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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by CaptainJinx99

  1. Twilight yelped a bit when she was picked up by Rhett, but she was quick to realize what was happening, and then, she seemed more grateful than anything else. She did hate how useless she was right now. If she wasn't injured she could just fly or gallop and not weigh Rhett down... But she was, so she just had to go with it. Peter, meanwhile, was glancing around rapidly as he ran, keeping an eye out for any viral that might decide to come into view, though he hoped they were far off enough that wouldn't end up happening. Just in case, he kept his grip on his MP5K tightened as he ran, ready to shoot at anything that seemed like a threat.
  2. "Uhhhh. I went there a few days ago. It was cleared out last I checked." Peter said, as the screaming only seemed to get louder with every passing second. This wasn't good, this REALLY wasn't good. If they were going to go, they had to go NOW. Twilight, knowing that the situation seemingly dire, tried her best to keep up on her hooves, though she wobbled a bit and clearly wasn't really in the condition to be running around, or flying, or... Doing much of anything really. "Ugh, I... Don't think I can do this."
  3. Twilights ears immediately flattened against her head as the scream ran throughout the forest... And another, and then another. What the heck WAS that? The quick change in the two humans demeanor did little to ease her worries, too. "You've gotta be kidding me. Now's really not the best time." He said, tightening the grip on his MP5K as he looked around in a bit of a panic, expecting a viral to suddenly just pop out of the trees and pounce on him. "Shit, it sounds like there's a pretty good number of them too. Rhett, we can't risk being caught out here. We've gotta get somewhere safer."
  4. To be honest I'm just waiting for the moment Twilights all healed up and she goes all super-sayan on some infected/bandits after they get in a tight jam or something
  5. Twilight groaned again, but slowly nodded. "Yes, magic. You DO know about magic, right?" She asked, looking at the two with a confused expression. Magic was practically everywhere in Equestria, they had to know about it... Right? Peter merely stared a long while at Twilight, before he began to chuckle. "...Magic... Alright, magic, why not." He said, chuckling a bit louder as he looked over at Rhett. "I guess we've seen crazier things." "...Wait, excuse me, but do you mind telling us where in Equestria we are?" She asked, a realization suddenly hitting her, one she knew was highly unlikely but... She had to be sure... And the confused look Peter gave confirmed her fears. "Equestria...? Uh, never heard of it... You're in the State of Washington, in the United States of America... Erm, former United States I guess at this point." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
  6. Twilight immediately cringed at the thought of her brain being damaged. Brain damage was never good, and he did say it was pretty bad... But... At least it wasn't permanent, so she had that to be thankful for. "...Well, thank you for taking a look at it, Mr, uh. Rhett." She said, cringing as some pain flared up in her head. Peter let out a sigh as he looked around, before looking back at Applejack and Twilight. "So, does one of you mind explaining where exactly you came from and why you're out in the middle of the forest alone?"
  7. Heeeey, it’s me again! How’re you doing today? Oh, and uh, would you say there’s any of the Mane 6 you outright dislike, or come close to disliking? Or do you like them all?
  8. “Applejsck, huh? Well it’s nice to meet you both. I’m Peter. Peter Henderson if you want to be formal or something.” He said, chuckling a bit. He certainly seemed friendly enough, even if his appearance was quite ragged. ”Well, it’s... Nice to meet both of you.” Twilight said, managing a small smile.
  9. Twilight winced, but didn’t really make any other movements than that. She saw no reason to. So far the two humans had been friendly, and they were helping her. She was wary, but... Not too wary. ”...Twilight, my name is Twilight.” She eventually let out, her eyes looking directly at Rhett as she spoke. “Twilight, huh? And what’s your name?” Peter asked, looking over at Applejsck.
  10. All hail our Queen of the Night!



    1. Yuu Xeno

      Yuu Xeno

      Good Luna is still better :/ Although, Nightmare Moon is still awesome. In her own 'Homicidal Tyrant who wants to kill her own sister and lay waste to the world' kinda way, you know?

  11. “H-humans...” Twilight mumbled, curiosity quickly filling her eyes as she looked at the two humans. She’d never seen anything like them before. How come she’d never heard about them? She had so many questions... Peter looked over at Applejsck, and decided to try and comfort her a bit, knowing she was concerned for her friend. “Hey, uh, your friends going to be okay, alright? My friends really good with medicine and stuff. She’ll be good as new in no time.”
  12. Peter immediately stopped in his tracks as soon as he got close enough to the purple pony, a rather bewildered look creeping onto his face. ‘A... Pegacorn? Or... Yesh. Alright. I’ve gone insane.’ He though to himself, as he sat down next to Rhett. Teilight groaned again, gritting her teeth as she looked at the two humans. ‘What... Are they?’ She thought to herself, as Peter chuckled and looked over at Rhett. “Uh, hope you know how to heal horns.” He said, jokingly. Though he did seem semi-concerned for Twiligjt, shock was just overriding his senses at the moment.
  13. Definitely either a video game controller, or a keyboard and mouse. Video games and computers are like, my passion.
  14. The satisfaction of waking up and realizing it’s Saturday. No feeling can compare... Besides maybe watching a new episode of MLP. :please:

    1. Wannabrony


      These two amazing things in one day, what more can you ask for? :D

    2. The_Gobo


      I dunno, waking up only to realize you can just take a nap again whenever is pretty nice too =w=


    3. CaptainJinx99


      I’d agree with you Gobo, but me and naps do NOT get along. :scoots:

  15. "Well, uh... Let's get going, I guess." Peter said, as he began to run after Applejack, though he made sure to wait for Rhett to grab his backpack first. More talking ponies/horses... Great. He could already tell today was going to be quite an interesting day. They'd eventually reach Twilight, who was still right where Applejack left her, her eyes closed as she groaned in pain, though she cracked them open when she heard the three approaching... Causing her to yelp in panic as she instinctively prepared a spell, only to let out another yelp, a pained one this time, as her horn fizzled, and she held her head in pain with one of her hooves.
  16. Peter quickly shook his head. There was another one of these weird... Pastel ponies? That was it. Today was officially the weirdest day he'd ever had, and he'd been having a LOT of weird days ever since the world unofficially ended, or at least, civilization did. Course, the thing that caught his attention was the mention of it needing help. It could be lying, but it's face, the way it spoke... Something in his gut told him it-sorry, SHE-was telling the truth. "U-uh, I mean... R-rhett here is pretty good with medicine and stuff." He said, pointing over to Rhett with his thumb.
  17. Peter immediately froze up, any words he had forming in his throat merely getting stuck there. It just talked, that shouldn't be possible. No, this wasn't possible, period. Yet... Here they were, stumbling upon a pastel colored pony, wearing a hat, who could talk. His mind swam with thoughts just trying to figure out how this could be happening. He was shocked to say the least, but... Well, he managed to break through it eventually. "...H-humans..." He muttered back, finally managing to let out one word to answer the ponies question.
  18. Peter took a moment to just sort of... Collect his thoughts, though Rhett actually DOING Something did sort of help take him out of his thinking and back to reality, causing him to sigh as he finally decided to do something other than stare at the thing. Following Rhett's lead, he got down on one knee, giving the pony a friendly smile as he spoke up. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you either, alright? No need to be afraid, see?" He said, putting his gun off to the side. He didn't knew if the pony would understand the thing was a weapon or something, but it didn't hurt to put it away, just in case.
  19. "Okay, at least I'm not insane or something." He said, chuckling at his small joke, though it did nothing to ease the tension that was now in the air. What exactly was he, or Rhett, supposed to do? Just... Wait for it to run off? Approach it? His mind was still trying to process it was even there, so for now, he merely stood there, still staring at it, though he had lowered his magum by now. "...I swear, if it starts talking, I'm done." He said, making yet another joke to ease the tension.
  20. Peter... Could hardly believe his eyes. Was he really seeing a pastel colored pony/horse peaking out from that bush? No, the stress had to be getting to him and now he was hallucinating, that or he unknowingly took drugs. That was the only way he could justify what exactly he was seeing. He quickly rubbed his eyes, and when the pony didn't disappear, he just continued to stare. "...Rhett... Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" He asked, though he didn't take his eyes off of the pony.
  21. The voices had stopped at this point. The only real sound she'd be able to hear was what sounded like the soft crackling of a fire, though it also sounded like there was some shuffling about, as if somepony were quickly standing up... Course, she had rustled the bush she hid in, some maybe they were merely worried that she was, say, a dangerous animal, or something along those lines?
  22. Bleeeh. Remind me to never take naps again. I feel like I've gotten run over by a train. :scoots:

    1. Wannabrony


      I can never take naps, i don't have the ability to fall asleep in the middle of the day. :adorkable: And I hope you're feeling a bit better now. :rarity:

  23. Twilight still didn’t stir, at least, she didn’t at first. She merely grumbled without making any real movements... Soon, though, she would fidget a bit, as her eyes fluttered open, though she immediately let out a pained hiss as her eyes began to water. ”M-my horn.., It f-feels like it’s... O-on Fire.” She said, finally coming to her senses.
  24. Twilight was silent, her horn heavily and a bit of the top of her head heavily scorched. She was breathing, so that was some good news, though besides that she made no movements at all, her eyes shut. It was rather quiet too. Their appearance must've scared off what birds happened to be around...
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