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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Princess Celestia

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Everything posted by Princess Celestia

  1. I know it sounds incredibly strange, even completely crazy PONIES Anyone else feel as weird as I do?
  2. I like so many of them, here are two that are special to me. She reminds me so much of Princess Celestia; Pony Bride No horn, no wings, the mane is white... still she has that royal look and slender long legs compared to other "normal" G1 ponies. http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Pony_Bride Then we have Bridal Beauty, that looks nearly the same. http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Bridal_Beauty The cutie mark is different, and the accessories she comes with in the package differs from Pony Bride. Pony Bride is somewhere in my collection.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udSiluTAOaQ
  4. You are now! Follow us, there is cake enough for you too. Magically teleports @TechnoZ
  5. I'm last in this very moment I did it! YES!
  6. -Look at my horn (horn glowing) ....then erasing every danger with magic. And now, free cake...
  7. Welcome to the forums! Oh! A longtime pony and G3 lover! We are expanding the herd
  8. Oh oh oh! I think she didn't get that.. right? Or she did LUNA! You have your own bed... and a job to attend to at night
  9. CelestiaCoffeeScetch.thumb.jpeg.a6dadf0b343264605d2d0656e90f69a9.jpeg

    I drink way to much coffee at my work.

    1. North Star

      North Star

      me too D: I drink it when tired, hungry or bored, which is pretty much all the time at work :P 

    2. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @North Star Same here, when bored, when stressful, during meetings, after lunch. And right NOW it's coffee break time, so have to leave for a while... Staring in search of the coffee machine

  10. Then it's spring again, or almost nearly spring. Winter can't quite let go of its grip. Winter Wrap up is here very soon! And I hope enough snow will soon disappear. This winter has been very harsh, with a lot of snow and strong winds. Which caused trees to fall over many fences. The next big task will be to saw up all those trees and repair fences. Fortunately, the enclosure is so large that there are rarely times when the horses go all the way to the fence in any direction of the area. The winter with all the snow has also meant that there was plenty of water for them to find in the open, so extra water has not been needed to such a large extent at all. Now it remains to check whether the gas powered generator at the mine has survived, it was meant to be transported home to the farm before the snow came. But the snow came incredibly early and there was so much snow early in the season that it was difficult to reach the place with any vehicle. One horse got a hoof abscess and needed some extra care. It's actually the first time it's happened in all the years I've been running this Sanctuary. The summer was very rainy and the grounds abnormally wet, which is obviously a big reason. Although the horses have dry places, they like to be in damp and wet ground and graze. In any case, I am very satisfied and happy that the horses thrive so well in a semi-wild state. To be able to do all this for them is my greatest joy in life. I'm a real Apple Jack or Big Macintosh when it comes to fixing and getting things done. Persistence is also necessary, otherwise one would give up far too easily in adversity. Did I mention I love ponies? *lol*
  11. Mattress! I usually see you sleeping on a stick stark naked! So the next time you visit, be sure to bring the stick. I want you to feel at home, comfortable *lol*
  12. Multi Banning of every banner from today, because of way to many bans issued.
  13. Lightly banned and then completely unbanned, because Google translate sucks big time.
  14. I really don't know, but your avatar lives deep under water, and looks super cute.
  15. Oh my dearest friend, you must have had a hard time to end up here completely lost. Let my guards help you home before I open my eyes.
  16. Hmpf! You're already unbanned, but have to re issue that unbanning, because the previous apparently didn't gave effect enough *lol* And about that... you showed here, well it was kind of a magical party and at times I just can't help it after some cider rounds
  17. Carefull sister! That looks shocking Red as Eeyup pony himself. GREEN
  18. You have to many lucky numbers dear Luna. Happily you have me as number one. And you also is my number one. So we go on with...tadaa 18
  19. Because latest post was about drinking, one more then *lol*
  20. So Luna lied! It wasn't a lucky number. I'm not cast enough? Who cares, I'm royalty anyway. But the judge is always right, sooo... Fifteen
  21. Easy, it's in my mane. And that's the "mane" thing. WHITE
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