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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. Spiderman 2. It was just so damn good, and emotional. I loved the acting and all the characters just felt "right" imo. This is ofc the original Spiderman 2 with that baby-faced guy (forgot his name lmao). It was amazing =^-^=

    What is your favorite non-canon ship in MLP:FiM?

  2. Better than you old one, not as good as your original one :P

    I give 7.5/10


    Hmm, I think if I do decide to keep this avatar I will begin to use :P much more as it is quite fitting =^-^= All my :o I will substitute with :P 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Idk how I feel about the speakers not being located on the upper screen portion :/

    It looks kinda, weird without them (looks like a straight up iPhone lol). I hope the audio quality does not suffer due to this (still find it crazy that the original model 3DS supposedly still possesses the best quality speakers of the bunch.)




    Holy crap, possibly the coolest limited edition design yet!






    • Brohoof 1
  4. 2 hours ago, TrotteurFuneste said:

    Really ? Why ?


    So many reasons, honestly. It would be difficult to detail all of them. I will try my best though.

    First of there's the overly thin-skinned people who try to change things they find offensive (see Derpy from The Last Roundup or the general reaction to the "SnowBlind" FiW parody of Snowdrop)

    Second, a lot of members of the community just are so freaking easily butthurt over other "pony-haters" it really makes me embarrassed to be associated with them. 

    Third, too many damn OC's and cringeworthy content (similar to the Sonic fandom how there is so much... "disturbing"(?) material available). And I know this is a given in pretty much any fandom, but MLP and Sonic have it far worse than most.

    Fourth... well lets see... I find the majority of forced Brony memes to be the very embodiment of "fail". Like, I respect the memes of old, (namely 4chan and YTMND memes back around 2003-2007), but the recent fare has gotten notably... lame. This is, of course, subjective but most modern day memes evoke an insta-faceplam from me, instead of making me revel in their creativity like the memes of old. Btw, meme =/= image macro. Just saying~

    Fifth, when there exists content which actually does contain a fairly decent level of "win'" (if you will), you get all these people who stand in stark opposition to it, basically condemning it as being "beneath the brony community". For example, fanfics like Cupcakes; the concept is extremely good. It was meant as a troll fic, but actually functioned as an effective measure of giving Pinkie Pie an "extra" layer of depth, which you could try to connect dots to within her actual depiction in the source material. Many Bronies would say "oh nooo this ruined Pinkie for me!1!!" or something similar. This ofc, is not exclusive to Cupcakes, but grimdark/ gore fics in general. 

    Sixth, I feel as though there is a fair level of backhandedness within the brony community. Like, people will put on a nice face and maintain the "cute & cuddly" brony persona while other people are present, but they will turn their backs on you without any qualms whatsoever. I don't have too large of an issue with backstabbers in general, but when its within a community that masquerades as being this revelatory oasis of "friendship" and "acceptance" it really sucks to see such contrasting behavior when people show you their true selves.


    There are other things here and there that bother me, but these are the Mane 6 issues I have :P

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Nintendo just released a trailer for a new iteration of the 3DS line of handhelds. I have no fucking idea why, but this trailer got me hyped af, despite my recent distaste for Nintendo's business practices (including the extremely underwhelming Switch hardware)


    ^This thing just looks cool af. I never thought I'd ever get a 3DS again, but this thing is very enticing for some reason. It almost reminds me of the GBA Micro in a way. It's the type of thing I'd never expect Nintendo to pull after the huge financial success of the Switch. Just really out of left field and awesome. And ofc, I love the desgin too <3

    • Brohoof 3
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