Probably the intro of Once Upon A Zeppelin. Finally confirming that Spike and Twilight consider each other family. (Also the Spike and Twilight christmas tradition scene is really nice solid 2nd place)
Fluttershy. Mostly because I think the shyness gimmick is overused.
She also doesn't really seem to get any more confident in herself even after 7 seasons.
Not that i hate her or anything its just that i think she is pretty bland.
I have grown attached to the cast of G4 and it would be a shame to see them go.
However if season 8 and 9 give proper closure to G4 then atleast the hole in my heart would be smaller.
I happen to like all the sparkly fireworks. But I dislike all fireworks that are dangerous like fire crackers and the bigger variants of them.
Most dangerous thing that ever happend to you?
Nothing except for my school play in which I was just a background actor. Never been much of an actor.
How many brohoofs does it take to be a cool dude in here?
Starlight by far, she had wayyy too much screentime in season 7 and she is just not that much of an interesting character to me.
Best episode in season 7?