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Status Updates posted by Arcanel

  1. http://9gag.com/gag/7030410 Tennis. The sport with the most variety in funny faces in the whole world, amen.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dave247


      Dear god... I never knew Tennis could actually be interesting let alone funny. XD

    3. ~*bacon princess*~
    4. 碇 シンジン
  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaand Happy New Year everypony! LEt's all welcome the 2013 with lots of joy and happiness Pinkie Style! =D

    1. TailsIsNotAlone


      Pinkie's coming over for New Years? RUN! Hide the hotsauce!


      Even boarding up every fourth wall in the house will not save us...

    2. Arcanel


      Fourth wall? We need the fifth! That at least will hold her at ground for a small while! But it won't be good enough! We use that time. Have Derpy deliver the hotsauce elsewhere! Not even Pinkie should know how to track her!

    3. Sylveon101
  3. And Merry Christmas to y'all! Now that it is officially that, I can say without using a gigantic wall of text to indicate the contrary!...Oh wait...I already did...no matter. And just because Happy Hearth's Warming Eve!

  4. Well, crap. My football team just 2-1.........CELESTIADAMMIT INDEPENDIENTE THIS WAS IMPORTANT!

  5. Well, I just have one thing to say aside from ALL of everything else. Trixie got the best evil laugh. Priod. And I now have a newfound love for Kathleen Barr. Amen.

  6. Well, came back from the theater where Rick Wakeman was playing none other than The Six Wives of Henry VIII with an orchestra............the amount of gloriousness that was in that theater could not be surpassed by others. I WISH I had his fingers! Would make playing easier XD. But seriously though. IT. Was. AWESOME.

  7. Well, See ya later guys. I'm gonna go see Rick Wakeman, ex-keyboardist of Yes and one of the best keyboardist of all time tonight..........inb4 Twilight's YESYESYESYESYESYES! (How fitting XD).

  8. So...just because I am unbelievably curious and bored.........does anybody here read webcomics? And how much if you do?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Arcanel


      Anybody here ever read of Twokinds? Bittersweet Candy Bowl? Basic Insturctions Before Leaving Earth? Housepets? Slightly Damned? I could do this all day long, but oh well. XD

    3. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox

      what about that one series... homestuck or something like that???

    4. Arcanel


      I've heard about it plenty of times, given MicTheMicrophone is an active fan of it for example, but I for now am in the stage of curiosity. AKA deciding whether to go read it or not XD.

  9. Well...Best. Saturday. EVER? Great pony episode, drum presentation in public, success. Football/soccer team tied, but deserved to win and played well, which we need right now. Lots of meat and cheese and french fries and chocolate cake. Money for new tennis racket (as added with a ticket to go to a Rick Wakeman concert with my sister), one cool shirt, one pony shirt, one OC print and two sketches by my close brony friend, plus a short and sandals which came at the best time. Close childhood f...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      but I didn't meant anything dirty XD

    3. AppleShy Sparkle

      AppleShy Sparkle

      i know, i'm just trollin' :3

    4. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      you shouldn't troll me, I'm very naive :/

  10. And so Saturday has started...my birthday has come. How did it start? With pony episode no less! Did I like it? OH HELL YES! And this day departs more to come...if I disappear from the GCT, see you all guys tomorrow...and may Pinkie be with all the birthday people =) :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arcanel


      And I thank you, glorious mod! XD. Seriously, thanks Scootacool! =)

    3. AustralianFries
    4. Arcanel


      Thanks a lot my friend! :D

  11. Saturday is starting to become my second favorite day of the week behind Monday. WOOO!

    1. TailsIsNotAlone


      My favorite day of the week is whichever one I'm off work. BTW, happy birthday!

    2. Arcanel


      Makes sense XD. And thank you very much! =)

  12. Well...Saturday...I said a hundred times BEST SATURDAY EVER!...but with reason. Went to a con, saw the crazyness pre-entering there, got a little bit of swag...but then my friend, who I haven't seen for almost a year, and came back from USA back to Argentina, managed to come too...and then he gave gift, after gift, after gift...all from EQLA...I swear...I fucking cried. I seriously cried...because I don't know what I did to deserve all those things. All I could do was hug as stron...

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      That's great. Glad to hear that you're doing so well and that you know such a rad guy. Embrace the feels; embrace your friend.

  13. Soooooo...is anyone here having something special ASIDE from Season 3 premiere on Saturday?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ProjectRKA


      Debut on the Bass Generator Records radio together with The Brethren :3

    3. Arcanel


      Will do Urdnot. XD


      Also, does have any appointments or something similar on Saturday? As in, something else that will make Saturday extra special? (Although RKA I think already told me XD).

    4. Dave247


      Me and my meet up group are going to have a few games of laser skirmish in the evening.

  14. So...I was watching the livestream of EQLA...(Sigh) why I'm not in California...?

  15. Well, I just watched 007: Operation Skyfall.....I must admit, the movie was funnier than I thought it would be XD. But it was great. But there's the thing that never disappears. Beautiful cars....destroyed...and my heart suffers for that XC.

  16. Is anyone here going to the F1 race in Austin, Texas, USA? Just curious.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Arcanel


      Yeah sure, go and rub it in the face of the unfortunate XD. But...ohhhhh, didn't know they went by those acronyms XD. But oh well. I just wished I was able to go there. At least I was able to go to a World Car Saloon (WOOO!)

    3. Caitlin Spark

      Caitlin Spark

      I wish i could go my brother went to spa to see the Belgian GP

    4. Arcanel


      He did WHAT?!...I consider him a lucky bastard, no offense XD. Spa is always a good race to go, because it almost always is intense (and almost always there's an accident...), much like Monaco.

  17. So..........who is from Texas and likes F1 races?

  18. So I heard that Disney bought LucasFilm......my only wonder is..."Who's next?"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FLARE


      Yeah and Disney have pixar too, right? and Pixar is still great.

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Disney buying Hasbro would be a good thing. MLP would never be canceled.

    4. Arcanel


      You think so Scoots? I dunno. I'm pretty unsure of anything by now. For now, I'm thinking Nick would be the next step, for reasons of television (I swear if they suddenly buy Cartoon Network, I'm gonna be TOTALLY surprised).

  19. So...yesterday I got my second marriage proposal in the forums..."Don'tcha wish you were popular, just like me?~" XP

  20. Everyone's out there celebrating Halloween...and here I am, being jealous of all the free candy that is received...

    1. Show previous comments  93 more
    2. Arcanel


      I don't know, I like speaking in English, or any other language for that matter. I like being a polyglot, speaking in all sorts of languages, my own and the rest included.


      Also.......OH POR EL AMOR DE CELESTIA NO!.....Aunque...deseo ver las reacciones de otros. XD

    3. Motion Spark
    4. Arcanel


      Okay....my head is starting to swerve...that probably means that my sleeping time is nigh. XD

  21. A dilemma of events....Celestiadammit I HATE dilemmas...

  22. Apparently Sandy is now slowing down a bit...but she already took her victims...may they rest in peace. And for everyone without light...well...hope you can get internet and heaters soon! XD

  23. In this moment, praying for Sandy to be a wuss, and for the scary staring party, to begin...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      I wish me and 5 other friends were the Elements of Harmony, then nothing would be impossible to defeat! XD

    3. Arcanel


      Well, if your other friends were alicorns you would only need two! XD

    4. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      @Dismajo Up until Crysalis (sp?) makes a come back and smacks Celestia up side the head again.

  24. Good luck to the people in USA against Sandy. May Celestia and Luna be with you.

  25. Finally got muse's The 2nd Law album...WOOOOOOOOO! It rocks, of course!

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