Twilight groaned again, but slowly nodded. "Yes, magic. You DO know about magic, right?" She asked, looking at the two with a confused expression. Magic was practically everywhere in Equestria, they had to know about it... Right?
Peter merely stared a long while at Twilight, before he began to chuckle. "...Magic... Alright, magic, why not." He said, chuckling a bit louder as he looked over at Rhett. "I guess we've seen crazier things."
"...Wait, excuse me, but do you mind telling us where in Equestria we are?" She asked, a realization suddenly hitting her, one she knew was highly unlikely but... She had to be sure... And the confused look Peter gave confirmed her fears.
"Equestria...? Uh, never heard of it... You're in the State of Washington, in the United States of America... Erm, former United States I guess at this point." He said, scratching the back of his neck.