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SDP40F amtrak

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Status Replies posted by SDP40F amtrak

  1. Graduation is just two months away, I hope it's gonna be awesome!! :-D

  2. Good morning! :mlp_smile:

    How is everypony doing today?

  3. does my drawing is overkill? :mlp_lie:
    By overkill I mean awesome?! B)


  4. Last day of no school, tomorrow back to school :mlp_lie:


  5. Last day of no school, tomorrow back to school :mlp_lie:


  6. 1 hour and 45 minutes left until the New Year! Happy New Year in the Eastern Hemisphere, United Kingdom, and South America!

    1. SDP40F amtrak

      SDP40F amtrak

      Well here in us I have to wait for 2 hours

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Good morning everypony!  How's it going? :ooh:

    I hope you all had a great weekend. :wub: Mine was very relaxing and very much needed after the rough two weeks.  Like, all the sleeps to catch up on.  :sealed:  Back to the grind though with only one more hurdle to overcome on Wednesday and then I get to work on moving. ^_^

    Related image

  8. Good morning everypony!  How's it going? :ooh:

    I hope you all had a great weekend. :wub: Mine was very relaxing and very much needed after the rough two weeks.  Like, all the sleeps to catch up on.  :sealed:  Back to the grind though with only one more hurdle to overcome on Wednesday and then I get to work on moving. ^_^

    Related image

  9. Good morning everypony!  How's it going? :ooh:

    Oh how the weekend feels so good! :wub:  So much sleep to catch up on. :orly:

    Image result for mlp cute

  10. Well it's December already now.us trainponies have to be ready for taking presents and young ponies to the north Pole to see Santa Claus

  11. Greetings to everyone. :mlp_smile: 

    May I present to you the Trains Empire's National Anthem's lyrics, both in French and English :-D

    French Version:

    Noble Empire des Trains, ô Patrie Chérie,

    Nous te prêtons tous allégence!

    Tu as notre dévotion entière

    Et un bel avenir t'attend.

    Tu seras toujours grande et forte

    Grâce à ton indestructible unité

    Qui aura pour devise éternelle

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!

    Aura pour devise éternelle

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!!

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!!!!

    English Version:

    Oh Noble Empire of the Trains, our Fatherland

    We shall all prostern ourselves to you!

    You have our entire devotion

    And a great future awaits you!

    You shall always be strong and powerful

    Thanks to your roaring Unity

    Which will have as personal motto:

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!

    Will have as personal motto:

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!!

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!!!


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