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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. Does anyone here genuinely enjoy motion/ touch controls in video games? I really would like to know why. Personally, I grew up with an NES, Genesis, and Gameboy and have bought nearly every console/ handheld by Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft up til this point. The one thing that I cannot stand in any capacity is any form of control outside of traditional buttons, analog sticks etc. Touch and motion controls generally feel so tacked on and overly simplified to compensate for the lack of dexterity most players will have when they start out. Please tell me what I'm missing (if anything lol). 

  2. 12 hours ago, ShadowPhoenix said:

    The overall quality of the show is getting better.

    Season 3 is better than Season 2.

    Starlight Glimmer >>> Sunset Shimmer

    Derpy's voice from Slice of Life is better than The Last Roundup.

    Applejack needs an episode that does not revolve around her family or Sweet Apple Acres.

    ^Def have to agree there :o

  3. 2 hours ago, Olsen1987 said:

    let's hope theatres are well aware of the adult fans and will set up views later in the evenings when kids are in bed.
    the original undubbed version with original VA's.


    ^WAIT WHAT!? xD What are you talking about Northerner? This isn't an animu, silly pants :P

  4. As far as I know, Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games, and Legend of the Everfree were straight to DVD. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    To answer your question as to "why the 2017 movie is such a big deal", this is the first MLP:FiM movie which is: #1 canon, #2 full feature film running time, #3 not about humans, #4 in a completely new art style.

    ^So yeah lol. I hope that clears things up for ya :P

    • Brohoof 2
  5. "Everypony was shocked at Twilight's huge, big, fat, plot; the world exploded." 

    10/10 Story right there 

    On April 12, 2017 at 3:57 AM, JU88snow said:

    everypony was shocked


    On April 12, 2017 at 3:59 AM, K.Rool Addict said:

    ...at Twilight's huge...


    On April 12, 2017 at 4:20 AM, Rawzy said:

    Big fat plot


    On April 12, 2017 at 4:25 AM, CentipedeGhoul said:

    The world exploded.


    I honestly thought the next person after me would say "collection of books" or something xD

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Yeah, this is pretty stupid lol. Maybe they've got scalpers working for em, and are planning to drive the prices up to ludicrous levels (like 1000$ a pop) :o

    Scalpers give Nintendo 60% of their earnings and Nintendo gives the scalpers legal immunity for their "Nintendo-related" exploits. Everybody wins. Unless ofc you happen to be a consumer with any modicum of integrity xD

  7. 1 hour ago, Jokuc said:
    • Technically, yes, as "anime" simply is the Japanese word for animation. Cartoons are too anime by this definition.
    • Prevailingly, no, as anime fans and the western world tend to use "anime" to describe animation originating from Japan. Avatar was made in America.

    ^Oh wow, a fellow anime fan who knows his shit for once :o

    You have no idea how many people I have met, be it anime fans, haters, etc, who just cannot grasp these two concepts. >.<; Needless to say it is very frustrating lol

  8. 1 hour ago, Maple Bat said:

    Well the houses in the picture go back for a long ways

    Plus compensating for any sort of hills blocking view thats even MORE houses with roughly 2 ponys per house


    The houses do go back pretty far, but clearly the bulk of pony residence is located around the town square area. The houses that are located far in the distance are much more sparsely laid out. Even with 2 ponies per house (personally, I wouldn't mind 2-4 ponies being the assumed number) the population of Ponyville would be in the "low hundreds" as I guessed in my initial post.


    Ponyville is far from a "normal" town in our world. A better approximation would be the cities seen in the mainline Pokermon games :o

  9. 9 hours ago, Discordian said:

    Mario Odyssey is literally the only game that exists on the Switch I care about. Not enough to buy a console for but we'll see how the system looks five or six years down the line.


    That's one of the reasons I see no reason to buy the system atm. Even by the end of the year, the only two games worth buying for me would be Zelda BoTW and Odyssey. I might as well just wait a few years for interesting games to release; by that time, Nintendo will probably already be marketing a "new & improved" Switch iteration without all the horrendous manufacturing issues the launch edition has :o  (Here's hoping for a price drop too) ~


    ^Pretty much my thoughts exactly.

    Another game I'd really like to see is a Xenoblade CHRONICLES X-2. I was never much a fan of the original Xenoblade (which Xenoblade 2 is obviously meant to call back to).

    I also vaguely remember something about Monolith Soft planning a new Xenoblade game that is a departure from both Xenoblade and X. Supposedly it was gonna take place in a "Wild West" setting or something (think Wild Arms/ Red Dead Redemption) Would be so cool to run around shooting things with anime girls in a Wild West themed game xD

  11. On March 30, 2017 at 10:36 AM, ChocolateCrane said:

    How do you guys feel about the main cast of the film?



    Compare to:




    ^Ben, Richie and Bev seem to have gotten it the worst in the remake. Ben looks more accurately "obese" but he also seems to have lost the character in his face too; not sure if I'm willing to accept that trade off, honestly. In the 2017 version, I actually thought Richie was supposed to be Eddie LMAO. He looks so damn frail in the new version. I can't imagine this new kid being the lovable snarky smart-ass of the group (let alone instigating Henry Bowers...). And then there's Bev... idk man, she just looks like a freakin' Miley Cyrus wannabe lol. Like the modern day tween diva. Seems like a huge contrast to her earnest tomboyish nature of old. She looks a bit too damn old too; like everyone else in the group I could buy as being their legit ages, but she looks like she's 15 or something >.>


    On the other hand, Bill looks decent enough. Not quite up to par with the brilliant mini-series version, but passable. The one thats supposed to be Eddie has a very fitting "look" for this type of movie. I don't really think he fits Eddie's persona very well tho :/ Mike looks a tad generic in the 2017 ver, and the same could be said for Stan... So, yeah, I guess I am not very fond of this new cast xDD (Hopefully they can prove me wrong with stellar performances)

    ^I hate to say it, but I kinda have to agree.

    The new cast just looks like they don't care. 

  12. Definitely this guy AKA Daimon from Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen on HARD mode:



    ^Not only can he one shot you with almost any attack he uses, he has 2 forms and like 50 bajillion life bars. Not only does he have 50 bajillion life bars, but each fucking one takes like 300 + POWERFUL on target attacks to deplete. There is only ONE attack (as far as I know) that can be exploited to take this fucker down in a reasonable amount of time. Thankfully, I had the necessary class to the max vocation level so I had the skill in question. I figured it out on my own, after about 20+ hours of frustration trying to take this fucker out in the traditional way. I was fairly low level (definitely under 60) but my gear was pretty good. 10 shots to the head with 5-fold flurry did like maybe 1% damage, if not less lol. So my strategy was to jump onto his head and use this insanely OP Assasin exclusive skill (Dire Gouge) over and over again. Each time I used that fucking skill it would do about 1/10 of an entire life bar, which was great. Only problem was Daimon could one shot me WAY easier if I was on his head; and ofc he kept throwing me off. This being a MAJOR pain in the ass since my double jump is disabled when having a sword equipped (which is the weapon needed to use Dire Gouge >.<). Getting on the bastard's head with a simple jump took split millisecond reaction time during one of his low-sweeping 1-shot attacks. It was almost like exploiting a glitch, in a way, since climbing up to his head would take so long you would be thrown off long before you reached it. Took many many, MANY tries, 100-150 tries ffs, for me to get lucky/ skilled enough to pull this off successfully. After I finished the fight my heart was beating so damn fast I needed to get up, put on my shoes, and take a walk around the block a few times just to calm my heartrate the fuck down xD It's like after finishing a marathon, you can't just stop; gotta walk it off or you feel like your heart is going to burst D:

    Now, I COULD have just leveled up and it probably would have made the fight WAY easier, but what is the fun in that? xD Leveling up takes too damn long in DD anyway lol. The game kicked so much ass though; I REALLY want Capcom to release a proper sequel on Ps4/ Xbox/ PC. Never before have I played a game with such deep and satisfying character customization, visceral action combat, and beautiful open-world to explore! While this game was obviously meant to appeal to a more "western" audience as Capcom has been known for in recent years, the slight "Japanese influences" enhanced the experience to such an incredible extent, it was truly a masterpiece of art to behold!

    • Brohoof 1
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