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Tuxedo Kamen!

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Everything posted by Tuxedo Kamen!

  1. I feel rather tense. Odd

  2. How sad. I actually look at my computers calendar to find out the day. I am really tired today. For about the last week, I have been nonstop with errands. It feels like I haven't really been online in a month. Time is flying. I wish I could slow it down. Man, this whole unemployed thing is kicking my tail. I traded in a few games for TTT2. I have been waiting for this day since I bought Tekken 2. (I know I'm old school.) Idk. I am seriously wondering what I am going to do if I cant find work. I only have som many games to trade in. My last paycheck is only 280. I don't want to live with my parents. I shouldn't say that. I already moved in with my mom. Officially, anyway. I don't have much gas. hopefully I get a call from someone soon. Wish me luck.
  3. As of right now I cannot commit to writing the individual synopsis of the anime that I watch anymore. I have neither time nor patience. I will still review after every season and series, but not today. I will also consolidate my blog later. I plan, with the sending of the episode paraphrasing to the moon, to open up the blog to encompass non animated movies and TV series. As of right now though, consider me on holiday from this blog.
  4. I love the city. The country is nice. but there isn't enough people

    1. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      The City is cool, ani't it?

    2. Tuxedo Kamen!

      Tuxedo Kamen!

      I used to take it for granted. I don't anymore as I live out in the middle of the country. I love libraries, 24 stores and things in walking distance

  5. back in the 505. W00T! I love cities

  6. It is always darkest before dawn

    1. Jadefire


      *looks out window* No, looks kinda bright to me.

  7. Reader, I normally post to you as a young, respectable person with understandable problems. Therefore I feel that I must warn you. This post will contain whining, a little self pity, and other factors that will diminish the appearance of my maturity. Here we go Reader. I had troublesome sleep last night/this morning. hence the post before seven am. It's no secret that I have relationship issues, due to my low standards, and my overly-trusting personality. So, naturally, I normally dream of past friends and lovers. Tonight/Today, however, I dreamed of a friend. One who I seriously crushed on. Sadly it went nowhere in real life. In my dream, we became a couple. we lived a live to forty before I woke. For the first time in a while, the dream was completely unhappy. My wife was unfaithful, and betrayed my trust constantly. I suffered through our marriage, only to fail to make her happy. Why, I would ask myself, with always one answer. Because I Love Her. I had never thought i would ask this of myself. If others are happy, so am I. But to what extent? If I cannot please, then what is my purpose? Perhaps, my latent fears have decided to reveal themselves tonight? But why it the question? I leave you reader with many questions and no answers.
  8. Oh damn, Trixie is best pony, so she outfeld0's feld0 and takes over to troll! Muhaaha. On a serious note, I would bawl for hours. This site is my only connection to the outside world as of right now. not kosher yo.
  9. So, he interwebs is being slow tonight, and I don’t know why. Makes me wanna smoke. I bucking hate technology. It never works. Crummy I guess, never imagined that my day would run so slow. No entry on the other blog yet, I don’t really feel all that up to it. Maybe tonight. Hey artsy types? You ever have those slumps that you aren’t able to do much in. Yeah. Those. I think I am in one. I haven’t been in one for a while, and I haven’t been able to in the last few days. Is this jumble of thoughts making sense? I hope so. I feel like a zombie. Whateves. I go see civilization Thursday. I’m mildly excited. Rainclouds. I lack ponies. Laterz.
  10. I hate computers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Whiteshade
    3. Tuxedo Kamen!

      Tuxedo Kamen!

      I don't like the fact that the computer knows its smarter than me. It's like a brat that you really want buck in the face, but you know the consequences of doing so, so you don't.

    4. Bohtty


      The computer knows nothing.

  11. Rurouni Kenshin Episode 9: The Strongest Group of Ninjas or The Horrible Oniwaban Group Brohoof’s: 4.1/5 Content Rating: Teen Karou comes out crying, saying Yahiko. Ken and Sano burst in, to find that Yahiko is just fine. More questions arise about Megumi’s past. The third of the group gives a report to The leader of the group (Aoishi) and disappears. Megumi has made a delicious dish (Ohagi), and everyone is delighted. Megumi gets up to make tea. In the kitchen, she is confronted by Sanoske about the opium. Kenshin and Kaoru walk in, and Kenshin brings up Megumi’s father, a famous doctor. She tells of how her family was killed in war, and she became an apprentice to a doctor who was making opium for Kanryu. The doctor was killed as well and she was forced to make opium for him. She escaped and is now in the kitchen. Ken and Kaoru are forgiving, but not Sano. As Megumi is washing clothes, a letter for her comes out of thin air. She runs off, but Sanoske decides to tail her. She is taken hostage by the third member, a master of disguises. He chases till he finds that the children are in danger. He leaves Megumi crying in the woods. Kaoru finds the note that says goodbye. At the gate, Sano convinces her to return. Before they are able to return they are attacked by Guard with a large ball and chain. Sano breaks it, and the two fight. Sano becomes victorious but Megumi is still kidnapped. Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko catch up. The group prepares to storm the mansion.
  12. Rurouni Kenshin Episode 8: A New Battle or The Mysterious Beauty from Nowhere Brohoof’s: 4.6/5 Content Rating: Teen We see Kenshin and Sanoske gambling in a back room, when Sano discovers that one of his friends was killed by some bad opium. Suddenly a woman comes barging into the room, exhausted, and begging for help. The men chasing her soon follow, claiming to be the bodyguards of some Kanryu Takeda, a shady businessman. Sano quickly disposes of the two. Out of nowhere a third appears, and calls out the woman as Megumi. Throwing some darts, he injures the gamblers. Kenshin and Sano proceed to put him through a few walls. The odd trio returns to the dojo, and almost instantly. The two girls start fighting over Kenshin. The men previously chasing Megumi are slain. Except the third, who is under a different commander. This mysterious commander is a leader of a team (the Oniwaban group) hired by Kanryu. Three members are dispatched with the task of bringing Megumi back. At the dojo Kenshin questions the fox, and gets nothing except information about their opponents. Soon after, A Oniwaban member shows up for Megumi. Hyottko (Fire Man in Japanese shorthand) breaks through a wall. Sano takes the challenge. He learns that his opponent can spit fire, and Kenshin takes the stage. Sano now attacks, wanting his opponent back. He quickly deals with Hyottko, when the small one from earlier attacks Megumi. However he missed, and hit Yahiko. Kenshin prepares to attack when the third member appears, taking his comrades with him. As everyone is rushing to treat Yahiko, Megumi dropped som packets of opium, causing Sano to become suspicious.
  13. Try animefreak.tv. It seems pretty reliable for hosting. Without spoiling anything, its a pack of wolves looking for paradise. Invest some time in it and chances are that you will like it. Both sub and dub are good, so watch in whatever language you feel comfortable in.
  14. Speedgrapher Episode 4: Lethal Headshot or Plundered Girl Brohoof’s : 4/5 Content Rating: Mature Tsujido and the henchmen interrogate the bar owner, and after having his head lit up by the one with the big mouth. Meanwhile, as Kagura is confined, she also does her research on the cameraman. As Tsujido informs Suitengu of the situation, he asks for the film that Saiga dropped be developed. Senator Okobu, Both the senator we saw walk away from the hotel, and the identity Saiga stole to sneak into the club is browsing women’s clothes in a cheap disguise. Here is where Saiga proceeds to kidnap him and prod him for answers. Needing further persuasion, Saiga shows his powers and demands an explanation. Claiming not to know, because he is not a full member, he spouts off about how the club is a “Necessary Evil”. Tired of going in circles, Saiga leaves. Posing as a magazine photographer, Saiga confronts a couple of girls in Kagura’s school. After probing he learns that she hasn’t left home in a while, and is being tutored. Posing as a substitute teacher, he is able to sneak into the Tennozu house. At the police precinct, Ginza is trading stock. A call from Saiga tips her off to a big arrest. She plans to leave. As she makes the preparations, she commandeers Bob’s apartment, which we learn is a masseuse. Saiga and Kagure exchange a little banter before the scene cuts to the mass arrest at the trap Saiga and Ginza planned. In a very dramatic escape, Saiga and Kagura parasail off the Tennozu building. Suitengu makes a phone call to the dancer. The dancer turns to rubber and pursues them. Saiga and Kagura split up, so Saiga can face the dancer alone. The dancer, chatty and overconfident, seems unbeatable. But he lets a secret escape. A Euphoric will die with his head removed. Saiga finally kills his opponent and meets Kagura.
  15. Wolf’s Rain Episode 5: Fallen Wolf or Fallen Wolves Brohoof’s: 4.7/5 Content Rating: Teen Toboe has a dream of paradise. He decides to share with the group. The odd pack reaches the ocean. They cross using the tracks that they have been following, and come across another city. Inside the city walls the quartet meets up with another wolf pack, who tells them to beat it after laughing at their destination of paradise. A few cut scenes about the other packs leader, who helps them keep a life, if only just. Looking for a place to sleep they meet an old wolf in a graveyard, who directs them to an old path. Finally finding a place to sleep, the wolves debate their future. The she-wolf from the other pack brings food as Kibe and Toboe venture into the city. Soon, Only Hige is talking to the she wolf. Kibe ends up picking a fight with some of the other pack. Tsume and toboe fell asleep at a train station. Kiba falls in a ditch, wounded. Hige, upon recommendation of the girl goes to the station in the morning, reuniting three of the members. We see that the pack pulls packages for the mail, as trained sled dogs. Kiba sees this display of horror as the old wolf dies working. Ballistic, he tries to attack the wokers but is stopped by the pack leader.
  16. Wolf’s Rain Episode 4: Scar of Wilderness or Scars in the Wasteland Brohoof’s: 4.2/5 Content Rating: Teen The wolf pack has been walking for three days without food. The four stop in a cave to rest, discussing their progress as they wait for a blizzard to pass. Hige sniffs out a deer carcass and three of the four wolves begin to eat. Angered by the food he is given Tsume decides to leave the group. Toboe catches up to try to convince him to return. Toboe and Tsume get split up, and Toboe is found and tracked by a war machine. Cher and Hubb are enjoying a fancy dinner. Over dinner, Cher instructs Hubb to water the plants at her place and promptly leaves. Tsume saved Toboe but was shot in the process. Now the war machine tracks both of them, as Kiba and Hige decide to look for them. Arriving just in time just to save the pair, the four regroup and continue their journey. In Cher’s apartment, Hubb finds her copy of the book of the moon.
  17. nice, although I do not professionally condone the use of illegal drugs
  18. The Lorax Brohoof’s: 8.7/10 Content Rating: Filly A common trend in Hollywood seems to turn books into movies, with more notable titles and authors usually comes a bigger price tag for production. So it was no surprise that Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax got a massive budget. The original story was a good one, with deep roots in nature conservation. The producers did their best to mirror the vibrant imagery that Theodore Geisel was able to produce. Filled with humor and a good moral, this is a movie that I could comfortably recommend to just about anyone. The movie has its pitfalls, however. As much emphasis was put into the advertising of the character “The Lorax”, he would have been classified as a supporting role. Furthermore, a great deal of the story was told as a flashback. But details were great, such as voice acting, animation, and art style. Overall I would say that the movie met, but not exceeded expaction.
  19. In summary there will be no official Weekend Wrap Up this week due to the fact that my other priorities had superseded those of the blog. (I didn’t watch enough anime to make a wrap up). Sorry for the inconvenience. Regular anime viewing will continue next week so stay tuned. Also tonight a special feature will be reviewed, if I get around to actually typing it.
  20. Hello everyone, I do apologize for the lack of entries on both blogs. For the unemployed do occasionally get busy, and busy I have been. Housework doesn't do itself you know. Anyhow I will hopefully be more regular with my entries, See ya later readers!
  21. Junk Boy Brohoof's: 6/10 Content Rating: Mature (Nudity, Thematic Content) A selection from Manga Ent. Junk boy was rather disappointing. Granted, manga hasn't been know to only sponsor great animation. But still, I had higher expectations for the title. The plot is very small, the story taking place over two days. The directors were probably aiming for the vast amounts of adult content riddled within. However, there was some character growth, and the voice acting was acceptable. Art style was excellent, but was wasted in the content. Overall, the feature was only mildly satisfying.
  22. Monsters Inc. Brohoof's: 9/10 Content Rating: Filly The Disney film is famous for having all of the elements of a good story. The trouble, they aren't always entertaining. So naturally, this review will be rather easy. Starting off with introducing funny, likable characters, and a setting that is unusual but still pleasing, the movie entices the viewer to observe how this other group lives. As the story moves, it reveals some of the socail norms of the culture, and begins an adventure. The themes that the story is built on are wholesome and family oriented. Overall animation, smoothness, and voice acting was great, adding another dimention of believability. A high score for an entertaining film.
  23. So As Its friday, and I haven't wrote in a few day, I feel like I owe you an entry before the weekend. to let the dedicate reader know, this hasn't been the best week, but I cant say It was a total waste either. Much got done, and I became successful in most of my quests. I don't know. anyway I broke down and started an online dating profile again(man I hate filling those out) Idk Later forums A side note. I (b)ucking hate racism. To me skin color is no reason for violence. Although racism ticks me off, one kind of anti-semitic behavior really pushes me over the edge. WTF is with white power? Are you looking for a reason for me to kill you? You may think your intelligent with your doctorates, but you are nothing without love. You think you can just barge up into a public place and start shit with me because I speak spanish. You make me sick. I can be just as violent, just as angry, and just as stupid as you, but you will never have anything over me. You are less than a man, when you begin to think you are greater than your fellow man. Stupid (Buy Some Delicious Apples)
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