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Nightmare Season

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Everything posted by Nightmare Season

  1. A class experiment. Was blind folded and was verbally led around the school. She became distracted and into a stone pillar I went.
  2. @Raven Rawne Peony mostly sat by the window looking out at the passing landscape. Drawing ever closer to the end of the tracks where she will agree to surrender her life over. Natural must have noticed too, for she did not really talked either. The last leg was the hardest for the mare. Seeing Canterlot up on the mountain. She was almost home. And she had a feeling that Richly would probably already be there. The train rolled into the station. The first thing she saw was the decorations. Her heart dropped, he was there after all. As the two mares climbed out, Natural tried to push her way to the back of the train to retrieve her wagon. As Peony attempted to follow, she heard it. "Oh my dear rose of the garden." It was him. Peony was pulled out of the crowed and found herself standing at the red carpet. At the other end, Richly in his finest cloths. "It is so grand to once again be within your presence my love. Once I got word of your desires, I grabbed the first Pegasus' carriage I could get and came back here as fast as the winds could carry me." Already Peony felt sick to her stomach. Looking around she noticed his hired help standing around. There was no escape this time. So all she could do was walk forward to her future husband. "Flower dear, might you be a doll and escort Natural to my place please? The stallion came to get me and I can't get to you." Peony said aloud in her head, hoping Flower was close enough to her to hear her. Peony was escorted outside to her ride. There waiting for the couple was a luxurious carriage white with gold trimming. The footman aided her to climb inside followed by Richly. "Everyone is waiting back at your place my love. All waiting for the good news about us." He said grinning as big as he could. Now she had something else she was not looking forward to, her parents. As Natural climbed inside her mobile home, she asked Flower where to go. "Yes, That puffed up stallion grabbed her. She had asked me to escort you to her before she got to far. Sorry for the hassle, but even I don't like that stallion." It then gave detailed instructions on how to get there. Mostly saying that is how Peony directed it on their few times to and from the station. For a flower can't see after all. However, luckily the two did managed to get to her place. As Peony and Richly pulled up to the front door, several high class ponies were there waiting to see the couple into the home. Her parents were standing at the doorway. They did put on a good act to not seem to angry, not just yet anyways. Richly climbed out first and offered his hoof to his soon to be future fiance. She did take it to keep up appearances and was helped down and across the way to bring her face to face with her parents. "I see you have finally decided to return daughter from your escapades?" Her father spoke up, but not load enough so the guests could hear. Her mother on the other hand went up and hugged her. "Oh hush now dear. Are li'le filly is home and we art to be happy. After all, such wonderf'l news she brings." Peony was escorted to the ballroom where the rest of the guests started to follow and pour in. Several of Peony's acquaintances came up to get the -dirt- on where she went and was up to. The sound of a glass being tapped on rang out across the room and every pony went silent. "Oh dear guests, what joy it brings us to have you all grace us with your presence this evening. For this evening our dear flower that was taken away from us has finally returned. And I have recieved news of great joy that she brings us this day." Richly announced then motioned for Peony to come up beside him. She simply swallowed and proceeded up to him. She now had the floor and every pony was listening to what she had to say. She dreaded what she was about to say. "Hello dear friends. I would like to announce some big news. I have decided that after I complete a task I set out on, I will return and extend my hoof in marriage to Richly Fabulous and have our two houses combine." The whole room erupted into cheer and clapping. Except for her parents and Richly who only pretended to be happy. What did she mean after she finishes. Richly pulled out a golden wedding ring and slipped it onto his fiancee's horn. She then heard Flower outside talking to her. "Hey friend, we are outside of the gates. Need us to rush in and save you?" "No Flower, I have already announced I will wed him after we are done gett'n the Eternal Bloom. Can you two come back in the morning please?" Flower relayed the message to Natural and the two left the mansion. After the party settled down and the guests started to leave, she was pulled aside to find out exactly what she meant by finishing her task first. She explained to them she wanted certain flowers for her garden first before she settled down. Of course Richly offered to hire ponies to retrieve them for her. But she wanted to do this herself. Mostly, because she did not want them to learn about the eternal bloom. And she will marry him if he allowed her to do that. Her parents complained some, but in the end, as long as she promises to wed, they will allow it. But they will bring the two of them to the palace to make a vow in front of the Princess. She went to bed soon after. She had a hard time sleeping though. Going in front of the princess and making the vow means she will not be able to break it. It will be set in stone after tomorrow. But she hopped Natural and Flower would come in the morning so they too could come with her. Elsewhere in the palace, Celestia walked into a room with a few ponies. One being the old mare from the lake where Peony and Natural had visited and turned back. "Did you hear? Two ponies are looking for the flowers to unlock the Eternal Bloom?" Celestia Simply nodded to them.
  3. @Raven Rawne I have not forgotten you. I feel this is a huge turning point in the story and I am trying to rattle ideas around to come up with a really good one.
  4. @Raven Rawne@Dark Horse Peony smiled before answering him, "I sure do hope so love. Not being able to see and fear I might fall for any stallion is awfully stressful you know." The driver took the two of them back to her residence where a maid was standing by to escort the blind mare back inside. Her parents were also standing in the doorway keeping a close eye on them. Peony offered to let Saffron spend the night in one of their guest rooms, but he turned it down with the weight of the gazes upon him. Peony spent that night gathering up some items she thought she would need for the journey. Mostly cloths however. She never left Canterlot by herself before, so she did not know what to take really. Usually the maids always had everything packed for her when her family went to other cities. Peony after midnight, finally was able to get some sleep. Morning came with the butler waking her up and loading her things onto the coach that was to take her to the train station. Her parents met her on the way out to inform her to be cautious and that she better cure this debacle she got herself into. Mostly saying that small town and forest was not meant for a lady of class. Peony simply kissed them both the best she could and assured them she would be fine. Then she was escorted and helped into the coach. She arrived at the station shortly after the other two got there. She had the maid that escorted her go to purchase the tickets for the three of them. The maid refused to go with them.
  5. Starting to get over a cold...... Hate being sick

    1. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Yeah, not only it feels like trash but also makes it that much harder, if not impossible, to work. And then you get stuck at home and can't do much about it...

    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I'm almost certain I'm just starting to get a cold.. Joy.. :scoots:

  6. @Raven Rawne I like the idea that Peony gets "snatched" up as she leaves the train and taken back to her place for the -big announcement- party and Flower will lead her back there.
  7. @Raven Rawne Natural spent most of her time on the ship out on the deck. This was fine with Peony, mostly because she was depressed with the future. Peony mostly just stayed in their cabin and laid around. For her, the time seemed to go by to fast. The end of this trip would see her promise to wed. Once the ship arrived at the port of Fillydelphia, the two gathered their things and Natural pulled the wagon out of the hold. The train station was relatively close to the docks, so the two managed to get their train tickets and did not have a long time to wait at least. Though, Peony wished 5he train would never come. Peony had just enough bits left by this point she could afford a meal in the city and on the train the next day. Then the day she was dreading. Peony asked Natural which place she wanted to go to for their meal. The two mares then walked a bit away from the center of the city. Peony just followed Natural to a place she knew of just outside of the city. Once the two ate a simple hay burger, (which was actually pretty good to Peony) they headed back to the train station and waited for the train. The train arrived on time to the dismay of Peony. The two got the wagon loaded up on a flat bed train car and then proceeded to their coach. A day more and they will be back in Canterlot.
  8. @Raven Rawne As Natural circled around her, she felt like she was going to yell at her. However, she first went to inspect the inside of the wagon. This gave Peony the chance to get out of the harness. As soon as she returned, she asked her how she did it. "Well love, I did not wish to see you get injured, and I proposed a deal they could not refuse." That was all she said before they headed back to the stables. Along the way, Natural asked how they were going to explain the wagon bit to the owner. Peony spent the rest of the walk back to try and come up with something. The place was quiet when they got back, Except for a receptionist, no other pony was around. The two went back up to their rooms. Almost as soon as Natural got inside, she went to fix the clock back to its proper time giving Peony a stare. Peony lowered her head in shame and apologized. For now however, it was best to go to bed. Morning came with a ring at the door. Peony woke up from that and she looked as Natural answered the door. Breakfast orders. As they waited for their hot meal, the two chose a dress each to wear from a selection that was delivered. After the two ate, they figured they should get to the docks to catch their ship on time. Peony stopped at the counter to pay them for their stay and meals. The mare at the desk asked if the wagon -was- theirs. "The wagon is indeed yes. I figured I will attempt to get it fixed up properly for my friend here who likes to travel." So she really didn't lie per say. Once they reached the docks, the ship they would be taking had started to load the passengers and their belongings. Natural was waved along to get their wagon inside of the cargohold and strap it down to prevent it rocking on the seas. Peony was escorted to the luxury rooms where they would be staying the next few days. Natural was then escorted after her wagon was secured in the lower deck.
  9. @Raven Rawne@Dark Horse Peony listened to the new pony's requests. She could not see her, but could tell she was a good pony at heart. After Natural finished speaking Peony nodded and said, "That sounds agreeable love. However, I did say that I will purchase all that is needed. Four hundred bits just for you and I will give one hundred bits to double what is expected to be needing for the trip. Always be prepared for the unexpected my parents always told me." Peony then just smiled. Natural was taken a bit off a sec that she willingly up the amount that she had asked for just like that. "My bit purse is outside in my carriage might we proceed there to acquire your cut?" With that Peony stood up rather clumsily for not seeing the table leg and almost tripped on it. Saffron helped Peony to leave and escorted her outside to the waiting carriage. Once there, Peony used her magic to pull an very big bit purse out of a compartment inside and pulled out one hundred bits. She just had them floating in the air. "Would you dear? I would pass them right to you, but I fear I will inevitably miss your hoof."
  10. @Raven Rawne@Dark Horse So guys, I think it would be best if I skipped a turn. I am not able to come up with anything with the last two posts. So act as this is mostly a conversation between you two with Peony just listening at the moment.
  11. @Raven Rawne Ya. Just have not had time since my grandmother'd departure.
  12. @Raven Rawne Peony looked up and down the street as soon as they were outside and noticed her wagon was gone. All she saw was a note tacked to a pole close by. Peony went over and pulled it off, noticing it was a ransom note of some kind. She took it over to her companion and nudged her slightly then handed it to her. Peony stepped back a ways as Natural lost it and was ranting on about all she lost. Thankfully she calmed down after a spell. "I am terribly sorry love. I will try and make it up to you I promise." She could not say much more than that because Natural wanted to hurry and leave before some pony noticed them. As they were walking, most ponies got out of their way. Probably due to they felt if they ruined those dresses would cost them an entire year's worth of bits. Natural spoke up and asked about the tickets and bits. The one thing she did not want her asking about. With a sheepish grin..."Well you see dear....all was in the wagon. Flower too." Peony had to cover her ears as Natural lost it once again. Peony quickly calmed her down when ponies started to stare at them. "Don't worry. I do have a back up plan." Peony led the angry Natural around the city till they came across a very fancy stable. Natural started about no way to afford even an hour stay in such a place. Peony just simply smiled and pranced on in. As she approached the front counter, a stallion appearing to be the owner came up to Peony. "Aw Mis Peony. So good to see you again. I am surprised your parents are not with you." "Hello again Hay Comfort. It is just myself and my lovely companion here." Natural tried to act cool and -important- what ever that meant as she was introduced. "Her name is Natural. Natural, this is Mr. Comfort the owner here. My folks stay here all the time they visit. But mister Comfort. We seem to have an issue. Our luggage was misplaced from the ship. Might I trouble you for a night's stay and pay you when I have my luggage returned to me by morn'n. If it's not a bother?" "Why mis Peony of course of course. Please do stay, I will even send for a change of cloths from our gift shop to do you. Bellhop! Take these to ladies to the royal suite immediately." With that order a pony came running up to escort the two to the very top floor room. As the two were in the elevator, Natural looked at Peony questionably. "What? Being of a rich family dose have a few perks with it." When the two arrived at their room, Natural almost lost it seeing how grand the room was. A single room looked more valuable to her than a gold mine. As Natural looked around the room Peony walked over to the alarm clock a secretly set the time back two hours. She then went to the bellhop and requested a meal to be delivered. Natural said what she wanted and listened to Peony finish ordering. "Please bring this order up at seven please." As he was turning to leave and Natural went to look at the bath Peony stopped him. "Please bring it at nine and announce it at seven when she gets it please." He nodded and left them. She turned to look at Natural in the bath room gawking at the bathrooms. She had to fix this herself this time. The two relaxed until the dinner came. Natural was wondering about the time of day. to her it seemed latter. A look at the clock however told her it was just before seven. "What's the matter dear? We have time to eat and shower before midnight." Natural insisted that Peony remained here when she left at eleven thirty. Peony agreed. A ring at the door announced the dinner they ordered was here. Peony asked Natural to get it wile she went to the restroom for a bit. As Natural answered the door, the same bellhop announced their seven o'clock dinner. Natural looked back at the clock still thinking it had to be latter than that, the clock did read seven though. She figured it might be due to the city skylines throwing her off. The two ate their very elegant meal and decided each should take a shower. Peony went in first and Natural will latter before she headed out. When Peony came out Natural went into shower as well. Peony figured it will be about time to leave. "I will go speak with Comfort a bit. I will be back by ten. So don't worry about me." She called out to Natural turning the shower on. Then she left after Natural told her to be careful. Peony left the Stable and headed for Dock 6. When Natural finished her shower she went to the room. The clock was only nine thirty. She had enough time to think of a plan to get their things back. At least their tickets and bits so they could head back to Canterlot. Natural opened the doors to head out onto the balcony. There she looked out across the city with a quick say how how horrible it looked. She noticed a large bell tower out in the distance. Looking closely at it, she noticed it was fifteen till midnight. She quickly looked back at their clock to see it two hour behind. She the realized Peony had tricked her. She quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs to try and stop Peony. Peony was already waiting at Dock 6 for the ones who took their wagon. Sure enough, at midnight a group came walking up with their wagon. The one in the lead was one from Richly's entourage. "Well well well. Mis Peony. Surprised to see you here. I expected you to be in the stables with your companion sneaking around waiting to get her wagon back." He waved his companions out to go search for any pony in hiding. "I came here to make a deal with you. Return our things to us." "And what will I get out of this. It is my employer who wants you not me." "I will agree to marry him." Every-pony in that area froze and looked at Peony in shock. Did she really mean it. "You are bluffing." "Sir I am a lady of class. We do not lie or -bluff-. Return the wagon and you may tell My future fiancee to meet me back in Canterlot in a few days. I am sure you have searched the wagon and found the tickets, so you know I am heading that way. But if you don't return it now and leave I will change my mind." The others kept looking at each other and back to their boss. The stallion thought it over a few seconds then waved his companions to leave. "Fine, a deal. But you better keep your word." Peony walked over to the wagon after every pony left and tried to pull it herself, To good. She figured she had to actually get strapped into it. She hesitated at first. As soon as she was getting ready to do just that. Natural came running up the dock.
  13. @Raven Rawne Same. Peony is a random personality so hard to get into her character. My Nightmare Season is well....Me. I know how he reacts based off how I already act.
  14. @Raven Rawne Peony thought about which way to go, then an idea struck her and she smiled. "This way Love." She said and went down the right road leading into the more busier district. Natural just rolled her eyes thinking she just ignored her advice to stay low then followed. A few blocks down Peony turned and went inside an elegant dress shop. Natural sighed at her wanting -more- cloths. As soon as the two mares stepped inside, two mares working inside called out to Peony by name and came rushing over to them. "Peony! Are you all right? We saw the posters you were pony-napped." One asked as they got to them and looked to see who her companion was. Natural was on edge to flee when Peony spoke up. "Those posters are falsified dears. Natural Order here is my friend and guide around Equestria. Those posters were done by Richly Fabulous to get me back to Canterlot." As soon as the two mares heard the stallions name, they both seem to know exactly what that meant. "Natural love. These two are acquaintances I know from parties from Canterlot." With the introductions, the two mares curtsied to Natural and greeted her. As Peony went around looking at the dresses in the shop, the two were busy talking to Natural. Telling her how they knew Peony from attending the rich parties and get-togethers with their parents. They also pointed out how they witnessed how pushy Richly was every time he was around Peony. They also told her how Peony was usually the only rich pony at those parties that never acted superior to every-pony else. "Loves, Might I trouble you for a wardrobe upgrade for my dear friend here?" Hearing Peony say this, Natural was thinking about running away after all now. "If she looks the part, no pony will suspect she is the one from the poster." The two mares did not skip a beat after that and pushed Natural to the changing rooms. The two seemed unstoppable to get Natural into several fancy dresses and hats one after the other. After several times the two walked Natural out wearing a cute Orange-pink evening dress a a stack of other dresses as well. Peony smiled and told Natural that will do nicely. "What might I owe you dearies?" Peony asked them as Natural tried to get comfortable in the strange carb. "Just ship us four more of those fine attires with your flowers on them and we are even." The manager told her. "We have ponies in line for your dresses with flowers that don't wilt in years." Peony and her shook hooves on it and the two mares left the store with a few bags of dresses. "Alright love. As long as you act like you are better than any pony else. No pony will recognize you as a pony-napper. So about the mare night out?"
  15. Off to see my grandmothers funeral Wednesday.

    1. Tao


      Well hang in there Nightmare,  I'll see you this weekend! 

  16. Sad day. My grandmother just past away. The only family member I did like. :(

    1. Twilight Karamel

      Twilight Karamel

      I know the feeling, friend, I just hope that she went in peace. If you need someone to talk to about anything, I'm here for you. 

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      That's very unfortunate, I am sorry for your loss.

  17. @Raven Rawne@Dark Horse Peony waved to the mare as Saffron introduced her. As Saffron told the story, Peony blushed a bit out of embarrassment. Hearing Saffron explain they did not know where to even start looking, and showed the mare the flower, Peony spoke up. "Well dear, we are not completely at a lose. When flower here wakes up again, it will be able to guide us in the general direction." As Natural looked confused between Peony and the flower back to the stallion, Saffron told her how the flower can 'speak' in ponies mind. "If you are will'n to help us ma'am. I can pay you very well for your time and for anyth'n we might need and use on our travels." Peony told the mare with a hoof out to shake on it.
  18. @Raven Rawne The two made better timing heading back to Trottingham. They stayed at the same burned out inn and made Trottingham by noon. Peony was rested at least so she was not as slow. First thing Natural noticed heading in to the city was the same poster calling her a pony-napper. Peony watched her walk over to the notice board and tear it down with a grumble. "Sorry love. I will do what I can to stop those false accusations." Peony said to her companion. Peony led the way this time through the city. She said she needed to have a parchment delivered. Eventually the two found the Pegasus post office. Peony wrote up a few letters and paid for them to be delivered first class. As Peony was leaving, she notice the questioning look Natural had. "I sent letters to home and to Richly. Inform'n them I am returning to Canterlot with news." Natural accepted the answer, but she did not like how Peony seemed sad as well. The next stop for the two was the docks. Peony went and purchased tickets for them to Fillydelphia. The ship was taking off in the morning, so the two mares had the rest of the day and night to do anything they wanted to do. "Well deary. Shall we have a mare night out together?"
  19. @Raven Rawne Peony dreamed once again of being chased by the stallion after her hoof in marriage. No matter what she did, he was always right behind her. The sad part was she could not wake herself up this time. Under the magic of the flower kept her sleeping. She finally remembered what her companion said. If there was a way to stop him. As she dreamed on, she finally thought, "Maybe she would marry him." The dreams eventually turned into her wedding with him. A grand thing in the palace of Princess Celestia. Then to her in Richly's mansion. And foals..... Peony then bolted awake. Looking around, she found herself in the wagon. Night was outside the window. Looking around some more, she saw her companion. Natural seemed to have fallen asleep sitting up against the wall. Peony took a blanket and tossed over her. "Oh my stars! What prey tell happened to your poor mane and tail love?" Peony asked in a whisper not to wake her. She noticed her new "look?" She stepped out side to see the sun getting ready to rise. And a lake. She must have slept for a whole day and night again. "At least I am not sleepy anymore." She told herself. She saw what looked like a small island covered by fog out on the waters. "Wonder if that is the island with the flower?" Peony went down to the waters edge after she got her things from the wagon. She was in need of freshening up. Especially after sleeping a whole day. About half way through her shampooing, Natural finally came out of the wagon. "Morn'n love. Sorry about using the flower to get some rest. I did not like slowing us down." Natural went straight to making breakfast. Especially since Peony's hungry stomach was making noise which embarrassed her. When Peony finished washing and came back, breakfast was done. Peony happily ate it all. When the meal was done Peony asked Natural about her mane and tail. "I am so sorry love. I did not mean for any of this to happen to you. Come here I will fix you up. Your mane looks like you got in a fight with a timber wolf." Natural tried to refuse, but Peony did not let her get a chance to get away. After several snips, combing and styling. Peony made the messy cut into something that looked nice actually. Peony even tied a flower in her mane she found along the water. "Now you look much better love." Natural was starting to discuss ways on how the two of them could get across the water to get the flower, when an elderly mare came walking up. "My my. Two young fillies all the way out here? What brings the two of ye out to this lake?" Peony looked back and noticed her. She was a greying old pony that seemed friendly enough. "Oh! Hello. We are wondering if this island out there has the Lazylillies growing on it." The old mare looked out across the water to the lake. "Indeed it dose young'n. But why are you after such a flower for?" Peony told her that she was out to collect five magical flowers for something. She made sure not to mention them being used to unlock the door to the eternal bloom. "Why I will tell you. That flower out there is hard to get a hold of. What you see looking like fog, it is actually its pollen. Any pony that breaths it will become to lazy to go any further." This did not make Natural at all happy. She seemed upset about that kind of news. "Might there be a way to protect us from the pollen?" Peony asked her. The old mare told the two that in order to get past the pollen, the pony must be under the effects of another magical flower. Both Natural and Peony both agreed that the Somnambular Bloom they already had would not work. Peony suggested they hunt down the giggling funflower and then come back here. Peony also said they should go back to Canterlot so she could get more bits for the road and put a stop to Richly Fabulous fallowing them. As the two got the wagon ready and rolling again back the way they came, Peony stopped to thank the kind old mare. She responded for them to have a safe trip. As she watched the two mares walk out of site, she said to herself. "They know about the five flowers. I must tell the others."
  20. @Dark Horse @Raven Rawne So are we done with this? Or did it get pushed under the rug and forgotten a bit?
  21. @Raven Rawne Yes. We do not want a repeat of Nightmare fighting king Sombra do we. Just keep the only bad ponies that of Richly's hired goons. As for work. I do understand since this whole semester has been hectic on me.
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