stay with you. She isn't yours to do with as you please. Asmodia: Yet here she is. <smirking> Admit it. I have won. Tikal: Then why are you filled with fear when I mention your True Name? Asmodia: ENOUGH!!! <Asmodia fires a massive blast of energy right at the Master Emerald. With a mighty EXPLOSION, the Emerald is annihilated, sending countless tiny shards flying everywhere and bouncing off the ground! He looks around.> Asmodia: How?! I must've disintegrated over half that Emerald! How is this accursed island still in the air?! Tikal: Even if you shatter the Emerald, the infinite possibility cannot be broken. Leave now, and never return. <Asmodia screams in anger and turns, walking down the stairs. He takes a deep breath.> Asmodia: I don't know why I'm even concerned... I'm far stronger than all of them put together. <looking back at the shattered Emerald> And now shorn of the Master Emerald's power, the Chaos Emeralds... will never shine again. <Asmodia reaches the base of the stairs, along with Crusala and Dark Void.> Asmodia: Let us go. Tomorrow, we will launch our attack. The dawning of the new day will herald the final end of this world! Tikal: Dark Void... Believe in the crystal... Don't let this cruel fate control you... Dark Void: <clutching the green crystal> ... We should leave this accursed place. THEY will probably be here soon. <As Asmodia, Crusala and Dark Void leave, the green Nova Crystal starts giving off a subtle glow once again. The scene transitions to a forest. Sonic, Chezni, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow are making their way through the dense foliage.> Chezni: Probably a stupid question, but there isn't a path through this place, is there? Knuckles: Nope. The point is to make it difficult to traverse, in order to keep intruders out. Sonic: This walking is killing my feet. I need to go for a run. Amy: <swatting some tiny branches away> My hair is going to get ruined... Shadow: <eye twitching> Stop complaining. You're driving me crazy. <Tails can see the overcast sky even from within the forest.> Tails: Uh... How far is it from here? Knuckles: We've got a good mile of this yet. Sonic, Tails, Chezni, and Amy: <together> Ughhhhhhh... Shadow: Hey, at least we're not stranded on another planet... Chezni: This time... Eden: You have nobody to blame but yourself, Chezni. Chezni: Well, ok. But I mean, when you get shot down by a giant green dragon on one planet, or get hit by a magic rainbow on another, you really can't do anything about it. Sonic: What ARE those planets like? You know, the ones you go to? Chezni: Well, most of the time there isn't much on them. Just regular people living normal lives. But, every once in awhile, you'll find something really interesting. Eden: One of them is a world where talking bears have strange powers. Chezni: I remember that one. Eden: Then there was the world where the small white rabbit girl with the pink hood had that magical tact. Chezni: Yeah... Yeah, that's a thing. <The others are giving weird looks to Chezni now.> Chezni: What? ... Yes! Some of them became Nova Warriors! That's what happens when you go to different worlds. You never know what you're going to find. Sometimes you find cute animals that shoot lightning, and sometimes you find talking animals wearing different colored shirts with words appearing on them. Sometimes you find Batman and Superman and learn alot from them. And sometimes people in those worlds have S-Class signatures. <The group reaches a bald spot in the forest. They all make their way out of the foliage.> Chezni: I think we can take a break here. Sonic: Are you sure we should be taking all these breaks? Asmodia's probably way ahead of us. Chezni: This might be the last opportunity we get before the fighting starts. We should use this time to rest. Amy: Actually, sitting down doesn't sound so bad. <The group takes a seat. Sonic props himself against a tree. Chezni heads over to him, while the others sit further away.> Chezni: I saw how he was with storms. Sonic: Yeah... Chezni: Has he always been by himself? Sonic: Since he was about 5. His house was hit by lightning. His parents died saving him. Then he was taken to an orphanage. He met me for the first time while he was living there. Chezni: I see... So that's why... Sonic: I didn't find out about this part until after Tails went to live by Central City. But... The orphanage he lived in... The people that ran it weren't very nice. They forced the kids to steal from others in order to make a profit. Then if one of the kids got caught, they'd just throw them under the bus... act like they didn't know anything. Tails was the only one that refused to do it. He'd build things for the owners and claim he stole them, so they wouldn't get angry... But one day, the other kids found out, and that's... Chezni: That's the real reason they started bullying him... It wasn't about his tails or his intellect... Sonic: It was because he didn't want to do things their way. He stuck to his guns, even though it meant being hurt. <Sonic looks over at the others.> Sonic: That's just the way he's always been... He's the kindest person I've ever known. And cruel things just keep happening to him... I don't know what fate's problem is with him... <Chezni sits in silence.> Sonic: Anyway, I got to shutting that place down pretty quick once I found out what was happening. The Mayor agreed to take care of the kids, and I decided to look after Tails... And after that, I swore to him that I'd never let anything bad happen to him... But... I ended up breaking that promise... Chezni: Sonic... Sonic: At the end of the Metarex War, after Cosmo sacrificed herself, he came to me... He said some things that he later said he didn't mean... Said it was just the heat of the moment... Thing is, whether he meant it or not doesn't matter... He was right about what he said... I should've been there for him... He believed in me, and I let him down... That's probably why I'm so hell bent on helping you rescue her... Chezni: You know, you remind me of myself in alot of ways... Sonic: Huh? Chezni: Because that's a thought that's been going through my mind for a long time. When Asmodia escaped from Starlance, we chased him across different universes. He destroyed numerous worlds, killed countless people. And I always see the destruction and think about how things would be if I'd been able to take him down. Sonic: Oh... <Sonic looks down slightly and starts chuckling. Chezni also starts laughing.> Chezni: You know, Sonic. I think I got the wrong impression of you when I first met you. Sonic: How so? Chezni: I always thought you were just a fast Hedgehog that was always 'so cool' about everything. Sonic: What do you mean? I AM so cool. Chezni: Yeah, but you can be really kind too. Sonic: Oh... I guess... Chezni: It's not always the easiest thing to do, but we can't worry about the past all the time. We can't change it any more than we could change the weather. You need wings and a stamp on your butt for that. But what we CAN do something about though, is the future. We can affect what's in front of us. Sonic: Yeah. It's time to take destiny into our own hands. <Chezni and Sonic get up and join the others. Sonic sits next to Tails, and Chezni sits across from the two.> Chezni: Sooooo.... Knuckles, you guard this place? Knuckles: That's right. I even have a house on the eastern side of the island. Chezni: You and Rouge... Are you dating? Knuckles: Wha... NOOOOO! <Sonic and Amy both chuckle.> Chezni: I was just wondering because you seemed to be a little worried about her before. Knuckles: We're just friends... well... more like acquaintances. <Tails looks up at the sky.> Sonic: You worried about the weather? Tails: This is fine. It only REALLY bothers me if the lightning's close. Chezni: Well, let's just hope it stays clear of this island until we're done. <Shadow gets up.> Shadow: I think maybe we should get moving. Sonic: <also getting up> Yeah. Let's get through the rest of this forest. <The rest of the group gets up and continues toward the altar.> ______ ______ <Asmodia, Dark Void and Crusala are in an open field in front of the altar. Asmodia is waiting, as if he knows what is getting ready to happen.> Asmodia: I was beginning to think you'd never appear. <Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow and Chezni are seen walking forward side by side in a line. The forest is some distance behind them.> Dark Void: <smirking> We were about to leave. We DO have other obligations. Chezni: So, it's just you three, huh? Asmodia: That's right. And we're more than enough here to defeat the likes of six Nova Warriors. <Crusala steps forward.> Crusala: Don't waste your time, Lord Asmodia. I'll deal with these. Asmodia: Very well then. Make it... entertaining. <Asmodia levitates off the ground. He lands back at the top of the altar. Dark Void follows him up the same altar. Knuckles looks up and notices the Master Emerald isn't there.> Knuckles: Wait... What did you do to the Master Emerald?! Asmodia: Oh, I didn't tell you... <with a smug grin> I destroyed it! <Knuckles' fists light up in a blazing fire as he screams and charges toward Crusala. The others also charge forward.> Crusala: <whispering> So predictable... <Crusala snaps his fingers. Suddenly, the area around the Nova Warriors distorts, and several hundred Metal Sonics appear. They all fix their glowing red eyes on the group.> Chezni: We're surrounded! Asmodia: Did you think we would just play your little game?! Metal Sonics! The time has come! Annihilate them!!! Sonic: We've been had! <Crusala backs away and heads up the stairs, as the Metal Sonics converge on everyone. Chezni forms his Falcon Blades while Tails forms his Dream Busters. Amy forms her Diamond Dust hammer and Shadow forms his Zodiac Spear.> Chezni: I can't slow them all down! Tails: Then maybe we can pick them off a few at a time! <Tails takes to the air. Sonic goes into a spin dash. He lights up with blue electricity and shoots forward, tearing into two of the robots! The rest of the Metal Sonics start picking up speed and dashing toward the group. Chezni holds up his open hand and forms a ball of light.> Chezni: Tails! Use this! Temper!!! <Chezni throws the ball of light at Tails. It hits his Dream Busters, causing them to light up. Tails then aims down at a group of Metal Sonics. His weapons begin charging a ball of energy between them.> Tails: Dream Blast!!! <Tails fires the energy ball at the Metal Sonics. It hits the center of the group and with an EXPLOSION, vaporizes several of them! An aura of frost gathers around Amy's Diamond Dust hammer. She brings it down, causing a cone of ice shards to jut out of the ground, trapping about a dozen Metal Sonics. She brings the hammer down again, SHREDDING through the robots, ice shards and pieces of metal flying everywhere!> Amy: This is almost too easy! <Sonic skids to a stop next to Amy.> Sonic: Yeah, it's like there's too many of them to pick up enough speed! <Metal Sonics are seen some distance away flying through the air as Knuckles punches his way through the horde! Crusala simply smirks and starts clapping. The Metal Sonics stop in their tracks. They then back off.> Crusala: I think we've had enough of a warm-up. Time for the REAL show to begin. <Crusala jumps from the top of the altar. He lands in front of the group with one hand on the ground in front of his feet. He slowly rises to his feet. He draws his sword. Electricity is seen surging through the blade.> Crusala: <looking up at Tails> I wonder if that fox has the same FEAR! <Crusala holds his sword up. Without warning a massive bolt of lightning comes down behind the group with a 'KA-KRAAAAAACK!' sound, blasting several trees from their spots! Tails lands in front of the general, on his back. He shakes as he slowly crawls backward, away. Crusala walks forward toward the two-tailed fox. He smirks.> Crusala: So you're the one, huh? You're the one that this is all ABOUT!!! <Crusala puts his foot on Tails' chest.> Sonic: No! Tails! <Sonic dashes toward Tails. Crusala sees this and aims his sword, shooting a bolt of lightning at Sonic, and knocking the Hedgehog off his feet!> Tails: W-why... Why are you all... doing this?! Crusala: We're simply here to eliminate the remnants of the past. <Sonic gets up again, and dashes toward Crusala once again.> Crusala: Doesn't that stupid rodent ever LEARN?! <Crusala fires another bolt of lightning, this time hitting Sonic, propelling him toward the edge of the forest. The Hedgehog slams into two trees, snapping them with the force from the impact. He tries to get back to his feet, but is unable to.> Amy: SONIC!!! Sonic: No... Forget me... Help Tails... Amy: But... Sonic: Just... Do it! Chezni: That's enough... <Chezni runs toward Crusala.> Chezni: <holding his hand out> Shell!!! <A magical barrier surrounds Chezni. Crusala simply smirks.> Crusala: I see. So you aren't completely stupid. But how's this?! <Crusala thrusts his sword into the ground. The entire island starts shaking. The shaking is so intense that it knocks Chezni, Amy and Knuckles off their feet. Dark Void and Asmodia seem to have no difficulty standing.> Crusala: This is almost too easy. <Crusala turns toward Asmodia.> Crusala: These are supposed to be Nova Warriors?! The most fearsome heroes in the universe?! Asmodia: <chuckling> I have to admit, I wasn't expecting them to be THIS easy to deal with! <Crusala shoots a wave of lightning at Chezni, Knuckles and Amy. With a shower of sparks and an EXPLOSION, the three are flung off their feet! They are knocked back and land in front of where Sonic is. Crusala then looks down at Tails.> Crusala: Now, where was I? Tails: Why... What do you want with us?! Asmodia: It's nothing personal! Well, actually it is! But either way, you and your friends can't be suffered to live any longer! Crusala: There you have it. <Crusala stomps on Tails' chest, causing sparks to fly out. He then kicks the fox in the side, flinging him into the air and causing him to yell in pain. Tails lands a few feet away. The Asmodian General slowly walks to where Tails ended up. The young fox tries to get up, and then Crusala grabs him by the left arm. He lifts Tails up.> Crusala: I don't know what I hate more, this planet or the freaks living on it! Once we deal with you, that sapling in your workshop is next! <Tails' eyes widen.> Tails: What... Crusala: Didn't Asmodia tell you?! THAT'S what we came here for! When we leave here, we'll be taking it! <Suddenly, energy surges through Tails' armor.> Tails: <closing his eyes and screaming> NOOOOOOOOOO!!! <With a sudden burst of light and a loud 'KA-THOOOOOOOOM!', a shockwave forces Tails from Crusala's grasp, flinging the Asmodian General back and knocking him off his feet! Tails is floating in front of Crusala as energy surges through his armor.> Tails: Cosmo trusted me with her seed... That sapling is the hope of her entire race... And you... AREN'T GOING NEAR IT!!! <Crusala gets up and grabs his sword.> Crusala: So be it... Let this place be your grave!!! <Tails has a look of rage on his face. Chezni and the others look on at what's happening. Sonic sits up and sees Tails.> Sonic: Tails? <Energy surges through Crusala's entire body as he grips the sword with both hands.> Tails: I don't care what happens... But I'm going to stop you! <The bodies of the two warriors pulsate with energy as they stare one another down. On that note, the scene fades out and the episode ends.>
  15. Ok folks. Episode 9. Where stuff happens. <Dark Void is seen in the city with seven Metal Sonics. However, these look different from the previous ones. These ones are taller and have more flexible fingers, as well as a more sinister look in their eyes and a more ellipsoid torso.> Dark Void: They should be getting here soon... <Chezni, Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Rouge all arrive, as if on cue. Rouge crosses her arms.> Rouge: Alright. Like we agreed, I'll leave this to you. Chezni: I'll hang back here for now. Eden: Use due caution! Those Metal Sonics appear to be more powerful than the ones we fought before! Sonic: Alright everyone. Ready? Tails: I'm ready to go! Knuckles: Ready here! Amy: Let's get to work! <Shadow simply nods. The five of them step forward.> Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Shadow: <together> Leyline Access!!! <In a flash, the five of them are transformed. Rouge looks on in amazement.> Rouge: Nice. Chezni: Now I just have to wait for the right time... Episode 09: The White Crystal - Part 3 <The group charges toward the Metal Sonics. Tails forms his Dream Busters, while Amy forms her Diamond Dust hammer, and Shadow forms his Zodiac Spear. Five of the Metal Sonics start to spread out. Sonic and the others do the same.> Dark Void: That's right... Just divide them... <Sonic goes into a spin dash and zooms toward the closest Metal Sonic. It dodges out of the way effortlessly, and goes right into a spin dash of its own. In a flash, it strikes Sonic with sparks flying, sending him back several feet.> Sonic: What the... <Tails fires his Dream Busters at another Metal Sonic. The robot starts moving so quickly that it starts leaving afterimages.> Tails: This is crazy! I can't get a lock on them! <Knuckles charges forward at another Metal Sonic with a punch. The robot sidesteps and grabs the Echidna by the arm and throws him into a wall. He gets back to his feet.> Knuckles: These guys aren't like the last ones! Be careful! <Amy brings down her hammer in front of the feet of another Metal Sonic. But the robot dodges, as the Blizzard shoots out from the point of impact, covering the building in front of Amy in frost.> Amy: They're so fast... Shadow: Alright. Haste Mode!!! <Shadow accelerates toward one of the Metal Sonics that is also running. He quickly catches up and prepares to thrust his spear forward. Suddenly, the robot's eyes light up, and it accelerates, becoming a blur. It circles around Shadow and kicks him, causing him to do a flip and land on the ground, skidding to a stop.> Dark Void: That one! <Shadow struggles to get to his feet, as the Metal Sonic stands over him. The robot places its foot on Shadow's chest. Sonic and the others run to where Shadow is, but are cut off by all six of the other Metal Sonics.> Dark Void: You will make an excellent Asmodian. And your crystal will be ours! <Shadow grabs the Metal Sonic's foot, but can't get enough leverage to pry it off his chest. Chezni steps forward and holds his right arm out. Eden levitates from his hand.> Chezni: You ready, Eden? Eden: Oh, this is so exciting... Chezni: <turning toward Rouge> You might want to back up a little for this. Rouge: Oh. <Rouge takes several steps back. Dark Void notices Chezni's pose and stares at him with a smug look.> Dark Void: A hundred and seventy years. Don't you think you're a little old to be playing hero? <Chezni simply gives a smile.> Chezni: Compared to others that came before me, I'm not that old! But you know the best thing about being a Nova Warrior? Dark Void: Enlighten me. Chezni: We get stronger with age! <Chezni quickly turns his right arm, so the back of his hand is facing upward.> Chezni: Nova Matrix!!! <In a flash, Chezni's Nova Matrix appears on his arm. The familiar panel opens on it.> Chezni: Crystal Set!!! <Eden flies into the opening above Chezni's hand. As always, the panel closes. Chezni holds out his hand with the open palm facing ahead of him. He grabs his right arm with his left hand. A tremor can be felt in the area.> Chezni: Leyline Access!!! <A massive vortex of energy EXPLODES around Chezni like a tornado! The Metal Sonic that was on Shadow is blown off by the shockwave! The others immediately stop fighting and turn to see Chezni. Shadow is also able to get to his feet, and turns to see him. They all have a look of awe on their faces.> Rouge: What in the world... <Inside the vortex of energy, a glyph is seen appearing in front of Chezni's hand. A white dragon emerges from the glyph and flies out, turning into the familiar energy. The energy enters a channel and is sent around and back toward Chezni. As it hits Chezni, the energy covers his arms, legs and chest. Soon, the energy takes the shape of armor, and with a flash and a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOM!' sound, the armor takes physical shape, and Chezni is now wearing what appears to be white armor with silver linings! His forehead has an emblem on it with a crest of the white dragon in the center of it! With an EXPLOSION, the vortex dissipates, leaving Chezni in his transformed state!> Chezni: The Guiding Force of Starlance and the Lord of Change! Nova Warrior Eden!!! <Everyone is utterly stunned at Chezni's transformed state.> Sonic: That's... Tails: I didn't know they could be this powerful... Eden: Shall we? Chezni: Oh yeah. Just like old times! <Two of the Metal Sonics immediately dash toward Chezni. He holds his hands out in front of him.> Chezni: You know, there is such a thing as 'way too fast'. <Chezni's hands start glowing.> Chezni: SLOW!!! <A pulse of energy is emitted from Chezni's hands, instantaneously striking the Metal Sonics. They immediately slow down to a normal running speed.> Dark Void: What?! Chezni: Don't go anywhere, Dark Void! I want to have a word with you! <Chezni runs toward the Metal Sonics and jumps, doing a flying kick into one, and punching the other one, causing sparks to fly out! He runs past the two and aims his hands at the other four.> Chezni: SLOW!!! <The other Metal Sonics are struck, causing their circuitry to also slow down considerably. Chezni looks at the others.> Sonic: That's our cue! Tails: Right! Amy: Let's get on this! Knuckles: Time to go to work! Shadow: Finally, it's time for some payback. <Chezni runs toward Dark Void, who readies her staff. He starts throwing punches and kicks, as she is able to block them, despite the size difference. Sonic goes into a spin dash. His quills start glowing blue, as he shoots toward the nearest Metal Sonic, shredding it with ease! Knuckles' fists start glowing red. He opens his right palm and points it at another Metal Sonic.> Knuckles: FIRE!!! <An intense flame shoots out of his palm and strikes the Metal Sonic, incinerating it on impact! Amy starts swinging her hammer overhead. The air around her turns cold. She spins and brings her hammer down in the direction of two more Metal Sonics.> Amy: Diamond Dust!!! <As the hammer hits the ground, a cone of icy stalagmites is thrust upward, entangling the two robots. Amy brings her hammer down again, SHATTERING the ice and shredding through the Metal Sonics! Tails readies his Dream Busters. Energy starts to build in the twin blasters. Soon it turns into a single ball of energy in front of Tails.> Tails: Dream Blast!!! <The ball of energy flies toward one of the Metal Sonics, hitting it and vaporizing the top half! The lower half takes a couple steps, before falling to the ground. Shadow lunges toward the remaining two Metal Sonics. He impales both of them on his lance and SLAMS them into the ground, scattering pieces everywhere!> Shadow: And that's that. <Chezni holds his hands out and focuses.> Chezni: Falcon Blades!!! <Two swords form, one in each hand. He brings one down on Dark Void. She barely blocks it with her staff. As she brings the staff around, pink energy starts swirling in it. However, before she can do anything, Chezni brings down his other sword in a blur, flinging the staff out of her hands. She looks around and runs toward the Rainbow Unicorn.> Chezni: Get back here!!! <Chezni gives chase. The others follow at a distance. Dark Void enters the building, followed by Chezni. Big the Cat is behind the desk, looking completely confused. Chezni looks over as he is running after Dark Void.> Chezni: Hey, Big! Big the Cat: Hi, Chezni! <Dark Void heads into a room in the back. It appears to be some kind of dining room. She looks around for an exit, but there is no other way out of the room. As Dark Void heads back to the door she entered from, Chezni is there. She backs away.> Chezni: I think that's quite enough, young lady. <Dark Void closes her eyes.> Dark Void: Fine... Go ahead and kill me. But know this! Lord Asmodia will avenge me! Chezni: I didn't come here to kill you. <Chezni reaches into a pocket under his armor and pulls out an emerald green crystal. He holds it near Dark Void. It gives off a subtle glow as the Asmodian General opens her eyes.> Chezni: I knew it... It IS you... Dark Void: What is the meaning of this?! Chezni: You're the fifth S-Class signature! You're the one this crystal was meant for! Dark Void: <smirking, looking down at Chezni's Matrix> Is that a fact? Chezni: That means you have to be... <With a 'KRA-KOOOOOOOOW' sound, intense burst of violet energy suddenly strikes Chezni, forcing the crystal from his grasp and propelling him through the back wall of the Rainbow Unicorn and into the street! He skids to a stop, leaving a trail of displaced pavement. Sonic and the others see him and rush over to him.> Sonic: CHEZNI!!! <The group makes their way to Chezni, who isn't moving. Meanwhile, Dark Void picks up the crystal. It gives off the subtle glow once again.> Dark Void: I regret that I've lost my staff, Lord Asmodia. <Asmodia is seen entering the room from the door that Chezni was just in.> Asmodia: That is unfortunate. But at least you are unharmed. Dark Void: <smiling> It wasn't a total loss... I managed to acquire this. <Dark Void shows the crystal to Asmodia, whose face immediately lights up.> Asmodia: Is that what I think it is? Dark Void: I believe so. Soon we'll be able to close the book on the Nova Warriors for good. All we need to do is unlock the secrets of this... <Dark Void's cold expression suddenly changes to a more gentle one.> Dark Void: This... strange crystal... Asmodia: Once Vanguard's little gang is out of the way, we can convert that infernal sapling to an Asmodian. Then nothing will stand against me ever again. <Asmodia points his finger at an intact wall. A violet portal opens. He walks through it. Dark Void slowly walks toward the portal and also enters it. Afterward, the portal closes.> ______ ______ <It is the next morning at Tails' workshop. The sky is overcast. Thunder can be heard in the distance. Chezni is seen in a bed in Tails' room. He still hasn't woken up. Tails is seen watering the sapling. There is an artificial light shining on the plant above the table.> Tails: <to the sapling, visibly worried> Looks like a storm's getting ready to start... Yeah... You hate them too, huh? <Tails puts the watering can down and walks to the door. Lightning can be heard as a brief image of a massive laser blast being fired is seen. He holds his left arm and is shaking slightly.> Tails: Keep it together... <Tails exits the room and sits down with everyone else. Shadow has Dark Void's staff with him. The Chaos Emeralds are on a table in the middle of the room.> Shadow: From what I can tell... <Shadow holds the staff near the Emeralds. They give off a slight glow.> Shadow: This weapon is the reason the Chaos Emeralds were drained. Knuckles: That means they got to Angel Island right when Dark Void first arrived here. Sonic: But that would mean the island's still here, on this planet! Knuckles: Exactly. They must be doing something to mask it from me. Amy: You think their base might be there? Rouge: If they came from space, I doubt they'd put their main base down anywhere. If anything, it's probably an outpost. Shadow: That makes sense. They'd be stupid to have all their eggs in one basket. <The door to Tails' bedroom opens. Chezni stumbles out. Sonic jumps to his feet.> Sonic: Chezni! Amy: Chezni, you shouldn't move around yet! Chezni: No... I need to tell you something... Knuckles: You can tell us later. Go get some rest. Chezni: No... I don't know how much time there is... You need to know this... Dark Void has the green Nova Crystal... Shadow: She WHAT?! Sonic: Wait. You mean you GAVE a crystal to her?! Chezni: Well, it's... more like I dropped it when Asmodia blasted me and they... kinda just took it... <Chezni falls back against the door.> Chezni: The Matrix... can track them... Keep track of the crystal, and when they go to Angel Island, we can use that... to locate it... Sonic: Ok. You need to go rest NOW. <Sonic grabs Chezni's arm and drags him back into Tails' room. The door closes.> Tails: So if we use the radar, we can track where the crystal is, and find the island! Shadow: Ok, but how will we know if they're on the island, and not out in space? Sonic: And wasn't it supposed to be on another planet somewhere? Knuckles: Like I said, I've got a hunch it didn't leave the world, but that they used some kind of power to mask it from me. So we should wait until they get over the water. Angel Island is always somewhere above the ocean. <The scene transitions to Asmodia's fortress. Crusala is studying the crystal, which is on a table. He places his hand over it. A green surge of energy is shot at his hand, causing him to pull back and wince.> Crusala: Aaaaagh!!! <Asmodia and Dark Void walk over to where Crusala is.> Asmodia: How is it? Crusala: I can tell you based on my examinations that these crystals did not originate in Starlance. In fact, they're likely not even from this universe. Asmodia: You are our best authority on the arcane. Are you saying it's beyond even your abilities? Crusala: I don't know... There seems to be some kind of power that I can't control. I won't know anything until I can research this... Asmodia: I see... I suppose it can't be helped... Dark Void: There is no need to rush. Once we gain access to the Leyline Web, we can finally gain the means of removing the Nova Warriors from the equation. Asmodia: And then, we can finally acquire that plant, and put all this behind us. <Asmodia reaches to touch the crystal. The green energy hits his hand as well. He doesn't flinch.> Asmodia: There is certainly a great deal of power in this crystal. Make no mistake about that. But without bonding to a warrior, that power is like nothing at all... <Asmodia turns toward Crusala.> Asmodia: Let's take our leave. Crusala: Where are we going? Asmodia: I wish to pay a visit to the Master Emerald. Dark Void: Shall we bring the crystal? Asmodia: Yes. But be careful. I do not want it to harm you. Crusala: Do you think the Master Emerald may be able to harness the powers of this crystal? Asmodia: I doubt it. But I wish to speak with the person inside of the Master Emerald. <a chuckle> It will be our final conversation... <Asmodia and Crusala leave through the double door in the pillar. Dark Void takes the crystal in her hand and turns.> Dark Void: Why only me though? Why am I the only one that can hold this crystal? <The crystal gives off a subtle glow again.> Dark Void: Is this crystal... really meant for me? <Dark Void Starts heading toward the door.> ????: <a gentle sounding female voice> My child... Dark Void: What the... <Dark Void looks around, but nobody is there.> Dark Void: I must be hearing things. Asmodia is right. Once we convert that sapling, everything will be as it should be... <Dark Void leaves through the double doors. The scene transitions back to the workshop. The sky has gotten darker. The thunder sounds like it's closer now. Inside, Tails is next to Sonic now, looking visibly nervous, as Rouge is looking out the window. Shadow and Sonic are sitting facing one another and Knuckles and Amy are also on opposite ends.> Rouge: This is gonna be a nasty storm. I hope you all don't have to leave in THIS. Sonic: Wait, you're not coming? Rouge: Nah. I'd prefer to liberate things that are more... 'acquirable'. The Master Emerald isn't exactly something I could sell on the market. Knuckles: You really haven't changed that much, have you? Rouge: <getting up> Aside from worrying about all of you all the time, not really. <Rouge heads to the front door.> Tails: W-Why don't you stay until the storm is over, at least? Rouge: Thanks hon, but I think I'm gonna get a room at the Chaotix building. Tell that idiot in bed not to have any more casual conversations with Asmodia's goons? Sonic: Ok. Rouge: Besides, SOMEONE has to keep an eye on the big round guy, in case he decides to start acting up again. We can't expect you guys to be everywhere ALL the time. Sonic: Yeah. Thanks Rouge. Rouge: Any time. See you all later. <Rouge leaves, the door closing behind her. The others turn toward one another. Thunder can be heard outside.> Tails: I uh... I'm gonna go check on Chezni... <Tails runs to his room, leaving the others. More thunder can be heard outside.> Amy: He's still scared of lightning? Sonic: Yep. Doesn't like to show it though. Knuckles: I never asked. What's the deal with it? Sonic: It's not something we talk about much, but he did tell me. It happened before I met him. Amy: Back when he was bullied? Sonic: Yeah. The thing is... His parents... were killed in a storm... Knuckles: You've... gotta be kidding me... <The others sit there in stunned silence. Shadow is just closing his eyes.> Sonic: He was five. One day, lightning hit their house. It caught fire and his parents gave their lives to save him. Knuckles: Man... I had no idea... Sonic: He lived in an orphanage for about a year and a half, until we met. I saw him fixing my plane, and the rest is history. You know, I was the first real friend he ever had. All by himself for a year and a half being bullied after losing his parents like that, with nobody to turn to... Amy: <looking down slightly> That poor little fox... Sonic: Anyway, ever since that happened, he just can't deal with lightning... We've tried, but it's just something he can't handle. So I made him a promise that I'd never let anything bad happen to him... <looking down slightly> Great job I've been doing keeping THAT promise... Amy: Sonic... Shadow: Likely, this fear is due to the trauma of losing his parents... It won't be easy for him to overcome it. I still think of the day Maria died. Like Tails, I was helpless to do anything about it. <Shadow looks at Sonic and the others.> Shadow: It's... not something that can be rushed... Sonic: Still... I can't stand seeing him like that... especially after everything else he's been through... Shadow: I have a feeling though, that if the right situation presents itself, he could overcome it. Just be patient. <Tails is seen quivering under a blanket in his bed, while looking at the sapling. The scene transitions to the next day over the ocean. It is still overcast. Several silver and black ships appear beneath the clouds and descend over the water. An image of an island briefly appears and then disappears along with the ships. The scene transitions back to the workshop. Chezni is seen exiting Tails' room. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow are sitting around. Tails still looks visibly nervous, though not quite as bad as the previous day.> Sonic: Are you ok? Chezni: Yeah, I'm fine now. But... Tails: Yeah... we saw it too... Chezni: Northeast, over the ocean. Eden: That has to be where it is. Tails: Then... we can use the X Tornado and... Chezni: And my ship. Sonic: You mean you're gonna come too? Chezni: That's right. I'm doing better now. Plus, it'll take a couple hours to get there. So I can throw on autopilot and rest on the way. Tails: <shaking slightly> Yeah... <Chezni walks to where Tails is. He leans down and puts his hand on Tails' shoulder.> Chezni: Sorry. I woke up last night and saw you. You really don't like storms, do you? Tails: No... Chezni: I've been there... You know what I used to do when I was your age? Tails: What? Chezni: I used to think about what lightning is. Tails: An electrical discharge caused by imbalances between two points, either in the clouds or between the clouds and the ground? Chezni: You got it. Any time you're scared, just think about that. <Tails smiles and nods.> Chezni: That's more like it. <Chezni gets up and looks around. Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow are all looking at him.> Chezni: I don't need to tell everybody what the stakes are here. The enemy is on Angel Island, most likely going after the Master Emerald. From what I've heard, that artifact has the power of infinite possibility. In other words, in the right hands it can do wondrous things, but in the wrong hands it can cause cataclysms. Eden: Several ships were detected heading to where we believe the island is. Chezni: Asmodia's forces number on average about 300 troops to a ship. He's not just taking them there to have a picnic. He's probably planning to start an all-out invasion soon, and he's likely using the island as a staging ground. Sonic: So this is the real deal then... Chezni: That's right... This will likely be the toughest battle we've fought yet. But we have to win. We're all that stands between them and this planet. Tails: We'll need to have the Emeralds aboard the X Tornado. They're definitely reacting to the crystals. The closer they are, the better. Shadow: How long will it take for them to recharge? Tails: I don't know... But we need to take them with us. I'm hoping that once we get closer to the Master Emerald, they'll charge faster. <Chezni heads toward the door.> Chezni: I'll be at my ship. Let me know when everyone's ready. <Chezni walks outside. Sonic follows him. Soon, the two are alone.> Chezni: I gave her that crystal for another reason. Sonic: What reason? Eden: She was healed using a Ruby Prism. Those stones have a unique affinity with Nova Crystals. Chezni: If she's near that crystal long enough, we should start seeing some positive results. Sonic: I really hope this works... Tails has been through so much... And he's never once complained about ANY of it... I just... There has to be SOME kind of light at the end of this tunnel... Chezni: Oh, it'll work... I just hope it happens soon. This might be the best chance we ever have to get her back. <Sonic heads back inside.> Chezni: Still... Why would Asmodia use something so rare on a minion? That's not like him... <Chezni heads to his ship. He renders it visible again, and jumps into the cockpit.> Chezni: Ok, everyone... Let's get this done... Sonic's Voice: <from Chezni's Matrix> We're all set. Chezni: Alright. We'll meet at the surface of Angel Island. We should land some distance away from the Master Emerald, to avoid being shot down. Tails's Voice: Got it. <Chezni presses a few buttons. The ship lifts off the ground and starts flying toward the workshop. Soon, the X Tornado is also seen hovering above the workshop. The two vehicles begin flying over the ocean, to the northeast. A storm can be seen in the distance.> Chezni: <narrowing his eyes> There's a storm, alright... This is gonna be one hell of a storm... <The two vehicles continue their flight. A flock of blue, red and yellow flickies can be seen flying frantically away from the storm.> Eden: I don't understand. Why are you so obsessed with rescuing her? It's almost as if you're possessed... Chezni: I don't know... I just... feel like this is something that has to be done... Like it's really important... The truth is, I've never had this feeling before... I really think... something truly amazing is going to happen on that island... <The two vehicles fly toward the distant storm, as the scene fades out and the episode ends.>
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