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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. Ok, we all know you guys have tons of pony waifus xD But who among you actually have waifus apart from MLP-related media? 

    ITT: Post your non-pony waifus or husbandos, if you have any =^-^=


    I have 3:

    #1 (my all time favorite waifu who I fell in love with when I was merely 15. I consider her my "soul meito" ~.^



    ^Rika Furude from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni


    #2 (my second favorite waifu whom I fell in love with at 16 ^^)



    ^Rebecca (Becky) Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash


    #3 (my 3rd favorite waifu that I've been obsessed with since I was 17)


    ^Yayoi Takatsuki from Idolm@ster

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Hi, I come from this thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/165206-what-is-your-sexuality/#comment-4868366

    I have many questions about these new sexuality terminologies.


    Can someone please explain what the difference between Pansexual and Bisexual is?

       34 minutes ago,  Queen Chrysalis Servant said: 


    ^So, basically it's like Bisexual? I would assume Bisexual is different due to the people being more explicitly sexually attracted to the specific gender's physical attributes while "pansexual" is not looking at the gender but instead the person behind the gender? :o

    Wouldn't that definition make Bisexual people look more superficial though? It almost seems like Pansexual is a jab at Bisexuals, since these people don't want to be classified as "Bisexual". It seems like they are trying to position themselves in a manner which makes them appear to be morally superior to other sexualities lol. No offense intended, I am merely not familiar with all these new-age terminologies @_@

    On the subject, what the bloody hell does "metrosexual" mean? xD


    ^This was my comment in the thread in question lol



  3. 3 minutes ago, Queen Chrysalis Servant said:


    ^So, basically it's like Bisexual? I would assume Bisexual is different due to the people being more explicitly sexually attracted to the specific gender's physical attributes while "pansexual" is not looking at the gender but instead the person behind the gender? :o

    Wouldn't that definition make Bisexual people look more superficial though? It almost seems like Pansexual is a jab at Bisexuals, since these people don't want to be classified as "Bisexual". It seems like they are trying to position themselves in a manner which makes them appear to be morally superior to other sexualities lol. No offense intended, I am merely not familiar with all these new-age terminologies @_@

    On the subject, what the bloody hell does "metrosexual" mean? xD

  4. I am so damn happy to see after over a decade of neglect, my all time favorite genre of videogames is once again being brought to the limelight. Yooka-Laylee is already out (I have not gotten it yet tho >.<) and many people seem to have "mixed" opinions about it. Let's forget about the Wii U cancelation and Jontron termination drama for a sec and concentrate on the actual game itself. Many reviewers have been giving it quite low scores; with the top reasons being:

    "the worlds are too big and the game forces you to explore it without any convenient means of fast travel"

    "the focus of the game is on collecting McGuffins instead of platforming"

    ^Thankfully, for me, those are two factors which make me want to play it all the more! I hate games that take away the need to spend long amounts of time traversing the open worlds. For reference, Wind Waker's sailing mechanic was one of my favorite things in videogaming, but everyone else seems to hate it. These people would say "Oh the DS game Phantom Hourglass made the sailing so much better". Then ofc, I tried out the game in question and my reaction was something along the lines of "WTF, they NEUTERED the freaking sailing!"

    Anyway, back to the genre this thread is about xD I'm just so happy to see these exploration-heavy, 3-D platformers making a proper return. First we had games like Insomniacs current gen platforming masterpieces: Sunset Overdrive and the Ratchet & Clank remake. The former delivered all that awesome open-world collectathon action with immaculate traversal controls which I craved, but it didn't really "feel" like a proper platformer exactly. The latter of which was good old Ratchet & Clank action with a slightly higher emphasis on exploration than the originals (which I was immensely pleasntly surprised by), but still it wasn't quite "open" enough for my tastes.

    Now, we have Yooka-Laylee, which is already out,


    A Hat in Time, which is coming out this year (on Pc only unfortunately Q.Q),


    And Super Mario Odyssey coming this holiday! \(^o^)/


    Do you guys think this new trend will continue into the future? The only thing that could make me happier would be if Insomniac releases a proper Spyro remake like they did with Racthet & Clank. Hell, Crash Bandicoot is getting a remake so why not Spyro too? Maybe even...*gasp* Jak & Daxter! \(^o^)/


    • Brohoof 1
  5. Just now, Raven Drakeaurd said:

    Well you're going to get an A+ on this S.A.

    Why thank you xD I try to bring the wisdom of prior generations back to current times. It is always advantageous to keep the failings of the past in mind so one does not accidentally facilitate these things coming to pass once again. Of course, my breed is all but dead in this day and age Q.Q It gets very lonely </3

    2 minutes ago, Raven Drakeaurd said:

    But I'm still going to use Brony as a catch-all term.

    It's generally the easiest way to categorize lol, Especially considering Bronies ARE the vast majority of the fanbase. As far as I am aware, there exist 4 main subsets of the FiM fandom:

    #1: Bronies

    #2 "______"s

    #3 Casual fans of the show (idk if there is a name)

    #4 Fans, casual or extreme, who are within the target age demographic (ie little girls)

  6. 36 minutes ago, Raven Drakeaurd said:

    May I ask, if you don't like Bronies why are you here? I'm saying you can't be here if you're not a Brony, but why be here?

    Well, a "brony" is a specific subset within MLP:FiM community. The classification does not refer to all fans of the show, despite common misconception.

    I am certainly an avid fan of FiM, but not a "brony" persay :o

    "Brony" of course, originated as a self entitled moniker for those fans of the show who also identified as /b/tards of 4chan's late Random board. These fans would create copious amounts of pony image macros as a way to vex the non-pony loving communities of /b/. After being banished from the site, some fans decided to retreat to their own board /co/ while other pony fans sought greener pastures wherein their pony loving nature could be fully accommodated . These individuals went on to create Ponychan in a similar act of defiance as those doll-joint loving /b/tards of old who created the image board Desuchan after being run off the site for their own sexual deviancy.

    Now where am I going with this? Well, the original /b/ronies who would troll /b/ with their pony shenanigans are NOT the descendants of the typical "brony" of the current MLP fandom. There is... another name for these individuals, which I will not mention here as the moderators tend to not be too keen on it. Instead I will substitute the actual name with "_______". That is the demographic of pony lovers I identify with. Bronies are the offspring of the pony lovers who went back to /co/ after their expulsion from /b/ and "_________"s are the fans who (originally) went to Ponychan. 

    While the community was split like this for awhile, soon Ponychan began to develop very "anti-______" measures which suppressed the ideologies of the "______"s. After being mass b& / discouraged from engaging in their "______"s ways, the "______"s decided to up and leave, never to return again. We are a rare breed of MLP:FiM fan who thrive off the show, first and foremost (all brony-created materials pale in comparison to the source material in our collective opinion). Secondly, we thrive on CHAOS and general trolling of all parties involved when it comes to ponies. Now, what I mean by this is "______"s will often talk about ponies in places that aren't so keen on ponies in order to evoke reactions from the populace. Trolling in such a way is widely enjoyed by "_____"s to this day. Another factor is that "______"s are not the type of people to get offended when pony haters call FiM "objectively bad" or we should be "disowned by our parents" or something along those lines. Instead "______"s like to exploit the hatred of the show exhibited by these pony haters in order to create lulzy shitstorms for our own personal pleasure. We do not discriminate between pony-haters and bronies; both are equally exploitable in our eyes. The best possible outcome in a "______" incited shitstorm would be to have both pony haters and bronies going at each others' collective throats for as long as possible.



  7. 1 minute ago, Pie Kn1ght said:

    I need to know the broad cast order of all seasons up until 7 also counting the movies please if anyone would be so kind

    The broadcast order? You mean, for each episode in relation to the movies? Or are you referring to something else? It would be obvious that Seasons 1-7 are in the correct "broadcast order" already. 

    I know EQG 1 came after the season 3 finale. EQG 2 Rainbow Rocks was released after the season 4 finale. EQG 3 Friendship Games was halfway through season 5. And EQG 4 Legend of the Everfree was towards the end of season 6. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Looks like someone may have finally found a use for the currently pointless HD Rumble feature of Nintendo's latest console:



    For clarification, I do not view HD Rumble as a completely useless feature, but instead, one that have vast untapped potential. Nintendo tends to sleep on their potential, unfortunately, as you can see with their augmented reality 3ds games among other things. They like to say "Oh look at this incredible technology in our product! It is truly amazing, isn't it?" and then forget about, you know, actually USING it >.<



    Personally, I think HD Rumble could provide awesome feedback allowing gameplay to be vastly improved. Like imagine if in Arms (yes Ik Arms looks like trashy shovelware, but just keep an open mind here a sec). Anyway, imagine if in Arms you punch your hand out with the Joycon and you feel the "unraveling" sensation as your "Arm" extends. Then the joycon gives you a little jolt letting you know if you don't immediately pull your "Arm" back in, you might receive some form of damage from overextending it. The HD Rumble could influence countless motion controlled games to this kind of extent, allowing for subtle but impactful enhancement to your overall gameplay experience. Think going from a d-pad to an analogue stick; and all the implications tied to such an improvement.

    It seems the best we will get is superficial stuff like tangible breast jiggle lol. (Although, even I have to admit, it would be cool to see how these Japanese developers try to translate all their onomatopoeic terms into tangible HD Rumble effects =^-^=)


  9. I have been watching extensive amounts of videos detailing Xbox Scorpio specs analysis of such, and general speculation. My conclusion is Scorpio will basically a "closed-off" Steam Machine type PC replacement with a very good bang for your buck.

    I don't understand why they are trying to sell it as a console when the thing would sell WAY better as the ultimate budget PC. This also makes me wonder why they would "close it off" instead of allowing it to function as a proper Windows based PC. If I could run all my favorite MMO's on this thing, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Ofc, the CPU is trash as I said before, but they could have marketed it in a way that it would have literally no other competition, since there exist no other ultra cheap 4k gaming PCs. 

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