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Polar Breeze

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Everything posted by Polar Breeze

  1. I... actually already have talked to her a lot before... and she has helped quite a bit! Or... He? Gah... I need to look into that more... and naaaah, it seems like... well PMing is creepy? Or I have been told that... on Discord before!
  2. I hope so too... and, I think I will!
  3. That is what it seems like! It is actually pretty nice, if I was to be honest here!
  4. @Recherche Well, not at the moment... As I told you before and all... I am not going to try to get all... How to say it.... er... dramatic or sad around here? It seems like a humble and... calming little place here! Hmmm, maybe when I am less shy and more social... but that is a good thing to do maybe at a later time!
  5. Oh goodness.... well I was not really expecting such a response like I did now! *Smiles and slowly sits on down* Actually... it was @Recherche who told me to come over here and all, and boy I am so glad I did! As for me.... Well I am all over, but still doing pretty good, thank you all! I did? Awww.... I mean that... sounds kind of fun!
  6. Alright, this... well might be pretty lame of me... But! I was told to maybe come on over here... and to maybe say something? So! I am just going to start basic here and ask... how is everypony doing over here in the WPCC Lounge?
  7. Hello once more everypony! Now... I will give warning now, and if this sounds... mean or rude... please let me know! I honestly, do not know if it does... so please, let me know so I can remove it!

    I suppose to not beat around the bush or anything... but... I feel like I am running in circles now...

    I mean, the whole welcoming was nice! Full of ponies wishing me luck for friends or.... just welcoming me to the forums! Do not get me wrong, it was nice and a boost!... But.... if they are going to wish me luck... I mean, why can't they actually be friends too? Do they not want to.... or maybe following somepony means they are a friend...?

    Ugh.... I was always terrible at this whole friendship thing.... maybe it is why I always lose my friends or... well... just can never seem to get that many anymore! Again, this is not to be mean... I just feel like my impact here is very, very small. I have yet to go to the games, but there it feels like it would only invoke reactions... and not too much chatter over that kind of stuff, which is still nice and shows that they care!

    So, I am just lost now.... kinda just staring at this website all day in hopes maybe I would get something.... I am just never the one to take charge or make that first talk happen, which I apologize if that is what I am supposed to do...

    Maybe I just need guidance or something? Or.... I really just have to what follow what others have been saying... going to the games and... Possibly hoping maybe I can get one... chat out of it?


    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Monsoon


      That's good to hear :)


      Still I wouldn't mind trying to buy a functioning PC XD 

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      No, it is a good idea... if you ever plan to game or do other things maybe! :)


      And yes, very good... if not fantastic!

    4. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      you need to remember that most of us are on at very different times and not always then ¦S

      if you wan't my advice though I would tell you to just post an update saying "anyone want a chat" or something similar and I can tell you that someone will most likely reply something like "sure, what do you want to talk about" then you can just start a PM and have a conversation ¦)

  8. Dang it! I knew... I should not have posted here... now I am going to be in an all out boop war against everypony! Sooooooo.... *Boops* @Rarity the Supreme Bring it on, I have enough boops.... for the whole world!
  9. Hey! No fair.... I did not know you were even going to boop! So.... *Boops* @Fluttershy Friend Hah! Now I got to boop you without noticing!
  10. Hello again everyone out there! I was just having a couple of questions, and wanted to let everypony respond, for the best results! So.... Let's say I wanted to post on a forum topic... But in order to do so I need 5 posts first, from what they told me! I... guess my welcoming post did not count at all? So, I am wanting to ask.... does a post count if you reply to someone else's post? Or can you make your own as well and that still works? Also, maybe idea's on where I should post? Just... so it does not seem like I am only posting to get those 5 out of the way, I wanna show I care and actually mean what I say! :kindness:


    I have been told a few times now to try the Games tab, but those seem like... very small posts to do? Nothing wrong with that at all! But, that just seems like an easy way out of 5 posts... But hey, maybe that is just the best way to do it?

  11. It is currently 11PM, and I am going to go out for a night walk! I have... noticed if you are shy, do not post a lot, and... well... do not take that first step to talk to some ponies... it can leave you at times where, well... nothing really happens around here! I know, it is my bad.... Again, I am trying to break my flaws slowly.... So, I will say now... if... anypony maybe wants to talk when I come back home, please, PM me, just respond to this... whatever you want! I would love it if you did! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I.... still do not really get it though... how... can you actually play a game via the forum? Gaaah, maybe I need to see, but I just dunno if I should barge into somepony else's game like that and all... 

    3. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      The games are for everyone. o3o

      People make up games to play based on things you can do on the forums and things pertaining to the forums. Check out the threads and you'll see what it's about. :ooh:


    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I did a little bit and all! It seems, interesting?


      It seems nice for some quick and easy talks... Like describe your OC in a few words..... I will try to give it a shot today! I do not know why game I will give a try... But it does seem fun! :)

  12. I just wanted to thank everypony... For being so nice, saying hello, and being a friend! It has only been day one, but I hope from here on out... It just gets better and better from here! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I am having the best time! Well, maybe just a bit boring right now... but it is my bad for not being as social or active as I could be! So... I am just kinda sitting here just to see if anything develops now! :)

    3. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      You are nice and kind pony. I'm sure that you will find a lot of good friends here. Well. It seems that you found them already.^_^

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Awww, well thank you for the compliment! And I agree, I did find a lot of very good friends already! :3

  13. Well, I am meeting a lot of new friends... now I just have to keep them! That is the challenge I face! Thank you very much, it has already been a blast... I feel like I am repeating once again, but this is all true!
  14. Heh, awwwh... well it was all him who introduced me here and told me to give it a try! And... wow, I just like him so much more for pushing me to do it, because... best thing he could have done for me! As for the questions, naaaah! I mean I have never been on a forum before and all, but it seems all simple and easy enough, but thank you so much for the offer! I will be SURE to do so if I ever do, and trust me.... I might be a regular user now, this is all just way too good to pass up! :3
  15. Oh, I was not implying that you or anypony else was! It is just a surprise for me to see so many good ponies around here all at once, in one place! I already liked this soon as the first pony responded to me, so I do not think you have to wish any of that! I can tell! I mean, I bet you have already been just as nice to me as anypony else who said a shy and nervous hello like me!
  16. I am not only enjoying my stay, but, doing so much more too now! Sorry for responding to everypony, I just want to make sure nopony is left out and everything in this! I am having a blast with all of ya, and right now I hope none of this ever ends!
  17. Agreed, this was the fastest I have ever made friends! Heh... really? Well that is great that I was not the only one in those regards! Yes, it seems like everypony here is just all very nice! Either that or this is all staged... which I do not think it is! That being said, yes! I am already enjoying myself and... well... having the best time I have ever had in my whole life I feel like now! I hope to see more of you as well, @Recherche! I know I have said this a bunch now, and I am sorry for being repetitive, but once more, thank you for the hello! The time here is doing wonders for me, I honestly thought hardly anypony was going to react or respond to this new pony... but the results blew everything out of the water! I am doing so good and it is only thanks to all of you!
  18. It is much easier here than anywhere I have been! So thank you SO much again... for showing me this place... I feel like I owe you BIG time for this! Thank you! I already am and I think I am going to be here for a very long time if this keeps up! And no worries, brony or not... this feels like a welcoming place for all!
  19. Hey! I wanted to thank you for following me! That and, well... somepony told me to come and follow you, in which I decided to do... So I appreciate you doing the same back! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Right, right! Gah, my wording must have been... all sorts of weird just now....

      Well, then I have to say it is such a pleasure to meet both you, and..... Would I still say @Valencia ? Or is it more better to call you both by Luna and/or Celestia? Sorry! *Looks away awkwardly* I just really want to make sure I do not mess things up here!

    3. Alexshy


      Mutually, mine valorous friend. Thou can refer to us both, using forum usernames for the utility of mention system, of course *chuckles*

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I am going to try not to over use the mentioning though... Just I feel like it could get annoying if somepony gets... 50 notifications on the same post! But, hey, maybe they want that? And good to know, but I might use the user name more... Just since it is there and all!

  20. I might take you up on that offer, @Crosswind , Thank you! And I already am, so much more than what I was expecting! Thank you again, and, from how everypony is doing and how... nice you all are? I might not need a thing, I feel so liked and loved already, it is very nice!
  21. Thank you for a kind welcoming! I am already REALLY enjoying my stay here, to be honest! I sure did, I mean... I thought I was NEVER going to come here, just my shyness always told me no, going to such a popular forum place when I usually only talk to one or two at a time... But I could not be happier in trying to kick that shyness goodbye! I am doing great, just still trying to get nice and comfy around here! Yeah yeah... you are right there! :3
  22. Thank you very much then @Octavia Feri , So far, things are going very well! And I hope it continues to stay at that rate! :3
  23. Awww, well alright... You sleep tight and all then! Goodnight, and I hope to see you around!
  24. Of course I would! I mean, as I said, I really need ponies to talk to and maybe some friends, so I would always love to! :3
  25. Yup! <3 And, thank you for such the warm welcome! You are one of the first to do so, and it already has a warm feeling in my heart!
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