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ded acc

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Status Updates posted by ded acc

  1. I will stop using the acc. It was a nice time. Thanks for the chat.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PerlsteinProps



      I understand, but you can simply just take a break. I like you, you are a good friend to me and never forget that.

    3. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      well, dm me if you want my discord

    4. Splashee


      Oh no :worry: Not the news I was expecting when waking up.

      Please don't leave us. DM me if you need somepony to talk to.

  2. A two core celeron with 2 Gigs of RAM. Now this is podracing.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      You should upgrade!

    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      Still have the desktop, but I just use what I can. I can't really buy stuff. :wacko:

  3. It is sad when you are reading an old topic and all the links are dead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      It just shows how entire parts of the Internet can just vanish because nobody cared enough to back it up. There is something melancholic about that. 

    3. Splashee


      Yes. Internet seems to have a expiration date to it at times. It is sad indeed :worry:

    4. ded acc

      ded acc

      If this last decade taught me one thing: Back up everything!
      The secondary is, talk to people and encourage projects when they are still active. From my old Newgrounds days there still are sad stuff that never got finished and I will never know what happened to the creators. :o

  4. The Notifications for Status Updates are confusing.

  5. Rolling with a netbook now. Ugh. :eww:

    1. raykv423


      Oof, what happened chief? 

    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      The desktop freezes/BSOD too often for my taste.

    3. ded acc

      ded acc

      ScanDisk and nuking some foldders and reinstalling the Browser seem to fixed things for now. Still I do like the little wannabe laptop, too bad it's super weak. lol

  6. Hello everybody! 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      @Astral Soul Having a wide range of music taste is always nice. You will never run out of new stuff to listen to. B)

      Any glitch music you would recommend? I am not really familiar with that one.

    3. PerlsteinProps
    4. ded acc
  7. thanks for the follow!

    1. Pandora


      No problem :3

  8. Thanks for the follow.

    1. raykv423


      No problemo at all, chiefie. :mlp_icwudt:

  9. Thanks for the follow.

    1. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      Don't thank me for it, you started following me first :ButtercupLaugh:

      Besides, is fun talking to you

    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      yeah, feel the same

  10. Good night! Thanks for the chat.

  11. I still prefer reading physical books over reading on the screen. :P

    1. Splashee
    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      Also easier to highlight and take notes too. 

  12. Big respect fellow Unikitty respecter. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      I had access to season one. Sadly couldn't get the rest. But yeah, a comfort show would be a good definition. I liked how it captured the insanity of Teen Titans Go without being trollishly rude and cynical.

      Also she (Unikitty) was good in the Lego movies too. 

    3. Sparklefan1234



      I liked how it captured the insanity of Teen Titans Go without being trollishly rude and cynical.


       That's why I like it, too. Plus, Unikitty's writing makes me laugh. 

    4. ded acc

      ded acc

      Also Rick doesn't get the Squidward treatment most of the times. That is a big plus too.

  13. When your mixtape is so bad it gets banned. Dayum son.

  14. Happy Lunar New Year, China bros!
    Metal OX! That's pretty cool, if you ask me.

  15. Good night. Sleepy, sleepy.

  16. At least I have a fancier About Me page now.
    If it got into the main stuff instead of Activity. 

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Honestly I am still irked about how they removed post count.

    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      Yes. I saw your forum topic about it a few days ago.

  17. Hello for today.
    I hope everybody is doing well!

    What's up?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ded acc

      ded acc

      Sounds nice. What kind of tea you've got?

    3. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      My favorite one, linden tea. :darling:

    4. ded acc

      ded acc

      Sounds fancy. I am more of an Earl Gray drinker myself. 

  18. When the pokemon waifu discussion gets so heated you transcend slurs and start throwing lines from Shakespeare at each other.
    Cry havok, and let lose the ban hammer!


  19. Ah yes. This is a JRPG, A Jamaican RPG. :crackle:

  20. Good morning!


  21. Last time I had a steam account you could add friends without paying, lol.


  22. When you realize that Colonel Sander's insane commitment to fight the chicken menace is the only thing keeping us free from being overran by chickens. :blink:

    The only good chicken is a friend chicken!

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