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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. This is going to scare you, but that is exactly what the truth does. All information is directly from this website: https://www.jscmgroup.com/security-views-blog/2018/8/13/prevalence-of-mobile-surveillance Also, thanks to my college's Executive Director of Information Technology for making me aware of this issue through email. The following is the direct words of the website, all credit goes to them: (Quote begins) "Mobile surveillance apps and programs remain prevalent in the free apps we use every day. This problem mainly affects Android users, however jailbroken iPhones are victims as well. As of this writing, Android represents about 85% of all mobile smartphones sold worldwide. A much larger attack vector for bad actors. The main difference in Android and iPhone apps lies in the marketplaces. Google allows third party marketplaces while Apple iPhones use a store controlled by Apple (called a walled garden). All apps coming through the iTunes Store has to be approved by Apple. This has pros and cons depending on who you ask, but without doubt it gives Apple more control over the security in the apps. A jailbroken iPhone is where the owners perform an unapproved action to unlock the phone from Apple's control. This allows unapproved third party marketplaces and apps to be installed. Many Google users love the open architecture of the Android and its ability to use multiple sources for apps and content. This very openness is what opens those phones up to more security risks. There are a large number of cyber security people that are also interested in privacy. The short reason is that when you share data, use social media, allow location tracking, and allow access to your data you open yourself up to more security risks. You are creating a larger attack surface for someone to steal your ID, manipulate you, be the victim of a phish, or worse. So to me, privacy and security are related. Free apps often come with a large price tag. The ToS, also known as the Terms of Service, often give the app makers access to your private data and other information you may not be aware of. One example is Angry Birds. This popular app collected so much information that government agencies just hacked Rovio instead of hacking users to get information on private citizens, and why not? The plethora of data Angry Birds collected was impressive, all while you were shooting birds at green pigs. Some of these "free" apps can also come with surveillance software bundled in behind the scenes, secretly stealing even more information. After extensive research into current surveillance packages on the market. Here is what attackers can get from your Android phone: Turn on Microphone and Record Audio Track Device Location (Current and Historical) Record Screen Through Applications Like What's App Drop Calls From Blacklists Get Device Information (IMEI, Phone Number, Battery Life, Storage usage, Etc) Record Keystrokes (to steal passwords) Access Videos and Music Read and Delete Text Messages Retrieve Contacts Get Further Instructions So how is all this possible on an Android phone? You allow it. The phones prompt you when launching the app to give it access to this information. most users just click Yes or Okay. So to reiterate that point, this software is not an exploit. You are allowing it. Why do they get this data? So they can sell it. That is how the pay for the apps. You are not a customer, you are the product. They are selling you and your identity. So next time you want to grab a free app, think carefully." (Quote ends) That conclusion was very scary and bone-chilling. Alarming, isn't it? Well for me, it's goodbye to my Android tablet. It won't be missed. This reminds me of Facebook, how people get into your information and sell it online. Looks like it can happen on Android as well. At least we can trust Apple. How can we tell that what was said in the quote is 100% accurate? Look at your Android apps permissions, they say it all. Look at what your Android apps can do to your device. It's stupid when you think about it. Why the heck (I'm really pissed just thinking about it) would your games and apps need those stupid permissions for? Are you going to let Android hold your life in it's unprotective hands? What are your thoughts on this?
  2. I'm feeling good right now. I'm a little sleepy, hungry, and thirsty, due to the time I'm posting this right now (12 midnight). I also have a slight headache from playing too much on electronics. Aside from all those minor issues, I'm doing fine. I could use a little cheering up though, the past week I've been feeling a little less energetic and happy than usual. Don't worry about it, some music will cheer me right up, as soon as I get some shut-eye.
  3. To be honest, I want to go to bed. It's almost 12 midnight for me anyways.
  4. My family has a few members who served in the military. Two of my family members have served in the Marines, one is a veteran who served in Vietnam. My family member who is a veteran from Vietnam, my grandpa, sadly suffers from PTSD and very bad heart issues (I think he had to get an implant it was so bad). He most likely got his heart issues from being around agent orange, a toxic chemical mixture deployed by the military in the Vietnam War. As for the PTSD, I think he got it from being right in the middle of the combat in the Vietnam War, where he was forced to kill or be killed and where he saw some of his friends and comrades die. He still dreams of being in the combat even though far more than 30 years have passed, and he has to sleep alone now. Vietnam was no joke, war is no joke, this is very serious stuff we are talking about. My Grandpa could have been seriously wounded and in gruesome pain, or even killed. Thankfully he wasn't. I don't know how accurate this video is, but it should give you a general idea of what my Grandpa had to worry about - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4cLiV_o8Go The other family member who served in the marines served as a radio operator most of his time there. Even though that isn't a huge life-threatening job, he has some back pains because of it. I also have a friend who recently joined the Marines, and he is currently training in boot camp. I also know a few members in my church who served in the military, some in the Navy, the Army, and the Marines.
  5. I do not drink alcohol whatsoever. The reason is because it's very harmful to your body and you can get addicted. Sure, some people never actually get addicted to this, and still have two or three a week. Knowing me, however, I'll get sucked into drinking right from my first sip. Also the idea of losing your mind for a few hours, doing bad things you would never normally do, and throwing up after drinking a lot doesn't sound like the definition of fun to me.
  6. Oh, I just reached the rank of "cupcake"! Pinkie would be proud! :pinkie:

    This brings up a few questions though. Am I now edible? Are the blue crystals in the cupcake edible? They look good, that's for sure! Then again, they also look like they might puncture my throat and stomach. :o 

    I might want to move on to a higher rank before someone thinks about eating me. It's a hard life being on "cupcake" rank XD, but you got to do it sometime! A brony can't stay under 40 posts forever!

    I need to confess. The rank of "muffin" made me hungry whenever I saw the picture, but now the rank of "cupcake" has a picture that is nearly unbearable for me! I want to jump into the world of Equestria just to go to Sugar Cube Corner and ask for a blue crystal, blue frosting, blueberry-flavored cupcake from Mrs. Cake (I'll meet Twilight and the gang later, cupcakes are my number one priority right now). This reminds me, I haven't had a cupcake in a very long time.

    1. Rikifive


      Congratulations! May the cupcakes be with you! :D 

  7. The song you posted is amazing (and dark)! I posted the other song just because it referred to the changelings pre-reformation as a swarm. I forgot it was mostly rap though, along with a very complex vocabulary. I can see how you got this idea from that song.
  8. In Destiny (the first one), the place I always ended up at was "The Tower". That's the main hub. It's my favorite place to go to for some reason.
  9. In season 7 Pharynx is referred to as Thorax's elder brood mate (present tense) (S7 ep 17). This means one could call the changelings a brood. However, Pharynx himself referred to the changelings as a "fearsome swarm" (only past tense though) (S7 ep 17). So I would call the evil changelings before reformation a swarm, as that is the canonical answer. I don't know what you would call them now, after their reformation, but I suppose "swarm" is still applicable to them (not fearsome though). I would say swarm is the best thing to call them, but that's only my opinion. Brood definition: "A family of birds or other young animals produced at one hatching or birth" - Oxford Dictionaries definition. Swarm definition: "A large or dense group of flying insects" - Oxford Dictionaries definition. Either definition is acceptable, as the changelings can be both. That's a very good point. I agree with you. As for Queen Chrysalis, I really don't think she can be called anything else other than that based on my knowledge. Also, here's a song about Chrysalis being indoctrinated when she was young, before she was leader I'm assuming. It also goes to reinforce the definition of the changelings as a swarm. Links to Oxford Dictionaries: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/brood https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/swarm
  10. I do believe in the Mandela effect, but I don't go too far and say this is a result of a parallel universe, because that has no logical proof and seems more of a belief than as a fact. Rather, I think the Mandela effect occurs because of everyone's brains being tricked because of faults in collective memory, simply put.
  11. I rarely eat at restaurants. Firstly, because I can't afford to. Secondly, because the food there has unhealthy ingredients, with salt, mildly harmful preservatives, and ingredients that give you a slight addiction to come back for more. Thirdly, some restaurants are unhealthy, like a McDonalds at a vacation spot in the mountains I went to awhile ago ,where they had ants in their cooking area. The only place I go to eat is Chick-fil-A, but that's like once a month, normally once every 2-3 months. I will sometimes go out to eat somewhere else, but only for family members or friends I'm hanging out with.
  12. Well, since the poll refers to witchcraft in specific, I'll just give my perspective on that and not every other occult out there. To summarize my perspective, I think witchcraft is very demonic, that demons are behind most of it.
  13. Subject: my activity

    This is just a brief update on when I will be active on a normal basis since I haven't posted one on this forum yet.

    I will be checking the forums every Sunday, and maybe Monday if I have time. I might check earlier on Saturday as well, depending on the circumstances. Since I can't watch the newest episodes (ep 14-26) until later on this year, I will not be posting anything or checking anything about them until I see them. Feel free to reply to any of my comments/posts at any time during the week, since I will be notified of your reply through my email.

    Have a nice day!

  14. I hope they don't leak another season! Unfortunately, I'm probably wrong in saying that, since MLP has done nothing but get information leaked. The movie got leaked, season 8 got leaked, G5 got leaked (slightly, and it's unconfirmed), what do you think will happen next? Season 9 gets leaked.
  15. I wanted the show to end at season 7 because it was completed by then. Season 8 episodes are amazing, but not the mane six's involvement in them. The quality episodes we get are only because of other characters. It does feel like the writers are forcing the mane six throughout season 8 because it's true, that's why I want the mane six to stop being in season 8. Applejack and Rainbow fight after having already got over this in season 2, Fluttershy acted way too assertive, Rainbow Dash became a party pooper, Pinkie didn't become friends with someone even though she wants to be friends with everyone, and the mane six are running full-time jobs and being full-time teachers at the same time with additional time to take a break. My conclusion should have been worded differently - the mane six's involvement in the show needs to end. If that happened though, it wouldn't be a show since it dropped its main character. Which is why is was best to end the show at season 7.
  16. There is that 22, 23 minute mark each episode cannot go over, and that 26 episode maximum per season. With more and more characters being added, the time there is for things like you mentioned is getting smaller and smaller. It's also likely that the writers have either forgotten or left behind these things for whatever reason. That's a problem with the show: it has way too many characters to keep track of, way too many paths to explore, and a small amount of time left to do both.
  17. I love pretzel M&Ms! The crunchiness of the pretzel and the sweetness of the M&M is a really savory experience. I don't eat them often, however, but that doesn't mean they're any less delicious.
  18. I would go because I want to. Pinkie's party are the best! She is the "super duper party pony" after all!
  19. First it was Brony-Con, now it's the Crystal Mountain Pony Con! Thanks to EQD for the info (link). The last Crystal Mountain Pony Con will be held this year, then it's over. What does this mean? Is the fandom really dying? In my opinion, when I heard Brony-Con was shutting down, I wasn't too concerned. It was no big deal to me. However, another large Con is shutting down, and it got my attention. Two cons shutting down before next year is a notable coincidence.
  20. I don't want Discord to return, or any character from G4 for that matter. The reason is because G4 has explored its characters well enough. If your going to have a fresh start it's best to drop every single character. Sure, bringing in one or two G4 characters into G5 is completely fine as long as the appearance lasts one or two episodes, but not more than that. I hope this isn't accurate, but I keep hearing it more and more. I'm still going to assume it's false, however.
  21. MLP FiM should have ended at season 7. Since it didn't, G4 must now focus on characters who are not the main characters. If it doesn't then any episode that focuses on the characters who have their arcs and development completed (the mane six, Starlight, and the CMC) is either a bad episode, an episode that exists to assist in the development and arcs of the newer characters, or an episode that accomplishes nothing. The School of Friendship exists to develop the student six and their arcs. Season 8 and other following seasons aren't really going downhill, but it has experienced change.
  22. The mane six need to get out of the picture before too much harm is done to their characters. Clearly their arc are completed, and they as characters don't need any more development. That's why I think MLP FiM should end at season 9, since the show is now developing other characters who aren't in the mane six. I also think the CMCs don't need anymore development. Overall, I think MLP FiM should have ended at season 7.
  23. "The magic of friendship" brought them together. Seriously though, if the magic of friendship brought the mane six together, and they all got their cutie marks together, the same thing is undeniably happening here. Wait until the season 8 finale, as there might be more on this that could be covered in there.
  24. There is no queen in Equestria most likely because of their government system. I believe Equestria is an oligarchy, which means there is a group that rules instead of a single individual. That group is the alicorn princesses. The reason why there are queens/ leaders in other lands is because I see a different governmental system that they use. Yack-Yakistan, the dragon-land, the Changeling Kingdom, and the land of the Hippogriffs seem to all have autocracy governments, meaning that they have one ruler who is in absolute authority.
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