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Fluttershy Friend

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Status Replies posted by Fluttershy Friend

  1. It's been a tiring week for this little baby, but since Aurora's already holding me in her hooves, I think I'll just go to sleep now. Good night, everypony!

  2. Goodnight all, see you all next time.

  3. Goodnight all, if I can't sleep then I'll come back here. ^^

  4. I'm done with school! Yay! Now time to relax :proud:

  5. Good evening everypony

  6. Good Morning, everypony

  7. how is all my friends?

  8. Sry for the last Blog entry, i was really angry at the time. I dont think i would hurt anyone. Im just so down. And yeah, ear pain.

  9. How do you feel about doctors that use energy medicine?

  10. I wish real life was as friendly and fair as equestria universe :c

  11. Good Morning, everypony

  12. Goodnight all. ^^

  13. When your first time ever that you hug a girl (thats not you mom) is at a con that was walking around with sign ''free hugs'' xD

  14. Update: Apparently I won't lose a job; Not much has changed.
    On a positive note, my monthly salary has been increased by ~27.3%.

    And I hoped for tons of free time. :P 

  15. Update: Apparently I won't lose a job; Not much has changed.
    On a positive note, my monthly salary has been increased by ~27.3%.

    And I hoped for tons of free time. :P 

  16. Free hugs~

  17. How is everyone doing today?

  18. I can't believe that I'm nearly 2000 brohoofs, thank you to all who helped. ^^

  19. I can't believe that I'm nearly 2000 brohoofs, thank you to all who helped. ^^

  20. Update: Apparently I won't lose a job; Not much has changed.
    On a positive note, my monthly salary has been increased by ~27.3%.

    And I hoped for tons of free time. :P 

  21. Update: Apparently I won't lose a job; Not much has changed.
    On a positive note, my monthly salary has been increased by ~27.3%.

    And I hoped for tons of free time. :P 

  22. Update: Apparently I won't lose a job; Not much has changed.
    On a positive note, my monthly salary has been increased by ~27.3%.

    And I hoped for tons of free time. :P 

  23. Good morning all. ^^

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