So i must come clean. I joined the heard about a year or a little more than a year ago. And I had never seen the show or had any interest in it. but there was just a cuteness to the pictures and I loved the artwork that all the fans did. I fell in love with Fluttershy, Applejack, and Luna but still never watched the show so I didn't get any of the jokes or phrases. but then I said fine I will force myself to watch one episode all the way through no judgments until the end. 3 seasons later..... Oh no I said..... I like My Little Pony. I still keep it a secret from my friends and family but I love it!!! the pureness of the characters the innocence and the fact that it is not like the newer children shows of red drawings and stupid puns. I even have a plushy of Fluttershy, Applejack and Luna. It might just be a phase, but I'm rolling with it for now!!!!!