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Everything posted by Discordrules123

  1. Despite the episode having a nice moral at the end, I still find Bow hothoof's and Windy Whistles' behavior to be a serious issue. While I am aware of the fact that parents do sometimes embarrass their kids even when they don't mean to, the problem here is that the way they did it was a little extreme. I mean seriously, launching fireworks at one of their shows which would have most likely thrown off their concentration, cheering for Rainbow Dash after she lost a race, and celebrating every single thing she did gives me the impression that the two of them need to see a specialist. I think it would have been a lot better if they had learned a lesson at the end as well, and that is to not go overboard with the whole cheering and praising.
  2. The storyline for the episode was pretty boring in my opinion. It was too sappy, there wasn't much of a conflict, and it seemed like the writer had misinterpreted at what exactly a sanctuary is. It also seemed like the only reason that Fluttershy even built one was so that the animals could stop freeloading at Dr. Fauna's place.
  3. I think what might be the worst comic in the IDW series is comic #40, aka, the story of how Twilight and Spike first met. The reason why I consider this to be a bad storyline is because most of it involves child abuse, and that can be a very serious thing. It seemed like it was trying to present itself as something humorous but doesn't really do a good job because all I can see is a young filly suffering from exhaustion, mostly due to lack of sleep. Some may have considered this to be Twilight's fault since she took up the responsibility of taking care of Spike, but Twilight was very young back then and like most other ponies she was probably afraid of disappointing Celestia if she had said no. The reason for why the princess gave Twilight this task doesn't really help either, because a baby wouldn't really be suitable as a friend or companion.
  4. As much as I enjoyed the humor in "Pony Point of View", the part where they found out what knocked their boat over didn't really make much sense, because how can a creature that big be able to swim through waters that shallow, as well as make the ship sink down to the bottom when it's not even deep. I think what they could have done is make it that the incident took place somewhere at sea like it was shown in their flashbacks, and by the time the three of them submerged a crusty old sailor spots them and offers a lift back to shore. Along the way though they have to listen to his long and boring stories about his adventures on the high seas.
  5. I thought the season 7 premiere was okay for the most part. Some of the humor that was involved was pretty enjoying, like Twilight's visions of where she would sent Starlight to, as well as the flashback where Celestia was nervous about sending Twilight off somewhere. The downside though is that there wasn't really much to the episode's storyline, probably because most of the season premieres and finales would have the characters going on some kind of adventure. It is understandable that they would only be able to fit that kind of storyline into a two part special though.
  6. Would Silverquill be crazy enough to purposely tick off the God Of Destruction from "Dragon Ball Super"?
  7. While the episode "A Hearth's Warming Tale" did have some problems in its storyline, I think the biggest one is what the third spirit told Snow Frost. Unless I'm mistaken it seemed like the only reason they celebrate the holiday was so that they could keep the Windigos at bay, which makes me imagine the ponies being more concerned with the possibility of freezing to death and not being able to fully enjoy the holiday. Some might have considered this to be associated with "A Hearth's Warming Eve" where the characters heard the Windigos howling in the episode's end, but I think that was just put there for comedy's sake.
  8. Maybe that could be a running gag. Whenever he and his lackeys are featured in an episode something bad happens to them in the form of karma.
  9. I think one of the things they could have done is make it that for each test Garble puts Spike through, something bad happens to the former instead of the latter. Kind of like the episode "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic" from SpongeBob Squarepants. It's not very original but the idea of seeing Garble and his goons get hurt just seems to good to pass up.
  10. I wonder if some of the more well known members of the Brony Analysis Community could do a positive review on Angel Bunny since he's had more episodes where he was being shown as either helpful or decent.
  11. Meh, I don't see any harm in it, as long as we don't say anything insulting or hurtful towards them.
  12. It does seem to have a pretty big role in Equestria, as well as having a nice design to it. Maybe if Sombra managed to have his way and that the city had expanded all over Equestria then the name would be able to fit it a lot more. But since none of that happened in the original timeline then I can't really see the characters refer to it as the "Crystal Empire". Besides the name though I don't really have much of a problem with it, unless you count the crystal ponies that live there. Their appearance is a little confusing and I keep getting the impression that they might break easily.
  13. This is just a theory of mine but I think the reason why Lightning Bliss is having such a hard time controlling her magic is because there's too much of it inside of her. Maybe if they were to remove at least a little bit of it then she might have an easier time learning how to wield it.
  14. Those do sound like other good reasons, especially the cloak being made out of bats. Although I do have concerns with the idea of a holiday being based off of what Princess Luna used to be as well as being portrayed as a foal gobbling monster. One particular reviewer whose name I can't remember at the moment mentioned in his review for the episode that since Celestia still cared very much for her sister (even when she became the wicked mare of darkness), then she would have prevented the holiday from being made. Maybe it would have been better if they didn't make the holiday based on Nightmare Moon or anybody. It can still be called Nightmare Night but it would be more similar to Halloween in modern times, which is based off of nothing.
  15. That's true, although I sometimes find her angry moments to be pretty humorous.
  16. I'm not really a fan of "Scare Master" myself, mostly because I find it ridiculous as well, and I thought that it was rather silly of her to think that Luna was still Nightmare Moon since she was there when the two Princess's reunited and made up, but I do sometimes like to think that Fluttershy had some kind of horrific moment on the same holiday when she was just a filly. I also have a theory as to why the townsfolk were acting so scared of Luna other than the whole "ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE!". Remember when they celebrated at the end of the pilot episode? Well I think the reason why they weren't acting so scared of her was because Celestia was also there with them, so I think it's possible that they felt protected around her. When she arrived during Nightmare Night however, Celestia wasn't there with her, so I think from their perspective there would be no pony to protect them if Luna decided to harm them, which she would never do of course. I'm not quite sure as to how they thought she was still Nightmare Moon though, but I guess it's not too much to worry about. Except for Applejack because she other than Fluttershy should actually know better.
  17. For those of you who saw Silverquill's review for "The Lost Treasure Of Griffonstone", then you probably remember the part where he strapped that one griffin to a table and used Pinkie Pie as a way to torture her for leaving Rainbow Dash down in the gorge. To be honest though I think he could have actually done better than that. Perhaps he could have forced her into watching an episode of generation three instead.
  18. Does anybody else feel like that Fluttershy was being flanderized in both "Luna Eclipse"and "Scare Master"? I know that she can be pretty shy and timid, which is a part of her character, but I don't think that even she would be so scared of Nightmare Night, especially since most of the costumes and decorations aren't that scary looking.
  19. I think one of the biggest problems for The Crystal Empire is that it's way too small to even be considered an empire. In fact, I think they should have called it the Crystal Kingdom instead.
  20. I guess the whole ice arrow being able to affect the cloud does make some sense. I'm still a little perplexed as to how it could have pierced it though, but I guess I'll let this slide since it does seem to help give Spike his big heroic moment, and it might be the best that Dave Polsky could come up with.
  21. I've only seen clips of "Friendship Games" from reviews but I know the story well enough, and one particular thing I've noticed was Twilight's transformation into Midnight Sparkle, which is both cool looking and at the same time confusing. I can understand somewhat that her appearance changing was because of all of the magic that she was carrying around, but the fact that it made her turn psychotically evil was rather far-fetched. First of all I don't think normal magic would brainwash or change someone's own personality, even if they were infused with a whole lot of it. If anything it would most likely cause them to have a very hard time controlling it. Now if it was dark magic that was infused into Twilight, or if some of it was somehow mixed in with the normal magic that she was collecting, then that would actually make more sense.
  22. But wouldn't the arrow need to hit something before spreading the ice? I could be wrong but it seemed like that's how they work.
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