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Maple Bat

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Everything posted by Maple Bat

  1. The other sat down by Karthspire and watched him as he, somewhat drunkenly, told stories. Usually, he got a laugh out of the group with his body movements, Maple, however, was sitting by herself examining her damaged wing and she sighed. "Great... I don't think this is even repairable." Maple felt suppressed rage come up and she pounded her metal hoof against the rock, the impact shattering a decently sized part of the rock. After which she shut her body down to 'Sleep' ------------------------------------------------------- Festus was with the others and notice Jack was alone. He excused himself from the group and walked over to him "Hey... Are you alright? You seem... less social..."
  2. Maple stopped for a second recollecting her thoughts. Midnight was right... She pounced on any changeling that as much looked at her funny. There are Changelings like C. Will that couldn't reform. Maple slipped away from C. Will and walked up to MoonShadow kneeling beside him. "I'm sorry... If Will's telling the truth..." Something clicked in her mind when his changeling eyes met her own. and she recognized the changeling. A look of regret and sorrow "I... I remember you... The only one who even looked at me while I was at the hive... The others only fed off me... You saved my life and this is... This is how I choose to treat you. I'm sorry... I'm..." Maple started sobbing. She had just kicked the only changeling that she owed her life to. The same Changeling that started to give her faith in the evil changelings. MoonShadow shook off the pain of Maple's kick. "Can't say I didn't expect that... I just... that was so long ago... I'm glad you recognized me... Maple it's alright that you hit me. I imagine you almost took Wills head off when you learned of his changeling. But Yes. I've been hiding from Chryssi ever since I saved you I was branded as a traitor and I can't go back even if I wanted to. There was no MoonShadow. Only a changeling trying to be a pony." Moonshadow pulled maple to him and their foreheads touched "I forgive you for that but even like this I want to know... You still love me right?" Maple was still crying enough to the point she would be choked up if she spoke but she looked him in the eyes, The same colored ones that He'd chosen his Earth pony forms coat to be and she nodded a yes. The nod prompted MoonShadow to kiss her suddenly when he did there was something special between the two. It caused a golden light to glow around Moonshadow. It was blinding and when the light finally cleared Will and Midnight saw a now Golden colored MoonShadow, He had Jewels around his neck and one where his horn was. "Oh Sorry Maple... that was probably inappropriate..."
  3. When Luna and Evelyn landed near the others they quickly moved double timing it to catch up with the others. Maple managed to close up the broken wing since it was just sitting open after it exploded. She was standing behind Celestia letting her lead the way which was unusual for her, Normally she was the head of a charge, the one in front but now she was standing behind somepony else and that pony was Celestia of all ponies. Not much conversation went on between anyone but Maple looked like she had something to say yet didn't say it.
  4. @Fennekin @WiiGuy2014 After a long awkward pause Maple quickly flew straight at MoonShadow tackling him in a hug, the two rolled several times before settling on the floor "You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that. No really I think you actually never noticed but I feel for you the second time we met... Which was off the battlefield." MoonShadow stood up and laughed "That was aggressive... But it was positive... Wait what do you mean? What exactly did I say?" He asked confused. Maple stood up too, and dusted herself off before replying to him "Our second encounter wasn't very grand, I was carrying my gear down the hall and you were running past me but ran right into me. After which I think your brain shut down or something since you acted very strange. We did talk for a bit but some of the things you said stood out to be different. The thing that you said to me which set off this whole, me loving you, thing for me... I believe you told me "You fight good."" MoonShadow tried to recall the memory and when he did he covered his face as best he could with a hoof hiding his embarrassment. "Oh... Sweet Celestia... I was drunk that day... It's why I ran into you." Maple tilted her head. "Drunk? It was 2 years ago when we met that would've made you 19." Moonshadow nodded as she was correct "It's... not as enforced as you think... at least not the few bars I used to visit.My life was pretty bad a long time back... It's kinda embarrassing but I manged to stop that after a while. Ironically it was because I got a warm feeling from you... Actually speaking of that there's something... Really really important. It's why my life was pretty bad." The changelings, green aura started glowing as it enveloped him, he revealed his true form as a, Black colored, Hole bearing changeling. Maple saw him change and tears formed in the Bat's eyes "You... Took him... WHEN! HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN AT THE HI-" MoonShadow interrupted her "Wait! Maple please... I... am MoonShadow. I ran away from the-" Maple turned away "I don't belive it..." She rose her back legs and kicked the Changeling across the room "I should've known..."
  5. " I... Alright... But I'll start in my earth pony form and slowly ease her into it. I'll ask about nice changelings and what not... Then when I change you need to keep her from hurting me... Alright... W... Wish me luck. " He touched an odd looking pendant he had on and took a deep breath before approaching Maple. " H... Hey, Maple." Similar to last time Maple blushed " O...h MoonShadow... I didn't know you were here." She chuckled nervously " Hello Maple... I've uhh.. G... Got something to tell you." Moonshadow hesitated for a long time before finally saying it " I... Think I've fallen in love with you." Hearing this, Maple was left absolutely speechless There was a long pause between the two.
  6. "Y... Yea I am... Are you... sure she's not gonna attack me? I mean she doesn't attack you but who's to say she'll believe me that I mean no harm to anyone..." He opened the door and stepped in. He wanted to turn around and not do this but he wanted this to happen and there's no other way for him to win her over
  7. Maple stopped when she read that that's what they were expecting and removed her armor, She hadn't strapped it on quite yet anyways. "You're right... This is exactly what they want and I'm not experienced fighting hunters, especially not like this... For all, I know there's a hunter right outside the door waiting for one of us to race out of the house so he can shoot us. Given how strong those crossbows tend to be it'd punch right through this as well... You're right we should stay here..."
  8. Moonshadow stopped pacing. " Alright... If what you say honest and true then she'll be alright with me as a changeling then Let's reveal it... As long as I can survive this maybe we can actually... have some form of relationship. If we pulled that off I'd owe you EVERYTHING. So... Where is she?"
  9. Evelyn took off, Followed very closely by Luna "Well... We can discuss all of this with the others. Talking amongst ourselves isn't doing much good... And you doing it isn't the best either..." "Let's put that off for now... You seem to be turning very slowly..." Luna stated to the two "I mean Maple turned in a matter of hours you, however, it seems that it's really taking its time. It's just an observation of course so... Well I could be wrong..." She still had a upset tone. Perhaps Luna was trying to rationalize but it's possible that her emotions where doing all the thinking for her
  10. "Oh! I agree we'll head to ponyville right away. Then we can go to The castle of the two sisters and Maple can show you where she lived for a year. It's quaint there and quite nice!" Woody hummed a tune. It had the feeling of something far away but felt homely. A portal opened as he stopped his singing "Hehe, I've still got it." Maple summoned the mirror but she didn't want to look at it... " Actually will, perhaps I could go and see if people are still scared of my bat side. I'm hoping that they're not scared..." She had a nervous look on her face and after a second changed into her Pegasus form, She had named this form Maple Wing since the last name Bat didn't exactly work with a pegasus " Who am I kidding... No pony is going to not be scared. Let's just go."
  11. "I know Maple could... Both me and Luna aren't going to do to it... I can tell by the way Luna looks" Evelyn said. Luna herself was a bit too emotional to say much but since Jack wasn't just leaving she started to do better "I don't really know about this "Putting you down thing but Maple... Seeing as she knows exactly what being infected feels like... I don't doubt that she would spare you from that nightmare... C'mon let's not worry about that right now and regroup... Alright?"
  12. "It is hers, isn't it... That means..." Maple didn't want to finish that... She knew how vicious hunters like this could be "Well... We don't know... But I can almost safely assume the hunters took her... I.. I'll go save her. You need to stay here. I dragged your mother into this and now I'm going to get her out. I just want you to stay safe alright? If anyone knocks at the door jsut wait until Uncle Zephyr come home." She was putting her armor on as she spoke to speechless
  13. "But Maple HATES changelings... And she might think I'm a changeling Posing as MoonShadow.... I mean I technically am... But there was no MoonShadow to begin with... Maybe you could help me with that part... I'm sure she'd attack me once I reveal it..." He started pacing back and forth still staying out of view of windows.
  14. "Jack... please... I want to spend as much time with you as possible... I want to make up for my mistakes... I just... Don't want you to turn and someone else put you down... It's like you and your sister in a way... Please... just... stay with us as long as you can..." Luna was crying. She'd felt the guilt of leaving him and not keeping him safe and it was very visible on her face. Evelyn landed next to the two and heard luna's whole speech before saying "Jack! Luna! Where are you two going? The others are that way." She gave a friendly, but concerned grin to Jack "She's right you know... We don't want you to just 'Die' Alone in some wasteland alone. Come on... your friends are waiting." She motioned to Luna who obviously needed a hug.
  15. Moonshadow was unaware of the fact Maple was in the house too. "You've... Been around Maple a lot right... I kinda want to know how I can make her start to like... or well fall in love with me. Though she probably hates me... given how we talk to each other during training and such... I just... The fire in her eyes and her determination to protect equestria. I can't even begin to talk about how she looks... Ugh, I'm blushing just thinking about her... Can you please help me win her over? " He was actually quite red from blushing and as he spoke of Maple he seemed like a giddy little foal, his eyes pleaded for the Wills to help him
  16. " I want 2 teams... One team helps the Day guard bury their dead and ours... We need to honor those that have fallen." Maple put a hoof over her chest "The other team needs to search the town with me. We need to locate any that might be hurt or worse..." She drove her spear into the ground. Any on the side closer to the town is with me the other need to help the day guard." With that, the two groups separated and the drone the marines were using never got a good scan of Maple as she moved quickly to the town faster than the rest of her army.
  17. Moonshadow was at the door When he saw Will he smiled and carefully pulled will out the door. "Oh I'm glad you answer the Door... Woodland told me you were here. I uhh... I need your help with something really, really important... I know that you'll help me no matter how difficult the task is. Would that be a correct assumption? " The earth pony grinned awkwardly reminding the Wills of Thorax in a way. " So... You both have my back, right?"
  18. "Given my own parents I'm well aware of how opposites attract but that's not why I don't think that's the reason... Genuinely I don't believe anypony could fall in love with me I mean you like me sure but loving me and wanting to spend their whole lives with me..." Maple sighed. Looking out the window at the lake nearby the house. She stared at the water for a while before she continued to speak. "I'm just... I'm a bat pony who wants to date an earthpony. We're both awake on different schedules... for the most part. One of us would have to make a permanent change to our life and I can't be outside during the day... Even as a pegasus... I've just gone though too much... And I don't think Moonshadow wants to do something like that." As she looked out the window she could see it however. Her and Moonshadow being together... She was only dreaming though she'd never win him... or would she? There was a knock at the door. 2 minutes-ish after Maple had gone to the window. "Could you get that will?"
  19. Eventually Luna caught up with Jack. "Jack! Where are you going! Please... Stop running. I know you think this is bad... but please you said you wanted to see you sister again before turning... Whatever you're planning isn't going to allow that to happen... Come back this way... We'll do everything we can to get you to see her again... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before now... And I'm sorry that I wasn't more motherly to you..." Evelyn had watched Luna run off. "Hold here everyone... I need to make sure Luna and Jack are both ok." She opened her wings and flew off in that direction
  20. One of the night guards slow moved towards Maple"Captain Maple... " He whispered to her not moving his eyes off the Marines " Are you sure they are to be trusted... We trusted the last group and they nearly leveled canterlot and they DID level ponyville." Maple turned her head an whispered to him "Given the state of both guards we can't afford to underestimate an enemy. They say they're here to fight 'Orks' We don't know what those are so maybe they're going to help fight off the other group that attacked." She turned her whole body to face the night guard "Everypony stand down... They're not going to attack as long as we don't." With that, the night guard, reluctantly, stored their weapons. Maple gave the marine's a glance, mostly sizing them up from a distance. Personally, she wasn't intimidated but she knew some of her Guards would be so she didn't want to fight and potentially suffer any number of losses.
  21. "H... Hey, wait!" Luna said loudly as Jack hurried off. Luna took off in a sprint to follow him. Festus didn't want to chase them both. "... It sure is a lot to take. I did my best to keep him safe, He seemed really nice when we met and ran from his mother... Now he's gone. Besides Ember, he was the only person I was really close to... Since other dragons laughed at my misgrown wings. ------------------------------------------------------------ 'I knew it was only a matter of time before Jack got infected... He and Maple share a lot of reckless traits... I'll try to contact Equestria about a cure... Since Zecora was working on one... If need be I can perhaps use the demon realm to get to Equestria and come back with that cure... However, it's unlikely that it's done... I'll be back Maple keep this chat between you and Kiran going since I'll need to sense it again to connect with you again. I didn't sense it for a long time after the explosions... Kiran thank you for allowing me to chat with Maple. I'll be back here soon.' Maple nodded to herself as Celestia came back down they're not far from here if we head a bit forward then a bit to the left we'll catch up with everyone." Celestia told her "Alright let's tell the others." Maple said stopping and letting the others catch up with her once they did she told them. "We need to run a bit that way." She pointed to where Celestia had seen the others... "Where are Jack and Luna?"
  22. Maple saw it and picked it up, and when she saw the blood she looked horrified. She continued to examine it, she hadn't seen midnight for too long but she kept looking at it worried before she realized speechless would probably know if it was hers for sure. She walked over to the room. "Speechless... Is this your mothers?" She held up the not ripped side. "It was at the door laying there with no pony around it."
  23. Maple and her troops did the same, aiming at the newcomers. "We mean no harm as long as you mean us no harm." Maple put away her weapon showing a sign of her standing down "I don't know who this emperor is myself nor the term Xenos... We are the race of ponies. As for allegiance... I would say you should call us neutral... Since I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about... We can be allies with you as long as you weren't the ones who sent those green psychopaths to our planet." Maple didn't move for her weapons as she stepped forward about 2 steps only to bring herself into view. She realized if she was just a pony in armor her words didn't hold much value to the few about to shoot at them she bowed slightly. "I am Captain Maple, and I speak for the royal princess Luna. She does not wish violent bloodshed if it can be avoided... So can we have peace?"
  24. Luna was quite to answer Jack's question "Celestia just flew into the sky after Maple told her something and Windphaser is with Kiran and the others He told me that he was giving you a bit of space as well, He did add that he needed to chat with you, however, Whenever you two meet again. He said it could wait of course... And he told me that before the attack but I didn't tell YOU since I thought you didn't want to see him for a while... Maple's up ahead thinking about some thing I think... But you... I just... This is something I can't comprehend." Festus hugged Jack "Sorry... For everything..."
  25. 'Still you never know... I'll keep watch here and let you know if anything happens Kiran...' Woody sighed from where he was 'Maple? Are you going to be alright without that wing? I know you rely on those a lot to fight...' 'I'll be fine. I can fight without them. I just... Hope it didn't cause permanent damage to the remainder of my body...' Maple looked at it and it looked ok she then approached Celestia "Could you fly up and find the others?" Celsetia nodded "Yes. That sounds like a good idea." She spread her wings and took off. It would be a bit before she spotted the others. ------------------------------------ "Jack! Sorry... Sorry." Festus said trying to get his body to calm down he set his hand against Jack's forehead seeing if something was wrong with him. Luna Jumped too "What did you do! Jack?! Are you ok? Is... Is this... Part of the infection?" Luna didn't know what to do. Her brain had just shut down she was so stressed, not even Magic could fix that.
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