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Emperor Azurailo

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Posts posted by Emperor Azurailo

  1. On 11/5/2018 at 5:44 PM, Will Guide said:

    The Wills transformed so they were half and half


    And they embraced like this:


    Emperor Blu was in pure bliss when the kiss happened, and wasn't prone on letting go.

    23 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "I'm sure I can do that."

    It wasn't that often that Arrow was told to command multiple guards.

    He decided to bring something up.

    "Ever wonder why we have never advanced in weapons technology? I've once visited this world that has highly advanced weaponry."

    "Huh? What's this world you're talking about?" Rose seemed confused. She never has heard about the Human world before.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "Is it the night shift again?"

    He's been getting that one a lot, probably because he broke another vending machine a couple weeks ago.

    "Well, not this time. The day after your day off you'll be patrolling the West end of the Castle. Ten Guards will be placed under your command. Think you can handle it?" The mare would ask, looking at Arrow.

  3. On 11/5/2018 at 7:19 PM, Blitz Boom said:

    "The mine shaft back home could do that, so I don't see why I couldn't get it sorted for you. Might be simpler to just tear down a few sections of the walls here and there and build in some retractable arms to sort you out instead, but I'll need to see how many parts you'd want to move things in first, and the stairs as a whole. They might need to be reinforced too. I'm thinking Deep Iron, Fahrenweltz plating, the whole works. It's gonna be heavy, but it'll be build to last."

    "Sure, just please give me the time to think about what I'd like to move so this upgrade can fit."

    On 11/5/2018 at 7:19 PM, Blitz Boom said:

    "A sun powered, high speed train, named after Princess Celestia? It's... So beautiful."

    A tear ran from his left eye, though he quickly brushed it away and went to work examining the thing properly, though of course, his yap couldn't stay closed during this.

    "Have you considered baking the carts into the design? A few flexible points to deal with the sways on the train tracks, and it could stand the test of keeping folks safe, and not in fear of some dingus taking off one of the carts. Or are you thinking it'd be done mechanically, via buttons and machines? A robot unit of sorts? Ooooh, are you wanting this to be manned entirely by machines? Some food carts on wheels, robot staff, the entire unit set to drive on pre-installed commands... This baby could be completely automated without adding all that much weight.

    "Heh, thanks! And you know what? If this is a success and we find how to collect energy thanks to moonlight, Luna will have a train named after her. Anyway, don't worry I already have things planned. You see, my project of solar high speed train doesn't stop to the train itself. Stations and tracks will be refurbished, and a signalling system will be instored. What I know is that the refurbishment of train tracks will consist on replacing the wooden ties by concrete ones, and welding the sections of rails together. This way there's next to no risk of derailing from poor track conditions. As for the passenger cars, they obviously are included in the project. What would be a passenger train without rolling stock to transport folks? I'm just focusing on the locomotives right now. As for the signalling system, it will consist of light signals next to the tracks with magnets ahead of them, between the rails. I'll explain this one later though."

    On 11/5/2018 at 7:19 PM, Blitz Boom said:

    Have you properly reinforced the aluminium to make sure it doesn't start to crack under pressure when the speed goes high? It's light, but it's not the strongest metal against pressure. A proper reinforcement the right areas, even with a few layers of alliminium and some proper bolts will do wonders. And please tell me you're not using standard bolts for this. You gotta be using at least a Geo-Vector 9 grade here, right? The regular stuff just ain't gonna cut it for the kinds of speeds you're hoping this beauty is gonna put out.

    Say, have you considered adding some radios in whatever carts you have going too? Make it all cozy and stuff for folks, and the right setup can give some really crisp sound from the conductor when he needs to start speaking. I know a few tricks to make it so that you can even hear the nervous sweat going down his face the first time the key's get turned.

    "Of course my train won't be fully made of aluminium. Plus, the aluminium I'm using is a mixture of iron and aluminium. See what I mean? That way it's more resistant to pressure from the speed. I've already tested it out in a wind machine set up to 200mph for 10 hours, it works perfectly. As for the bolts, I'm using a Geo-Vector 10 grade, but I heard new Geo-Vector 11's came out recently. I don't know where to find 'em though. Radios? I thought about installing a microphone in the cockpit and a speaker on each rank of seats, for announcements. Though I'm no expert in acoustic stuff. If you have an idea, I'd be more than grateful to you." 

    On 11/5/2018 at 7:19 PM, Blitz Boom said:

    But all of that can wait, we need to get to the real heart of all of this: How're you powering it through solar alone? Are you using magic amplifiers, or full on, no magic power sourcing? Because if you got the last one down, I really wanna swap some designs for a taste of that. I can't get the last bit of magic required for the designs I got going, and it'd be immense for my wings if I could. The less issues anti magic brings the better. For this train too."

    "Magic? Bleh. Anyway, solar panels will be on the roof of the train, so the UV-rays of the sun hit them. Once it's done, the energy will go through a solar converter which would convert solar energy into electricity. Then a side battery would serve as amplifier, and would recharge thanks to the mechanical energy of rotating train wheels converted into electricity thanks to a dynamo. The faster the train gets, the more energy this battery would produce for the engine. Say, do you want a description of what's in the cockpit?"


  4. 2 hours ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "That's pretty easy to tell. So, what exactly do you do in this office. When Shining Armor was here, he was either patrolling or doing some weird paperwork."

    "Well yes, I'm doing these tasks, but I also train new recruits. Now if you want to know what all this paperwork is about, all I am allowed to tell is that this is about managing Royal Guard stuff like every Guard's schedule for the incoming week, or stuff like that. Want to know what you'll be expected to do next week? You have a day off tomorrow by the way."

  5. On 11/5/2018 at 5:59 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    He gave this some thought.

    "Yea, I have no idea."

    "Well then I guess you'd probably want to train or something? I sadly still am on duty today." Rose replied as she looked at her agenda. She couldn't wait for her next day off though.

  6. 14 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

    Banned because CLEARLY I asked for a Daring Do manecut :)

    Banned for copying a canon character's manestyle :mlp_smug:

  7. 18 hours ago, Baby Dashie said:

    Daddy Will, you think Daddy Blu will like Mama?


    18 hours ago, Will Guide said:

    My Blu-Blu  (To be formal), Emperor Blu Traincrown loves his subjects and anyone who's family to his Prince Consort (That's me)! Of course, he would like your hardworking Mama.

    Exactly, my boy. Your Father Will is completely right. I would be more than delighted to meet your Mama! :D 

    1 hour ago, CypherHoof said:

    Banned because the only Queen I don't like is cheesebutt :)

    (Novo is a bit suspect for saying "sucks to be you" to Twilight and gang in the movie though)

    Banned for copying Rainbow Dash's manestyle!

    • Brohoof 2
  8. @Blitz Boom

    I'm sorry I couldn't reply in time, I tend to be busy these days :(

    Also, the train Azure is building is similar to the British HST, but sun powered instead of diesel powered :)

    Here is a video of it at full speed, so you can easily imagine the Celestial Express 125 matching that speed ;)


    Of course the solar train would be quieter and would have a more MLP-like livery ^_^

  9. 3 hours ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "Don't worry about me, I like doing basically everything."

    "Oh come on, there has to at least be one thing you love doing more than anything else."

    57 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

    "May we both hug you and kiss you, our Blu-Blu?" Both Wills asked.

    "Blu-Blu? That's an unusual nickname." The Emperor chuckled, before spreading his wings for a hug. "Anyway, you two sure may."

    • Brohoof 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "I love you too."

    Arrow thought for a moment.

    "Maybe once we're off duty, I'll take you down to the shopping district since I know how much you love that place."

    This suggestion lightened Rose's face.

    "I'd love to go there, but I'd want you to enjoy our off duty time as well. And by that I mean I want us to do something you love doing as well. That way it's fair. Anyway I'm looking forward to our next free time!"

    10 hours ago, Will Guide said:

    "Yes, it's so strong, it's actually giving me muscle tone." C. Will started showing off his stronger limbs and chest that actually had simple, yet strong 6-pack abs and pecs. "Want to touch them, your majesty?"

    "Well, I don't see why not." Blu replied as he ran his hoof on every muscle and pack-abs and pec C.Will had. "S-So strong!" The Alicorn blushed. He was amazed, but even more seduced by the 'Ling's strength.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Just now, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    Arrow stepped closer to her.

    "What do you need to tell me?"

    As Arrow stepped closer to her, Rose dragged him in a loveful kiss on the lips. Nopony would see she did that on duty anyway.

    "That I love you~"

    • Brohoof 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Will Guide said:

    "My Unicorn soulmate saved my very existence and I would anything to help him. You can call me C. Will."

    "And me U. Will to distinguish us apart. So, you truly love me, don't you, your majesty?" The Unicorn in the mirror asked.

    To U.Will's question, Blu replied by looking at C.Will. "I guess you can feel the love I have for U.Will from what I've gathered. Don't you C.Will?"

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 56 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "Stumpy will be fine. I'll let him know not to take it personally."

    "Yeah, just tell him that I can't change my decisions like that and that I have to be fair to everyone. Since I've forbidden all animals from going in here, he should be no exception. And please, come closer. I've got to tell you something."

    • Brohoof 1
  14. 34 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "Maybe she'll figure it out one day, and if that day does come, it will probably have something to do with Somnus."

    He heard some barking from outside the office, so he called out to his dog.

    "Don't worry Stumpy, I'll give you attention later."

    "Hope so, yeah."

    As Rose heard the bark outside the office, she let out a small sigh before speaking again.

    "You know, I'm tempted to allow Stumpy to enter here, but I can't for three reasons:

    -I have to stick to my decisions and rules as Captain. 

    -It just wouldn't be fair to all the pets I denied access to my office before.

    -I like when everything is where it should be in my office, and most importantly, I like when everything is clean. I don't know if he would mess my room up or something, but I'm not willing to take the risk."

    • Brohoof 1
  15. 27 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "I wouldn't worry. Nothing can really upset that dragon, she doesn't really care about what anyone says. If she followed orders more, she'd make a pretty good soldier on the battlefield though."

    "You're right. Sadly she's a dragon and believes we ponies are weaker just because we are and act different than her kind from what I've gathered. I'll be honest with you. I don't want to hate her, but she forces me to by her behaviour. I wish that someday we compromise and find a mutual agreement, by that I mean we both accept to forget about some habits on each ends. Though a mare can still dream."

    • Brohoof 1
  16. 19 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "I doubt that you could ever manage to get under her skin with anything, but if you did somehow manage to upset her enough, something tells me that you would be exchanging quite a few words with Somnus, which would be a first since Somnus never shows disrespect."

    "Then I guess that Ruby should avoid making me mad and leave me alone. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not looking for an argument with her since it's pointless. And if Somnus does even dare disrespect me or anything else, there will be serious consequences following. I am his Captain after all."

    • Brohoof 1
  17. On 10/30/2018 at 9:20 PM, Blitz Boom said:

    "You just need to add some feet and locomotion to your carts. It's pretty easy, long as you set some sensors up here and there. I'll show you how to set it up later if ya want, so you can take advantage of all the passage ways."

    It wasn't that Molotov were uninterested in what were shown in the lab entrance in front of him. Not in the slightest. In fact, the touch pad alone had him wandering up and taking a closer look. It was just that this were a small issue in Molotov's eyes that he knew a solution to, and he loved solutions to problems. It were the sort of thing inventors did after all. Solving issues that others hadn't figured out yet, and he could wait a few seconds to go down that route before going straight into the lab itself.

    And boy howdy did he want to do that as he saw the door slide open - he had got to try and get the details on this scanner for his own workshop - and revealed a glorious space that any inventor worth his screwdrivers would be thrilled to work in.

    And yes, that was a plural of screwdriver, as in his family, you weren't an inventor unless you had at least six, and that was just in the starting kit. Personally, Molotov had fourteen, not counting the ones in his travel kit. Mainly because they were duplicates, and everything else were for each their own situation.

    "Now This is what I'm talking about! Oh, I have got to check out that chassis area."

    Unless some kind of security system would stop him. Molotov would wander straight ahead and check out the area where the outer shell got put together. The engine was sure something he wanted to have a look at as well, no doubt about it, but a machine was only as good as it's chassis, and he wanted to see what sort of materials this guy were using to get the job done with that before checking what made it all tick. Perhaps something with Deep Iron? Sturdy stuff, albeit difficult to mine, and with a price tag on it that spoke clearly about that.

    "And hey, while I remember it, you don't need to get all embarrassed about your man crush 'round me, Blue. Love's a beautiful thing, and I ain't one of them backwards hicks who gets all icky about same-sex partners. Ain't hurting anypony, so what's the point in meddling with their happiness, right? Now go ahead and tell ol' Molotov here what sweet little things goes through this beauty of a workshop, 'cause it sure looks like a place for solid construction."

    "Ooh, interesting! I'd love you to show me. Hope your mechanical cart feet will be able to support heavy things though. And when I speak about heavy, I'm speaking about things weighing around ten metric tons at least. That's why I demanded an elevator in the first place." 

    The Pegasus chuckled when Molotov rushed straight up towards the chassis area. There indeed were security features in his lab, but since the lab AI system knew it was Azure through the touch pad recognition, these would be deactivated. The chassis' two ends had a different shape, as the front end tended to be more aerodynamical whereas the rear end was blunt. And Azure had an explanation to that. "What I'm working on right now is a sun-powered high speed train. I call it Celestial Express 125. Celestial in honor of Princess Celestia who raises the Sun, source of power for this train. Express because it's supposed to be a quick high speed train, and is supposed to run from Appleloosa all the way up to the Crystal Empire with only an intermediate stop on the way: Canterlot. And finally 125 because its maximum in-service speed is supposed to be 125 miles per hour. To make it simple, that locomotive would be fast and clean. I haven't done the cars though, they're coming after and between the two power cars, one at each end so the train will be twice as powerful as a regular train, and won't need the locomotive to go all the way around to hook up at the front when arriving at last stops, gain of time intended. That's why you can see a blunt end on the chassis. This blunt end is expected to be facing the passenger cars, while the more aerodynamical end will have to cut through the air efficiently. As you may know, air is speed's worst enemy. Trains are no exception to that. And I bet my cutie mark that you thought it was steel or iron, but no. This particular chassis is made out of aluminium. Yup, you heard me: aluminium. Pretty cool isn't it? I've chosen this material because it's way lighter than iron. And when it comes to speed, the lighter the better. The same goes for the cars I'll build after."

    "Thanks for being that understanding, Molotov. It really means to me." the Pegasus replied with a thankful smile. "Yes, you're all right. Not all ponies seem to understand this though, sadly."

    "Well any kind of train can be built here. This place is only for prototypes though, since it's my personal workshop. Once I've built it and got positive test results, I send it to the Equestrian Railway factories for high rate production. I've got the tools to build any kind of train except the magnetic levitation ones. I struggle more with steam engines, considering the fact that these are genuine bombs on rails. The boiler may explode if housing too much pressure. And I could speak about what I do here for days, but I think you don't want me to speak about that, do you?" The Pegasus teased, knowing of course that this was what Molotov was waiting for since they've entered the lab.

  18. 9 hours ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "That could be the case, either way, I doubt she'd show any respect."

    "And as you may have gathered, this is the most irritating part of her to me."

    5 hours ago, Matraxial Artemi said:

    After Arrow and Rose's conversation, he bows formally to his superiors before he takes his leave.

    "I'll be taking my leave now Sir and Madam" Said to his Superior as he putting his right hoof on his chest as a sign of respect to Rose and Arrow

    "Alright. Please take care, Butler Serve." Rose said as she gave him a salute.

    • Brohoof 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

    "Well, that's unfortunate for Ruby. Now she won't even be able to make fun of you there in the audience."

    This made the mare raise both eyebrows.

    "Actually I thought she wouldn't care if I'm here or not, like she always does. Now that you say it that way, I clearly won't show up. If humiliating me is part of her plan if I ever attend, then I'll pass."

    • Brohoof 1
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