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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by TheBronyHeart

  1. I'm glad that World of Warcraft is more important than my education, mother...

  2. Well... I finally wrote it. I just have to muster up a scrap of courage and send it. o///o

  3. *Decides to do it* *Starts typing* OMG NO I CAN'T DO THIS BACKSPACE BCKSPACE BACKSPACE

  4. I keep telling myself that I am going to say what I want to say, but become too timid when the time comes.

    1. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Can I... umm... say something... if that doesn't... umm... offend you or anything...

    2. WhiteLightning
  5. I failed to read your "About me" before sending that PM. My apologies.

    1. Leafeon


      Tis fine. At least you read it at all. :)

  6. That feeling when you have wonderful feelings, but are to afraid to fully express them unto their designated target.

  7. I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like.

    1. mR.dErP893


      It's got a basket, a bell the that rings, and things to make it look good.

  8. Pink Floyd. An album for every mood.

  9. When my mind is troubled over a choice, I keep the problem in my thoughts and start writing. The end result tells me how I really feel about it.

  10. Made a cute little sketch. :)

  11. "Get into fights. Leave the lights on. Drop bombs. Do tours of the East. Contract disease.

    1. ~Rogue~


      Fallout 3 in a nutshell

  12. I think I'm allergic to cat hair... noooooooo. :c

  13. When people ask me what holiday is my favorite, I get tempted to say "Night of Broken Glass" just to see what their reaction would be.

  14. Gak... is back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yamato


      Not for long it isn't... *grabs pipe wrench*

    3. TheBronyHeart


      That was actually the commercial saying. "Get your Gak back"

    4. Yoyoyoyo12e


      lol gak i always thaught that was the best name evah

  15. I know a mouse and he hasn't got a house. I don't know why I call him Gerald. He's getting kind of old but he's a good mouse.

  16. I came home today to find that my computer was on and had 13 windows opened up to "Meat Spin." Thanks brother. '-'

  17. I feel like I need to talk to someone right now...

    1. Zygen


      I can try and help if you need to talk.

    2. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      why don't you pm me then

  18. What am I even doing? :l

  19. So, I'm legally old enough to buy the game, but I am not old enough to view the Trailer for it. Thanks YouTube.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheBronyHeart


      Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag extended gameplay trailer.

    3. Yoyoyoyo12e


      i want that game sooo bad


    4. ProjectRKA


      Lol, there's not really any mature content in it XD

  20. I'm going to disappear for a while and write while I am taken away by Jon Lennon's soothing voice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheBronyHeart


      Of course darling, of course.

    3. TheBronyHeart
    4. Proton


      You should some day send one of your poems to a poetry magazine if they even exist. You are awesome at this.

  21. Your about me shrinks every time I visit.

    1. MelancholicMemory
    2. MelancholicMemory


      This should be obvious, actually because you commented on my recent status update about it XD

    3. TheBronyHeart


      Yes, but i had not realized the extent of the diminishing this time. :P

  22. You have an adorable avatar.

    1. The Fabulous Darky
    2. TheBronyHeart


      Really, every time I see that picture I have to stop and gaze for a moment. Is there a full picture of it?

    3. The Fabulous Darky

      The Fabulous Darky

      That's the full picture lol. It's my ask blog character gayburn, you can check out more of my art of him here, haven't updated it since like july though. http://askgayburn.tumblr.com/

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