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Posts posted by SummerHaven

  1. @Pr0m4NV14 @Victoria Sponge

    Summer felt her knees become weak with so many ponies watching the three of them. She knew her voice was going to sound weak as she spoke.

    “If I may your highness,” She said as she gave a slight bow. “Could we call in the ponies that work in the engine room on the train? They should be able to vouch for Mike as they were the ones directly rescued by him.” 

  2. @Raven Rawne

    "Not to worry, he's going back to Vanhoover with me." Summer said as she stuffed the squirrel into her bag. "Now stay in there ok? I'll tell you when its safe to come out." She said to her bag. She knew she probably looked pretty goofy, but her pet must remain hidden. 

    "Its totally fine!" Frenzy exclaimed. "Your squirrel has nice stealth skills, I must say! i hardly saw him coming." She said laughing at the strange turn of events. 

    Summer pulled out her boarding pass once again. "Now I wonder where I'm supposed to sit." She scanned the ticket and giggled nervously. "Looks like my seat is actually right across from you two...I promise we won't have any more incidents." She said as she gently pushed her belongings under the seat and sat down. 

    "I'm not too worried." Frenzy said and her attention returned to the spell scroll. 

    As the final passengers filtered in and began to take their seats, the boarding assistants began going over safety procedures. Summer had seen them a million times, but quietly paid attention anyway. After the quick presentation, the engine let out a loud roar before shoving off down the track. 

    Summer glanced at the scroll that had Frenzy's attention. She debated whether or not to say anything. she didn't want to cause any more annoyances, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her. 

    "I couldn't help but notice, is that...an anesthetic spell?" Summer said quietly, as to not disturb the other passengers. 

    Frenzy perked up a bit at the green unicorn's interest. "Yep! Not sure how much we are suppose to reveal about our trip...but we need to learn this pretty quickly. It will likely come in handy with our..uh...mission." 

    "Sounds like a very specific mission." Summer said smiling. "I won't prod, but I can help you with the spell if you'd like. It's not quite as intimidating as the scroll makes it look." 

    "That would be great! Thank you so much!" Frenzy said, excited to learn a new spell. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @Victoria Sponge @Pr0m4NV14

    "Princess Candence? I didn't know she lived here." Summer listened to Victoria's explanation. She was bit worried in that she had no idea how the princess would react to their story. "Hopefully she will understand that this was just a big misunderstanding." Summer prodded at the ground, nervously waiting to see what Cadence was going to do with Mike.  

  4. @Raven Rawne

    Frenzy happily trotted over to the boarding platform. The massive train sped by causing a swift breeze to send the unicorns' hair flying backwards. As their turn in line approached, Frenzy handed over her ticket to the pony who was assisting with the boarding. He stamped the ticket and moved onto the next one in line. Once inside Frenzy was wide eyed and impressed with how much bigger it seemed on the inside. Even though it had just a few cars, it seemed that this train could comfortably carry a large crowd. 

    Frenzy followed Clarity to their assigned seats. They were seated towards the middle of the car, meaning there was a larger table and whoever they were sitting with, would be facing across from the duo, sharing their large table. Clarity looked excited about the possibility of a window seat, and who was she to stand in her way? 

    "Go for it! I'm doubt I'll be able to sleep anyway, so there's no point in really having a leaning surface." Frenzy said with a slight giggle. She pulled out a soda, before tossing her own bags into the overhead compartment.

    "Actually I think I'll have a look at this spell scroll they gave us." She pulled it out of her bag with her magic and then sat down. She glanced at the ponies in the isle piling into the train cars. "Looks like we have a bit to wait for everypony to get on board anyways."  



    A teal and yellow unicorn by the name of Summer Haven was making her way through the massive crowds at the Canterlot train station. She shuffled her way into line and waited for her turn to hand off her ticket. 

    "There sure is a lot of ponies her today huh Snickers? It looks like its completely booked." She said to the squirrel on her head, to which it chirped in agreement. Summer struggled a bit under the weight of her bags. She couldn't wait to get on board so she could sleep on the ride back to Vanhoover. One by one the ponies in front of her had their tickets stamped and disappeared behind the doors. 

    "Your ticket please?" Said a friendly voice. Summer approached the ticket master and he stamped her ticket. 

    "Thank you very much-" Suddenly the squirrel jumped off her head and took off down the isles. Summer quickly grabbed her ticket and followed. It effortlessly weaved in and out between the other passengers until it stopped in the middle and stared up at a two unicorns who had just finished putting their things in the overhead compartment. One was purple with a white mane and was dressed in an adventuring outfit. The other was yellow with a blue mane and tail. 

    Summer managed to catch up and snatch the squirrel with her magic just before he was able to steal the yellow unicorn's soda.

    "I am SO sorry about that you guys. He gets so excited when he hears any form of can opening. He thinks its all food for him." Summer shifted awkwardly, since she was embarrassed at what her pet had done. She felt her face turn pink, and she set the squirrel back down on her head. 


    • Brohoof 1
  5. @Pr0m4NV14 @Victoria Sponge

    "Mike you're here!" Summer was relieved that they had successfully found Mike. 
     Summer looked around and saw the rogue bandit trying to escape from the two guards that were restraining him. "Looks like we got here just in time. Whats going on?" Summer scanned the room which appeared to be a court room. 

    "Did-did they think you were with them?" Summer asked confused. 

  6. This was my first attempt of making a pony sculpture! It was made using teal and light yellow sculpey clay (sorry I don’t know the actually color names) and features hand painted eyes and cutie marks. Though there’s a few things I wish I’d done differently I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! 

    First WIP pic




    best angle XD


    alternate views 



    The Oc in question:


    (I purposely left out the stripe in the hair because it was obnoxious and I figured I would mess it up)

    • Brohoof 3
  7. 10 minutes ago, hopkey123 said:

    I already asked this question in a different thread, but I'll ask here 'cause it's more appropriate here:

    What is your guys' favorite Post-Renaissance Disney movie (made in 2000-2007, just 'cause that's my fave era)? 

    Gotta go with Lilo and Stitch. It’s one of my all time favorite Disney movies! 

    • Brohoof 3
  8. @Victoria Sponge @Pr0m4NV14

    Summer waited for the guard to leave before she looked at Victoria and said in a puzzled voice, “Did...did he just say palace? Why would they take him there?” 

    Summer tried to wipe the puzzled expression off her face. 

    “At any rate, we better hurry. They got a pretty good head start on us and we don’t want anything bad to happen!” Summer took off in the direction the guard pointed. She winced at the pain in her leg, but tried to ignore it to the best of her abilitySnickers was clinging onto her horn as she ran.

  9. @Raven Rawne

    Frenzy was relieved she had made it on time. Her eyes darted to Clarity’s attire, which she just now had taken notice of. 

    “Hey nice hat!” She said smiling. “And yes, without this ticket I never would have found the terminal.” Frenzy said with a nervous laugh. Frenzy pulled her luggage off her back and let it slide down onto the bench. She began rechecking everything to make sure it was all there. 

    “Well to be honest I’m kind of in the same boat. I hadn’t realized until now but, I don’t leave Canterlot that often. I’ve had a few family trips here and there as a filly, but aside from that...” The yellow unicorn frowned as she was thinking about her lack of traveling experience. 

    “Hmm Maybe that’s why I’m so excited to finally get to see some other places!” Frenzy’s eyes lit up just thinking about it. “This will be a great experience for sure.” 

    Suddenly a loud voice erupted from the intercom: “All passengers for the train to Vanhoover may now begin boarding. Please have your tickets ready for the boarding attendant.” The giant light-up board at the center of the station updated itself to reveal that the next train for boarding was the one to Vanhoover.

    “Hey! Looks like that’s us!” Frenzy jumped off the bench excitedly and dropped the luggage back onto her back. She grabbed her ticket out with her mouth so she wouldn’t loose it.

    She waited for Clarity to gather her bags before they could begin making their way to the boarding area.

    “Need thum help?” Frenzy asked with the ticket still in her mouth. She tried her best to contain her excitement. 


    • Brohoof 1
  10. @Victoria Sponge @Pr0m4NV14

    Summer followed the guard pony who seemed to be leading them further into the city. The Crystal Empire was absolutely gorgeous. The streets and some of the buildings seemed to made made from, unsurprisingly, crystal. They all had exquisite detail and yet we’re still able to be functional. Summer was sad that she didn’t have time to admire the them due to the circumstances. 

    Unsatisfied with the guard’s leisurely pace, and general lack of concern for their  situation, Summer decided she ought to say something. 

    “Umm...excuse me sir. We appreciate you helping and all but, we are kind of in a hurry. If you want you could point us in the right direction and we can take if from here?” Summer offered modestly.

  11. @Raven Rawne

    Frenzy Bolt charged down the streets of Canterlot for the second time that day. This time she made for the direction of the train station. Upon arriving she remembered that, unsurprisingly, it was huge and had a ton of boarding platforms. There was a bunch of ponies shuffling about with bags and papers trying to find their way around. Frenzy made her way past the groups of rushing ponies and dug through her bag until she found her own boarding pass. She had walked by the station many times on her way to work but didn’t ever go inside. Since she didn’t frequent the station often, she figured she should ask somepony where to go.

    Frenzy approached the pony behind the counter and showed him her boarding pass. “Excuse me, do you know where I can find the boarding platform for the train to Vanhoover?” Frenzy asked with a smile.

    The pony looked down from his magazine and past his back hooves, which were propped on his desk. He gave a simple nod in the general direction of one of the platforms, and went back to his magazine. 

    “Thanks! You’re so...helpful...?” Frenzy recalled her ticket with her magic and made her way through the crowds towards the building he pointed to. Once inside, she looked around and spotted Clarity sitting on one of the benches. Thankfully she was sitting near the door so Frenzy could easily spot her. She ran over to her and imidiately apologized. 

    “I’m so sorry! I had some...complications...” Frenzy said nervously. She hopped onto the bench next to the violet mare, hoping she wouldn’t be too upset. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @Scare Effect

    Summer laughed. “I didn’t want to wake you but this rain seems to have done it for me.”

    Summer floated a pile of berries on a small plastic plate over to Scare. “Don’t worry, they’re safe to eat.” Summer smiled “I’ve already had some.” 

    “We should probably get a move on soon though. Not stay in one place too long. It’s not the rain that worries me, but the creatures that come out in it. Cragodiles and whatnot.” Summer placed her bags on her back to avoid them getting more soaked from the mud.

  13. @Raven Rawne

    Frenzy was waiting at the station for what felt like hours. She paced around with a worried expression on her face. 

    Surely she didn’t leave without me right? The train. It hasn’t even arrived yet. Right..?

    Her mind was flooded with thoughts tormenting her about the situation. She started to second guess herself. The sun would be lowered soon and there was no sign of her partner. The platform she was at had no clock in the visible area. This struck Frenzy as odd. At a place with a strict boarding and arrival schedule, wouldn’t there be plenty of clocks around? 

    Suddenly a uniformed Pegasus swooped down and pulled a letter out of her messenger bag. She handed it to Frenzy before flaring her wings and taking off.

    Frenzy opened the letter a skimmed through it until she found one sentence that demanded her attention: We regret to inform you that you have been discharged from this mission. 

    Frenzy’s heart sunk. She felt a wave of confusion followed by regret. She had no idea what she did wrong. Had she said something to anger the meeting manager?

    Suddenly she heard a loud booming voice. She had no idea where it was coming from. “You thought you could handle this?! HA! What a laugh. You would have failed anyway!” Followed by piercing laughter that stung her ears. 

    “Please make it stop!” Frenzy screamed. 

    Frenzy’s eyes shot open and she felt a scream welling up in the back of her throat. As her eyes reoriented themselves, the sky blue walls of her bedroom came back into view, along with her prairie dog who was giving her a strange look. He cocked his head to the side and chirped.

    “Wow. I guess I’m more nervous about this mission than I thought...” Frenzy muttered. “Thank goodness that was just a-“ Frenzy’s eyes met with the clock that was hanging on her wall, which read 5:43.

    “OH NO! I’m going to be late!!” Frenzy leapt our of bed and scrambbled to grab all her things, frantically checking of her mental list as she went.

    “I can’t beleive I dozed off without setting an alarm!” She dug her keys out of her smaller set of bags and bolted towards the front door.

    ”Alright Zigzag, my parants are coming to pick you up in a few hours so be good for them!” She spoke so fast, she could hardly separate her own words. She then sped out the door locking it behind her. She made a mad dash for the train station hoping she would make it on time.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. @Pr0m4NV14 @Battenberg

    Summer rushed out of the train car, and in her haste, nearly ran straight into a crystal pony dressed in armor. He appeared to be one of the guards of the empire.  

    Summer pawed nervously at the ground as the pony questioned the duo. “Um sorry to bother you sir but...you see...there’s been a mistake! Our friend got captured and put into one of those wagons with the other bandits! He wasn’t with them, honest. He’s with us.” Summer pleaded to the armored pony.

    “We need to catch up to that wagon before they take him away!” Summer told the guard, half expecting him not to believe her. Summer looked to Victoria, hoping she would back up her claim. 

  15. 5 hours ago, Scootaloved said:

    @SummerHaven Hey there! That's a great RP sample.

    I'm comfortable letting you take Starlight Glimmer if you'd like her! :D

    Thanks! Can’t wait for this to start! 

    5 hours ago, Kaidyn said:

    Sooooo, you noticed me lurking in here, didn't ya? Shoot, not stealthy enough!

    I have no issues with multiple characters to be honest. I just really am interested in this RP concept and the fact you are enforcing strict literacy. It's too bad the character I WAS interested in is taken (AHEM STARLIGHT GLIMMER. :(). I probably could do an Applejack or a Rainbow if I tried but I have to be honest, never actually tried to write in terms of canons before! First time for everything, I guess!


    I was super excited when I saw she was still open, and I wasn’t expecting someone else to want her immediately.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. This looks like a fun RP for sure! It would give me an excuse to play as one of my favorite characters too. Though I've never played a canon character before, so I guess I'll see how this goes. :adorkable:


    I'll audition for Starlight Glimmer!

    4 - Your character ordered some furniture, but they haven't received notice of it for two weeks. What do they do?


    As Celestia's sun rose in the sky, Starlight awoke with a loud yawn. She rolled out of bed, and trotted into the bathroom to get ready for the day. As she was brushing her mane, she suddenly recalled that couch she had ordered a few weeks ago. A smile spread across her face as she thought about adding it into her bedroom. She had wanted to give her quarters a more "customized" feel. She finished up in the bathroom, and excitedly darted through the hallways of Twilight's crystal castle, her hooves striking against the smooth polished floor as she went. Once she heaved open the heavy door, it was evident that there was no delivery. She knew she certainly wouldn't miss a box that large on their doorstep. Starlight's horn sparked in anger at the news. 

    "That couch should have been her by now!" She muttered to no pony in particular. 

    No Starlight, we shouldn't be upset about this, she thought to herself. I'm sure they were just busy with orders! Still though, it wouldn't hurt to see what the hold up is right?

    The purple unicorn started down the pathway to the sofas and quills shop, rehearsing in her head what she was going to say to the pony. A pink flash hopped by her, drawing her attention up from her feet. 

    "Hi Starlight! Whatcha doing?" She recognized the voice of Pinkie Pie, before she even looked up. 

    "Oh, hi Pinkie." Starlight said smiling. "I'm heading to the Sofas and Quills shop." 

    Pinkie cocked her head to the side. "The Sofa and Quills shop? Haven't you heard?"

    "Heard what?" Starlight prodded. She frowned, due to Pinkie's tone sounding a bit off from usual.

    "The owner is taking some time off. His grandson is in the hospital. Don't worry though! He's doing much better now and should be fully recovered by next week!" Pinkie's tone reverted back to her original sing-songy version. 

    "Oh, wow. I hadn't realized." Starlight sighed and looked down again. "And here I was worried about my furniture order. I feel awfully embarrassed now. Wait until Twilight hears about this...."

    "Aww cheer up Starlight! You didn't know so all is good!" Pinkie gave Starlight a pat on the side. "Want to go get something sweet and covered in frosting?! Frosting always makes ME feel better!"

    "Thanks Pinkie. That sounds great." Starlight followed Pinkie to Sugarcube Corner.   


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