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Polar Breeze

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Everything posted by Polar Breeze

  1. Hello everypony! Now, I decided to make this just because, well, I have not seen any forum posts around here that deal with ponies all around who are looking for more friends, or at least not directly! Being a shy, not too social.... and limited on friends myself... I thought maybe I should start one here! So! If you are looking for friends, please.. post on here! In turn, if you maybe want to add me or anything as well, feel free to, as this forum threat is meant to be very open into giving everypony a shot here at friendships! Do not be shy here, we will all be accepting around here!
  2. Heeeey, at least you are talking to me here again!~ That is nice since I have missed it so much! But with your duties, I understand that you might have to resort to brohoofing! I sure am! Thank you very much! Oh, well the topic is kind of... saddening? So I do not know if you do want to hear it! But thank you very much, I sure hope your day is going well!
  3. Hai ponies! No worries, I am doing a lot better now for the most part, so enough of the sad part of me! How are you all doing today? I know I am doing pretty good now, just on the hunt for maybe getting more friendships or... at the very least ponies to talk to!
  4. I just realized, there is no forum that is all about just meeting new ponies and friends!

    I mean ,there is the welcoming, but that is just for ponies to say hi... but there is no place, that I have seen yet, where you specifically make new friends there with many ponies who feel down or... are really looking for some new friends!

    I feel like a place like that would be so helpful for the ponies who really need friends or are... just too shy to really do anything else!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The_Gobo


      I'm sorry you've had a bad time using that program ^^;

      Though I would recommend fiddling with the settings on a group in which you aren't overwhelmed before joining one that gets all spammy for you


    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Maybe? I dunno what I am even doing half of the times on Discord anyways... :lie:

    4. The_Gobo


      Yeah, there's a little gear at the bottom left, where you can change a bunch of settings,

      there's also the right mouse button you can click on servers with and change privacy/notification settings on o3o

      I've found it helpful to adjust those to your choosing, that way ya don't get spammed constantly XD


  5. Hello staff!, I have been here for a little while... but something that has been bothering me is... Well... what is a good way to start around here? I have already been in the welcoming plaza, and started in a few forums, but, I am just wondering if there are any fantastic places I should be going towards, to make myself known more around here since I am pretty shy and not the most social! I know this is... not really any kind of question about how stuff on the site works... I was just hoping you could all lead me in the right direction and all, just so... well... I can maybe gain some more friends and all of that! Thank you all, and, well, if I posed in the wrong place... feel free to delete this!, Scotchy
  6. So, I really had to think about this one... but I think I am going to spend the whole day today on this forum! All I ask of my wonderful friends is... where should I go? For a pony like me all shy and not the best socially... to just try out?

    Once again, I am going to at least give ALL suggestions a shot, so do not be shy to give me an idea, big or small! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Not too funny, but thanks for your contribution! :3 If anyone else has an idea, please let me know!

    3. The_Gobo


      go to the mall, eat a crowded restaurant, then see a movie in a crowded theatre o3o

      THEN spend all day on the forum :3


    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      When I get money, sure thing! But not as of right now yet.... For now, I am going to do so here, alright? It is the best way for me I can make friends, I hope that is not bad!

  7. W-well if he did... w-we would congratulate him and e-everything! M-maybe some ponies would respect him! B-but once again... he d-did not do that... a-and um..... y-yeah.....
  8. W-well that does not sound very happy at all... d-do not talk to yourself like that.... T-that is not good... B-but maybe? A-all I can say is good luck... a-and I will not stop you... b-but really think about it first if t-that is what you want to do...
  9. I d-do not think just you could do that... w-we already have tried before and failed with t-that...
  10. I bet he would! Y-yeah..... n-now if only she would take note from the other changelings... A-and did the same... s-she would be happy always being full of love... a-and who knows... s-someday could maybe take back as queen!
  11. T-then I just do not know! B-but we are not just going to sit and l-let her j-just.... h-harm ponies just because of something like that... I-it is rude.... b-but.... J-just standing there as she takes what she wants... d-does not sound right...
  12. S-so just let them take over a town? I-if she asked for help... y-you know what? We would have gladly helped! But i-instead she invaded during a wedding, t-trapped some ponies... a-and just... t-that was not the right way to go....
  13. I g-guess bad then... b-because everypony would treat me awfully e-even when I tried to ask for he- O-oh... I see where you are getting at... n-now I just feel bad....
  14. W-well now they know to love eachother! S-so they do not have to do any evil anymore... a-and that makes me so happy!
  15. I g-guess a little bit... b-but if she was not doing it for evil... w-we would not have even bothered her! B-but she was... a-and almost took over a town.... s-so we had to defend! I k-know they have been... maybe I should have been F-flutters to avoid confusion....
  16. Um... w-well with her... I like her a bit l-less... knowing she is still out there a-and... w-well... who knows what she is doing right now! I-it is kind of a scary thought....
  17. Y-yup! I guess I should have s-said that to make it more simple... s-sorry...
  18. O-oh! Well... I mean... at first I did not like her that much at all... t-trying to manipulate ponies into t-trying to get them to deviate from friends... B-but as soon as I found out it was actually L-luna! Um.... It changed f-from a zero to a t-ten very quick!
  19. Well, here goes nothing!~ Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CelloPony/ That is all I kind of have... but please add me if you want!
  20. Everypony! I, wanted to start this off, by saying to all who have followed, called me a friend... everything... Thank you so much! I know I have really not seen that too much, or act like I have no one at all sometimes... but trust me, today that is going to be different!

    I consider all of you, long distant, close... hardly talkative, or very talkative, even the ones who brohoof a lot when they do not have much to say, you are all my friends! My trust and love, a lot of things needed to make a very great friendship, are low, and so that is mostly why a lot of the times, I just do not see that often... But now, I am going to at least, start seeing it more like that!

    So again, thank you to all of my friends out there! And it is nice to know that I have such loving and caring friends around and about here.... But, I do want to go further!

    I want to have a great group of friends, all who are loving, caring... kind of like the many I have now! But... since I do want to get as many friends as possible from here... I am going to be listening to all advice that is put here.... No saying I am going to do it and blow it off, no being too scared to do it... I want to do all that I can to ensure I can just have the greatest of friends around here!

    I can not thank you all enough for sticking with me.... And through my mostly hard times around here... I feel like today is going to totally change this for me! At least that is my goal in the end....

    So! If... ANYPONY has any advice to give, please... be it close friends I can hang out with, or far friends... friends around this site... just anywhere! I am going to give all of your suggestions at least a try, to you know what? Just have many more amazing friends like all of you!~ ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      More friends is almost always better. I'm glad you are making more and I hope we can continue to be better friends too! :squee:

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Me too @Soren Peregrine! I hope we can just be fantastic friends you and I, as well as everypony else around here! :D 

    4. Soren Peregrine
  21. E-either way... you still can not miss it... n-no matter what....
  22. I-if we are talking about in character and all... U-um.... T-talk to animals... a-a-and just relax!~
  23. O-oh, well that sounds lovely and nice! A-and the pleasure was all mine!
  24. @Wholly Windcharger Awww, t-that is so sweet of you!~ Hehehe...... I d-do not know what to say other than... t-thank you! Y-you do not look bad yourself!
  25. Mhm! It was d-discussed before.... where... um.... every mare is a stallion and every stallion is a mare! H-hence why I am m-male Fluttershy....? I t-think.....
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