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Status Replies posted by CookieCake

  1. Oopsie doopsie!~ Look who forgot to give you your daily doses of Cozy Glow cuteness again! Triple dose I suppose, I hope you're feeling up for it!



    Look who's a happy little bun! Good girls have curls!
    Hope ya'll are having a good day!

    1. CookieCake


      Howdy Rara and Taco!~ :wub: Great to hear you've been doing well!!:kirin:

      Thank you for your best wishes, you're the best!! :mlp_yeehaa:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Uh oh, it's Cozy back to steal the Day again!

    She's sad. Somepony just told her she can't have any cookies. Do you all feel like Cozy's end was justified? Or should it have had more meaning? What HEARTLESS MONSTER would imprison a CHILD for millenias to come?!

    1. CookieCake


      Yeah, I understand what you mean. I hope they make some form of coverage in the comics- but then again, they have a LOT to cover still, that they didn't get a chance to tie off, so it's unlikely they'll come out with anything (if the comics aren't already out, I'm not up to date with that kind of stuff yet). :P

      Cozy would most certainly make for a great redemption, especially getting over her.. unusual emotional issues. :oh_golly:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Uh oh, it's Cozy back to steal the Day again!

    She's sad. Somepony just told her she can't have any cookies. Do you all feel like Cozy's end was justified? Or should it have had more meaning? What HEARTLESS MONSTER would imprison a CHILD for millenias to come?!

    1. CookieCake


      In Frenemies they reached a very brief realisation of how Friendship fealt- and Cozy was a main driver for that. She's probably the most prone to being reformed. Tirek is an unlikely candidate and would probably feel awkward, and Chrysalis is practically a no-go.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Golly, is it that time of day AGAIN? Well, gee, here's the Cozy of the Day!~waiougbangk.png.141269704fb1010271f5dcca8fd93d8f.png
    She's a little moody, how are ya'll feeling?

    1. CookieCake


      Thanksie! My day has been fairly well, and I'm glad to say it's going the same for you Taco! :muffins:
      If you mean you're having a moody day too Pastel-- I do hope it gets better! :wub:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thanks for the follow!:squee:

  6. Here's another for you folks! I really enjoyed the 'Frenemies' episode, the way the trio interact is so hilarious. The song accompanying this episode is just as good too!
    Cozy of the Day everypony! Take care of yourselves!

    1. CookieCake


      Oh yes! It's good because we've never had an episode like it. I suppose every episode is new, but 3 villians in one working together? And it's not a finale? And they sing songs? :oh_golly:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Another Day, another Cozy!

    Hope ya'll are having a nice day or night!

    1. CookieCake


      *Big happy cuddles!*

      They're limited time offer FOREVER!


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Another Day, another Cozy!

    Hope ya'll are having a nice day or night!

    1. CookieCake



      And yes! Cozy needs a hug! You should give her one! They're free for a limited time offer!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Thanks for the follow! :pinkie:

    1. CookieCake


      No problem!! :P
      And thank you for the follow too! :wub:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    Anyway, good morning everypony. Did any of y'all see the new Gorillaz Song Machine stuff? It seems like it's going to be really good, perhaps the best since Plastic Beach:mlp_smug:

    ALSO ALSO, ya girl got a good report card, so I may be able to get more pony-shaped plastic in the near future...nyehehehe...


    1. CookieCake


      Hey hey! Have a cookie for being so good and figuring out how to use the status updates!~ :ph3ar:

      I did see the new Gorillaz Song Machine stuffs! Pretty excited if you ask me! :kirin:

      And, that sounds great! Pony-shaped plastic is the only plastic that doesn't cause climate change and we know it, but what about fluffy pony-shaped plushies? Huh?! :mlp_yeehaa:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Thanks for the follow! :D

    1. CookieCake


      No problem! Thanks for the follow and the hoofs too, friend!~ :muffins:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Mmm cookies

    *starts to eat the cookies :nom: *

    1. CookieCake


      NO NOT AGAIN STOP :glimmer:

      *steals back cookies*

  13. I really need to be more active on here, been pretty absent lately:sunny:

    1. CookieCake


      Same here, I'm just not sure where to start. Theres so much going on it's hard to keep up!! :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Hey guys! How are you all doing on this fine day?

  15. *gasp* cookies :o ?

    1. CookieCake


      because i can and now nobody can have my cookies :orly:

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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