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Bright Honor

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About Bright Honor

  • Birthday 1993-09-12

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  • Discord Username

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    MLP, Gaming, Superheroes, Comics, Godzilla, DBZ, Ultraman!

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Princess Luna
  • Best Mane Character
    Twilight Sparkle

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Yak (17/23)

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  1. So someone I really liked as a friend on discord decided to ditch me because of lifw events and that she needed friends that click from the start even though we have always had pleasant conversations.

    I guess I'm just a big loser who cant keep friends.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Dunno no longer care.

    3. Pandora


      *huggles* keep your head up 

      you’ll make new friends that do stay

    4. applesjck


      Friends will always come and go, and a lot of the times the ones who leave weren’t worth it in the first place. Don’t let some bad apples ruin the wonder that is friendship for you. :fluttershy:

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