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Amelia Monocle

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About Amelia Monocle

  • Birthday 1997-11-28

Contact Methods

  • YouTube
    justcallmefizz <----that is my username

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Personal Motto
    "due tomorrow, DO tomorrow"
  • Interests
    i have an interest in... pretty much anything classy. i have a quite extensive vocabulary compared to some, and i have an interest in the -concept- of being aristocratic which is why the character i made worked for me.
    interests outside that are:
    steampunk HELL YES
    i love to bake! (no i'm not a clockwork loving, otaku house wife)i like to bake pastries and puddings... thats about it...
    and ART, the things i love the most that top this list is steampunk and ART! you name it!
    digital art
    nail art
    wet chalk sidewalk illusion paintings
    oil pastels
    chalk pastels
    oil paint
    gouache paint
    scrap sculptures
    paper mache
    and cocktails!
    the list goes ON
    and yet... i never post anything on devient art O_o

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. just saw the mlp movie!! SO MUCH LIQUID PRIDE!! ;o;

  2. well she seems to be the first villain on the show to actually try and MURDER twilight. has anyone else tried to do that? they might have tried to put her down, but turn into some satanic form and try to murder her... she was also in control of another world (or a highschool, which is what takes up most of a teenagers world) this is a kind of evil that people can relate to... and even if it was for a breif second, she bought zombies into this movie... it may not be original, but c'mon, ya' can't say no to zombies.... i mean just saying that the "mlp movie had adolescent zombies in it" makes it 20% cooler... I reckon that she was an awesome villain actually and holy shizzle twilight has a love interest!!! so much fan art to draw...<(*o*)>
  3. any more replies from you guys would be really appreciated! i honsetly don't know enough celiacs to do this on my own guys XD
  4. ok, i'll show the forums the first few sketches when i've done them good idea! it's just i'm very picky with what influences my ideas, and i'm kind of bad at accepting help XD but with you guys i guess it's ok
  5. so i'm writing a manga, working out the kinks and such XD just featuring my OC's, nothing to do with mlp... but in the story two things are happening at the same time in two different worlds, then they meet at one point... how do i tell two stories in two different places one after the other? how do i do the transition without making it overly confusing? or without it obviously saying something like "and now for something completely different" (it was tempting) do you think having it subtly confuse the reader is a good thing?
  6. hey... is anyone here a celiac? if you are... then please help me? :)

    1. Sunny Blue

      Sunny Blue

      Is this about bubbles?

    2. Amelia Monocle

      Amelia Monocle


      for my food tech thing you have to choose a project and make a product for it, and the project out of the ones listed was "celia/gluten free, that is also low in fat"

      i chose it because i thought it would help, but i need some celiacs to fill out a questionnaire

  7. adorable! sorry i came a bit late, but ya know i'd always recommend photoshop CS3 many good turns, good luck! wub wub wub! :DDDDDD obvious filler is obvious...
  8. ...ok i'll sweeten the deal, if you do this, then you get a free hand drawn picture (probably of your OC) hey i really need a favour from you guys, and your the only people i know who would actually take time to do this. it's free, it won't take too long, and it'll make my day... the one problem is that it's an annoying survey, but y'know, do this for me? (this has no commercial purpose, it's something for school) so basically i need celiacs to fill this out for me, but i don't know many celiacs, the survey goes like this: 1. what age group are you in? 10-20... 20-30... 30-40... 40-50... 50+ 2.what gender are you? male .... female 3.what quality matters most in a product? high in fibre .... low in sugar.... low in fat 4.what is the main reason you would eat a product? taste .... nutrition .... price .... lack of time 5.do you have difficulty finding gluten free products that have variety? yes... no... 6.do you believe that gluten free products are often overpriced? yes ... no 7.do you prefer sweet or savoury? sweet ... savoury 8.do you prefer these hot or cold? hot ... cold 9.what kind of product do you find the most appealing? cakes... biscuits... pastries... ice cream... other (go for any category you'd like, it doesn't have to be sweet) if you do this i love you! wub wub wub!
  9. thank you! i really needed that, for... who knows what XD but, yeah! thanks! mlp forums is the best forum, i tried going on bronyhaven... and it was troll infested, with some really unfancy people e_o
  10. uh, no way, nuh uh... i am totally staying. not away. welcome to the forum! the friendliest place on the internets! welcome welcome welcome! and YOU SHOULD STAY TOO... by the way. here i mean, not as in "here, the welcoming plaza" but "here the fandom"... you'll totally fit in i'm sure... ... akward... who me? aw it took me aaaaages to get to parasprite, well, i never really asked before, so you know... you joined today? in that case welcome too! ... it took me awhile to become a muffin too, or maybe i was just impatient
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