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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. My favorite pokemon is Leafeon. 

    Ever since I was a little kid, I always wondered why it was Fire (Flareon), Water (Vaporeon), and Electric (Jolteon), instead of the traditional Fire/Water/Grass as seen in the starter lineup. Especially since there was a freaking LEAF STONE in the G1 games! >.<  I had been craving a Grass type Eveelution for soo damn long. And every new generation I was convinced "Ok, THIS will finally be the Gen to give me my precious Grass type Eveelution" But it sadly never came Q.Q. In Gen 2 I just caved and got myself an Espeon to fill that void, which quickly rose to the top of my favorite Pokemon's list due to its adorable in-game sprite and it's extreme reliability within my team. It wasn't until several years after I had already lost interest in Pokemon that Leafeon manifested itself. Needless to say, its inclusion in the Generation 4 Pokemon roster was a large reason as to why I picked up Pokemon again ^^;

    Grass was my favorite type as a little kid. I also had a huge crush on Erika and that cemented my love for the type. (Come to think of it, I believe Erika qualifies as my first ever "waifu" before the term had even been created xD)




    ^ I really love how natural and plantlike the design is. All those years of anticipation and it totally didn't disappoint =^-^=

  2. Well I have yet to indulge myself in any spoilers since I like to wait til all the episodes are out and watch em all at once in a crazy pony marathon.... BUT I am just generally worried that the loose ends from season 5's Crusaders of the Lost Mark will continue to be left unattended. Diamond Tiara is FINALLY no longer a one-note stereotypical bitchy school bully character; she has so much plot potential when paired up with the CMC. I need to see them explore her insecurities around the CMC as she is no doubt still riddled with guilt after all those years of shit she put them through. They are giving Starlight Glimmer a hella spotlight atm and going through her mental issues in depth. I was so satisfied with the amount of focus she got in season 6, but why is Diamond Tiara being neglected to such an extent?

    Other than that, I am worried that the buildup to the "final showdown" with Chrysalis will be too sudden instead of properly built up. I don't want it happening at the end of season 7 or 8 with a snap of the fingers. They need satisfying plotlines leading up to this encounter.

  3. 6 hours ago, TheGOAT said:

    Do you have backup to this claim? Because I have evidence against this.

    He's talking about when Youtube channels like Machinima were covering pony stuff along with their CoD Black Ops Zombie videos, for example. There was a time when being a brony was considered "cool/ edgy" by the mainstream crowd. It was novel at the time and you had countless dudes in their late teens donning ponies as a badge of hipster cred.

    Season 2 was clearly targeting these individuals which is why I think it turned out so bad (imo ofc). All aspects of the show have improved since then with the exception of Pinkie's flanderization. It is very uplifting to see the guys at Studio B/ DHX learning from their mistakes =^-^=

    But yes, the fandom is definitely not as large as it once was. Is this a bad thing? No fucking way! :P

  4. Ok, so I've listened to all the tracks finally in high quality. My top 3 are the following:


    #1 Saturnz Barz


    • Pros: Pretty much every freaking thing. This song is amazingly ambitious and immaculately executed
    • Cons: Takes several listenings to actually begin to appreciate it. The music video associated with this song was GARBAGE (one of the worst for any Gorillaz track to date). 



    #2 The Apprentice


    • Pros: So much diversity and interesting developments in the way the song flows. The first singer in particular is incredible.
    • Cons: The song starts off really strong but goes down in quality steadily as the new soloists come into play. The female singer is pretty good, but the rapper is crap (at least in this song). 


    #3 Ticker Tape


    • Pros: Old school Gorillaz done RIGHT (looking at that sad excuse for a callback Andromeda *smh*) Ticker Tape sounds like one of those awesome low key songs from Plastic Beach; just so nice and chill with some of the best vocals by Damon in the entire Humanz album. The whole song just feels "right".
    • Cons: A little too chill for my liking. I generally prefer songs with a little more "omph" to them. Just a subjective thing really lol (I can easily see this being someone's #1 Humanz track).


    Honorable Mentions:

    1. Hallelujah Money - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rKCUq5PCqY
    2. Charger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15qFDdYTUFI
    3. Sex Murder Party - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9yBCyxjsIQ
  5. 20 hours ago, Vulon Bii said:

    Although IMO, Most 4K monitors (or just computer monitors in general) aren't really "gaming" monitors. That sort of resolution more benefits productivity than gaming. Especially since 4K still requires a PC with a lot of grunt just to achieve 60 FPS with high settings.


    It's quite alright. I only really play older games anyway. The most graphically demanding game I intend to play would be Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen lol. I just love having the clarity of a 4k screen being played at native resolution. 1080p just looks so drab nowadays (and oh God I can not stand anti-aliasing >.<). Sharp, ultra high pixel density is what I crave :o


    20 hours ago, Vulon Bii said:

    The LG 24UD58-B is what I would go with for that optimistic criteria. Good price, 5ms response time, and 24 inches. (Can go up to 27 though.)


    7 hours ago, J-115 said:


    Hmm... >.>  Neither of those monitors look particularly... glossy to me Q.Q

    Do there even exist 4k glossy displays? Other than that, they both look great, especially for the price :o

    I have like a vendetta against matte finished screens. They tend to mute the colors/ pixel clarity ever so slightly and it just drives me crazy xD


    If it's not at all possible to get a nice 4-5k monitor with a glossy screen, I might just go for a laptop instead:


    ^Price really isn't a concern. Although, I do prefer my laptop keyboards to be centered instead of the numpad (or in this case the touchpad) pushing it over to the left... :/

  6. For all you high res pc gamers out there, I need some help choosing a monitor. I honestly have almost no idea where to start looking as my knowledge of gaming displays is pretty much limited to that of gaming laptops. My criteria are the following:

    • MUST be glossy (I cannot stand matte finish on displays >.<; )
    • 4k-5k resolution
    • 100% sRGB and 95-99% Adobe RGB color gamut coverage (High NTSC values would be appreciated as well)
    • Decent response time (doesn't need to be the absolute lowest ever, but I'd say keep it under 20ms if possible)
    • Preferably a smaller display (20-25 inches would be most ideal <---- if not possible, nothing above 30 inches >.> )
    • No TN panels pl0x (IPS, IGZO, OLED... pretty much anything else is preferable)


    So.... can my preferences be accommodated? Or are these unrealistic demands Q.Q


  7. On April 29, 2017 at 4:30 PM, AlexanderThrond said:

    Both of these episodes get a lot more hate than they deserve. "The Crystal Empire" loses points for pretty much everything related to Twilight's "test," but I have a soft spot for Sombra's backstory and the general tone of the episode. And "The Crystalling" is just plain wonderful and deserves way more credit. 

    The only part I didn't like about The Crystal Empire was the guarding of the (fake) Crystal Heart by the rest of the Mane6 besides Twilight. Everything else was hype AF.

    The Crystalling was one of my favorite two-parters :P So much awesome characterization in that episode particularly between Starlight x Sunburst and Starlight x Spike ^^

  8. 25 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

    "The Crystalling" - Such a plot-light, character-driven premiere was a massive breath of fresh air, and I adore its character arcs and themes.


    "The Crystal Empire" - Dreading a rewatch, but the epic scale of this one actually suits the relatively serious tone, and the sheer vagueness of Sombra as a villain is genuinely unnerving. Really too bad that Twilight's arc feels so out of place, as it harms the episode in a few different ways.


    ^Glad to see I wasn't alone in liking these episodes. Every one else I have talked to seems to hate em o,o

  9. Oh man, now THIS is my kinda topic xD But there are too damn many to list o,o I'll try my best ^^;


    Some are bad or subpar songs from the show, made to be awesome by the brony remix artist:


    Then there are some that are good in the show, but the remixer made them even BETTER:


    And then, finally, there are those remixes in which the composer decides to go all out with creativity and create something that doesn't even resemble the original song in the least. Or sometimes they splice samples from various songs and combine them together into their own master piece.


    Then of course there are the original brony compositions, which while not technically remixes, persay, are also quite good in some rare instances:


  10. 2 hours ago, Chaotic Overlord said:

    For anyone who isn't aware Disney Villains Victorious is basically a timeline where all of the major and some minor Disney villains get what they want, splitting up and dividing the world as they see fit while the heroes created by the players are some of the last remaining hopes of stopping them this at least I think would be a fascinating and fun concept for MLP style adventure tell me what you think about it 

    Isn't that exactly what happened in The Cutie Re-Mark? :P Albeit for short snippets of time lol

  11. 7 hours ago, Nerdy Luigi said:

    Wow, back with that design choice eh? From my experience, the clampshell design makes it absurdly easy to break (I went through 4 DS Lites... I wasn't even being that rough on them, at all...) Good thing this weren't the 2DS design to start with, or else I would completely ignore 3DS games altogether...

    Wow really? I have never broken a handheld of mine even once. I had a DS fat, a DS lite, a original model 3DS, and a 2DS (when it comes to the DS-3DS lines). While there were certain aspects I did like about the 2DS (namely the insanely low price and the "softer" facebuttons) I didn't like the slate design at all. It just looked plain ugly and cheap to me :P 

    Admittedly, I do find the clamshell design to be significantly more conducive to hand cramps after about an hour of gameplay :/ The slate was just more ergonomic, especially with those crazy big triggers (wish they weren't so loud tho lol).

  12. 1 hour ago, Halberd said:

    First exposure to the franchise was from a VHS rental that my dad brought home... we watched... Godzilla vs. Gigan. I was 4 years old...

    Wow, if I was 4 and my first exposure to Godzilla was vs. Gigan, I'm pretty sure I would have been scared out of my wits xD 

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