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Old Accnt.

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Status Updates posted by Old Accnt.

  1. Hi everyone I hope you guys had a great weekend

    I'm feeling way beter now 

    just dealing with what want for my future

    I dislike being adult so much right now

    For some reason I never heard of this song It's way too funny lmao 



  2. Goodmorning everyone

    I'm not as active as i like to be since I'm dealing with some personal stuff so I might not be posting much

    I wish everyone a great day :)

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Good morning! :kindness:

    2. Astralshy


      Good Morning my friend

      Take your time :)

      Thanks, same to you :3

  3. Morning everyone.

    I want to say something on here but my brain is not working with me :scoots:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happens to me all the time. :sealed:

      Good morning anyway!

    4. Astralshy


      Morning :>

      *giving you some Fluttershy made tea :3

  4. Goodmorning, everyone! :sunbutt:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pandora


      not you too with the fluttermop ; w ;

    3. Flutterstep


      Even as a mop, Fluttershy is cute. :fluttershy:

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  5. Goodnight, everyone!


    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher


      Yes, Fluttershy. You are cute! :squee:

    2. Deae Rising Shine~
  6. Morning everyone, It's friday :yay:


    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Good morning! :laugh:

    2. Astralshy


      Good Friyay Morning my Flutterfriend :>

    3. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart

      Getting down on friday~

      Hi! :3

  7. Goodnight everone! It's sleeping time lol


  8. Morning everyone, I'm pretty sure I forgot to do a status update last night


    1. Tom Gallagher
    2. Astralshy


      Good Morning,

      wonderful picture :3

  9. Morning! I'm hoping for a awesome day today:)

    Question: what is your favourite pokemon, mine is Swampert

  10. I need to stop staying up so late. anyways goodnight everyone!


  11. Morning everyone Didn't sleep well sadly.

    anyways, How do your friendships start ? mine start stupid like this most of the time 

    1. Pastel Heart
    2. Tom Gallagher
    3. Astralshy


      I also didn't sleep to well


      Good Morning :>

  12. Well I'm off to bed after a late night, Goodnight! 


    1. AppleButt
    2. Tom Gallagher
    3. Astralshy


      Well, let me think. Shinigamis like Apples .. o.o

      But which would be the L pony? Can only Pinkie right :>

      Goodnight :>

  13. Goodnight everyone 

    decided to make something quick since i liked the last one i made


    It's @Pastel Heart OC, I made this cuss i love her OC, it's cute :wub:

    I think I might make more in the future yay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pearly Marshmallow
    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Very pretty! :kindness:

      Goodnight! :adorkable:

    4. Old Accnt.

      Old Accnt.

      @Pastel Heart I didn't have the pink i needed for the body, but i still wanted to make it, 

      thanks guys!

  14. I wonder how people become staff on here?

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      i think every now and then there are applications and they pick these thinking fit the best

  15. Goodnight everyone 

    here is something random i made


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flutterstep


      Looks cute! :kindness:

      Goodnight! :LunaMCM:

    3. Old Accnt.

      Old Accnt.

      Thanks guys :squee:

    4. Astralshy


      Great work and then it's even Flutters :> I love it. please continue :)

  16. yay weekend, Goodnight everyone


  17. God I can't take this, I feel like something bad is gonna happen soon, It's making me crazy.

    I'm also annoyed at myself, cuss I have people sending me messages, and I'm not responding,

    for some reason I'm starting to get crazy anxiety when I do want to respond, I have a person I want to respond to on discord, but I got mega anxiety again... and all he said was hey... why do I get anxiety from that wtf, how did i get like this

    and then my mega slow responses on whatsapp, I hope not that anyone thinks I'm ignoring them on purpose.

    I'm falling back to my depression again I don't want this to happen again, everything was going so good 

    I wish someone could comfort me right now...

    I just had to let go of some stuff that's on my mind. anyway Goodnight everyone

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      We love you so much. Don’t ever forget that. Goodnight.

    2. Astralshy


      No worries, take your time :>

      I also only respond when I can 

      Many people like and love you. your are not aline :>

    3. Old Accnt.

      Old Accnt.

      Thanks Guys, I Really appreciate it

  18. Morning Everyone, I forgot to do a status update last night, I was too tired I forgot 


  19. My body demands Rest so Goodnight Everyone


  20. Goodnight everyone!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! 


  21. me and my friend ate too much :scoots:


    I'm going to sleep Goodnight everyone 


  22. Hi everyone, just like I said in my last status update, I stayed up the entire night with my friend, and right after posting the status update I went to sleep and I just woke up 10 minutes ago, wasted the entire day lol

    1. Pandora


      aww lol,
      did you have fun at least?

    2. Old Accnt.

      Old Accnt.


      Yes i did, We had a great time


  23. good morning everyone,

    how is everyone ?

     I stayed up all night, not super smart of me, cus now me and my friend will sleep trough the day and mis allot of daylight :)

    anyway here is a funny video, It's in Dutch but has english subtitles, It's a short comedy skit


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