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  1. I miss Winamp. I used to download all kind of Sailor Moon skins for it for the classic skin back in the day. It pretty was my first computer customization thing back in the mid 2000s. 

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    2. CypherHoof


      There was a sorta combo chat and fileshare system called soulseek - quite a few DJs I knew used it to share rare vinyl back and forth, but you had to know the right people and get invited to the right chatrooms.

      IRC had similar features, but fileserving bots were more common there - you could go into some IRC chatrooms, type "!list", and have half the channel offer you zipped indexes of their files...

    3. RareGems


      @TheTaZe Limewire too was a super reliable p2p filesharing service.exe

      @CypherHoof the Reblanked Sounds like some good old warez to me. Too bad I missed out on that era of the internet. 

      @Sunset Rose Sounds comfy, old computers give me that feel.

      (Also heh win 97... )

    4. RareGems


      It would be cool if winamp could stream stuff from youtube in audio only. hah, would be a nice plugin for me. 

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