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Silly Druid

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Everything posted by Silly Druid

  1. "Well, I think we should use the time we have left to come up with a plan." Cozy Glow suggested. "If you want to keep my true identity a secret, which is a good decision, we should create a believable setup: How did you meet me? Where should I live? What about my family?" "Also, are you sure you can't change my cutie mark? I know it's pretty advanced magic, but I suppose many ponies remember it... Guards are usually not the brightest ones and are easy to deceive, but not all ponies are like that..."
  2. The Elements of Justice premiere starts right about now...


    1. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid


      And it ended too soon, leaving us at a cliffhanger...

    2. Samurai Equine
  3. "Romantically? Golly, that's not what I meant at all. I meant an imaginary friend or something like that. I wanted to be your dreams come true, but only as a friend, not in a romantic way. Also, all the friends you mentioned are adults, does it mean you don't have any fiends your age? That would be pretty similar to what I did, my accomplices weren't children either..." When the guard appeared, Cozy was ready to play her part. "Hello, good sir. I'm Red Rook, the princess is showing me around town." When talking to the guard, Cozy Glow tried to change her voice, so she wouldn't be recognized that way. Compared to her normal way of speaking, she sounded lower and less child-like.
  4. Cozy Glow was glad the matter of manipulation got dropped. She didn't promise anything in this regard, which gave her more possibilities for her future actions. She didn't have any specific plan in mind yet, first she needed to see what was happening in the world. It's been several years, so some things could have changed... "Disguise? Good thinking, I don't suppose I'll get positive reactions if ponies see me again. I heard you have crazy strong magic, so I assume you can give me any appearance you like. Let me think... well, we should get rid of my trademark manestyle, that's for sure. We should also... you now what? I'm sure you have lots of friends, but perhaps sometimes you dream of a perfect one, one that you don't have. That's how I want to look."
  5. Cozy Glow was happy to hear that, and she could feel all the new possibilities opening before her. "So you wanna be friends with me? Sweet! But we need to talk about your conditions. What does manipulation even mean? It's normal among friends that they try to influence each other and convince them to do things, and I don't want you to accuse me of manipulation when I do something like that. So you need to define manipulation precisely before I can promise anything in this regard. The thing I can promise is that I won't hurt you, you freed me and for that I'm eternally grateful." "As for overthrowing the princesses, do you think a cute little filly like me can do such a thing?" Cozy made a cute face to amplify her words. But then her expression changed back to a more serious one. "Who am I kidding, of course you do! After what I've done in the past, you have every right to expect it from me. I suppose I have many other things to do now that I'm free, so I can promise that too. I won't try to overthrow the princesses or get rid of magic."
  6. Rosy Thorn seems uncomfortable with the idea of leaving this place and going to see the symbol with the group. "I promised to give you information, not to walk around with you. Either accept my offer or let me go. Or try to arrest me, although I suppose it would distract you from more important matters..." She suggests, although there is some uncertainty in her voice.
  7. "I'll help with that too!" Dusty said, intending to join RC in the effort of clearing the rubble. His question was still unanswered though, and he was a very curious kind of colt, so he asked again: "Do you know who made these plans? Was it you, Sunny?"
  8. So the plan didn't work. Well, that wasn't the first time for Cozy Glow, nor for Chrysalis or Tirek. There was something in this world that made all their plans, while quite successful at the beginning, always fail in the end. Is it the Magic of Friendship that always prevails for some reason? But what Cozy Glow was doing was the same thing, she was collecting friends and using them to help her take over Equestria. Was it any different from what Twilight did? She wasn't sure about that, and that knowledge wouldn't be very useful in her current state anyway. Along with her two villainous friends she was turned to stone, which seemed like a really harsh treatment for a child like her, not to mention her imprisonment earlier. Are Twilight and the others really as good and caring as most ponies think, if they did something like this? Suddenly, Cozy felt something. She didn't really feel anything in her stone form, so this was unexpected. She felt... freedom! Her muscles hurt after all that period of inactivity, but for her it was like the best feeling ever: she could move again! But who did it? This question was answered quickly, as Cozy saw a pony near her. What was really strange is that the pony was an alicorn! "Who are you?" She asked, but then she realized something. "Golly, I remember you! You're that little alicorn baby, heiress to the Crystal Empire! If you're my age now, then I must have been here for quite a while..." While in her stone form, Cozy was vaguely aware of her surroundings, but she totally lost her sense of time. But seeing Flurry Heart's age changed that: it must have been several years. The alicorn's motivation remained a mystery though, and Cozy hoped to find it out soon.
  9. I love this song...


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I... hate to love it. :ooh:

  10. Underrated Pony Music #85

    Beautiful piano piece.

  11. Happy Rarity day!


    1. Astralshy


      Happy Rarity day

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Is she leading the robot revolution? :BornAgainBrony:

  12. "Well, since I don't know what your investigation is about, I can't guarantee I have that information. But I assure you I'll do my best to help you. If you don't believe me, then I don't know how I can prove I'm telling the truth," Rosy Thorn explains. "We know each other because we did some... not quite legal things together in the past. I will spare you the details, because I don't want to incriminate myself or my friend," Shadow Dagger answers Dr. Clue's question.
  13. Golly, you wanna be friends with me? That's great! If it makes you feel better... Whatever.
  14. She's not evil, she's just misunderstood... Shut up!
  15. Something happened with my profile banner...

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hmm... I know the artist, at least. :derp:

  16. Underrated Pony Music #84

    Pinkamena music.

  17. It's hard to decide, both the Cake family and the Pie family have lots of delicious love... I'm not a fan of crossovers.
  18. @Skylight Scintillate I'm waiting for your post...
  19. I don't think so, we're all pretty stubborn. That's true, I still think friendship is a disease that needs to be stopped. It infected not only many of the ponies, but also my changelings, which made them ugly and weak. My views on friendship were always positive. Friendship is power!
  20. I think I'll go back to posting pictures here...


    Luna 💙

  21. So what do you guys think about this?


    1. Splashee


      It is a little.... on the crazy side.

  22. "It looks awesome!" Dusty noticed, astonished by the blueprints. "So somepony predicted that the magic would be restored and made plans for the new lighthouse? Who could it be?" He asked Sunny. He also agreed with what Reality said. "First we need to check all the remains, to determine what we can use for rebuilding. Then we will know what new parts we need."
  23. I had more power back then, and I guess it manifested in my voice. I always lay on my side when sleeping, and it's pretty comfortable. (When I'm not turned to stone, that is.) Sometimes I eat 'normal' food (those cupcakes that Cozy brought to our cave were pretty good). I don't need it to survive though. All the worst things, I suppose. HOW DARE YOU CALL MY NAME? I'M NOT OBLIGATED TO ANSWER ANY OF YOUR QUESTIONS!
  24. Shadow Dagger addresses the entire group, still staying out of the hearing range of Rosy Thorn. "Of course I was protecting you. That's why I'm here with your little group - to protect you and prevent you from doing stupid things. Not because I like you, but because you're my source of income, and I don't want to lose it. Believe me, you need me in this part of the town. I know Rosie, and I know her... how do you call it, Clue?... Ah yes, her modus operandi. She lures her 'clients' into a place where her accomplices can rob them blind, or capture them for ransom. And we don't want this to happen to poor Samurai, do we?" After hearing the threats from Dr. Clue, Rosy Thorn backs away again, ready to run at any moment. But then she has an idea. "Well, you're a detective, right? So I suppose you're investigating something. And you need information. So perhaps, if you promise to let me go in peace, I can have some information for you. I get around a lot, you know..."

    (not) Underrated Pony Music #82-83

    I forgot about it last week so now you get two for the price of one! Both are remixes, but of a very different kind.



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Two remixes at once? How awesome! :D I especially like the latter. There's something about turning pop songs into grungy hard rock songs that appeals to me. It's so wrong, yet feels so right. :sealed:

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