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Status Updates posted by Xe__or

  1. what is instaban material

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    2. Xe__or



      If i post a really racist song that makes me laugh I think it'd be instaban

    3. Splashee


      I think more of, being famous for being a troll at multiple forums, then joining a new forum just to be banned before even having time to post anything. That feels more like "instaban" to me.

    4. Xe__or


      What about posting a song with the n word

  2. just popping quickly to see what's good

    (or because i have nothing better to do right now)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Splashee


      The forum will live again, now when Pony Life will be the next big thing! :orly:

    3. Xe__or


      I won't be here when that happens; or not for pony life

    4. TBD


      I don’t know about you guys but Pony Life look dope..


  3. I am curious about the larva-filled cheese there is; I wonder how it tastes like.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xe__or


      I mean you gotta taste before judging my dude

    3. Splashee





      Well, you taste first then! :orly:

    4. Xe__or


      Why not, as long as I take some medecine later

  4. The only cockroach I would not put on my pizzas


  5. I never realized how normally Yoda used to talk in Empire Strikes Back; he actually spoke properly (when he wasn't fooling with Luke)

    1. Splashee


      Empire Strikes Back is a good movie! :grin:

    2. Xe__or


      I watched episode 3 to 6 time and time again; never really could support episode 1 and 2. I was rewatching some clips from the movies and noticed that Yoda actually really spoke normally in his first movie

  6. Why the hell do I have a new award

    What festivities did I take part into

    1. Splashee


      Well, that's nice :unamused:

      Do you know how much I worked to get that badge? I think I tried multiple events. I must have failed badly! :orly:

    2. Xe__or


      I must be really talented to do something without realising it and winning an award for it

    3. Splashee
  7. Another day won, huh

    1. Splashee


      Yea, things just happens. I am very grateful to @ILoveRara for such a great friendship!

    2. Xe__or
  8. ya still alive

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xe__or


      Yeah I'm sure you're sad TBD :orly: 

      @PiratePony yes indeed.

    3. Splashee


      Just a full week of forum life without @Xeltor. Very painful! :orly:

    4. Xe__or


      Not painful enough

  9. When you realise your greatest achievement (he was the scientific director of Project Manhattan) might be the one to bring doom to humanity.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Splashee


      He loved it.

      I mean, he might not like people dying, but I can see it, the seek for power.

    3. Xe__or


      The guy is a physicist; I don't think he loved it. He discovered something, something great, but something to be used by governments who themselves seek power.

      You can't fake being that dead inside; it sucked the life out of the guy.

      I don't think you should prevent anyone from discovering something new; even the creation of the atomic bomb. 

      You can crave a discovery, and hate its consequences.


    4. Splashee
  10. Hmmm I have seen the sonic redisign; maybe it's actually a quite clever marketing strategy? getting people to hate on the design so people expect you to change it, thus they're watching you, and are happy when you do what they want.

    Maybe it's that , maybe it isn't. 

    1. PiratePony


      I hade that wild thought earlier. 

  11. assembler is like taking care of a baby: take the computer by the hand and teaching it how to walk

    only difference is that here you want to throw the baby to the ground

    yeah so exactly like taking care of a baby



  12. eggs are too good

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xe__or


      How do you like your eggs?

    3. Oblivion


      I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD FRY EGGS!!!! also scrambled! :ithastolookpretty:

    4. Xe__or


      I mean the english name is deceiving; just break an egg on some hot olive oil and let it cook

      Scarmbled is nice... but I prefer my eggs still having a running yolk


    @Splashee this is another version of the fan opening I posted last time; the anime also changes the opening the way this guy changed his (the speech towards the end is in english because most of the characters are american in this part)


    Just thought I'd share it (the change occurs at 1:10 )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xe__or


      you could say

      It's a golden experience

    3. Xe__or


      btw it's a Jojo joke to say that something was a "golden experience" I don't even know why I made it considering you wouldn't get it

    4. Splashee


      Yea, I didn't get it.

  14. So this is the funniest comic I have seen in my entire life

    even better is that it's not supposed to be

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xe__or


      @ShadOBabe Vader can handle her don't worry

      @Splashee *cough cough* ted bundy fans *cough cough*

    3. ShadOBabe


      I looked into it a bit more, and I actually feel kind of bad for her.

      Not because of Vader, he was totally in character, but because is kinda feels less like a jab at people crushing on real life bad guys, and more of a jab at fiction fangirls, who are honestly harmless.

      Heck I’ve had crushes on cartoon villains before. But that’s the thing... they’re cartoons. The can’t actually hurt me or anyone else, and are, in fact, completely at the mercy of my writing. XD

      But it’s cool. I just read a pretty fun fanfiction where “Daaé” survives this as her own Vader-esque cyborg. I liked it! XD

    4. Xe__or


      @ShadOBabe You're reading into this too much; the girl is a crazy stalker, that's made very clear by how she thinks she and Vader communicate and are in communion. Her dillusions simply were too strong - and Vader doesn't fool around, so she gets yeeted. 

      I mean I have no problem with the comic "jabbing" about girls having crushes on real life killers; I don't care about fangirling/fanboying over a fictional one tho.

  15. I know I already posted this months ago but the guy who did this is just too talented.

    1. Splashee


      *Taking notes* Yea, I know what you like Xeltor.

    2. Xe__or


      Well it's no secret that I like Jojo

  16. the universe is metal

    like you're sitting on your bed and boom supernovae up your as*

  17. what the hell leg stop twitching or else

  18. 314-3143683_download-zip-archive-jojo-ch

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Xe__or


      I mean there is SFM animation I guess or simply animation... 

      SFM has corrupted everything related to MLP animation tho

      Not that I complain :applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat::applehat: (end me)

    3. Splashee


      Don't spam emoticons! Markiplier has warned us we will get banned! :awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks::awwthanks:

    4. Xe__or


      Ohhh yeah I saw that video ; youtube c*nts :unamused: 

  19. I hope part 7 opening will be exactly like this

    Just ask the dude's permission I'm sure he'll be like "fuck yeah"

    yeah ok probably not but I'm sure it'll be nice anyways


    1. Splashee


      Fan made? Quite good!

    2. Xe__or


      Yep it is!

    3. Xe__or


      The thing is that in nearly every jojo opening, the villain always appears at some point showcasing his power in really cool ways; like the opening changes for the last two episodes of each part, and it's amazing

  20. this is a soft video

    I just like the camels

    In fact I tasted camel meat once; pretty good

  21. Getting Robert Pattinson as the new Batman is promising; the guy is young, has the Bruce Wayne feel, granted he's not yet buff enough, but there is still time for that (he's currently training).

    I don't know if his Batman will be part of the DCEU tho


  22. Yeeting someone into a blackhole has to be the yeetest yeeting yeet one can pull off

  23. The prince of Egypt

    I never watched it before, neither did I know about its existence, but it's bold, not in a bad way.

    1. PiratePony


      I enjoyed it back in the day. 

    2. Xe__or


      I didn't know Dreamworks would pull out a Biblical book as inspiration for their animated work ; as I said, it's bold. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that with today's animation

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