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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. 7 minutes ago, Altscar said:

    What is your favorite company or manufacturer? 

    ^you know, this is a VERY hard question. I have literally been thinking for the past 5-10 minutes, and I simply do not know o,o

    Maybe Namco Bandai... I love Digimon, Idolm@ster, Digdug, Pacman, etc~

    Or maybe old school Nintendo: they made so many of my favorite games but now they are a mere shell of their former selves :o

    Team Ico has never made anything short of spectacular so there's that too... idk, that's the best answer I can give lol


    As for my question to you guys; how many more seasons do you think MLP FiM will have? It seems like it will never end at this point xD

  2. 4 hours ago, Nerdy Luigi said:

    Worst episode In my opinion is Magical Musical Cancer Magical Mystery Cure. It was crammed with music I couldn't stand for more than 5 seconds and the plot to me seemed like Hasbro had obviously ran out of ideas for the rest of the show, so they add a poorly explained plot twist for the rest of the series.

    Magical Mystery Cure is GODLIKE, you filthy heathen! xD Enough of your shameless blasphemy!


    Here, even this whiny, autistic, jaded cartoon critic agrees:


  3. I have a few, first one that comes to mind:

    ^Was always the stage I would die at as a kid. I remember developing the fixation on the music as I just KNEW I heard something very similar to it before. This is when I was like 3-6 years old no less xD Eventually, around the time I reached 7-8 years of age, I finally figured out what the melody reminded me of:

    ^As a kid I would spend many hours in the car as my family needed to travel between states to go to work. This song would pop up on the radio at least once a day and if I was lucky, I'd hear it before I got dropped of at school xD So, yeah just a little nostalgic story there; I'll post more memorable songs later~ /)^3^(\

  4. Either Sweetie Belle or Twilight Sparkle.

    Twilight due to her incredible OP magical prowess while still having an overall "cute" look to her (as opposed to the other Equestrian princesses). And Sweetie Belle because of my... hmm how exactly would I word this...

    ...my "amorous obsession" with her? xD




    Oh snap, didn't see Discord on that list :o I just assumed he wouldn't be there since he isn't a pony lol

    Discord is the obvious answer for anybody in their right mind. He can basically manipulate reality however he wants. Celestia will have him imprisoned if he gets out of control you say? Well, he can just warp to some other continent besides Equestria and make them his bitch instead xD Or hell, why not create an entire separate planet for yourself and all your chaos related shenanigans? The possibilities are ENDLESS! \(^o^)/

  5. Descrip:(In 2008, Bunker posted a video to YouTube critical of the Internet-based group "Anonymous" and asked them to tone down their campaign against the Church of Scientology; a movement called "Project Chanology"."Message to Anonymous", Bunker urged the group to work legally and pursue peaceful ways to protest Scientology. Subsequently Anonymous dubbed him "Wise old Man" or "Wise Beard Man,")




    ^essential material for understanding the Church of Scientology and the overall reason why they received so much backlash

    • Brohoof 1
  6. No way! Pocahontas isn't bad by any means. Is it as good as The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, or The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Of course not. But it's still up there, maybe around Tarzan-tier =^-^=


    On April 17, 2017 at 10:00 AM, BrawnyCharger said:

    My sister has often complained about the historical inaccuracies of Pocahontas. Her main complaint is that Pocahontas and John Smith were never romantically involved. I tend to agree with her on this. 


    On April 17, 2017 at 1:53 PM, TBD said:

    It's okay to enjoyed the movie Pocahontas but just to be sure to research the actual story of Pocahontas...it is not like the movie. 


    10 minutes ago, Dreambiscuit said:

    I'm not a fan of the movie. I don't like Disney's politically skewed version of historical events beating me over the head


    Do you guys really care about a fictional adaptation of a real life historical event having some "creative liberties"? :o

    Sure, as a history lesson Pocahontas fails, but that wasn't really the point of the movie(as far as I am aware). It was an animated film with plenty of fantasy elements meant to entertain the viewer; historical accuracy =/= entertainment quality

  7. I would love to see some elaboration within the show about why unicorns have differently colored magic auras. Like why is Sweetie Belle's green while Rarity's is blue? :o Would be cool if there was some in-depth reasoning they could incorporate somehow. (I have heard people theorize the magic matches the eye color, but I that only seems to be a coincidence as MANY ponies to not go by this "rule")


  8. No the worst episodes of the series are the following:

    #1 worst: The Times they are a Changeling (awesome message but HORRENDOUS execution complete with little to no respect for the viewers intelligence. The only episode of MLP:FiM I ever felt was legitimately written for a toddler-young child)

    #2 worst: TIE

    Spike at your Service & Cutie Pox (the former was one of the most tired overused crutches used in western animation and done BADLY to top it off. The latter was just painful to watch. Full of awful character interactions, bad writing, and overall just seemed to be the very definition of a "filler" episode)

    #3 worst: Baby Cakes (this one might seem a little more subjective, but personally, it was one of the few episodes to make me actually contemplate quitting the series. "Season 2" Pinkie Pie AKA flanderized Pinkie is in full force here, being as annoying, screechy, and just plain cringe-worthy as ever. It pains me to say this considering how much I LOVED Pinkie's bubbly, carefree, and sweethearted nature in Season 1; but ever since Season 2 rolled around, they started writing her like the traditional "omgsorandom" in-your-face cartoon archetype -.-)

    #4 worst: Boast Busters (just plain BAD: bad writing, bad morals, bad characters introduced... just awful lol. This was the first episode to make me think about quitting the series, but thankfully I decided to power through, and was delighted at all the other amazing episodes later on. Trixie is horrendous here (thankfully Magic Duel aka the best season 3 episode, fixed most of her shortcomings). Snips and Snails are just "ugh". Need I say more? o,o The Ursa Major/ Minor thing was pretty cool though, I'll give it that)

    #5 worst: TIE

    Mysterious Mare Do-Well & The Show Stoppers (The former needs no explaination, I'm sure ^^; Show Stoppers was just plain BORING. Just bland writing, bland character interactions, felt much more childish than most other episodes (besides the #1 on this list lol). I have a similar issue with Call of the Cutie, but that episode at least got some things done: set up the whole "cutie mark" factor, and introduced Scoots & Sweetie Belle.)


    So yeah, that's my top (bottom?) 5 worst episodes for FiM and as you can clearly see, the season 1 two parter is nowhere to be found. Now I am perfectly aware that other people will not share my opinions in this matter, but, hey, just giving my own perspective :P

    The first two eps in the series are certainly weak when compared to the AWESOME eps later on (even in season 1) but they are far from "worst" or even "bad" imo. It's by far the worst opening two parter, that's for sure. But definitely not a bad pair of episodes overall, I'd give them around a 7.5-8.5/10

    Here's a little chart I put together a few months ago for reference (I actually didn't look at this before writing my above walls of text so forgive any inconsistencies as my opinions on episodic quality is bound to change slightly over time:




    • Brohoof 1
  9. Anime is popular because it scratched an itch for many people who liked traditional western animation, but were not satisfied with the low-consequence narratives of such. Anime could take cartoons in a more serious direction with larger focus on mature thematic elements as opposed to simple comedy.

    Lately, anime has really been going down the drain, with lackluster by-the-numbers narratives, subpar animation (as the result of animation studios working their animators like sweat shop workers), and overabundance of shallow fanservicey elements. If anime continues this downward trend, I can only assume the industry will eventually implode; as I believe even the die-hard fans will catch that the overall quality is not what it used to be.

    I'm hoping for an anime renaissance, similar to what happened in 2010 for western animation. Shows like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and MLP:FiM can compete with the Samurai Jack's, Animaniac's, and PowerPuff Girls' of yesteryear; maybe soon we will get some heavy hitters that can compete with the likes of Death Note, Elfen Lied, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu, Tengen Toppa Guren Lagaan, and FLCL to name a few.... Last anime I watched that I was pleasantly surprised by was Anohana (and even that isn't quite on par with those aforementioned classics :O)

  10. Yes, the fandom IS smaller. Is this a bad thing? Hell to the no. The smaller the fanbase the BETTER the show's quality has gotten. The quality of the show only dropped when the writers were aware of the fanbase being massive.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Sir Floof said:

    Yooka-Layle, on the other hand, actually doesn't look as good as it could look on the video you linked because it's the console version, capped at 30fps. I found a video showcasing PC gameplay of Yooka-Laylee at max settings, and it (in my opinion) looks beautiful.

    This is from the same video you linked: https://youtu.be/JaUQ5VfswLw?t=32m40s

    ^It seems certain stages have more of the effect i am talking about than others. It is nice to see not all the stages suffering from this, but that one starting world (not the hub world) is the best example of that blurry, hazy atmospheric lighting. :o While it is less prominent in other stages, it is definitely still present, although the hub zone looks pretty damn good.

    • Brohoof 1
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