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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. Made my own discord server today cool.

  2. Tbh a makeover might do the forum some good. It's still kinda G4 themed so maybe something more akin to G5?

    1. Tacodidra


      Most of the fandom still seems to prefer G4, which is understandable, as that's when most joined. Of course, that may change in the future if G5 gets more popular and brings new fans. I like what I've seen so far of G5, but not to the extent that I did G4.

      Sounds weird coming from someone with a Misty avatar, but yeah. :please:

  3. Anyone else feel like izzy moonbow is hiding something?

  4. Man i been here since 2012....i am so oooooold.

    1. ZiggWheelsManning


      Well Jedi are old too:scoots:  

  5. Hey.

    1. DubWolf


      oship it's Boopman, my hitman.... for booping

  6. I think i should do everyone a favor and disappear.

  7. Buff women are cool.

  8. Laying down, am snug.

  9. Just got spoiled on no way home....reeeee

  10. Yall better stop picking on Pipp because she's short. Or I'm gonna have to make ya cry.

  11. Had five guys for the first time ever. Best fast food burger I've ever had.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melanie Mousse

      Melanie Mousse

      I like Five Guys. They got some big burgers and depending on what size of fries you get, they usually give you way more than usual, which is nice. Never had their shakes yet because the delivery driver stole it from me or forgot to pick it up with the meal when I ordered it many months back.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      They're a bit om the expensive side but worth it. Higher quality stuff tha. Mcds and they self cut their potatoes and wash them.

    4. Megas


      I love their burgers but damn they're expensive

  12. Great movie. Big improvement over the 2017 film. It's great to have the ponies back.

  13. As the movie premiere approaches, I stress that it's time to accept that MLP G4 is done. FiM and EQG are gone and aren't coming back. It's time the fandom accepted that and gave G5 a chance.

  14. I fully recommend Harry's products for men. Soooo good.

  15. I'm tired. I'm worn out. I'm burnt out. I'm sad. I'm angry. And more. It's getting harder to ignore and it's getting harder to be nice. I'm trying my best. I'm trying so hard. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I can't say here. Don't want it too depressing

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      I hope you will be okay. Whatever you are going through, I'm sure everything will be okay! :squee:

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      Sorry to hear things aren't going well. I've been there. Shoot me a PM if you want.

  16. I'm sorry to anyone I've offended on here truly.

  17. Any active Skype groups?

    1. Cash In

      Cash In

      There's a bug in the forums. You'll have to edit your staus for it to appear.

  18. Sunny Starscout is the happiest being in the universe.

  19. I need Tales of Arise to release already.

  20. I still seriously hate people.

  21. G5 movie plot twist...twilight is still around and turned heel.

    1. Tacodidra


      That would be interesting... but a bit heartbreaking at the same time. :sunny: It would be sad to see that happen to any of the Mane 6.

  22. Tacoooooo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Not much watching anime you?

    3. Tacodidra


      I haven't done much either, just waiting for the F1 and F3 races this weekend. They should be fun, as always. :D

      I hope you've enjoyed it. :yay:

    4. Bright Honor
  23. Pipp's mom has got it going on. She's all I want and I've waited for so long. Pipp can't you see you're just not the mare for me.

    1. CastletonSnob


      >Liking Queen Haven


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