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Mickey Taker

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Everything posted by Mickey Taker

  1. Golbez: Well father only let me work along side him when I reached adolescence, but even then he only let me work as a stagehoof and an assistant at the time. Really though I've been practising ever since I was a cub, showing off little card tricks to visitors on the streets. .......miss box, are you blushing? *smirks playfully*
  2. Golbez: *looks down at Chatterbox and slowly begins to smile at her, unfolding one wing he abruptly envelopes her with it and gives her a quick squeeze before retracting it again* Thank you Miss Box, and your right, I shouldn't really allow myself to feel bad just because of an unimpressed filly or two, besides, what's an individual compared to an entire crowd? Nothing much really happened after that, I still felt bad at the time so I pretty much spent the rest of the day in my room at the local inn I was staying in the time, quietly listening to Vinyl Records. Before you get any ideas I AM fine, I'm not depressed or anything, I swear. *grins sheepishly*
  3. Golbez: There were these two ponies that both did rather infuriate me somewhat, a colt that goes by the name "Filthy Rich", I believe and his daughter. These two were watching me while I was doing a simple street performance, where this little filly decided to call me out, asking me to levitate something, a common unicorn spell, however since I can't very well do that it did put me in a spot of bother. Noticing I couldn't very well do this, this filly then precidid to actually mock me, in front of the whole crowd, calling me a fake, an opertunist...a conjurer of cheap imitations. Now normally, with little fillies, to make sure they "zip it", I would scare them by going on the old rumour that, as a gryphon I would eat them, or threaten to saw them in half and refuse to put them together, however I couldn't do anything whilst her father stood there. Really, he just stood there and did nothing, almost smirking at me whilst he let his daughter have at me, and I couldn't do a bloo....a thing about it. Talked down too by a stuck-up brat of a filly, I never felt so degraded. *sighs heavily as he sits back in his chair, raising one talon as he pinches the bridge of his beak*
  4. Golbez: So technically that would make you a Prince, correct?....a Prince of what exactly?
  5. Golbez: Now let me get this straight, if your a pegasus, how is it you are capable of resurrecting the dead and all other manner of necromancy malarkey without the use of a horn like any Unicorn? Do you use some manner of artefact, an amulet for instance...your glasses perhaps?
  6. Golbez: You are very welcome Miss Box, I just thought a hard working pony such as yourself deserved at least a little bit of recognition. Also, don't allow yourself to be labelled by others, show some self-respect and the blazes with whatever anypony else says otherwise. Besides, your too talkative to be labelled a...a..."nerd" as you put it, if anything else your inquisitive nature is somewhat...adorable if I may say so. *winks*
  7. Golbez: Naturally, anypony can hire my services for whatever event they have in mind...just preferably not at the last minute, nothing worse than thinking up a thirty minute long routine in less than five minutes. *frowns some*
  8. Golbez: *gives chatterbox a warm smile as he offers her a large bouquet of red and pink roses*
  9. Golbez: When I was a cub, my parents took me to see my aunt Elizabeth, my mothers sister. Like my mother she too liked to perform in front of an audience, unlike my mother however she preferred to sing to them as she was an opera singer. She has such control over her voice, rumour has it she could shatter glass if she wanted too. Even today she's still at it back in Los Pegasus, I would highly recommend seeing her.
  10. Golbez: Do you have any relatives?...if that's not prying too much.
  11. Golbez: You know, I could have sworn somepony already asked me this some time ago, ah well... If I want to relax nothing does it better than just sitting back and listening to music, classical preferably, however I'm quite open minded about other genres...if I'm honest, I'm rather curious about this..."unique"...if you can call it that, type of music that I've heard one pony play before. Now what was her name....Vinyl...something or other.
  12. Golbez: It's going to take a lot of effort and I realise they'll quite a few ups and downs I'll have to get past along the way, but I feel confident in my abilities. I'm not exactly in any rush either, a lot of ponies say that the best part of the journey is the journey itself, rather than the destination.
  13. Golbez: Have you ever interviewed a changeling before?
  14. Golbez: If I'm hosting my own show, I would do a minimum of six performances with an interval in the middle, to allow for a quick break and allow the stage hooves to prep the stage for the next major performance at the start of the second half. *sips tea and sets the cup and saucer to one side* If I've been hired to perform at an event of some sort however, I'll usually do a maximum of only three tricks , so not to draw too much attention from the event itself. Which reminds, *scratch's head* I should really start hiring out my services...you don't by chance do advertisements in the Canterlot Times do you?
  15. What will you be doing this year during Nightmare Night? (OOC: Have you considered making Chatterbox into an RP Character?...your rather good at this...)
  16. Golbez: *sips tea* Well, at the moment, I'm more concerned of getting it right the first time first. However, it would depend on the occasion, if I was asked to preform somewhere I'd have to take into account how long it would take to set-up before the show, for example, if I had to perform on short notice I wouldn't be possible for me to do my more "larger" tricks as I simply wouldn't have enough time to prepare, instead I would need to rely on my simpler tricks, card tricks, street magic, that sort of thing. *sips tea* Another thing I have to take into account is variety, now...you wouldn't read a book from start to finish repeatedly, regardless of how good it was as you simply would get bored of it, it's the same with my tricks, If I were to perform the exact same tricks in sequence at every performance I did I would start to look..."predictable", "cheap"...or even worse they could eventually work out the secrets behind my tricks. To avoid this I have to learn a large variety of tricks which I can call upon at any given time if the occasion would call for it.
  17. awwww, hello there little fel *gets zapped* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! *falls on the floor, a burnt crisp* ow....
  18. Golbez: When was the last time you went on vacation?
  19. Golbez: Of course. It's only natural to be at least a little bit nervous before performing in front of an audience, I would have thought there would have been something wrong if I wasn't. So, to do a performance where I'm potentially risking my life? Yes, I would be scared, but I would persevere.
  20. Golbez: Do you believe in working in an environment where you know where everything you use for working is because you put them exactly where they are supposed to go...or do you prefer working in organised chaos?
  21. Golbez: First off Miss Box, you have to understand I do not consider myself a master at my profession, neither does my father consider himself one either, and he only has a good few years left before he'll likely retire. Even he made mistakes very late in his career, as I shall explain. The most complicated trick I am currently attempting to learn, is the exact same trick that nearly cost him his life......ended up half-drowned and unconscious before he was admitted to hospital ...oh, is fine now by the way. *sips tea*
  22. Golbez: *sips tea...then chokes on it at the mention of the crystal empire* *cough* *cough**cough* ....*ahem* Pardon me, *ahem*...that can't be right surely? I thought the Crystal Empire was just an old mares tale! *cough*....*ahem* Anyway, to properly learn a new trick would take about.....ooooh, two or three weeks give or take, this includes planning, preparation, building...if necessary, taking health and safety into account, testing...and of course...practising. However, to truly master a trick would vary depending on the complexity of its execution, some would take a few weeks, while others would take months, if not, years of practise. As my father would say : "An ametuer practises until he gets it's it right, a master would have practised until he can't get it wrong."
  23. Golbez: Why exactly is princess Luna interested In yourinterviews of other ponies? Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just just curious why somepony like Luna takes such a keen interest on the personal views of other ponies.
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