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About Dr.RedundantPh.D

  • Birthday 1997-09-16

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    Dr. Redundant Ph.D

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  1. I'll have you know that this Saturday we duel and without any strange invisible spy/demo hybrids. Prepare to kneel before the King off Scotlanc. (also please please please don't go scout.)

    1. Dr.RedundantPh.D


      Dang it bobbeh. *scotland

    2. Driz


      I accept your challenge, oh reputed one. May our duel be free of that horrid glitch that so haunts us.


      And by the way, my Scout has been utter rubbish lately... I think you should consider fearing my Heavy from now on. >:3

    3. Dr.RedundantPh.D


      Pfft. I can take out heavies just fine. If I can take on Roop as a heavy, I can take on anyone.

  2. If it isn't, how would people have it? I for one couldnt be attracted to ponies no matter how much I tried, same with you, or if you really tried you could be attracted to ponies. I don't know about you but I couldn't be attracted to ponies no matter how hard I tried. It's a sexual preference and it's as wired into you as being gay or straight.
  3. Your logic is the same that goes behind homophobes and other bigots. Homophobes think homosexuality is in no way socially acceptable, and to be honest, you don't look like you're much better than them.
  4. If you're looking for reviewers, I'll step up for it. It would be an honor to have some part, no matter how small, in the longest MLP fanfic.
  5. @DrizzleSTAR = That bastard who's too good at Scout. His demoknight skills are still no match for me though since I have a cape.
  6. Well, there really isn't much to do in a small town. The smaller the town, the bigger the gossip is how it usually goes. But even still, that level of drama is outrageous no matter what town you live in. I wonder if any drama would be started if you told everyone you were a brony.
  7. Huh. Surprisingly no one has commented about how they hate/don't eat fast food. Oh well. Give it time. Anyway, I'd have to say 5guys. I've only been there once, but I now find other burghers bland, having seen the light of the sacred 5guys burgher.
  8. So much for love and tolerate? Anyway, sorry, I don't think I worded myself clearly enough in my last post. The gist of my interpretation of the moral is you can believe what you want and even reasonably debate your ideas with those of a different mindset, but don't impose your ideas on others.
  9. So much for love and tolerate? Anyway, sorry, I don't think I worded myself clearly enough in my last post. The gist of my interpretation of the moral is you can believe what you want and even reasonably debate your ideas with those of a different mindset, but don't impose your ideas on others.
  10. Come on, don't use a strawman when bashing the message. The moral was more that somethings just can't be explained and/or you shouldn't ridicule others over their beliefs. What's so bad about that?
  11. Note: Feminist was not put in quotes to render insignificant the concept of feminism. Don't get on my case or lecture me about it. So I was roaming around cracked.com, followed a link in an article, and from there to this site, http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oGdXi5x0pQ8g8Arq7BGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTE0aGlhdHBvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1RBQjAwMV83MQ--/SIG=11vqvnlk0/EXP=1347106873/**http%3a//feminist-mlp.livejournal.com/profile I just want to know what others opinions on it are. I'm honestly a little confused. I know some of us don't like the term brony, or dislike aspects of the fandom, and usually understandable reasons are presented for both. But the people on this site are against the main fandom and the term Brony because they perceive it as misogynistic. I don't have a livejournal account, and even then access to the group is modded, so i can't hear about the reasons behind their views directly from them. Can some one shed a little light on why the perceive the fandom in such a negative light?
  12. Wouldn't you like to live in a world without drug addicts, murder, rape, and where the worst thing that can happen is your mom saying no when you ask to go to a friends house? Because that's the world I lived in until I was 10 or so. Frankly, if my parents had let me have free rein over the movies I watched, games I played, and sites I visited, my childhood wouldn't have been near as innocent and happy as it was. I'm not saying kids should be left in the dark forever, but why deprive them of a chance to live in a near perfect world (in their mind). What purpose does it serve?
  13. Actually, in the hearth warming eve episode, they say that ONLY the earth ponies can grow food, just as much as how only unicorns can do magic. I've also heard (though I'm not sure where) that earth ponies are supposed to be 2-3x stronger than any other type of pony.
  14. Pre-Celtic Britannia, eh? I've never really studied that much. I'll have to check it out.
  15. Even though he wasn't a born Welshman, he'd be the one to use them if anyone did.
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