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Status Updates posted by rainbow_hearts

  1. I hate going through this account because I was prob about 12 when I made it, and it's so cringy now lol

  2. Annoying status update #4 It's Le Christmas XD (Don't ask about the

    1. rainbow_hearts


      I was going to say Le. I pressed enter..

  3. Annoying status update #3 It's Christmas tomorrow

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      unless you live in Sweden, when it's celebrated on the 24th instead.

  4. Annoying update status #2: I survived the end of the world!

  5. Annoying status update #1: It's the end of the world today!

  6. Time to bother everybody with end of the world status updates.

  7. It's 12/12/12 the last day the digits will ever repeat.

    1. TheBronyHeart


      oh my gosh, your right...

    2. TheBronyHeart


      We will still get


      and /12/13/14 though

  8. 9/10 for this weeks episode. The ending scene with Rainbow Dash helping Scootaloo fly (a bit) Was so cute!

  9. Opinion that will make people hate me: I don't like Sibsy.

  10. My theory: Starswirl the bearded is Discord. He created the omnimorphic spell which went wrong and he turned making animals mix up and he turned into the creature he is today. He got currupted and turned evil and the next level of Twilight's studies is to either study with Starswirl or turn Discord back to normal.

    1. Spartan


      OR to figure out how and why Luna is knocked up >.> *goes back to playing Skyrim*

    2. rainbow_hearts


      OR train with Luna. It has been said that their will be letters to Luna.

  11. How does Starswirl the Discorded sound to you guys. You know, for the season finale?

  12. Lurking 4chan and I see somebody claiming somebody who works on the audio files showed them a sound clip. Say hello to Star swirl the bearded. inb4 don't trust anybody on /mlp/ they all suck.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. termenchecks


      except from /b/. every time i go on there i see the same hreads all the freakin time

    3. rainbow_hearts


      I agree with anon. I see nothing wrong with. I go on /mlp/ cause we are aloud to say whatever. On Ponychan you get banned. If you say one wrong thing to somebody.

    4. rainbow_hearts


      "Being a pony again wasn't exactly what I had in mind, I would hardly call this a better alternative than being turned to stone."

      Quoted from op. He posted many possible words. I think it's possible cause once somebody said they saw some of the season 2 pilot. Saying that he was the mane six in a big maze and Discord turning Fluttershy into a bitch.

  13. For anybody who cares. Derpy can be seen at 20:31 in the episode inside the bleachers. Great episode M.A Larson! 9/10

  14. I like Trixie now!

    1. Pinkazoid


      I hated her half way through the episode, ended up loving her by the end xD

  15. Looking forward to that Trixie episode! I may hate her but this episode looks promising :)

  16. I think Derpy might be gone. Look at the crowd in the preview of "Magical Duel" and "Boast Busters" you can tell they just copied it. Except they removed Derpy.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. PonyEcho


      :/ i though this was understanding of the whole situation my mistake yeah i kinda want to see her too and get mention a Ditzy to just butcher the idea of word Derpy (but that is a personal vendetta)

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I doubt we'll "Ditzy" as Derpy's "new" name anytime soon for two reasons:


      1. "Ditzy" is confirmed by Faust herself as a completely different character to that of Derpy. Faust already had an idea for a clumsy background character and called her Ditzy Doo. When she discovered the fandom's surging popularity of Derpy, she liked Derpy more and switched to her instead. Check out this page and go to the video (starts at the 4:11 marker): http://www.equ...

    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      1. (cont.) (starts at the 4:11 marker): http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/08/a-couple-of-neat-tidbits-of-information.html


      2. Derpy is *still* the official name for the derpy-eyed pegasus. When Sethisto bought the Derpy vinyl last month, "Derpy" appeared on the receipt.

  17. Merry Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for my family,food and ponies!

    1. 123457


      I'm thankful for everyone on here

  18. Welcome! I first when't on down to the show disscustion cause talking about the show made me happy! Just go were you like!

    1. rainbow_hearts


      Oops. I was replying to somebody's status and I set my reply as my status!

  19. Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for my family,food and ponies!

  20. Why do we keep talking about gak? I have seen commercials that looped 12 times! Lets just talk about g3 Pinkie Pie in g4! http://draikjack.deviantart.com/art/Bet-ya-can-t-make-a-face-crazier-than-this-337035089

    1. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Need a topic to talk about? Why not Zoidberg?

    2. Nas


      I honestly cannot wait for that episode.

  21. Season 3 is so close! I have this weird feel in my teeth.

  22. Wow, Season 3 is so close I feel as if I can choke it.

    1. ProjectRKA
    2. rainbow_hearts


      Yes! Hopefully it will be more than 13! (For some reason I don't think it will be 26 Hope I'm wrong)

    3. ProjectRKA


      Yeah. Hopefully it's the same quality, or even better :D

  23. To make the wait for season three more unbearable I shall now tell you there is six more days till season 3.

    1. Radiance64


      Makes it easier actually.

    2. TheBronyHeart
  24. Happy birthday My little pony! *you have just read pretty much the ever status update today*

  25. I have been lurking lately.

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