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Posts posted by SprinklePinguin

  1. It is not dying but it had has its peek.
    The "best" fanmade animations, songs, etc are from years ago and I see a decrease in pony cosplays and artists on conventions. At  certain point I was kinda tired of seeing the mane6 being cosplayed over and over again and last convention I did (last weekend of July), I saw 1 rainbow dash... 1.

    Things come and go, so same with bronies. I mean back in 2012 it was not conventional to like my little pony as an adult so we got a hell lot of attention. Now everybody knows about us, no shock effect anymore, etc. So we become one of he many fandoms. 

    Conclusion both intern and extern the brony community is over it peek. It does not mean it is dying. We are still big and active.
    My little pony as concept will probably not die. It has been around for decades and they plan G5. We live in a world that produces remakes of remakes and the mlp formula works. All little girls (or most) go through that annoying horse-phase so the market for horse/pony toys keeps existing. MLP also keeps rolling on the fact that parents played with it as a kid, and then they buy the same for their child. I am now 22 and I might have kids by the time I am 28. By that time we are far into G5. Guess what I will buy for my babies? Nice guess, yes, MLP toys. 
    So it keeps rolling. 

    As long you stay active yourself, you have nothing to fear.
    Keep going to events, keep drawing, keep rol playing, keep supporting artists, keep being you, keep being a brony.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. On 12/23/2017 at 9:40 AM, FuriousBlaze3000 said:

    Is this topic about losing any kind of toy? or losing MLP toys?

    Hello? anypony? hey? hey?

    All toysss. 

    On 12/23/2017 at 9:50 AM, Jaspers said:

    These two instances were more just my own stupidity than anything, but the fates of my ponies were pretty tragic. When I was about 12, my friend wanted to check if her G3 pony was still clean on the inside by safely removing the head so it could still be attached afterwards. I wanted to do the same with my G3 Coconut Cream and G1 Confetti. Using a carpet knife wasn't the best option though as I accidentally cut through the ponies' necks too deeply and completely broke the necks and the important parts that would allow the heads to be attached again afterwards. The most tragic part is probably that I had to glue the heads back on and now they both have dried glue dripping out of their necks. :wacko:

    I'd say MLP toys since this topic is in a MLP-themed section.

    I feel bad but I laughed out loud. Omg. But you were young, so shit happens. I mean how many kids cut the hair of their dolls. 
    I cut a lot of my ponies hair. So much regret. Going to reroot them in the near future. SO I will have to get their head off as well. haha

  3. 26 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

    What a hag. I would’ve fired her.

    @ShadOBabe She quit herself. We complained to her boss about the food stealing thing and replied it never happened and that we were racist (she was Thai but like... my aunt is Thai so lol). So her boss sent us another cleaning lady. One that could handle "difficult customers".  More 10 years later that cleaning lady is still a friend of the family. Even tho she doesn't work anymore for us. So yeah XD

    • Brohoof 3
  4. Just now, woodchunks66 said:

    Yup but less of a toy...more of a video game console 

    when i was maybe 6 my dad got me a wii for my birthday and we spent weeks playing mario kart and wii sports together then....my 2 younger siblings came along and thought that it was a vending machine and stuck a bunch of penny in it. i woke up the following morning and found out that that none of my discs would go in, i knew exactly what happened....needless to say, my siblings did not get punnshied and i did not get a new wii for at least 4 months after that


    @woodchunks66 Literally the curse of being the oldest sibling. I know the feeling. 

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Hello!

    I am going to open art trades because doing requests doesn't pay off. Most people either criticise the gift (but like silly critique, like wrong shade of pink) or they never say thank you.
    So I will open art trades instead.


    1) DO NOT START YOUR DRAWING BEFORE I GAVE MINE. Because I am slow and I don't want to let you wait. I trust you to give something back, so please wait until I finished mine. My schedule is very chaotic so  sometimes I draw 3 pieces a day, sometimes 0 for two months.

    If you are interested please drop some of your drawings below. If I want to do a trade with you, I will DM you and we can discuss details. 

    Examples of me
    Pony (I am beginner) :







    I don't draw much digital forgive me.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. So when I was 10 something I got this Pony from Santa 


    She good stand up, open her eye, drink from the bottle, talk to me, etc.
    I was like the perfect pony mom , so I took her everywhere... Except for school. So when I left, I tucked her in my bed with a blanket and her head on my pillow and kissed her goodbye.
    Then one day we got this cleaning lady. She was... special. Not only she drunk and ate like half what was in or basement and cupboards, but she was also very aggressive with out stuff. 
    So one day I got home, and I couldn't find my baby pony (idk how she is called in English). I kept asking my mom if she has seen it, but she didnt. I searched and searched for hours and then... I found her thrown by my other toys, with her neck 90° twisted as if it was snapped and her eyes half open. I tried to turn it back and tested if she still talked. But only screeching sounds game out and her neck only moved a few mm back and forth. Crying I went to my mom to ask her if she could fix it. But nothing could be done. My baby pony died...

    A week later we asked the cleaning lady if she touched it and if she accidentally twisted it. She simply replied, she threw it on the floor with the other toys and that I should grow up and clean my bed better.

    The End 


    Do you guys have tragic broken toy stories? XD

    • Brohoof 5
  7. 5 minutes ago, Summer Breeze said:

    oh my, that is so good! I really really love your artstyle! the eye and the shading and just everything makes it seem so detailed! you did a magnificant job! 

    @Summer Breeze asdfghjkl thank you so much <3
    If you enlarge it, you see how sloppy I did the shading, but tbh I already spend more time on this request than planned. haha

  8. 15 hours ago, Summer Breeze said:

    Aah, nice! Another one from the area *offers you a stroopwafel* 

    And wow, that's a lot ofenglish people around a person with that name XD I totally get why you dislike your name because of the meaning. A friend of my family is also called Joke and she lived in england a few years where she was a balletdancer. While she was there she had changed her name to Jokie ^~^

    @Summer Breeze Ooh shall we trade a stroopwafel for Belgian fries? haha
    Idk much Bronies in Belgium. But any community here is cringy, so I mostly hang out with people from the Nederlands XD

    Jokie sounds cute tho. I mostly change to Yoke. Idk what I will do when I ever move to Australia or smth XD

    • Brohoof 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. Ello,

    Since I am going to make more Pony art, I want to post it under another artist name. Since I like order and I don't want to post my semi-realistic, sci-fi, gore manga drawings, under the same name as fluffy pony art. Since it are totally other categories. + Most of my current followers, don't like MLP + I don't want kids to find nsfw or gore through my pony art in the future. Because we all know how stupid google is. 

    Anyway. My name history has been:


    I like the Cyber part, so maybe I could keep that, but change Kiyo for something more pony-ish. 
    I am bad with names, so I need help.

    Thanks a lot <3

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