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Nightmare Season

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Everything posted by Nightmare Season

  1. @Raven Rawne Peony watched as her companion rocked the wagon and started to pull it forward. It looked heavy to her and hoped that Natural would be able to pull the large wagon. On the road, Peony had her head on a shrivel, Looking this way and that at the country side. Mostly she was looking for flowers along the way, but she was also looking at the strange landscape that she found herself in. On her back she carried that strange flower in the pot. Almost as if it mattered. Peony looked at all the roads and paths that led into the swamp, thinking that was their way in. However, Natural just kept walking. Peony was getting a bit sore at this point. She was not use to walking so far, and in such boots. After a few more hours, Natural finally took a turn and headed to the swamp. Before they entered, Natural called out for lunch time. Peony was grateful for that news. "Thank the stars. My hooves are simply kill'n me. Never walked so far in my life before. Though don't worry love, I will not let this keep me from continue." Peony helped Natural best she could to set up a little area to eat on, and to unpack the food they would eat. The food was so basic, Peony tried to wrap her head around such eating. She did however eat what was given to her. When Lunch was over, the reverse of unpacking went back into the wagon. "So this is the swamp? Guess I will have to keep my head. With the warn'ns you gave me about them."
  2. A well needed weekend is finally here.

  3. @Raven Rawne I think I will hold off on a reply for a day or two. Work has been draining me too much at the moment.
  4. Work this week is murdering me.

  5. @Raven Rawne Peony listened to the extensive list the mare gave to her about the dangers ahead. She was not looking forward to any of that at all. However, if the reward was the flower, then she would overcome it hopefully. Peony just laid there for some time thinking. She also thought on rather telling her guide what else the flower was known to do besides heal any ailments and injuries. She decided it probably would be best not to say. Best way to keep a secret after all was to also keep it from your friends. By the time Peony realized, the clock struck midnight. There was so much on her mind that she could not fall asleep. Looking over at Natural Order, she saw she was out cold. Peony then turned to her side and tried to get some sleep. The next morning Peony woke up to her company waking her up, telling her she slept in long enough. "Oh sorry dear, I had a rough time settling in for a proper rest." She finished that off with a yawn. Looking around, Natural had already moved their things to the wagon and was all set to hit the road. Peony got up and washed up. Though Natural thought it was not needed how long it took Peony to freshen up and do her hair up in the various flowers. Odd how they still looked and even smelled like freshly picked. She then put on her new outfit with some hesitation to the lack of any style or fashion. As Peony made her way outside, the wagon was already packed and ready to go. "Well, I guess this marks my official first expedition away from home. Bet my parents are raising hell right about now." She gave a sweat smile to her guide.
  6. @Raven Rawne, @Dark Horse Peony was finally relived that they had some bit of news. A strange pony in a restaurant. Saffron had a good point and she asked the pony what restaurant. She got her answer, it was the Hay Filler dinner over by the theater. Though Saffron seemed more worried about that bit of news. Could he know the culprit? Crystal Clear once again asked for that letter to her employers. "Oh sorry dear, I was work'n on it while we talked to the servants." Peony levitated over the paper she was using to write on. The two thought she was taking down notes. Guess she too thought the questioning was dull and wrote up the letter while asking questions. The letter contained an explanation on why Crystal Clear did not show up today, and how Crystal was helping out Peony Spring. To finalize it, Peony had pulled out wax and a seal and stamped it. "I pray that will suffice love?" Peony went to one of the chefs and asked to have some food brought around for her and her guests. That was something the servants agreed to do, and they all scattered to do their jobs. "So what do you two think of the clue we have discovered?" Peony asked them when they became alone again. She then went over to the window and peered out at the landscapers working in her garden. "It feels positively strange seeing other ponies working with my flowers. Normally it would just be myself."
  7. @Raven Rawne Dodge City was very different than what Peony was use to seeing. Hardly any decorative pieces, and a whole lot of sand. The ponies were all wearing similar outfits that were plan. Peony mostly just followed Natural around as she led her to the different stores. Listening and watching her, Peony tried to take in as much as she could. Her first adventure away from the comforts of home. She did not want to look to bad. After Peony was given a proper lecture on the proper attire for going off into the unknown, she eventually picked a better pair of "duds". Though she did not like the fashion of them. The store pony even offered her to buy her old dress for three times what she would pay for her new outfit. Peony however refused and simply paid for the outfit. She stored the fancy dress away in the wagon. The inn took her even more by surprise. The food was hardly flavored, the plate arrangement was not there at all. And the large room they rented for the night was even more outlandish. Peony mostly remained quiet. Seeing as how her guide was perfectly fine with their accommodation. When the two mare were getting ready to turn in for the night, Peony finally spoke up for a question. "All of this is just so strange to me love. Though I will trust that you know best. What might be our next plans from the morn'n?" She listened as Natural gave her a heads up on what to expect from this point onward. Some of it gave her a shiver, but she will just grin and bear it best she could. She had her heart and mind set on finding the Eternal Bloom.
  8. @Raven Rawne, Peony looked around at the scorched land. She did not like it one bit. "I do not like this place one bit. The land is to dry. Also there is no good soil around. I feel bad for any flowers that tries to grow out here." After the train had filled up on the water, the whistle blew to announce they would be leaving soon, and for all ponies to return. The rest of the trip was uneventful. Just sand and a few cactus out the window so Peony did not care for the view. upon arriving in Dodge city, the two mares got off and unloaded the wagon that would be their home for the next few days. Natural's fist thought was for them to head into town for the rest of their shopping. She also wanted to make sure her employer was properly dressed and not wearing such a silly dress that tried to make adventure look like a fashion. Peony agreed and listened to her about her attire. She did know best Peony thought, so she just followed her to the city stores.
  9. @@Raven Rawne, Peony looked out the window of the train till the questions started to come. She looked back before answering. Well dear, this is my first time actually. My folks don't like me head'n out on my own, and they typically just stay in Canterlot. The few times they left it, I was to remain home. So I fear my expertise of the road is near to none." Peony then looked down at her plant that she had sitting next to her. "Flower here actually knows more than I do about the world. It can feel other flowers around, So find'n this flower will be easy love." The two of them talked some more with Peony keeping her eyes pilled to the window and the passing of the land outside it. She did not wish to miss anything. Natural found out that she had snuck away without her parents knowing about this little escapade. After they had their meal delivered to them that evening, it was late enough that they went to bed. Peony at first could not sleep. Saying something of the bed was to hard and the sheets not silky smooth. But she finally dosed off at one point. The next morning saw them passing through Ponyvile. Peony was glued to the window at this point. When Natural asked why she was acting like she was looking for some pony, Peony spoke up. "I know this would sound silly love, bit a pony I look up to lives here. Her name is Rarity. I got into fashion because of her work after she opened up a boutique in Canterlot. I was hope'n to see her as we pass by." To her sadness, she did not see her as they started to leave Ponyvile.
  10. @@Dark Horse, @@Raven Rawne, Peony turned back to the stallion still on the stairs. "Oh no love, I was not expect'n him this even'n. He is just some stallion my folks wish me to wed. Both families are into jewelry businesses, so they reckon we would do well by each other. I for one do not fancy how he looks down on the poorer ponies. Funny how he knew of my garden in the shape it's in. I have yet to show him around. So I do not figure he knew of the blue rose." Peony then escorted her guests into a much larger day room by the main hall. She figure this would be the best place to ask all the servants about the crime. Twenty two servants were called to the room where they each was questioned. For Crystal and Saffron, they quickly learned how much her parents did not want her into flowers. None of the servants were aloud to help Peony with her garden. The very last servant that interrogated had the first clue. The mare remembered that one day she was talking to some stallion in a restaurant a few days back. The only thing she remembered was he wore a cloak over himself and that he spoke in some accent she did not recognize. She let slip about seeing a blue rose in Peony's garden and he seemed interested in it. She told the three which restaurant it was in the middle class part of the city.
  11. @@Raven Rawne, Peony looked down at her boots. "I have no idea if they are water proof or not. I was told they would look good on me if I ever went out for an adventure. As or the Aloe...." She looked around her garden. She then turned back to the flower on her back. "Do you remember where we planted some?" She had asked the plant. No sounds were heard from it, but it seemed Peony heard something and nodded. She then immediately walked over to one bed and pushed some flowers aside to revile the aloe. After Peony picked some, she bought it back over to the wagon. "Got some here love." They had decided the rest of the items they would purchase in Dodge City. The two headed out to the train station. Peony only stopped at the mansion long enough to ask one of the servants to keep her garden watered and not tell her parents where she went. The servant was not to keen on that half though. Peony bought both of the tickets for them. Seems the one thing she did have was bits. As they boarded the train, Peony was acting like a filly on her first time on a train. It was obvious to Natural that this young mare never set hoof outside of Canterlot before.
  12. @@Raven Rawne, Peony was asked about the flower she had on her back. Looking back at it she told Natural about the strange flower. "This here is Flower. It is my friend actually. Now I know I would sound bat crazy, but this particular flower can actually talk love. Though it seems to never talk to other ponies, so it is hard to prove it. Anyways, it knows a lot about different flowers, so I bring it along during flower hunts." Peony thought for a bit about where she could store some of her supplies. Then she thought of a great place. "I guess the garden shed would suffice. No other pony ever goes in there. Also it has a lock on the door to keep the supplies inside safe." She led the way out to the front door. She showed Natural the way to the back of the mansion. There they saw a large flower garden with a huge variety of different flowers. Some so rare that they were ever seen in books. Peony helped as much as she could to move the boxes of Natural's into the shed. She also gathered up a few bags of soil and several pots to allow her to plant in during their trip. All the wile having that strange potted flower sit in the saddle on her back. When the wagon was ready, Peony asked Natural if they needed to go shopping for anything. If they were ready, they could head to the train station. Before they left, Peony asked one of the servants in the kitchen if they could keep her flowers watered while she was gone. Her hope was to leave Canterlot before her parents came home from work.
  13. @@Raven Rawne, Upon hearing the different ways to get there, Peony thought for a few seconds before deciding. "I do believe that I would prefer to take the way of the swamps. I collect rare flowers and that way may yield some results. As for Dodge City, I can purchase us both a train ticket to take us there. Save on some walk'n at least." Peony then handed the map over to Natural since she would be the navigator. "The flower I seek is a mythical flower that is said that the petals can be used to heal any injury or ailment. I figure it would make a great collection to my garden so I might be able to use it to help ponies out." Peony the excused herself so she could go and get all her things. A few minutes latter she came back to her guest fully ready. Although her dress was a fancy dress wana-be of an adventure outfit. Her saddle bags that held her camping supplies were frilly and lacy. The oddest thing was on her back. a potted flower the likes of which Natural had never seen before. "I think I am ready to the best of my knowledge love. Never done such a thing like this before."
  14. So I am thinking first stop will be the Forbidden Jungle down South, There is a temple above the word Jungle. From there we can head to other locations spread out across the map.
  15. @@Raven Rawne, A knock on the door had alerted Peony. There were no guests scheduled for this time of day. She quickly ran to the front door through the various hall ways of the mansion. As soon as she reached the door, a servant had already got there and started to open the door. She quickly called out to the servant, "I do believe she is here to see me dear. You may go back to your duties." The servant simply shrugged and went back to her dusting of one of the rooms. Peony looked over the stranger before her. She was a bit hesitant at first. She did not like having to introduce herself to new ponies after all. However, by the way the mare looked, she must have come about her notice. "Are you....Might you be here about my ad dear?" She finally asked her. Upon confirmation she was, Peony led her to a day room close by to better talk. She did not want any pony to over hear her plan. "Welcome dear. My name is Peony Spring. I am the one that had posted the help wanted ad up around town. I am in need of a good pony that can escort me to a certain temple on the edge of Equestria. There we should find a flower who's petals can be used in medicine." Peony showed the mare a map that she had copied from the map from the book. "This will be our destination love. The pay will be ten thousand bits once I have been delivered back here. I will also spot any expenses that we will encounter along the way. Are these terms acceptable to you?" Peony negotiated with her.
  16. OOC Thread @@Raven Rawne, Within the walls of the royal library at Canterlot. A young mare was looking through old scrolls and books. She was slightly smaller than the average mare her age. Her coat was a tannish-pink and her mane and tail was done up in the current fashion of the rich. Flowers decorated her pink mane while her fancy dress covered the rest of her body. She had a single potted flower next to her. Other than that, she was alone. Peony Spring had heard a rumor lately about an extremely rare and magical flower. One that the petals could cure any ailments. She had requested permission to look for it in the oldest section of the library that was usually closed off to the rest of the citizens. Months had went by for her reply to enter. She had finally gotten the permission she asked for and now was pouring through all the tomes about mythical flowers. After the twentieth dusty book, she discovered a clue to the origin of the fairy tail about the flower. It seemed that the rumors were mostly true. Though she discovered another secret about this flower. One she knew she had to keep secret. The name of the flower she learned was called, the eternal bloom. The story of the flower was passed down from pony to pony who calls themselves, The Order of the Flower. Keepers of the only known source where they grow. Looking through the maps, Peony discovered the area the book spoke of. With a grin, she knew she could discover it. Bring seeds back and breed them. Her flowers could become useful to ailing ponies, and those needing medicine. She decided that it was something she had to do. With her penmanship, she wrote an advertisement. Looking for a pony that could escort her to the edge of Equestria. To the last know location of the temple of the flower. She left out most of the detail. Just mentioned a large sum of bits to help escort her to retrieve a flower for medical study. The most important part of the story, she decided to keep a secret. Trouble could be found if it was known. She hung a few copies of the ad in a few locations around Canterlot that sees many adventurers hang out. Hopefully one would answer it and come to her parents mansion in the rich part of the city. She packed a lacy saddle bag with things she figured she would need for a trip to the temple. She had to keep it a secret from her folks as well. They would never allow her to leave on a trip. Especially not for a simple flower. She waited a few days for one who could take her there.
  17. @@Raven Rawne, Peony watched as Saffron went to the door of the day room and looked up and down the hall. With him asking which way to go Peony started to explain. "So first off you need to head right, down the East wing where you will come across another hall intersecting that will head North. Down the North wing past the study and musical room you will come across the spiral staircase that will lead you to the second floor. From there you need to go into the West wing till you come to the main staircase leading down to the main hall...." Peony stopped explaining once she noticed how confused he looked. "Oh never mind dear. I will just lead you two that way instead." When the three finally reached what seemed like the main stair case and was nearing the bottom, a knock came to the front doors that was at the landing of the stairs. "I wonder who that might be?" Peony asked more to herself than to her guests. As she got close to the last few steps, a servant had opened to door. There standing in the doorway was a handsome stallion of a light red coat and yellow mane and tail. Upon hearing him, Peony seemed to have froze where she was at, even with one leg still in the air. She looked both confused and a bit scared. "Oh! Peony where art thou? I have heard upon the wings of a bird that thou hast met a terrible deed this morning. Upon hearing of such a thing, I went forth and gathered up the best landscapers in all of Canterlot and rushed them right over." He then noticed the frozen tannish-pink mare upon the staircase. He let him self in to approach her. "Oh my fair love, Thou still looks just as delicate as a flower, even in your darkest hour." As the two looked between the two, Peony finally spoke up. "Richly Fabulous. What might you be do'n here? I told you I had no interest in court'n you. Even though our parents want us to be wed and unite our two jewelry businesses." She finally seemed to have thawed and continued the rest of the way down the steps. "Oh speak not of such my love. I just but wish to make you happy. I have even bought some of those majestic flowers you hold so dear to your heart." With a clap of his hooves, several gardening ponies came inside carrying trays of flowers. Some even very rare and expensive. "Umm...I Uuuu?" Peony hesitated as she looked at all the varieties, including the rare ones. Crystal and Saffron both noticed the moment she was bought. "Alright......You may have them proceed to the garden past the kitchen. You however, may you please leave till I have a moment to think things over please?" He simply gave a flashy bow and turned to leave with a grin on his lips.
  18. @@Raven Rawne, So I am thinking we can find the "vault" where the flower is located, However we need to seek out different rare magical flowers that are used as a key to open the door to the mythical flower she seeks. And a riddle is all that is given about each of the magical flowers we need to find. Each flower will be a side quest to find all of them.
  19. That sounds great. Have it like a daring do adventure. The idea of a secret order of botanists protecting the flower for generations is something we could weave in. We could lay it out like a tomb raider game style. Have to go to point b,c, and d to get "keys" then go back to point a for the flower.
  20. OOC thread for RP between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne IC Thread @@Raven Rawne, So what kind of adventure will you like to see these two mares get themselves into?
  21. @@Raven Rawne, So ends the story of the Crystal pony that came across the strange pony of fire and dreams. OOC(This story as been fun while it lasted. I will miss the story but we decided that it became too much to keep it going any further than this. Hope all the readers enjoyed this. Nightmare Season)
  22. Spring break over, back to work.

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Eh, these things never last even remotely as long as they should.

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