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Jesse Terrence

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Status Replies posted by Jesse Terrence

  1. And then you come to realize, most of the time, you're not the one losing anything, it's the others that end up missing out on what YOU could have given them merely from your generosity.

    So yeah, they can choke with a haybale, lol

  2. And then you come to realize, most of the time, you're not the one losing anything, it's the others that end up missing out on what YOU could have given them merely from your generosity.

    So yeah, they can choke with a haybale, lol

  3. Eh, good morning everyone, I'm writing this early 4am. I'm not sure whether I can kept my word since I'm now a very busy man, I'm going back to the forums.

    However, I won't be going into rps yet even if I wanted to. Last I checked, roleplays turn disastrous when I participated. To @Kujamih@Illiad Easle, I'm very sorry to you guys. I also won't be accepting any art requests due to my inability to complete them.

    It looks like the forums had undergo a drastic change since I left, it looks more polished. Gonna check out any new features.


  4. Guess sega really does what nintendon't, huh?


  5. I see that the toilet room gender is still troubling us  and still seeing it on the news....... Instead of putting genders....

    Why not just put holes or poles?.... Problem solved.

    If you have both of them, then you can go in on any of them. if you have none.... I think you have a much more serious problem than this XD.

  6.  XD.... Makaryo XD what?

  7. Homepage lunified? e-lunasmile.png.f02ca156d12144ff18f92c2fe5bd79eb.png


    Overdone? It sure is. :mlp_proud:



  9. If you have lost a husband or a wife you are a widow.

    Of you lost your parents you are an orphan.

    If you lost a child, there is no word to describe it.

  10. .....how did we took a picture of the milkyway galaxy..... When we are in it?:mlp_wat:

  11. .....how did we took a picture of the milkyway galaxy..... When we are in it?:mlp_wat:

  12. Dream of Paradise :3




  13. Love, love is a verb
    Love is a doing word
    Fearless on my breath
    Gentle impulsion
    Shakes me, makes me lighter
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Black flowers blossom
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Fearless on my [...]
    Water is my eye
    Most faithful mirror
  14. Love, love is a verb
    Love is a doing word
    Fearless on my breath
    Gentle impulsion
    Shakes me, makes me lighter
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Black flowers blossom
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Fearless on my [...]
    Water is my eye
    Most faithful mirror
  15. Love, love is a verb
    Love is a doing word
    Fearless on my breath
    Gentle impulsion
    Shakes me, makes me lighter
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Black flowers blossom
    Fearless on my breath
    Teardrop on the fire
    Fearless on my [...]
    Water is my eye
    Most faithful mirror
  16. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not a ponato, I am nothing.

    If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not a ponato, I gain nothing.

    A ponato is patient, it is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

    When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a ponato, I put childish ways behind me.

    And now these three remain: faith, hope and a ponato. But the greatest of these is the ponato.

    ~ Paul, Corinthians 1:13


    (also can we just appreciate how friggin fire that is. Woo Paul! We may have our disagreements but he gets his point across.)

  17. Is it just me or the hype of izzy died and pip sky rocketed?

  18. caption this :P 


  19. shoo chihuahua song

    get out of my head D:


  20. Danny's kid inherited the Williams estate




  21. That feeling when you stumble onto the existence of one of the fandom’s darkest fics and are having shivers just from the TV tropes page…

  22. That feeling when you stumble onto the existence of one of the fandom’s darkest fics and are having shivers just from the TV tropes page…

  23. when you want to ponify what to you as a sweet innocent 80s kid was a fun song about girls on film

    only to realise now that there is no question. It is about pron :sunny:

    wth 80s! what with this and Relax :( I thought Relax was a funny song when I saw it as a kid. It has a guy shaving for pony's sake!

  24. when you want to ponify what to you as a sweet innocent 80s kid was a fun song about girls on film

    only to realise now that there is no question. It is about pron :sunny:

    wth 80s! what with this and Relax :( I thought Relax was a funny song when I saw it as a kid. It has a guy shaving for pony's sake!

  25. "there's nothing you can do in a hole with a shovel but dig deeper" I miss my home a lot, but there's a part of me that doesn't want to be a stranger my whole life... I guess I'll just have to take hints when they present themselves to me. Problem with that im trying to discern everything as a hint... I'm confused and I just confuse other people, if I make them mad I genuinely had no intention on doing so...  Sorry for the past trouble I caused you guys.. I think I'm getting the bigger picture...

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