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  1. Drakkon's post in Duplicating images? was marked as the answer   
    c&p my conclusions

    [9:49:20 PM] Twilight: no... that can't be right. that addon can't be that dumb.
    [9:49:24 PM] Twilight: notably, all 3 images are called "medium.png"
    [9:49:43 PM] Twilight: the image data is distinguished by post id and image name
    [9:50:39 PM | Edited 9:52:07 PM] Twilight: stands to reason that, unless there's a formatting system that's not displayed in the first image (ie, not sig-x.sig-x.medium1.png, y2.png, 3y.png, but rather y.png, y1.png, y2.png) the last image of the post will overwrite the rest first.
    [9:50:54 PM] Twilight: seems to be dumb as all hell but tell him to try using different filenames
    [9:51:31 PM] Twilight: since all 3 images are in the same post and have the same name all will be saved as sig-4007390.sig-47007390.medium.png
    [9:51:35 PM] Twilight: mhm. addon needs fixing
    [9:53:13 PM] Twilight: why is it called sig-x.sig-x.filename.type, anyway? what's with the double sig-x.sig-x?
    [9:53:25 PM] Twilight: could be the original distinguishing system has broken down due to something
    use different filenames. we'll add this bug to the to-fix list
  2. Drakkon's post in 'About Me' Deleted was marked as the answer   
    This is a known issue. There are very rare, but known incidents where if you edit a field in Profile Settings that isn't About Me, it will include an empty About Me in the update. The quickest solution to recovering your About Me is to google "site:mlpforums.com [name] profile" where [name] is your name (e.g site:mlpforums.com Drakkon profile). Find the result that's your profile page, and there should be a "v" to the right of the link. Click it, and in most cases there will be a "Cached" option. Click that, and it'll bring you to a cached (ie, old, usually between a few days to weeks) version of your profile page.
  3. Drakkon's post in Can't log in with my mobile anymore was marked as the answer   
    The cause has been found and has been addressed. Is anyone still experiencing this issue?
  4. Drakkon's post in Rotating signature was marked as the answer   
    I am on my phone so I cannot say for sure, but there is a good chance that my fix for an exploit resulted in disabling this capability. Users could input a signature image and then later on the image's source switch the image around without changing the URL, letting them bypass dimension restrictions.
    Signatures are now stored server side.
  5. Drakkon's post in Where to submit banners? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Gone Airbourne!
    You can find details about our banner contest, and new guidelines, here: https://mlpforums.com/topic/123996-banner-contest-v-finally/
    However note that this thread is a little old, as the contest came and went.
  6. Drakkon's post in Search Function Broken? was marked as the answer   
    It goes up and down. It is on the cards to find a permanent solution.
  7. Drakkon's post in BBCode Master List Location was marked as the answer   
    This is the master list. http://mlpforums.com/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends&do=bbcode
  8. Drakkon's post in Is there any way to exclude all the RP threads from the Recent Topics box? was marked as the answer   
    Yes. Head over here: http://mlpforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=boardindexface
    After that, select the forums you want to exclude. Use shift+click to select multiple forums.
  9. Drakkon's post in DDoS protection? was marked as the answer   
    There is no easy way to protect the site from DDoS attacks. We of course appreciate donations and we use them to improve our servers, but not only would we likely require to make our own forum software or otherwise use one that's built to withstand them (IPB is not), the mechanisms behind DDoS protection is not something we can purchase ourselves without an industrial allowance (it involves having many, many servers, and performing something known as load balancing between them, and even then it's sometimes not enough, with even Riot Games and Blizzard sites and services going down to DDoS attacks). There are, of course, DDoS protection services that can be purchased, but DDoS attacks are so few it would be a very significant waste of funds.
    All it takes for a DDoS attack to be mitigated is the question of how quickly we are alerted to it and how quickly we react.
  10. Drakkon's post in A glitch involving the main page... was marked as the answer   
    Please try clearing your cache. Shortly after the site came online there was an issue, and you were likely prompted for a download stream. The file has been cached and you're now prompted to redownload it every time.
  11. Drakkon's post in How do you post a Link in a thread was marked as the answer   
    Hey! The search is the looking glass on the menu bar. I know it's kind of small and hard to notice, took me a while too!

    Secondly, there are two ways you can make a url. You can use the chain button on your WYSIWYG editor,

    Or you can go with direct BBCode,
    [url="http://mlpforums.com"]The Forums of MLP![/url] The Forums of MLP!
  12. Drakkon's post in Just a peeve of mine was marked as the answer   
    Because it condemns the discussion to be about you and the other person rather than the subject at hand. Derailing the discussion to be about person A and person B's problems with one another is the worst fate a thread could be condemned to; it's far better if the moderators deal with radical posts within the framework of the discussion rather than an uncontrolled grudge match. It causes far less drama and doesn't derail the thread, and it's not easy to get it back on track if two parties turned the discussion about one another. In the case of whether or not the moderators find a post against the rules, though, that's up to them: just report and move on.
  13. Drakkon's post in Full Editor was marked as the answer   
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean. For practicality purposes, the text you write is not immediately parsed For example, if you hit the Smiley icon, you can see the full array of emoticons. If you click one, you'll see that it appears in the post. However, you can click the button at the top-left corner of your editor twice to immediately convert all your BBCode.
    ...however, uh, if you mean you don't know how to access this

    then all you need to do is click the button next to your 'Post' button, called 'Upload Files + More Reply Options'.

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