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Polar Breeze

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Everything posted by Polar Breeze

  1. Sorry, I have been trying to get more talkative again, even if it is just status updates and nothing else right now...

    I am... well... kind of bored at the moment! I was wondering if... there was anything to do around here today? I have not explored too deep around here... and... well, I was wondering if there are good places to go?

    I know about the Forum games, but... they did not gather my attention too much... Um.... any other ideas? Just a basic place or something that I can go to so... I can seem more interesting and engaging!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      We shall see in the future of course, but thank you very much Tacodidra!~

    3. The_Gobo


      Take your time, you can do it :D


    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Thanks for your support, Gobo... it really means a lot! And.. I will not let any of ya down! ^_^

  2. So I did try to ask for people on a meetup around Missoula, my home town, buuuut that seemed to be a no go as well now.... The only person I found was from... Er.... Billings I think? Which is just a bit too far since I have no means of traveling yet! Oh well, I guess I can only keep on trying!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. The_Gobo


      Sorry, I coulda worded that better,

      meant to point out that that was just my experience XD
      I hope it works out for ya :D


    3. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Don't let your future depend on other pones. ;o

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      I have to! You do not understand at all... and I am not going to go too into it again of course.... But I need some, or else.... Just bad things might happen to me, I do not want that now...

  3. I just wanted to say sorry for being gone for so long! Just... since not much goes on around here now at all and... my mind going crazy I feel like.... It has really just.... Well I dunno how to explain it!

    So all I am going to say is I am very sorry, but I am still alive and... well okay! :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      I was wondering where you got to but I assumed you will come back when your ready ¦)

    3. Fluttershy Friend
    4. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Glad that horse is good. o3o

  4. So! This is going to kind of be a.... question/plead of guidance?

    I am going to get right to it with this one.... I am willing to do anything to meet anyone locally... brony or not now! Daily I feel just.... so empty when I go on my night walks and all.... realizing I do not have anywhere to go....

    You have all helped me so well in the past, and I ask for it once again... but..... how do I do it? How do I get the best chance now at meeting up with some brony groups or just.... some people so I can actually and happily say I have friends offline!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Yes yes, I know.... that way it shows I am interested and well.... do not mind a little bit of talking at least!~ :3

      So okay, I will once I got a job and... at least have started for a few days... Heh, but for now, I will rely on here till it happens!

    3. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Good luck then, my dude~! :squee:

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Thank you back as well, my dude!~ :P

  5. Any type for making... real life friends? I mean, having such a loving and nice community like you all is SUPER nice and helpful... But as soon as I leave the online world, I feel so alone again... It just makes me awful!

    So, I was just wondering... How.... do I actually make friends in the real world if... well... all you really like is ponies anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Don't ever remember physically hugging any of my old irl friends I don't think it's a common practice outside of bronydom 

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      @Johnny1226 I can say for sure, it is actually... Back when I was not a brony and all... I hugged a few of my friends and it was very nice! ^_^ So, you are wrong there... just gotta find those who are okay with hugging!

    4. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      I'd say be nice and helpful and you'll make plenty friends. :D

  6.  I know everypony wished me before and all, but now it is happily my birthday where I live! The big..... 20! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      Congratulations for making it through the teens, I know they can be really rough but fun times 

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      @Sunset Rose Thank you! Heheh.... I guess I am glad my teenage years are over?

      @Trottermare Galamane Ohhhh, indeed... sad to see them go kind of... but also glad to be moving on!

      @Tacodidra It has! By that I mean nothing happened... but I am going out to dinner and maybe getting a couple of things! ^_^

  7. Just to clarify... but then again... Timezones make it tricky.... it is not my birthday yet! At least where I am living... it is still the night on the 7th! But! I guess if the site says it is... Thank you all for the AMAZING wishes so far! :D

    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      You're welcome

    2. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      No problem at all, Butters~! :catface: I hope you have a great day tomorrow; you deserve it!

  8. So.... to kind of get out of the sad thoughts and all, um..... Tomorrow is my birthday!

    I am going to be 20 there, I dunno if that is a number I should be excited about or not... But... here is hoping it is a good birthday! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Happy birthday tomorrow my friend

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      @Recherche Hmmmh.... yeah, sure, I guess you are right!~ Eheh.....

      @Johnny1226 Thanksies again!~ Maybe I should have waiting till my birthday... but I could not wait, I was excited!

    4. Tacodidra


      I hope your birthday is great! :D

  9. I... well.... I am sorry if I appear more heartless and... dead inside? That sounds very bad... I Just... do not know how else to word it. A lot has happened the passed couple of days and... It.... It really hurt, made me cry, and... almost go... just a bit insane.... I am fine now that I gathered my thoughts.... But.... I am so sorry.... :(

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      I'm not Fry-Guy, but if that's really what's on your mind... you're just going to need to keep holding on. I understand that you don't want to get backstabbed again; nobody wants to be betrayed... but that's just the way relationships can go sometimes. The only way you can truly get to know someone is to make yourself vulnerable, but that also leaves you open to be attacked... IF you don't play your cards wisely. If you don't trust any of us right now, that's perfectly acceptable... but if you truly want to make some strong connections to folks, and if you truly want to able to put this behind you... you're just going to have to keep holding on, like I said. We'll be here for quite a while; when you think you're ready to trust us, we'll gladly accept it! :kindness: Until then... just keep moving forward; I'm sure you'll get through this, whether it's tomorrow or next year!

      I apologize if any of this comes across as harsh... but that's just how things go sometimes. :rarity: I wish you luck, Butters; i truly do!

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      But... from what you told me anyways, soon as you... grow tired of the forums, you are going to leave that friendship behind.... You told me as long as you are on the forums, that we would be friends... so... what happens when you do decide to leave one day or I decide to leave one day...? What... does it... just end? No matter how strong or close we might have gotten?... I do not know if I want that... Because now I am just kind of counting the days left till you do leave... whenever that might be.  I.... want to trust here, but a worry comes to mind if when... what if they leave here, not remembering or... forgetting about me? That.... That would be the worst pain of them all.

    4. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      @Butterscotch Pony Butters... I think you might be looking at this from the wrong angle. :rarity: Even if I decide to leave the Forums one day, what makes you think I'm just going to forget about you? Your past relationships? Trust me, my dude... I'm different. I still remember the names of all of my best friends in elementary school... somewhere I haven't been in almost 8 years. I have a feeling that many of the folks here are the same; we don't view people as expendable resources... we view our friends as invaluable parts of our lives. Trust me, Butters; you're not a resource or some disposable item. Not to me, anyways. 

      Even assuming I decide to leave the Forums one day... that just means I moved on, that doesn't mean you failed to do something. Sometimes people just move on from relationships, for any number of reasons. That's why you need to cherish every moment that you spend with your friends; they may not last forever, whether it's due to drifting apart, changing careers, or even in some unfortunate cases, passing away...

      The whole point I'm making here is that friendship is an incredibly precious thing. Though friendships may last a lifetime, others can fail to last forever. This is why you need to cherish every pleasant moment you spend with your friends; your bond may or may not last forever... but the joy your friends can bring to your life is something you should never take for granted.

      This isn't a justification of your former friends abandoning you; not at all. I'm just saying that people can move on sometimes. You can't let unpleasant experiences control your life. If you do, they will haunt you until you finally decide to overcome them.

      Godspeed, Butters; I know you can do this! :kindness: Just try not to view relationships as time bombs. Instead, try to think of them as amazing experiences that you share with them!

  10. I mean... we all have our reactions I guess! That was not mine... but um.... I can see the shock coming instead of actually crying!
  11. @autumn rhythm Hehe... yeah... a powerful moment... for me at least as well! @ggg-2 The part when... after Twilight tries to steal the orb, the queen says "You do not deserve to be one of us, and then they are left stranded on that mountain! @Shabb3r I see.... same here, is when I meant it really hit home to me... That is again how most of my friendships failed there and everything.... Gah, but I try not to think too much on it now!
  12. Had to get my blood drawn, and now I have 2 appointments I have to go do... Ugh, no fun at all....

    But! If it is to help me with my life and future... then I guess I should be happy about it! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Blood drawing... that brings back some bad memories. :sealed: Having to do it twice is familiar to me, they had to do it three times to me once! Good thing that didn't happen when I was little, I would have been traumatized badly (I was so afraid of needles as a kid).

    3. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      @Recherche Mhm, I am sure it will be at the very best, okay! :)

      Woo hoo!~ I mean fall is okay in my opinion, at least it is the more cooler times and... usually when it is in the middle between summer and winter!'

      Well ya know more, so you are hip to me!

      @Tacodidra Three times?! Oh no, twice and done for me... I could not be able to let them do it again like that! I am glad it did not either and all... I mean I would have been easier when little... I dunno, you can forget more sometimes at that age!

    4. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Poor pone. ono No worries! :o

  13. So.... I think I might have messed up on one friendship already around here... So just before I do it again... Um, if I ever... EVER, get mad with any of you or... get too dark or something... Please, give me a holler, tell me to stop, quit it... whatever you need to do!

    As I said, I really do not want to be the bad pony here... I wanna change and do my best! But.... I still have my signs of my past crawling back on me... and I am sorry to anypony I have hurt or will in the future... :(

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      Right, right! Heheh... and I did apologize and all.... I just... well hope you all can see me as better, despite my flaws! :)

    3. CypherHoof


      Well, no apology is needed to me, clearly, as it isn't me you have made feel hurt - but you know, in general :)

      You should come over to the WPCC for a drink and a chat if you feel like friendly company though :)

    4. Polar Breeze

      Polar Breeze

      That is very true... I am always going to say sorry! Even if it is not my fault! :)

      I already tried over there a couple of times... it is nice for a few ponies to talk to you and all!

  14. Oh heck.... stop it! That..... really got stuck in your head? Well.... thank you! I am happy to have shown it to ya!
  15. Yes, yes... the orb stealing put me in shock too of her actions.... But it is understandable when trying to save Equestria, The Princesses.... and all of that... and please, do not cry there! Heh.... I get so teary easily when hearing others cry and all.... Gah, I am such a baby...
  16. @Twilight Luna Nope, nopony is in the end! Much as I want to be perfect... we all have flaws, and with true friends, they will see them and still stick by ya!
  17. Hey there.... well it is okay! She got free, gained her friends back.... Even if at that moment... Yeeeeah, I was tearing up too! Each problem they face... they really are what every friend should be! Just supportive and... usually forgiving in the end!
  18. See? It was a heartwarming moment, now was that so hard? But it was out of her line in a way, reacting that way.... I will admit that!
  19. @Aqua shine Awww, cmon... do not be like that! She realized her ways and all.... And that it will not happen again I bet!
  20. @Twilight Luna Indeed... Heheh..... again, why we should all be glad they did come back, forgiving soon after that whole thing! Or... we might have had another villain on our hands just like that! So hey.... now thankfully they are both... well... good again! And I hope a situation does not happen again.. Ohhhh, that could be a bad future indeed where she is lost and alone like that, with no friends anymore...
  21. That was also a pretty good moment... Yes! But it did not hit me AS hard as the scene before it and all.... I dunno why since it was a small scene, but gah! Dang it I could not have felt any badder for her honestly.... Both of those scenes were very good and... well, I almost had to leave, I did not want to be seen full blown crying like that!
  22. I agree! Heheh... it hit me way too much though... Because it is what happens to me a lot! I get so stressed and mad... I say stuff I do not mean... and some of my friends ended it because of my ways like that.... So nah, I would give her a giant hug and just... be by her side, even if it all got worked out in the end! So I am very happy for her, that her friends accepted the apology and.... well stayed as very strong friends!
  23. I put this as a spoiler, just in case! Even if the movie has been out for awhile and all... Still, some have not watched it yet! So at the part, while I was at the movies, where Twilight said something, but did not mean it.... did it make anypony else get teary eyed at least? It did for me and all, just because.... well it hit way too close to home for me... and now every time I watch that part, it still makes me cry or at least become very close to it! I was wondering if anypony else had the same reaction, or maybe got all watery in the eyes there for a different reason?
  24. My pleasure, like always, and glad you feel the same!
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