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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by discorded

  1. Jacob looked at Chaos Breaker and laughted "Why you ask. Im only doing this for my own personnal entertainment. Equestria will drown in choas, hate and madness, and im going to enjoy every second of it. Things in Equetria have been quiet and peaceful for far too long. Ive been so bored but now things are finaly going to get exiting."
  2. Twi, RD and FS made it to Hoofington after a couple hours of flying. Fluttershy walked up too a member of the resistance. "Uuumm, excuse me sir, it everything ready for the assault?" The kraken swang his tentacles and hit Jacob out of the sky and into the bridge. Jacob was losing a good amount of blood, he got back up. "Damn it, my attacks are doing barely anything. I didnt want to do any permanent damage to you, but it seem's i have no chose if I want to come out of this alive." Jacob pulled out his sword and flew at the kraken. One tentacles swang at Jacob,he dodged. Jacob was making his way to the kraken's face. The kraken tryed to grab Jacob with his hand. "Nice try, but too slow." Just then Jacob did a sonic boom, escaping the kraken's hand and quickly flying toward's the kraken's face. Jacob stabbed his sword in one of the kraken's eyes."No matter how strong your body is, you still have vital weakness's, just like everyone else." The kraken let out a huge cry of pain.
  3. Jacob smiled as the statue began to crack. "Well would you look at that...We didnt even need all the elements to free him, it looks like you did that for us Chaos breaker...Things are about to get a whole lot more fun in Equestria. Discord, now that you are finally free what do you want us to do? "
  4. Jacob got out of the chopper, as he got out, Jacob felt the cold air blow agaisnt him. Even thogh he had his cape on Jacob began to shiver uncontrollable, Jacob began to frown. "Huhhu... It's cold. No wonder why they call it firebase...FROST...I really bucking hate the cold."
  5. Jacob picked up everything of use.(Now, let me view over my equipment once again, i just got a hunting rifle, a handgun with no ammo left in it, a c-4 trigger but no more c-4, a shiv and finally my mask. It looks like things are coming along nicely) Jacob walked to the terminal and tryed to access it.
  6. Jacob began to smile. He tough to himself (If we free discord it will also realese the demons in Tartarus... That sounds like so much fun, i can barely wait. Where are the last elements, they should be here by now.) (OOC:seriously guys were are the last 2 elements. Are they even in the roleplay? Its starting to bug me.We cant move the roleplay forward without them. )
  7. "So the AI had a problem, who would have guessed."Jacob walked to the scorched floor and saw the bodies on the ground. "You poor bastards, i'll make sure not to make the same mistakes as you, i will come out of this prison alive." Jacob began searching for the key on their bodies.
  8. "AppleJack, Diehard wants to talk to you, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were going to Hoofington next." "Good luck girls." Twilight handed Applejack the com-link then RD, FS and Twi flew towards Hoofington. The kraken and Jacob were locked in an epic battle. The kraken was swinging his tentacles attempting to hit Jacob out of the sky. Jacob was dodging his tentacles and let out a few shots of dark energy, barely doing anything. Jacob was charging at the kraken's face. The kraken opened his mouth. Jacob tryed to stop himself from moving forward, but he had to much momentum. Jacob was inside the kraken's mouth. As it's mouth began to shut, Jacob teleported himself out at the last second. "That was close."
  9. Jacob clicked on the option >Found the key His first priority was getting out of there after that he wanted to click on equipment test results assuming that the terminal had enough power left. Jacob was curious about the test's that went on in this room.
  10. Jacob looked at Chaos breaker. "Well, we're pretty close to rescuing him. We have Shade, Chocolat truffle, lighning, and me. Only a little while left until the entire gang's here...And don't think i didnt recongnize you Chaos breaker, i've heard a lot of interesting rumors about you. Tell me is it true that your the one who made the elements of chaos?"
  11. Jacob began head towards the terminal. It was his last hope of getting out of there. He also hoped it would gain some useful information about the facility he was in, Jacob loved gathering as much information as possible before making decisions.
  12. Twiligh heard a response from the com-link."Diehard is that you? It's me Twilight. Fillydelphia is ready for the attack. Right now were at Manehatten. Tartarus found and took the weapons. Repeat, Manehatten isnt ready for the attack." Jacob stared at the kraken with a smile on his face. "I can't believe it, your real...and your right here. The odds of running into you were slim to none. This is so exciting!!!" The kraken stared at Jacob for a moment, then it let out a loud roar and his giant fist punched Jacob. The kraken destroyed the edge of the bridge sending shards of rock and Jacob into the water. The Tartarus soldiers looked at the kraken in fear. The Tartarus officer ordered the soldiers to kill the kraken. They charged in stabbing it with their spears. The kraken was barely affected, it's tentacles began killing all of the Tartarus troops. Jacob was unconscious and bleeding as he was sinking into the bottom of the ocean... His eyes opened up and he flew out of the water, his wounds began to heal. Jacob looked at the Tartarus soldiers getting massacred. "Order the men to retreat, head to Cervidas. I'll deal with the kraken myself." The officer looked at Jacob strangely. "Are you crazy, the kraken killed most of the troops. We dont have enough soldiers left to take over Cervidas. We should go back to Equestria." One of the kraken's tentacles came down and smashed the side of the bridge heading towards Equestria. "It looks like your either going to retreat to Cervidas or fight the kraken with me.You better decide soon " The kraken let out another loud roar. "Soldiers retreat to Cervidas." As the rest of the soldier's ran, Jacob flew up to the karken's face. "You managed to kill more than half my soldiers in a matter of seconds and injure me critically...Your every bit as strong as the legends say. But mark my words, I WILL TAME YOU."
  13. Jacob tried to find an exit, he still remembered the way to get to were he was so he could try and open the locked door in the future, once and if he got the nessesary tools. Jacob just wanted to get back to the Hell Hooves to tell them he finished his job.
  14. "Well if we really want to find out who attacked us. We can sent a search party after we get to base, Commander Ten shot down one of their jet's and im willing to bet that we'll be able to determine who attacked us, based on clues from the crash site. We have tones of time to find out who attacked us, i doubt the jet's going anywere since it got destroyed." Sayed Jacob
  15. Jacob though to himself. (Did they test weapons on prisonners? I wonder who the dumbass who built this was, putting weapons next to a prison of killers, rapists, thieves. No one though that trough. Im surprised there wasnt a riot sooner.) Jacob decided to examine the rest of the area to see if he could find anything interesting.
  16. Jacob tries to stay as quiet as he can until he's sure the ones chasing him, are gone. After he knows that there gone for sure, he looks for any forme of light. He wants to figure out were the hell he is exactly and how the hell to get out of this place and get back to the yard.
  17. Jacob dosnt have much time to think. Jacob decided to go to the right. He runs right and hopes it dosent lead anywere dangerous. He hopes that the ones chasing him go in the other derection. Jacob stayed quite trying to figure out witch side they took.
  18. The soldiers set up camp on the bridge. Jacob was reviewing his battle plans for the next fight. He walked to the side of the bridge and was staring at the ocean. "I wonder, are you acutually out there, kraken." After arriving at Manehatten, the EOU found a member of the resistence. Rainbow Dash asked if everything was ready for the attack. He replied "No, its not, Tartarus soldiers found and confiscated the weapons. We dont have anything to fight back with." Twilight replied "Dont worry, we can steal them back but we should contact the others through the com-links first." They turned on the com-link. Twilight spoke "Hello, does anyone read me... Hello?"
  19. "My name is Jacob, and i make it my business to know as much as possible about everything and everyone, as the old saying goes knoledge is power, and i like power. I know that your the element of Strife... And yep this is discord, the embodiment of chaos." Jacob tried to communicate with the discord statue with his mind. (Discord are you their?)
  20. The rebel soldier told the EOU that everything ready, all that was left was to give the order and they would take back the city. "Good soldier, dont strike just yet. Were going to attack all the city's at once, so that Tartarus wont have time to coordinate a couter-assault. We attack at noon tommorow." The soldier answerd "Yes Ma'am." Rainbow Dash replied "Now if you dont mind, we have to go check on the other cities." The elements headed towards Manehatten next. Jacob and the other soldiers made it half way across the bridge. Jacob looked back and saw that the soldiers were exausted from the long walk. "Well take a small break now. Then we cross the rest of the bridge."
  21. Jacob was glad to hear that he was no longer just a recruit. He was now a private, for a moment he didnt care that their base was blow up. He was finaly begining to move up in ranks. Jacob decided to stay quiet until they arrived at firebase frost. He took a seat.
  22. Jacob was hiding in the shadow of the discord statue. He was completly camouflaged in darkness. Jacob looked at chaos asking a question to Lightning. He walked up behind chaos and sayed in an intimidating voice "Im doing quite fine, thank you for asking." Jacob caught Chaos off guard for a moment. He continued walking past Chaos and up to Chocolat Truffle. "Truffle, why that's discord, try and concentrate...can't you hear him?"
  23. "Well who ever it is, they just handed are ass's to us. And it looks like their trying to start a war. They just destroyed the whole base, we were suppost to get killed just now... If you ask me we should get payback after we go to base and get better armed." If their was something Jacob hated it was getting humiliated.
  24. Jacob ran towards the everfree forest. His path was blocked by a changeling. Jacob charged at him head on, and the changeling charged at Jacob. Before running into him, Jacob turned left at the last second. He tricked the changeling and keep running towards the everfree forest.
  25. Jacob has the element of surprise. He decided that If there are three ennemis he would try to kill them but any more and then they would overwelm him. If their were more than three he was going to take aim at the terminal screen to stop them from being able to reactivate it. And then make a run for the exit.
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