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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Deleted3133333

  1. Banned for not censoring that post. Censor like this. That is how you censor your post.
  2. Banned for not realizing that I also said federal law, so putting a city name of any kind would be incorrect.
  3. Banned for using two full stops, as using a second full stop is currently prohibited under the federal law of [insert city here].
  4. Banned because that is a lie. Carbonated sugar water is the best, particularly with added colors and flavors.
  5. On a scale of 1 to 10, my current emotion state is approximately equal to the color green.
  6. Banned because carbonated sugar water is best water.
  7. Banned because horseradish is the superior instrument.
  8. Ahh, that one is a pretty long and complicated story, but I'll do my best to explain it. So, one year ago today (yeah, what are the odds), I joined the furry fandom. And during my whole two weeks as an active furry (family issues made me go inactive), I ran into several people who were both bronies and furries. At first, honestly, they scared me. I didn't understand how anyone could possibly like the show that much, and did my best to avoid them at all costs. But I remembered their existence, and their name. Before that, I hadn't know bronies were a thing. So, fast forward exactly six months (I didn't realize how perfect the timing was until several weeks later). My love of wolves is known by most people, and a couple of people suspect I'm a furry, but for the most part things are the same as they always were. In other word, things were very boring. So, I decided to mess with one of my friends, who thought I was a furry. For about 2 hours, I consistently spammed him with pictures of anthros. But, he never responded. So, I decided to kick it up a notch. Remembering the bronies, and their close connection to the furry fandom, I decided to mess with him and make him think I was a brony. For the next 15 something hours, I spammed his phone with every picture of Rainbow Dash I could find. (I choose her because, even before I watched the show, she was best pony). At this point, he just began trying to have a normal conversation with me. So, at this point, I knew he knew what I was doing and was messing with me, so I decided to make it just a little bit more extreme. A quick search for the word brony in Apple Music found me the instrumental version of Discord. So, I began trying out the demos for Discord and the other songs marked similar, and any good ones I found, I spammed him with. Then I found it. Crusader (Are we there yet) by BlackGryph0n. And despite having no idea what the song was about, I interpreted the lyrics as meaning exactly what they said. And loved it. I proceeded to try out the rest of BlackGryph0n's music demos, and loved all of that too. My friend noticed it was just one artist, and said something, and I feigned that I was just doing one artist because it was faster spamming. So, eventually, I got a chance to use the internet, and I went to BlackGryph0n's YouTube channel. Shortly after, I watched Getting Stronger PMV and loved it. It was then I decided to give the show a chance, a decision I'm thankful for every day, and the rest is history.
  9. Banned for banning me despite not really wanting to ban me. You have to commit to the action. Expel all your hatred into the ban.
  10. Banned because Equestrian politics can get interesting. Just ask King Sombra or Princess Luna.
  11. Banned for not commenting on the state of political affairs in the pre-Celestia Crystal Empire.
  12. Banned for looking upward, and downward, and left, and right.
  13. Banned because you got ninjaed while banning someone for banning people for being ninjaed. But since I'm banning you, your ban is technically still valid. You get a cookie for that.
  14. Banned for being a ninja in a world of samurai.
  15. @ImDaMisterL Banned because I have a master plan for conquering the world and banning all the brony haters from Earth. Your mediocre plans are nothing! @Trotteur Funeste Banned because you post ninjaed me, but I can't see what you wrote until I submit this reply.
  16. Banned because no one has posted in two hours. You did not entice more people into the ban trap. Thus, you yourself must be banned.
  17. Banned because I did not sleep tonight. The sun is now up. I'm too late.
  18. Well, I had planned (as I said) to just get a digital copy to watch, but it looks like I'm gonna get to see it in theaters after all. I managed to schedule my classes for fall so that I get out at noon on Fridays. Then I just head to the theater, enjoy the movie, and get home before my parents start to wonder why I'm spending so much time "studying at school"
  19. @The_Gobo Tell that to my Japanese class. Everyone flocked over the one time I forgot to turn the audio off. Banned for falsehoods relating to psychology.
  20. Banned because I sensed your presence before you posted. Mainly because it said you were here at the bottom. Also because a very annoying notification sound played in my ear many times. How do we turn that off?
  21. Banned for seeing through me so easily... It is actually mostly because it's fun, but still... you picked up on my egotisticalism easily.
  22. "The Kindness Kiss", Fluttershy and a bear in Fluttershy's cottage.
  23. So, apparently there's an entire section of these forums dedicated to the poster being the center of attention, and nopony told me about it... But, now I'm here, so you can all bask in my glory. I'd invite Rainbow Dash here, but she's still mad at me for stalking every little thing she does since before I joined this fandom. So, go ahead, ask questions, be them about me or about some completely obscure question about the history of the Ottoman empire. (Actually, if you want to know about them, I have a friend I'll refer you too. He's as obsessed with the Ottomans as I am with ponies. It's weird...)
  24. Let's say I knew someone who wanted to be a puddle of water. For simplicity's sake, we will call this person Tom, because that is his name. Now, let's say that Tom was not a puddle of water, but was, in fact, a human. Additionally, let's say that Tom was willing to do anything to leave his human form and become a puddle of water. How would Tom go about evolving to the form of a puddle of water?
  25. Banned because I didn't even tell you the worst of it. So, I'm on a robotics team, and as far as I can tell, the pony programming language (being compiled into C++) will actually work to control my robot. Which means that I'm going to be able to control a robot using only the power of friendship and a joystick. Magic!
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