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Comic Sans

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Status Updates posted by Comic Sans

  1. * to nap or not to nap, that is...th..z....zzz...

    1. galaxysquid


      I think you may have picked nap.

  2. It would be awesome to play osu with you btw, I will just have to download it some time. I haven't played it in a while because I don't have a lot of space to play properly. :c

    1. Chara


      Whats your account? I could add you right now.

  3. Not sure if my post notified you or not, but I finished your picture. ^^

  4. Quick question: Which part of the forum do I post in if I want to make a thread where people can request what they want and I just draw them for free as practice?

    1. undiscorded


      Request guild I think not sure

    2. Lightwing




      Along with a tag of Request Shop, and you should be good to go!

    3. Comic Sans

      Comic Sans

      Thanks guys~ c:

  5. Thank you for the kind comments on my recent blog entry guys. <3 Also, I have now added my dA link to my profile. There's not much there right now, but I hope to draw more things soon! :3

  6. So someone retweeted a picture I drew so I'm like yay, someone appreciates my art! ...only to find they later deleted it... that is just soul crushing... :(

    1. Vulcan


      One time a mod accidentally brohoofed one of my RP posts and redacted it....I know the feels T-T

  7. I need to stop posting my artwork to Twitter late at night. Literally NO ONE has taken any interest, liked it, left a comment.. sniff..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cookie <3

      Cookie <3

      Aww, but can't they see it when they wake up? XD I'm pretty sure they'd get notifications right?

    3. Comic Sans

      Comic Sans

      Unless they activate it from my profile to get notified when I tweet, no. :c 12 hours later and I only got one retweet and it isn't even from one of my friends! ;o; My best friend usually likes any art I post because I barely draw as it is. xD

    4. Cookie <3

      Cookie <3

      It's so sweet that you have a best friend like that ;-; I have learned something new about twitter today xD


  9. May need to go to the doctor.. I've been very unwell recently.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That sucks. :( So many people have been sick lately, sickness being brutal this season.

  10. So I woke up to thick snow this morning. :(

  11. I don't want winter anymore. Someone take it away from me and give me something warmer.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I will gladly take the winter. :3 I love the cold. :D

  12. Happy new year from the UK. :3

    1. Shadaira T.N.W

      Shadaira T.N.W

      happy new year Ghoul

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