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Everything posted by Nightmare Season
ooc Canterlot Noir (Mystery/Crime/Victorian Style)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Raven Rawne, Sounds good to me. -
ooc Canterlot Noir (Mystery/Crime/Victorian Style)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Raven Rawne, Sunday detectives sounds good. Cases getting more and more complex. Cannon ponies of course. -
ooc Canterlot Noir (Mystery/Crime/Victorian Style)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Raven Rawne, I am up for a good mystery detective RP. Maybe a theft or two to look into. Like with detective Rarity. -
ooc Canterlot Noir (Mystery/Crime/Victorian Style)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Raven Rawne, I might be up to run my new OC, Peony Spring in a small group. I am always up for a good mystery case. Peony Spring -
@@Raven Rawne, I think we should do two categories. One is minor achievements, those that our characters want to do, but dose not take much time. The other will be adventures, things they want to do, but will take awhile and requires a lot more work involved. The smaller tasks can be used at time fillers, gaps between the major adventures. Here are a few I have and know it was already planned. Minor; Finish the crystal Statue. Get Crystal knocked up in the treasury. Major; War with Saddle Arabia that will allow Crystal to bring peace finally and earn her alicorn form. A sea adventure to new lands. A jungle expedition to find a rare artifact. Once you get a list of things like this, we can arrange them in an order of when to complete them. Remember it is alright to time skip a few years as well.
request Can someone draw this OC from a discription?
Nightmare Season replied to Nightmare Season's topic in Requestria
@@Coltenecker, Looks a lot like princess Cadence. But it still looks really nice. Thank you. -
@@Raven Rawne, Sorry. At this point in the RP, There is really nothing of real interest going on. It just out of habit for me to skip till I get to a more interesting part. The whole slice of life thing is just hard for me to write about. I figure with them heading off to visit her parents would be the foals would be eight months old at that point.
private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Raven Rawne, Nightmare season stood back and watched his wife organize the fair. It for the first time brought the two cultures together. There they discovered what made the others the way they were. Even a few more love stories bloomed into being with it. Crystal did a great job at it. They decided that twice a year they would organize such a thing. Crystal also put together a senate. One that would see half of each side participate in it. Deciding who however got the nations riled up to pick their ponies to represent them. Once the ten was finally elected, things settled down one more. Crystal went into hiding once more to work on her secret project. She was seen in and out of the palace working tirelessly on her grand project. Nightmare was free for some time during this. He even visited the vault. Looking at their little bed of treasure where his wife insisted they practiced for their next set of foals got him thinking. He really did love getting her knocked up. It would be so easy to do it when she was in heat and begging for it. But he knew she needed her own time. He cleaned up the pile and reorganized the vault. A few weeks went by as the kingdom slowly came together. Poison Oasis had decided that they would just head back to their desert home where they could once again pick up their trade. Crystal and Nightmare had tried their best to convince them to stay, but they wanted their old traditions back. They left with a few ponies from other clans. A very few however did stay, but were no longer apart of that clan. Nightmare took up walking through the city with Midnight Star on his back. She did not want to go to far away from him anymore. He looked over the districts and and ponies that lived in them. Though there was several places still void of ponies. He took notice how the jungle ponies were having a lot more foals born now that they were in their ancestral home. The nightmare ponies also were having more, but mostly thanks to his mother and her golden root powder. Crystal was still working on her project out in the square. She was still keeping it a secret. She also started to have her husband milk her more often to give to their mother. Thanks to the healing potions, Crystal was seeing a small trickle of bits going to her. Though the milk production was not slowing down. But it did help save one nightmare that had an accident out in the jungle. So her milk was useful at least. The trade ships had made a normal scheduled with sailing North. They had decided every three months they would alternate with the trade ships. As Nightmare noted before, the increase of the goods saw the prices drop some. But the amount was greater at least. They finally installed a few of the machines in to help with making lumber out of the trees of the jungle. They were being sold, but was not the great income she was hoping for. At one point, Nightmare asked Crystal if she wanted to go on a family trip to the Crystal Empire. Now that he could teleport them to and from there, she could see her parents more often. -
shop open Nihi The Brony's commission shop
Nightmare Season replied to Naiya The Brony's topic in Commissions
@@Naiya The Brony, Also I have patience enough for the both of us. -
shop open Nihi The Brony's commission shop
Nightmare Season replied to Naiya The Brony's topic in Commissions
@@Naiya The Brony, May I snag another one of your spots? I will tell you more once you finish up some of your work load. -
request Can someone draw this OC from a discription?
Nightmare Season replied to Nightmare Season's topic in Requestria
@@Pripyat Pony, Love the mane and tail style. Thank you. -
request Can someone draw this OC from a discription?
Nightmare Season replied to Nightmare Season's topic in Requestria
So I think I decided on a cutie mark. Placed it in the OT. -
private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Raven Rawne, Nightmare Season was in his study going over the new letters that came to him. The wall between the two cultures was still there, but it was getting thinner at least. There was rumors of one couple getting pregnant. The first strong bond between nightmares and jungle ponies. That also reminded him, Crystal was due to be going back into heat once more. This time he will lock up his amulet with the spells on it during that time. Did not want another accidental knock up again. The queen came by his study carrying the several scrolls that made up her idea the laws of the kingdom should be. She asked him to read over them and think of anything she might have missed. After reading it all, Nightmare nodded. It contained all the most important stuff. A combination of nightmare laws, Jungle pony laws, and a few she had from the Crystal Empire. "It looks good love. There is just one thing you missed." He pretended to write an extra one in. "The nightmare queen must always be with foal when able...." He could not finish that sentence. Crystal had tackled him to stop that. She knew he was just playing around with her again. She just wanted to have a little fun with him herself. She also told him what he already expected. She was close to expecting her first heat, and made him promise not to knock her up again. At least not till the foals grows up some. The days past by with normal work till the ship from the North finally arrived. The docks were looking much better by this point. The stone cutters really knew their work. Hearts-Dream was the first one to come down the plank to be welcomed. Following her was the mare and her crystal husband. They had decided to live in the Jungle Kingdom. At least Hearts-Dream did not give her the golden powder yet to get her in the window to get pregnant. Snowflake and his wife also came down. The mare now showing better signs she was with foal. Those two were greeted by Burning Sands and her father giving her a massive hug. The market district was a blaze with shoppers the following days. Ponies coming to see the new items up for sale from the North. Crystal had another month to wait on Equestria to send her her machines and ponies to install them. She was at least looking thinner these days. Nightmare Season had joined her to take a run around the outer walls. She wanted to look her best before her mother in0law came back. A few days latter, Crystal found herself in her famous heat period once again. She was still able to maintain control, but she did ask Nightmare to go to the treasury with her several times. He body was once again craving to be knocked up again. He did not give her what she wanted during that time. He did however gave her pleasure best he could without bringing forth more foals with her. With the new trade agreements. The ships would be sailing every three months, Alternating like before. -
private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Raven Rawne, Nightmare sat back and listened to the mare and her story of her ancestor's treasure. There was something there that did not add up. When the couple was alone again, his wife was the first to speak up. "The break in is disturbing. As long as nothing was taken or changed in your laws, then nothing to bad happened. Maybe add in break ins are against the law now?" He got up and helped Crystal out of her chair as well. "You know your throne kind of out dose mine." He gave her a kiss. He led her to their secret vault under the thrones. He looked around at the riches with her wondering why he brought her down here. "There is something that did not make sense with her story. Mother told me that every pony brought their wealth down here during the raid on the kingdom. So either one family ignored her order and hid their wealth, this meaning they forfeit the treasure. Or the treasure is not what that mare thought it would be." He wondered a bit before continuing. "Tomorrow I will ask her the full story of the treasure. Maybe I can help find it." The evening meal was excellent. The farms were in full bore now and the dishes reflected that. They were even prepared with some of the spices Nightmare had discovered. It really made the food different. That night, after the foals were in bed and the kingdom was settling down. Nightmare took Crystal up to the top of the palace where they simply laid down to look at the stars. Nightmare really enjoyed just simple together time with Crystal after his thousand year wait with no pony beside him. Crystal after a wile thought to give him a bit more loving than just laying next to him. She made sure the night sky was filled with her song of love. The next morning after breakfast, Crystal went to her work room to do more on her secret project. Nightmare tracked down the mare to learn more about the treasure. She had already found a jungle pony guard to aid her under the queen's orders. There was still the wall between the two cultures. He learned it was a cave by some water fall. Guess that is why she was found at the waterfall. The next few days saw the sultan flying in circles around the kingdom. He eventually found a small hidden waterfall tucked away in a valley. It looked promising this time. There was a few old buildings close by. Investigating the cave by it reveled what the treasure was. He flew back to the kingdom to let the family know he had found their ancestral home. Crystal caught him after he told them what he had found. The young mare snuck in a kiss on his cheek to thank him. He had to tell Crystal it did not mean anything. "I did find their ancestral home. The treasure they thought it was, was something different. It was a gold mine. Now we have a mine to go with our minting building that was found. We can now mint our own bits finally." The next few days had the mine cleared out and fixed up. The jungle pony family was given the charge of ownership. It now allowed the jungle ponies to have more pull in the kingdom. Helped with the division somewhat. The next thing was the design of their bits. A few good ideas was tossed around. Nightmare finally put forth a design idea. Their combined cutie marks on one side, the other side a flame and tree to represent both cultures. Nightmares and Jungle ponies on a single bit. -
private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Raven Rawne, The party walked onward with the hacked trail before them. At one point, they came across a dead monkey. Seems it had attacked the mare in question and she fended it off. This gave the party hope. A few more hours led them to a waterfall. There bathing was the missing mare. Her mother called out to her and she became startled and slipped into the water. Crystal was the first to enter to bring her out. Though she also appeared to be preoccupied with something else. Nightmare smirked thinking he knew what it could be. When Crystal brought the mare back to dray land next to the party, the queen started to interigat the poor mare. Seemed she was in a hurry to find out what happened and they needed to head back soon. Nightmare walked up to his wife and calmed her down. Gave her a wing hug. He noticed she was uncomfortable in her lower region. "Give her some room love. I bet there was a reason for it." He turned back to the guards and search party. "Escort her and her mother here back to the palace please. We will head back now and get cleaned up before we have a word with them." Without so much as a warning, Nightmare formed the smoke cloud under his wife and lifted her up off the ground. He took flight out of the jungle and raced back to the palace with her following him on the cloud. The only time she was able to actually fly. The clouds only followed the pony that made it, it could not be moved with the pony on it that made it. If Crystal was not in such discomfort, she would be having a ball that high in the air. "Got to get you back in a hurry to empty you." He told her with a smug look on his lips. "Also the triplets are probably raging a war waiting for you." He flew her back on the cloud all the way back to the palace. There he helped her take the armor off and her dress pulled up over her taps. "You look like you are expecting to feed six foals down there love." He gave her a kiss to keep her from getting on to him. Lucky Clover and Sparks saw them come in and had brought the little war mongers crying all the way to the royal chambers where Crystal was on the bed waiting for them. Midnight Star was still calm somewhat, so they let her twin brothers go first at the taps. They went at them as though they did not eat for two days. Nightmare Season kept his daughter occupied till the twins finished their meal and was switched out and burped. Nightmare grabbed the milk pump from her drawer and brought over to her. He helped to finish emptying her with it. To bad Hearts-Dream was coming back on the boat and could not take the extra milk to make healing potions out of it. He helped himself to half of it and fed the rest to her. Was to precious to just throw away. After the triplets were given back to their nannies, the royal couple went to the baths to wash all the muck off of themselves. A few hours past and the party was announced they had returned from the jungle. Nightmare and Crystal waited for them in the throne room sitting on their beautiful thrones. -
private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Raven Rawne, Nightmare helped to empty his wife of her left over white gold. Then he kind of went a little bit lower to try and get her in the mood. He stopped at the mention of a missing mare. "I guess we need to help look for her then." She then told him about the other letter she received. He got up to allow her to roll over on her belly. "I did not figure they would remain quiet for long. They even asked me to overturn your decision." He nuzzled her to lift her spirits. "First things first. We find the missing mare." The two kept each other companied that night. After breakfast the next day, the royal company tracked down the parents of the missing mare. After hearing what little they knew, they went to find the guard that had passed it off as nothing. Nightmare Season gave him a good lecturing. Just because she was a jungle pony, did not mean it was nothing. Crystal ordered him to find as much as possibly. She was also apart of the new Empire. After noon, word finally reached the palace that the missing mare was last seen leaving the gates. Why was unknown, but she had exploring gear with her. The royal couple put together a search team consisting of nightmares and jungle ponies. They split up and left the gate the missing mare was seen leaving. Crystal went with a couple of guards on hooves, Nightmare Season took to the air and flew around at a greater distant than the land search. About an hour into the search, Crystal Clear discovered a small trail cut out in the under growth. Fresh hooves in the mud told them a pony had recently traveled that path. She shot a flare into the air so her husband could see and fly over to her. When he landed about a minute latter, she pointed out the small hidden path. No pony knew what was out in that direction. -
private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)
Nightmare Season replied to Raven Rawne's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Raven Rawne, Nightmare gave Crystal a wing hug as they watched the two snuggle with each other and drift off to sleep on the couch. She was going to head off to her workshop, still keeping him in the dark as to what she was planning. He gave her a loving kiss and let her head off. He had other stuff to do as well. He went to his royal study. There, he found piles of scrolls needing to be read and either signed or rebuttal. Most was simple requesting shops and homes to be owned. A few were actually serious. One was Poison Oasis asking to redo the queen's command on no slavery. They still had a few ponies outside of the kingdom keeping their slaves. It really was hurting their one business. He replied to them that her decision was for the best. The Crystal Heart would not allow such in the walls if it would continue to protect them. There was a few wedding permission scrolls as well. Seems the marrying the others were not as bad as was to be believed. A few jungle ponies were interested in bonding for the long life gift. Others were normal ponies wanting to marry as well. He of course accepted all of those. One scroll was informing him on the progress of the new road out of the Jungle to their dessert homeland. With the skill of the jungle ponies, the work went a lot faster than planned. After all his scrolls were taken care of and sent back, Nightmare decided to go and ask around about that building they found. Asking several jungle ponies, he discovered it could have once been a meeting place or theater. So it would be great as a dance hall without upsetting the jungle ponies. Seems they were gone so long from their old home, that most was forgotten. He gave word to the ponies in charge of renovating as to what that building will be used for. That was the best business as of late. Many places needed to be renovated. The crystal heart fixed all the major problems and damages, but individual houses, shops, and other buildings still needed work. He then went to find some of the masters of stone work. He wanted to find out what they had to offer in terms of decorative pieces, or custom furniture. He knew that they would have to try and do their own business in the market district if the wall between the two cultures will ever be erased. Nightmare had one group start work on a scroll shelf for his study. Books were all well and good, but to nightmares, scrolls were better than books. His last stop was the hidden vault under his throne. He took inventory best he could. There was still great wealth down there. The kingdom dose not yet know of this wealth. He knew it best to use it as the kingdom's funds. There were still gems and piles yet to be shorted down there. With this much wealth, there must have been some mine for gems and gold. That will be one more thing he had to look into finding. When he finally returned to their bedchambers, Crystal was there on their bed out of her dress and feeding the twins. She really grew in size at her taps. Guess three mouths were enough to demand more from her milk factory. "You seem to be enjoying your self. Emptying them. Maybe the little ones can share some after they are done? Finish emptying you?" He walked over and laid next to her watching the twins go at her. "Five down and what, fifteen to go?" He gave her a smile. "I know love. Wait a few years." He gave her a loving nuzzle.