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Everything posted by AmethystDawn

  1. @Shadow Dancer,@silvermoon15000, @MistaShifta, Amethyst frowned nervously a little bit. "A-A-Are you s-sure?" she asked worriedly. "I d-d-don't know for s-sure, but h-he could be very d-d-dangerous..." She hesitantly added, not wanting to be rude, "You w-would also h-h-have to ask I-Indicus whether or n-not you can c-come with u-us..."
  2. @@Shadow Dancer,@@silvermoon15000, @@MistaShifta, Amethyst smiled gratefully at Indicus. "Th-Th-Thank you so m-much, I will b-b-be right back." With that, she quickly trotted back out to the balcony, trying to ignore the massive throng of ponies in the ballroom. When she got back outside, she immediately saw Bill and Silver. "H-H-Hi... I'm b-back, b-but not for l-long. I-If i-its okay w-with you t-two, I-I'm going to b-be gone f-for a l-little bit." Lowering her voice so that only Bill and Silver could hear her, she said, "A k-kind pony n-named Indicus o-offered to t-take m-me down the hallway wh-where that s-suspicious figure d-disappeared. P-Please don't t-tell anypony, I h-h-have a bad f-feeling about that cloaked p-p-pony, and if a-anything h-h-happens, i-it would b-be good if nopony g-got p-panicked..." Personally, she was really anxious about following the cloaked figure, but she had a feeling that it was important to know what he was up to.
  3. "Th-Thank you s-s-so much s-sir," she said with a grateful smile. "I r-really ap-appreciate it." She then asked politely, "I-Is it o-okay if I g-go tell t-t-two other ponies I h-had b-been talking to, B-Bill and Silver, th-that I am g-g-going to b-be gone for a l-little while? It w-w-will only t-t-take a s-second."
  4. @@Shadow Dancer, Amethyst turned towards him, grateful that he had been so curious to make sure she had seen him coming. "R-R-Really? Y-You'd do that?" But her small, shy smile, turned into a nervous frown. "I-Its just, there was a suspicious looking pony in a black that went into there, and he looked like he might be the pony I saw earlier sneaking around some bushes below the castle... There were snoring sounds coming from the hallway, and I just wanted to know if everything was okay..." She trailed off. "I'm sorry, I know there's no proof that the cloaked pony was some sort of criminal, but I just can't help but worry..."
  5. @@MistaShifta,@@silvermoon15000, @@Shadow Dancer, Amethyst nodded, and began to think to herself as Bill and Silver talked. Bill is right, there's just something off about that pony... Amethyst didn't know what to do, as there was no proof that this pony was some sort of villain, rather than that he had gone down the hallway that was supposed to be closed off. Perhaps that's the pony that was sneaking around in the bushes earlier too... She wondered what to do, before turning to Silver and Bill and saying, "I-I-I'll be r-right back..." With that, she trotted off towards the corner where the cloaked figure had disappeared. She gulped nervously and skirted the crowds, before finally making it to the velvet rope with the 'no entry' sign. She couldn't see anything, but just when she was about to turn back, she heard something. Is that... Snoring? she asked silently. Sure enough, even over the noise of the crowd behind her, she was just close enough to the hall to hear the faint but unmistakable sound of snoring. "Okay, that's weird..." she said quietly to herself. Not knowing whether or not to enter the hall, she turned back and anxiously walked back to the balcony.
  6. @silvermoon15000, @MistaShifta Amethyst had been so focused on the cloaked pony that she had hadn't noticed when Silver had entered the balcony. After a small jump of surprise, she realized it was just the dark blue unicorn, and said "O-Oh, hi S-Silver. This is B-Bill Statue, a sk-skeletal u-unicorn." As she introduced the two of them, she continued to wonder about the cloaked pony that had slipped through the ballroom. Biting her lip, a moment later she hesitantly asked, "S-S-Sorry, I'm n-not t-trying to b-be rude, but d-d-did you t-two notice that c-cloaked pony h-had walked i-into a closed o-off area?"
  7. Amethyst turned towards the ballroom, and spotted the pony in a dark cloak. He was most definitely dressed oddly for the gala in his dark attire, and Amethyst tilted her head. "That is odd... Maybe he just, um, likes to wear dark clothing?" she said skeptically. But, as they kept watching him, he slyly slipped around a corner--- specifically, a corner that had a sign clearly saying that the public was not allowed in that area. @silvermoon15000,@Shadow Dancer, @MistaShifta The cloaked figure saw guards ahead and smiled slyly. Celestia had, of course, placed the less experienced guards here as it was merely a passageway that led to much more important areas. It meant that the guards up ahead would be harder to get past, but for now he would simply use a sleeping spell. He had walked into the end of the hallway so carefully that he was unheard by the less experienced guards; he silently chuckled that they had not even bothered to watch the corner, as there were so many of them throughout the rest of the hallway that most ponies would be caught the moment they advanced through the hall. In a flash, he cast the sleeping spell on them, and once it took effect he slipped through.
  8. Amethyst looked down at the baguette, surprised at the spell. "W-Wow... That's qu-quite a u-unique spell..." she responded. "U-Um, wh-what's your n-name? Wh-Where d-d-do you come from?" she asked him curiously. She really wanted to know exactly what this skeletal pony was, but she didn't want to be so tactless and rude. @@silvermoon15000,@@Shadow Dancer, @@MistaShifta The cloaked figure entered the main ball room, scowling under the hood of his dark cloak at the scene around him. He scanned the area carefully, before slipping carefully though the crowd. He bumped into one or two other ponies, but simply grunted and kept walking in a careful and calculated way. Soon, he was at the other side and slipped out and around a wall, staying clear of the dark blue unicorn and the unicorn bat-pony.
  9. Amethyst nearly jumped out of her skin with surprise. After catching her breath from the initial surprise, she slowly and shyly looked up at the pony talking to her... Or rather, the skeleton talking to her. Eyes opening wide, she stuttered, "U-U-Um... N-No, not p-particularly, I w-w-was just t-trying to g-get away from the c-c-crowd..." She realized she was staring, and looked downwards embarrassedly. "S-S-Sorry..."
  10. Amethyst looked up gratefully at Silver and responded, "Th-Thanks, b-but you don't have to c-come with me. I'll b-b-be right back..." She looked around for a moment before spotting the exit to a balcony, and heading towards it. When she got outside, she sighed in relief and looked around at the landscape in front of her. Looking up at the night sky, she smiled and gazed out at the stars. She was so preoccupied by the beautiful landscape, that she barely realized that there was a mysterious figure in the bushes below. She immediately looked down at and looked at the stranger, trying to figure out what they were doing in the bushes outside. But a second later, she lost sight of him. The cloaked figure took out his ticket and carefully maneuvered his way back out to the front of the castle. He was like a whisper, hardly able to be seen in the dim light. Straightening his cloak but keeping the hood up, he walked up to the guards at the front of the castle and levitated his ticket over to them. The guard gave him a suspicious look because of his dark attire, but let him pass into the gala.
  11. Amethyst slowly opened her eyes, which she had squeezed shut anxiously, and looked back up. "A bat p-pony with a u-unicorn horn?" she asked curiously. "And h-h-how d-did you kn-know we were students o-of T-Twilight?" She cut herself off abruptly from asking more questions, not wanting to be rude, and looked down at the ground again. Outside, a cloaked figure was lurking about the castle, planning his escape tactics. He had obtained a ticket to the gala, so getting into the castle would be no problem. His eyes darted about at several impossible options, before landing on one that might work. Looking up at a spiraling lookout tower, he nodded approvingly. It would be difficult, but the ground below it was just close enough to where he had opened the entrance portal to open an exit one. He figured there wouldn't be as many of the guard on duty in that area as the lower levels of the castle, and there weren't many other options rather than being caught with a stolen, glowing, ancient crystal by the many guards on duty in the rest of the castle.
  12. Oh, good morning!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AmethystDawn


      Hi Uni! Hope you're having a great day!

    3. Knightgem


      It's friday. Friday is always a great day. Lots of theories and fic writting today! :D

    4. silvermoon15000


      Pretty much lol...good morning.

  13. Amethyst thought for a moment and replied, "Its d-definitely amazing l-living in a castle--- there are m-many more b-books in h-h-her library than a regular t-town library! And Twilight is v-very kind, a-and a g-great teacher... But i-its easy to st-stress yourself out w-worrying a-about if you are g-going to f-fail in your st-studies." "Wh-What's it l-like living i-in the E-Everfree?" she asked in return. Amethyst looked up from Silver as she noticed the two ponies walking towards them. But she hardly got a glimpse of them before immediately hiding half of her face behind her mane. This action was not because of rudeness, but social anxiety. Please don't be walking over to us, please don't be walking over to us, please don't be walking over to us...
  14. Amethyst smiled in a shy manner, and levitated up the book. "The Fundamentals of Creating Magic Rhymes," she answered. "I kn-know its m-m-more of a l-lower-level spell wr-writing book, b-but its a-a-always g-good to go o-over the basics every few m-months." She actually thought that this stallion's awkward disposition was quite endearing, not that she had a crush on him particularly or anything.
  15. "U-Um, I guess th-that would c-c-certainly m-make your a-a-assumption a g-good e-e-educated g-guess, a-at least w-with the information a-at hoof..." But when he mentioned that he used to be Twilight's student, her eyes opened wide in amazement. "You used t-t-to be Twilight's st-student?" Amethyst realized she was staring, and quickly ducked her head anxiously. "U-U-Um, s-sorry... I-I'm Amethyst D-D-Dawn, by the way. Specializing in l-learning t-to create n-new sp-spells."
  16. Amethyst immediately looked up and, stepping backwards nervously, accidentally dropped her book. Giving the unicorn an apologetic and embarrassed look, she quickly picked it back up and turned back to him. She wondered to herself, Why would he ask me that? How does he know I'm one of her students? Hiding half of her face with her mane, as usual, she stuttered to the navy blue stallion, "Y-Yes, a-am... H-H-How did you kn-know?"
  17. (Link to the joining/description page: https://mlpforums.com/topic/155958-the-next-legends/#entry4640209) Amethyst Dawn stood in the corner of the main ballroom, wanting nothing to do with being at the Grand Galloping Gala. As one of Twilight's 5 students, she had been given a ticket to attend the event, which she knew was kind of a big deal. However, her shyness had overwhelmed her, and she practically had to be pushed out the door by her mentor to go. She looked down at the dress she was wearing and pulled out a book she had hidden under one of the folds to read.
  18. Credit to Unicornecious for his Oc's description. Here's the updated one with icy blue eyes. Still credit to Unicornecious for the description! Another updated version, this one with different bangs and strands of hair showing. Still credit to Unicornecious for the description! (:
  19. The candidate from the party of muffins shall be our next president!
  20. She will give free muffins for all!!! XD
  21. Anyone else think Derpy would make a great president?

    1. Wingnut


      Honestly, I'd take any pony over the two big party candidates if I had a choice.

    2. Knightgem


      Ditto. Almost any pony

  22. Oh, well its still a cool poster! I wonder how many mlp characters would run for the office if they had the chance... I would love to see them all debate!!! (Although, I think either Twilight or Moon Dancer would win...)
  23. So many mlp characters entering the race for the presidency! XD (By the way, I really like your poster for Trixie!)
  24. This is hilarious! I'm literally on the floor, laughing right now! XD Leveling the playing field does sound like a good idea, as she would otherwise win without a doubt... but I'm still voting for Derpy out of these three choices. XD I absolutely love this slogan. Is it possible for a candidate to have two slogans, so that Derpy could use this one and Crescent Light's idea of "I just don't know what went wrong"?
  25. Yes! If I hadn't already written 'Muffin Party' on the poster, I definitely write that on there! (of course, only with your permission!)
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