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Little Snowdrop

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Posts posted by Little Snowdrop

  1. So this is the first time I ever drew a MLP character. I tried to kinda find my own style but also mix in some details with the show's artstyle (like the light spots in the eyes). What do you think?

    I actually just started to ink pictures a few month ago, I always only did sketches before, so this whole thing is kinda new to me. So I'll appreciate any tips or hints you can give, not only about how to draw MLP chars but also about how to ink and color pictures in general. 


    More Info about the Character:

    This is the original form of Steampunk Gear, one of my two OCs. He grew up at a farm but never actually got his CM until adulthood when he started tinkering around with some stuff and invented a few machines.

    He met Floating Matter, my 2nd OC, later and with her help created some mechanical wings. I plan on drawing FM as well as SG's winged form the following days.



    (also I just realized I forgot the shadow on the tail... oops :laugh: )

    • Brohoof 1

    @Blitz Boom

    Floating Matter and Steampunk Gear got closer to the two strangers. The older one asked them if they were from Vision Village instantly, and Floating nodded. As Molotov introduced himself and Blitz, Steampunk watched the little filly who seemed to be pretty excited about everything around. She kinda reminded him of himself when he was younger; always wanting to explore everything.

    "From Center Zero, huh?", asked Steampunk as Molotov finnished. "Well, everypony from there is always welcome to our lil village. Nice to meet you, my name's Steampunk Gear and this lovely mare over here is Floating Matter." Floating waved down to Molotov and Blitz. "If you want, we can carry you two there. But, just 'cause I'm curious, what exactly do you want in Vision Village? You know, we didn't get any visitors from Center Zero since I live ..."

    Floating pondered a bit, then she asked: "I hope there's nothing wrong with the communication system, is there?". The last error in the system has taken days to fix and an important research project in cooperation with Center Zero has been delayed. The system was essential for the collaboration with Center Zero, since it was the only way to transmit data over the long distance fast enough.

    While waiting for Molotov's report, Floating and Steampunk made place for the two ponies to join them on their vehicle, assuming they would take the offering.

  3. 1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

    An issue though we need to address. Since you said it was fine if I started in the city, that is exactly where I began everything, not in a forest on the way there. I can correct it easily so they are in a fitting place, but please, remember where others are the next time, okay? :P

    On 8.8.2017 at 10:08 PM, Blitz Boom said:

    headed towards your town

    Sry, I thought you meant that they were on the way towards the village, but not yet there... D:

    1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

    Also, wanting to ask. Since you have a town of scientists as well, what's your thoughts on that one, and Center Zero knowing eachother? Might be in a rivalry sort of way, or in somewhat friendly terms, but I can imagine the findings both towns make and publish would catch the sight of at least some from the other eventually.

    Well, that's a great idea... maybe they can cooperate with each other and exchange informations about their research projects and results or something like that... I think that a rival sort of way wouldn't make much sence, since Molotov wouldn't come to Vision Village (I actually like this name :yay:) then, would he? They also could use some communication technology a few scientists of the two towns could habe invented... I think there is indeed some potential!


    Well, back to the "spot issue": I have seen a RP forum where at the beginning of every post they write down a short mark where they begin their post (or where their last one ended), and at the end of it they write down the name (or a little description) of the place where the scene ends. Maybe that could be helpfull to avoid such problems in the future...

  4. @Blitz Boom


    Floatin Matter, a light gray pegasus with dark purple hair trotted in a big garage carrying a tablet with some sandwiches and a glass of water with her. Her magenta eyes looked around as she putted the tablet on a little side table.

    "I'm going to go to Gravity Wave to discuss the results of our last research now. I'll be back around sunset, I'm sure you'll be finnished until then", she sayed to Steampunk Gear, a tall orange pony with a quite messy brown mane and a short, bushy tail, who was lying under a pretty big mechanic coach tinkering around with a few gears and pipes. His orange-yellow wings who clearly don't fit in with the rest of his body are covered with gears and other metallic parts. The scarred tissue around the coracoid seperates the orange fur and the lighter feathers.

    "Okay!" he replied concisely.

    "Come on honey, I want to say goodbye to you, not to your wingtips."

    The orange earth pony creeped out from under the device. His eyes, the right one totally grean, the other one with a tough of yellow, looked up to Floatings smiling face.

    "I'm almost finnished. We can test it when you're back... that's gonna be sooo great!" Steampunk told her enormously excited.

    "I'm already looking forward it", Floating replied. "See you later then!"

    "Goodbye!", Steampunk answered after standing up and giving Floating a long goodbye hug.


    It was already past sunset when Floating Matter returned home. Assuming that Steampunk would already await her, she walked directly into the garage. The tablet still stood on the site table, with an empty plate and glass on it. Steampunk was putting some tools on a rack as he noticed Floating.

    "Hey there! Perfect timing! I finnished the engine just now" he said. Floating walked towards the modified coach a bit unsurely while Steampunk opened the garage gate.

    "And... you're sure you didn't forget anything?"

    "Of cource I am. Just don't worry, this will be great!" Steampunk drove the device out of the garage and closed the garage gate again. Meanwhile Floating took a seat on the vehicle and waited for Steampunk to start the familiar steam engine and drove out of the village. It was the new engine Steampunk just installed on the vehicle that kinda frightened Floating.

    "And you're REALLY sure that this engine is save, right?"

    "Haha, just calm down, honey. I double-checked everything! Just relax, you'll love it, trust me!"

    As they were outside of the village, Steampunk turned off the steam engine and switched to the new gas engine, that could be fueled with an strange, explosive fluid that Burning Oil, a chemist and friend of Floating and Steampunk, just devised by seperating the oil the town ponies found in several components. The vehicle did a jolt forward, then stood still for the half of a second, before it suddenly quickened with a series of loud bangs.

    "Now we're getting started! We'll be even faster than the wonderbolts! This is going to be so amazing!"




    The vehicle dashed across the flat landscape. Steampunk really had his fun, while Floating was still worried.

    "We totally gonna crash into a tree! Care for the knoll over there! Oh why did I agreed to come with you?"

    "Hey, don't worry! Just relax and enjoy the airstream blowing through your mane... oh, I never experienced something that beautiful before!"

    "Uhm... wait, what is that over there?"

    The vehicle got slower and slower and finally stopped moving. Floating and Steampunk suddenly were verry quiet and watched two strangers walking along in the distance. There were several trees around them, and since the probably elder one was distracted by the younger, littler one, they hadn't noticed Floating and Steampunk yet. 

    "You know, there are only two possible reasons why anyone could walk along this area. Either they lost the track and wander around this place aimless, or they're traveling towards our town."

    "Right. So either they need help to get back on track or they could need someone who carries them to the village."

    "Exactly. I say we should ask them if they need any help or something. But Steampunk, don't use the gas engine!"

    "Haha, okay okay, if you really hate it so much..."

    Steampunk switched back to the steam engine and the vehicle slowly drove towards the two strangers.

  5. 6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

    but I can explain it and point out some of the groups there currently you could speak with.

    Yeah, I think I could indeed need a little introduction :P

    6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

    If you'd prefer to be eased into tgat however, or have something away from it entirely, I'd be happy to have Blitz and Molotov Boom interact with you. They're tinkerers as well, and working on wings of their own (you can find links to both in the google doc link beneath my siggy) at varying degrees of success. They're messing with all kinds of other things though, and since they come from a town of scientists (somewhat recently invaded and left barren of others) there is a good deal of papers that's awaiting new owners. Perhaps some of the biology and applied magic papers could be interesting to tease your char with. :)

    Well, I guess it would be pretty interesting to let Blitz and Molotov meat Floating and Steampunk. And since Steampunk is interested in mechanical stuff and travels around alot anyway, it could be imaginable that he wants to travel to Centre Zero or something...

    6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

    Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. Lemme know mate, how'd you like to start? Plummeted into the action, or taking the long road towards it, one step at a time?

    Okay, since I've never done a RP like that before (most RPs I've done before were a bit... different...), I would be happy to take the long and easy way :P Maybe I could start from the village Steampunk Gear and Floating Matter live and take a travel to Ponyville later or something like that... maybe it's better for me to take some time to just start to feel and think like them instead of only play them anyway. So if you have an idea how Steampunk and Floating could meat up with Blitz and Molotov, I'll just go along with it :D


    Thanks for welcoming me in the RP :yay:,


  6. Do you knot this situation when you once heard a song and thought "yeah... it's nice to listen to ones or twice, but that's pretty much it" and after a few month (or years in this case) you hear that song again and suddenly iyou kinda love it (at least for a few days)?

    Well, I had this situation a few days ago with this song :P

  7. I just watched some YT-tutorials and just used the technic that was used in them. after a few weeks of practise my drawing skills increased a lot (I still can't draw on a computer, but whatever :P) Most important: take time and don't be too impatient.

    Speaking about drawing on the PC, do you think there will be a possibility to print pictures out of your mind into a PC or something some day? That would help me a lot :icwudt:


    @Sunset Rose I use this: https://xxnightmaremoonxx.de/vweb/?page_id=79&page=2

    • Brohoof 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, meme said:

    Banned because I had to wait for the right moment.

    Memed myself for being mainstream

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