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Dawn Darkness

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Everything posted by Dawn Darkness

  1. Something from a card game called Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters. There's mostly audio in that song, which I think would suit for my intro. When the intro's done, I could show you it in a PM. What would you say to that?
  2. Hmm. I would like to have some epic orchestral for my episode. Will that be okay?
  3. Sorry for the kind of late reply. The type of music I would like, for the first part of my first episode, will be action music. Will you be able to do that?
  4. Well, yes and no. There's only a twenty two to thirty minutes of screentime for the characters to be in the first two seasons. Season three will be an hour to two hours long, with more screentime of the character to be cast in. You should be lucky. My animated series has a few selected villains. The Master, for example, is very evil. Maybe you could do him? His voice is deeper than normal villains, in fact.
  5. I need some type to match the characters from the show, thus medium quality recording. I am also in need of some male and female voicing, some may record many characters while others may just one. When you're done, send me your recording through a PM and I'll give you credit.
  6. Hi there. Dawn here. I have something that I am making, but is in the need of some voices for the project. For the reason why, it's because I would like to have voice-acting for my characters to my series of episodes. I will be needing a couple of volunteers, for a seven-episode project. Who will help me? Added: Additionally, you can voice the following characters, both canon and fanmade, in the episodes to come after the pilot episode and is in the chronological seasons. Season One: The Narrator (male voice) Susan the dragon (female) Jonathan (male) Princess Celestia Crystal Rose (fanmade character, female) Prince Blueblood (youth and teenage) Princess Cadance (youth and adult) Moon (child, male) Twilight Sparkle Night Light Twilight Velvet Princess Luna Radiant Hope Season Two: Virin (teenage) Garble Azam Lord Torch Princess Ember Onyx Crait (the white dragon in Garble' group) Ranger the dragon Gray the dragon (the gray dragon in Garble's group) The aged dragon (male) King Anzith (griffon, deep voice) Queen Elise (griffon, soft voice) Queen Chrysalis (canon character) Scootaloo Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Rarity Spike Fluttershy Applejack Discord Season Three (last season): Chaos (deep, evil voice) Dark Virin (an evil, deep voice as Chaos) Nimbus Storm (timid voice) Who would you choose to be the voice for? Let me know. (Note, there are more fanmade characters for the Ponyville arc of season three. I'll just need time to think of them.)
  7. Hello. Dawn Darkness here. I have a small question. Who would like to produce some music for me to my project? (If this is a request, then sorry) I am looking for some to my series of animated videos. It's a mini series of my fan work. The length of it is twenty two minutes, with an intro for the beginning. Now, I have a song in mind for the intro, but for the actual episodes, I have no idea what music I will use. Who will be able to help me with that problem?
  8. I am in the middle of drawing an animation to get in a sort of SFM way. However, this one is a bit easier for me to do, since there's visible frames to make. But, that's not the point here. I have two requests for some of you. Who would like to provide the voices of Susan, Jonathan, Princess Celestia and a few warring humans and dragons? I'll be needing those if I shall make my animation to be a complete work. I also needs non-money making music for the animated videos. For the voices, you can send me it over Skype, but I'll give it through a PM to not get spammed, since I don't like being spammed with people requesting to be friends. So, I ask you: would you be willing to volunteer to help me with my project? This is my first time making animations, so I am a bit of amateurist if you put it that way.
  9. For me, it's a mixture between sunny and cloudy. Nothing too exciting where I live at the current time.
  10. I've planned to make two sequels to my main story, The Equestrian Dragon: Moon Light, so that it'll be a trilogy alongside an spin-off story.

    Will that tie it in with the other trilogies of stories, along with spin-offs?

  11. Okay. I've done so that, after my twenty-chapter battle between Virin and Garble is finished, then I'll watch the first EQG movie before I start writing the fifty-two chapter of my story.

    ...Yes, I plan on making the fight that long.

  12. I've changed the watch schedule of the first EQG film in the month of April, after my eight chapter battle arc between Virin and Garble.

  13. Going to be watching...*shivers*...the first Equestria Girls movie tomorrow. Hopefully I can write a better version of it.

  14. The first part of the two-parter finale of season three in my Equestrian Dragon story is up. You'll expect some action and drama in it, as well as little horror.


    You can leave your feedback with your thoughts either here or in a review in the review box of the chapter.

  15. I've changed the length of my fanfilm to three hours and twenty minutes. So, I am in need of mass soundtracks if it's going to be fit for something like that.

    ...Is it just me, or am I going crazy about my animation film?

  16. Doing an hour and a half animation right now. Hoping to get it done by next year. If I don't get it done by December, then it'll mostly be completed by February, 2019, because of how long it'll become. That's a tight schedule I'll have as I am doing it right now. If it's done by the end of February, to early March, 2019, I'll give you a link to its video.

    For now, I'm looking for some non-profit soundtracks for the animation. If you have some, don't be afraid of sending it to me, either by PM or reply to this status.

  17. How's everypony doing? Did you miss me from my long-gone from the forum?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dawn Darkness

      Dawn Darkness

      How're you doing, Rising? Also, hey to you, too.

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
    4. Dawn Darkness

      Dawn Darkness

      This may be a bit late, since it was yesterday I started this status update. But, I'm doing awesome. In the middle of an animated 3D project I'll get finished next year.

      If you want, I can give you its link when it uploaded. What would you say to that?

  18. It's fine. I was a bit appreciated that you had found a soundtrack, although it wasn't my taste. Nopony's perfect when it comes to picking music, right?
  19. Well, although it was nice of you, I don't like some of the "creepypasta" soundtracks so much. It's scary, and frightening, for me to even listen to them. It gives me shivers to even think about them. If you have anything else, please do notify me if you find something.
  20. I am in need of some soundtracks for a project I'm doing. If anypony is willing to make some, I would be appreciated. The music is for non-profit nor money-making purpose and are only for entertainment. The music shall be to fit for a forty minute long project I'll be doing in my hiatus of writing. The project, though, is in full swing with being made. (Don't know if that's a word here.) I can tell you what it is about, though. It's going to be a battle-based project between the Kaiju (monster) and a few robots from a franchise called "Pacific Rim". That's all I can tell you about my project, though. Don't want to spoil more, would I? (EDIT): I've changed the length to my project to fit for 1:38:00 (98 minutes) hour long. If somepony has a few soundtracks that can fit for that, I'll be once again appreciated.
  21. Just written two chapters of my season three in a matter of six days. I think I'll take the rest of the day in a break before I begin writing again tomorrow. Sound like a good idea?

  22. Writing a slower plot to my season three of The Equestrian Dragon: Moon Light story, with a maximum of ten to twelve thousand words of each chapter. Less focused on action, with more developments and world-building for this season. The same will be in season four, but with a bit of action putting inside the developments and world-bulding side of the story.

    I could give you the link to the story, if some of you would want to read it.

  23. Going to be making an animated version of my VKMK chapters soon (that's to say in two years). It'll be mostly in production throughout the twenties, since I'm not much of an artist. I'll work on it as I'm writing my Equestrian Dragon story on Fanfiction.net. There'll be voice acting in the fanfilm.

    For the production period, I'll be drawing the settings and characters that're going to be in the film (Main 7, as an example) to make them more accurate than how Hasbro made them, without the humour to them. Now, there will be original characters in the film, as I'll have an military in it to make the humans capable of defending themselves against the dark, merciless enemy of them (won't be saying his name, though).

    I'll be needing some soundtracks for the film, too, but that's going to be for when the animation process is completed along with the movements of the characters, close to the voice acting period.

    I hope you'll be excited and thrilled for this dark fantasy fanfilm for the Gen 4 of My Little Pony, to honour its long-standing period.

  24. Just published an story on FanFiction.Net yesterday. It is an Digimon/Bakugan crossover. It'll be an action-adventure story. I could give you the link to it, if some of you would read it. 

    I am not desperate to get readers, by the way. Just looking for some criticism for my work. If you have some, why not leave a review on it? It'll help with my writing.

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