...ok i'll sweeten the deal, if you do this, then you get a free hand drawn picture (probably of your OC) hey i really need a favour from you guys, and your the only people i know who would actually take time to do this. it's free, it won't take too long, and it'll make my day... the one problem is that it's an annoying survey, but y'know, do this for me? (this has no commercial purpose, it's something for school) so basically i need celiacs to fill this out for me, but i don't know many celiacs, the survey goes like this: 1. what age group are you in? 10-20... 20-30... 30-40... 40-50... 50+ 2.what gender are you? male .... female 3.what quality matters most in a product? high in fibre .... low in sugar.... low in fat 4.what is the main reason you would eat a product? taste .... nutrition .... price .... lack of time 5.do you have difficulty finding gluten free products that have variety?
yes... no... 6.do you believe that gluten free products are often overpriced? yes ... no 7.do you prefer sweet or savoury? sweet ... savoury 8.do you prefer these hot or cold? hot ... cold 9.what kind of product do you find the most appealing? cakes... biscuits... pastries... ice cream... other (go for any category you'd like, it doesn't have to be sweet) if you do this i love you! wub wub wub!