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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Deleted3133333

  1. Banned because I have insomnia. I try to sleep. I just can't.
  2. @ImDaMisterL Banned because I'm tired, okay. I nearly fainted in my last class. @Hoppy Banned for golf.
  3. Bsnned because this thread has died. If you wanted page 5555, you gotta work for it.
  4. Ooh, these look really cool! Can you do my OC, Shadow Dash. He's an adult male pegasus. No cutie mark please (still working on that)
  5. You must obey Rainbow Dash above all others. Banned for breaking rule #1. I don't care about any of the other rules, but you must obey that one.
  6. I see only one course of action. [The following 10 pages of cuss words have been redacted] Banned for heresy!!!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!!!!
  7. Yeah, that's gonna happen. I can't art. I failed beginning art. In sixth grade. Do you know how easy that class is?
  8. Banned because who else am I gonna have do it? I can't go out and commission something. I'm a broke 15 year old who has a secret laptop he uses to watch ponies.
  9. I refer you to the ban for Duality. It now applies to you.
  10. @Duality Banned for thinking I have the art skills to draw a new avatar. This thing is computer generated cardboard. @The_Gobo Banned for doubting the great and powerful Shadow.
  11. Unless it's actually a screenshot of a video recording of me spinning in circles. Or if it was a 360 shot and you're just not looking at the right part of the panorama. Banned for not thinking of that.
  12. Banned for thinking that's a profile shot. I'm actually only half a pony. The other side is a piece of cardboard propping me up.
  13. So, I really want this to be a thing... So I'm making it a thing. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAhWAlOTSSL43sSSJdzOPJxmUg0acFhoaC3SESYanzdgskrw/viewform
  14. Banned because that wasn't racism, it was a blatant fact. The goops are the immortal ancestors of the slimes, infinitely wise and powerful. They have spent eternity contemplating the universe, and have gained the form of goops as a symbol of their unity with the universe. All slimes should respect the authority of the goops, as the goops hold the secrets of the universe.
  15. Banned for growing up too completely, and believing yourself to be king of the slimes. The slimes don't get a king. They are an inferior race to the goops.
  16. Banned because I would love them it they weren't so disastrous. They are adorable.
  17. Banned for eating. Everyone knows what happens when you feed the parasprites.
  18. Banned because I am King Muffin. All must bow before me.
  19. All y'all are banned for reaching such an important page without me.
  20. Banned for banning yourself when your profile picture includes Snowdrop.
  21. Banned for believing that theory. That theory was brought to your attention via one of your five senses, all of which are processed by the brain. Thus, your brain could be lying to you about the existence of such a theory, and the universe altogether.
  22. Banned for not crying. Do you feel no emotion, you monster!
  23. Banned because I do enjoy nights. With insomnia, I spend most of the night awake. Luna brings me cookies sometimes. But now you've gone and ruined that!
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